
30 POINTS!!!!! PLEASE ANSWER DUE FRIDAY1. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia was caused in part by *a forced famine in Ukrainethe failure of Czar Nicholas II to come to Serbias aida shortage of military supplies and food during World War Ithe Sepoy RebellionOther:2. Joseph Stalins policies in Ukraine during the 1930s directly resulted in *agricultural self-sufficiencywidespread starvationthe development of cottage industriesthe use of subsistence farming techniques3.Which event led Russia to withdraw from World War I and surrender a significant amount of territory to Germany? *assassination of Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinandseizure of power by the Bolshevikssudden death of Vladimir Leninmeeting of the Yalta Conference4. A major purpose of five-year plans in the Soviet Union was to *increase the production of steel and machineryproduce more consumer goodseliminate central economic planningseek direct foreign investment5. A primary objective of the New Economic Policy (NEP) in the Soviet Union was to *promote private ownership of heavy industryorganize support for educational reforms to improve literacycoordinate efforts to end World War Igain stability by increasing production6. Which action was taken by the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin? *supporting a traditional economyeliminating political oppositionsurrendering to the Provisional Governmentextending the war against Austria-HungaryOther:7. Which goals are most closely associated with the Russian Revolution of 1917? *nationalism, democracy, and livelihoodscience, technology, and agriculturepeace, land, and breadliberty, equality, and fraternity8. One reason the Bolsheviks gained peasant support during the Russian Revolution was because the Bolsheviks promised to *abolish communesredistribute landbring modern technology to Russian farmsmaintain an agricultural price-support program9. What was a major reason the Russian people engaged in the Revolution of 1905? *failure to emancipate the serfsdiscontent with involvement in World War Idissatisfaction with czarist ruleirritation over the banning of the Orthodox church10. Totalitarian governments are characterized by the *elimination of heavy industryuse of censorship, secret police, and repressionlack of a written constitutionsupport of the people for parliamentary decisionsOther: