1Dr. Albert Merabian has researched interpersonal communications extensively, and he estimates that the majority of a message is composed of nonverbal communication. 2His studies show that 55 percent of the total message sent is composed of factors such as facial expressions, gestures, posture, and territoriality. 3Next most important is the tone used. 4The tone may indicate that you are being sarcastic, serious, romantic, and so forth. 5Tone is estimated to account for 38 percent of the total possible message. 6That leaves just 7 percent for the final component— the verbal part. 7The verbal message—the actual words—might be thought by many as the most important part of a message. 8In reality the words themselves are not nearly as important as the tone with which they are spoken and the nonverbal cues that accompany them. 9To focus on the words increases the chance of miscommunication.

The paragraph________________

Group of answer choices

lists and discusses types of nonverbal communication.

lists and discusses elements of a message.

describes stages of communication.

presents steps in good communication.


Answer 1


The paragraph discusses and explains the different elements of a message, including nonverbal communication, tone, and verbal communication. Therefore, the correct answer is:

lists and discusses elements of a message.


The paragraph explains Dr. Albert Merabian's research on interpersonal communication, which found that a message is composed of three main components: nonverbal communication, tone, and verbal communication. The paragraph goes on to describe the importance of each component and how they contribute to the overall message. By doing so, the paragraph provides an in-depth discussion of the elements of a message and how they impact communication. Therefore, the correct answer is that the paragraph lists and discusses elements of a message.

Related Questions

To pair you with the right Travel and Leisure surveys going forward, please tell us about your ideal vacation (e.g., destination, activity, companion, etc.).



My ideal vacation would be a backpacking trip through the mountains. My destination would be somewhere with diverse landscapes and plenty of opportunities for adventure, such as Patagonia or the Himalayas. I would want to hike to remote, high-altitude lakes, camp beneath the stars, and explore off-the-beaten-path trails.

In terms of activity, I would want to spend most of my time exploring the wilderness and immersing myself in nature. I would also enjoy activities such as rock climbing, rafting, and fishing. I would want to take the time to appreciate the beauty of my surroundings and disconnect from the distractions of everyday life.

I would prefer to go on this trip with a small group of close friends who share a passion for adventure and the outdoors. I think it would be a bonding experience to face the challenges of the wilderness together and make memories that will last a lifetime.

What are advantages of doing collage summer program?




There are several advantages of doing a collage summer program, including:

Exposure to college life: A summer program gives students an opportunity to experience college life first-hand. Students get to live on a college campus, attend classes, and participate in campus activities, which can help them prepare for the transition from high school to college.

Academic enrichment: Many college summer programs offer courses and workshops that allow students to explore new subjects or deepen their knowledge in an area of interest. This can give students a head start on their college coursework or help them prepare for college admissions.

Networking opportunities: By attending a summer program, students can meet other students from around the country or even the world. This can help them expand their social and professional networks, which may be beneficial in the future.

College credit: Some college summer programs offer the opportunity to earn college credit. This can help students get a head start on their college degree, potentially allowing them to graduate earlier or take on a lighter course load during the regular academic year.

Personal growth: Participating in a college summer program can help students develop independence, self-confidence, and leadership skills. These skills can be invaluable as students prepare for college and their future careers.

Write about your dream pet.
How will you take care of it




If you were to have a dream pet, what kind of animal would it be? Would it be a furry cat, a loyal dog, a chirping bird, or maybe a slithering snake? Whatever it may be, taking care of a pet requires a lot of responsibility and attention.

First and foremost, you would need to make sure your dream pet has a comfortable and safe living space. For instance, if you were to have a cat, you would need to provide a litter box, scratching post, and a cozy bed. If you were to have a dog, you would need to make sure it has plenty of space to run around and play, along with a comfortable dog bed.

Secondly, you would need to make sure your dream pet is well-fed and hydrated. This means providing the appropriate food and water for your pet's species and size. It's also important to make sure your pet receives the proper amount of exercise and mental stimulation.

Lastly, you would need to ensure your dream pet receives regular veterinary check-ups and necessary medical care, including vaccinations and preventative treatments.

In conclusion, taking care of a pet is a big responsibility, but it can also be a very rewarding experience. By providing a safe and comfortable home, proper nutrition and care, and regular vet check-ups, you can ensure that your dream pet lives a happy and healthy life.


My dream pet would be a small, playful and affectionate dog. I would name him Max and he would be a golden retriever. I have always wanted a loyal and loving companion, and Max would be the perfect addition to my life.

To take care of Max, I would make sure he receives regular exercise by taking him for daily walks and playing with him in the park. I would also provide him with a balanced diet of high-quality dog food, and ensure he has access to plenty of fresh water throughout the day. I would take him to regular vet check-ups to ensure he is healthy and up-to-date on his vaccinations.

I would also make sure Max receives proper training and socialization to ensure he is well-behaved and obedient. I would enroll him in obedience classes and teach him basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel. This would help him to behave well in public and at home.

In addition to physical care, I would also provide Max with plenty of mental stimulation to keep his mind active and engaged. I would give him plenty of toys to play with and engage him in games such as fetch and hide-and-seek. I would also spend time cuddling and bonding with him, to build a strong and loving relationship.

Taking care of Max would be a significant commitment, but the love and companionship he would provide would be well worth it. I would cherish every moment spent with him and do everything in my power to ensure he has a happy and healthy life with me.

The committee has different opinions on the matter


I do I do I do I don’t I do I don’t

. Choose the correct sentence.

a) Amish can’t have a long hair

b) I’ve just heard a very interesting news

c) There’s always a terrible traffic in Los Angeles

d) It’s best not to take too much luggage



D its best not to take too much luggage


well most have a sudden A and that not very important ins unnecessary

What are the possible conflict that should be resolved in each stages of development
Psychosexual Stages of Personality Development (By: Sigmund Freud)?


The five psychosexual stages are the oral,  the phallic, the latent, and the genital

Psychosexual Stages

The oral stage:According to Freud's theory, the oral stage begins at birth and usually lasts until the child is one year old. The pleasure centre and libido are centred around the mouth during the oral stage.

Phallic phase:According to Freud, the phallic stage of psychosexual development is distinguished by a shift in sexual impulse from the anus to the genitals. Freud believed that the phallic stage begins around the age of three and lasts until the child is six. According to Freud's theory, the phallic stage is also when the contentious Oedipus and Electra complexes emerge.

Stage of latency:Freud referred to the period between the age of six and puberty as the latent period, during which the id is suppressed by the ego. He defined this stage as the child relating to the community through the adoption of values, the development of social skills, and the formation of relationships with people other than the immediate family.

To know more about Phallic, click on the link :



3 situation where Daisy Buchanan is arrogant and why


In Chapter 1, Daisy invites Nick to her house and tells him about her daughter. She says, "I hope she'll be a fool – that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool." This statement shows her arrogance and superiority towards other women. She believes that women who are intelligent and independent are not happy.

In Chapter 7, Daisy is talking to Gatsby and Tom, and she says, "You two make us happy. It's sort of a dance." This statement shows her arrogance towards men. She believes that men exist solely to make women happy and that they have no other purpose.

In Chapter 7, Daisy is driving Gatsby's car when she hits and kills Myrtle Wilson. After the accident, she does not stop the car or take responsibility for her actions. Instead, she allows Gatsby to take the blame. This shows her arrogance and lack of accountability. She believes that her wealth and social status protect her from the consequences of her actions.

For each of these words or phrases, think of ways to explain the concept to families in everyday language. Remember to take cultural and socio-economic factors into consideration.

Words and Phrases

Phonological awareness
Gross motor skills
Approaches to Learning
Select three of the words and phrases (or use three of your own) and document how you would explain each assessment term using everyday language.



Phonological awareness: This is the ability to understand and work with the sounds of spoken language. It's like playing with the different sounds that make up words. For example, if we say the word "cat", we can break it down into its individual sounds "c-a-t". Phonological awareness helps children learn to read and write because they can recognize the sounds that make up words.

Self-regulation: This is the ability to control your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It's like having a brake and accelerator in your brain that you can use to control your behavior. For example, if you feel angry, self-regulation helps you think before you act and choose a calm response. Self-regulation is important for children because it helps them manage their emotions and behavior in different situations.

Gross motor skills: These are the big movements that we make with our bodies, like running, jumping, and throwing. Gross motor skills involve the large muscles in our arms, legs, and trunk. For example, when a child learns to walk, they are developing gross motor skills. Gross motor skills are important for children because they help them explore their environment, build strength and coordination, and stay active and healthy.

on CAN WE CULTIVATE OUR OWN HAPPINESS? whats Seligman's goal



Answer below


In "Can We Cultivate Our Own Happiness?", Seligman's goal is to explore the idea that happiness can be developed through intentional activities and deliberate effort, rather than being solely determined by genetics or external circumstances. He argues that individuals have the power to cultivate their own happiness through practices such as gratitude, mindfulness, and building strong relationships. Seligman aims to encourage people to take responsibility for their own happiness and to provide practical advice for how they can cultivate positive emotions and well-being in their lives.

PLEASEE HELPPPP will give brainliest!!!
(do not change the wording)

Correct any run-on sentences or comma splices by making the sentences compound or complex. If a sentence is neither a run-on or a comma splice, label it “C” for “correct”. (HINT: only one of the sentences is correct.) You can only use a semicolon ONCE to combine two independent clauses, and you can only separate the independent clauses into separate sentences using a period and capitalizing the next letter ONCE in this exercise.

1) School can be stressful, I like to relax.

2) One of my hobbies is baking cookies they are fun to make and delicious to eat!

3) I don’t want to gain a lot of weight, I have to be careful not to eat them all.

4) My pets try to help they like to eat any leftover dough.

5) A lot of the ingredients are not healthy for them I have to be sure to clean up after myself.

6) Instead, I make and bake separate batches of doggie biscuits for my pampered pets!

7) It takes a lot of time and effort to make the homemade biscuits, I believe my pets like them best!

8) I enjoy making freshly baked snacks for my family and my pets they enjoy eating them.



School can be stressful; I like to relax.

One of my hobbies is baking cookies; they are fun to make and delicious to eat!


My pets try to help; they like to eat any leftover dough.

A lot of the ingredients are not healthy for them, so I have to be sure to clean up after myself.


It takes a lot of time and effort to make the homemade biscuits, but I believe my pets like them best!

I enjoy making freshly baked snacks for my family and my pets; they enjoy eating them.

Is Romeo a dirtbag? (Romeo and Juliet)
Evidence and Analysis (at least 3 quotes from the play and at least 1 quote from the article)
At least 1 counterargument and response to the counterargument
A call to action (what do you want the listeners to do? )


No, Romeo is not a dirtbag. In fact, his actions in Romeo and Juliet demonstrate that he is a loyal and compassionate character.

In Act II Scene II, Romeo says “Then I defy you, stars,” demonstrating that he is willing to go against all odds to pursue Juliet. He also says, “My only love sprung from my only hate”, indicating that his feelings for Juliet transcend the feud between their families. Additionally, Romeo proves himself to be a loyal friend when he stops Mercutio from fighting Tybalt.

However, some might argue that Romeo is impulsive and reckless, and that he puts his own needs and desires above others. While Romeo is certainly passionate and prone to taking risks, his underlying motivation is love and devotion, not selfishness. He repeatedly risks his life in order to be with Juliet, showing that he is willing to make difficult and dangerous sacrifices for the one he loves.

In conclusion, Romeo is a complex character who demonstrates loyalty and compassion. Therefore, he should not be dismissed as a “dirtbag.” Moving forward, readers should strive to look beyond surface-level characterization to gain a deeper understanding of characters like Romeo.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet https://brainly.com/question/1556509


When is the rebellion justified in the Declaration of Independence?



The Declaration of Independence states that the rebellion is justified whenever a government fails to provide its citizens with basic rights or when it abuses its power. The Founding Fathers argued that when a government oppresses its people, the citizens have an obligation to resist and overthrow it. The right to revolt is recognized in the Declaration of Independence as a legitimate form of self-determination and a duty of the people to secure their freedom. It argues that when a government fails to protect the rights of the people and becomes tyrannical, it forfeits the people's obedience and makes revolution the only option. The Declaration of Independence also states that the colonies had the right to defend their interests against oppressive government and that the colonies had the right to form a new government more responsive to their needs. When a government no longer provides its citizens with basic rights, the Declaration of Independence suggests that rebellion is a justified form of resistance.


Hope this is correct..

Fourteenth Amendment

The Invasion of the Lionfish
What was once just an attractive aquarium fish has recently become one of the biggest menaces in the Atlantic. The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s. Because it has no natural predators, it has adapted quickly to its new home. The lionfish now threatens to destroy native fish populations in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.

The lionfish spreads quite rapidly. Lionfish spread faster than any other invading species. Experts have called the invasion in the Atlantic the worst marine invasion of all time. The lionfish's success comes from an ability to reproduce all year round. In addition, they are greedy eaters with a fondness for small fish and crustaceans. They will eat anything smaller than they are. Lionfish love the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Since their first sighting, they have rapidly multiplied. In some locations, scientists estimate that lionfish populations exploded by 700 percent between 2004 and 2008 alone.

To combat the invasion, wildlife agencies have sponsored lionfish derbies. In these derbies, local scuba divers are invited to harvest lionfish. In addition, many states offer recipes for preparing and eating lionfish to encourage harvesting. Lionfish have to be handled carefully because of their venomous spines, but they are apparently delicious. Increasing the harvest of lionfish will help. However, scientists estimate that more than a quarter of the population would have to be taken every month to stop the growing population.

The lionfish has targeted our most fragile and important ecosystems. Scientists are working tirelessly to learn as much as they can about this predator. We may never be able to completely remove the threat, but many fishermen and seafood fans are hoping we can figure out how to control it.

Work Cited
Wilcox, Christie. "The Worst Marine Invasion Ever." Slate. July 1, 2013.

Read this line from the text:

The lionfish has targeted our most fragile and important ecosystems.

What does fragile mean in this sentence? (5 points)






Answer: A, Frail


The entire text is explaining how to Lionfish are dangerous to ecosystems. The only answer that supports this point (and actually fits the definition of fragile) is frail.

Which of the following poetic devices does Frost use in this excerpt from "After Apple Picking?" spiked with stubble A. end rhyme B. onomatopoeia C. enjambment D. alliteration​


The poetic device that Frost uses in the excerpt from "After Apple Picking" is alliteration. The repetition of the "s" sound in "spiked with stubble" is an example of alliteration.

What is an alliteration?

Alliteration is a literary device in which two or more words in a phrase or line of poetry share the same initial consonant sound. It is a common technique used in literature to create a musical or rhythmic effect and draw attention to certain words or ideas.

For example, the phrase "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" is an example of alliteration because the words "Peter," "picked," "peck," and "pickled" all begin with the same "p" sound. Alliteration can also be used with other consonant sounds, such as "s" or "b," as long as they are repeated throughout the phrase or line.

In poetry, alliteration can be used to create a specific mood or tone, such as a sense of whimsy or playfulness. It can also be used to emphasize certain words or ideas, making them stand out more to the reader or listener. Alliteration can be found in many forms of literature, including poetry, prose, and even in advertising slogans and brand names.

To know more about Robert Frost's works, visit:



find the general solution of the following differential equation: y/ = (36x y)^2 explain in 150 words




The given differential equation is y' = (36xy)^2.

To solve this, we can use separation of variables. We start by separating the y and x terms and then integrating both sides:

dy/y^2 = (36x)^2 dx

Integrating both sides, we get:

-1/y = 4x^3 + C

where C is the constant of integration. We can then solve for y by taking the reciprocal of both sides:

y = -1/(4x^3 + C)

This is the general solution to the given differential equation. It includes the constant C, which can be determined by using an initial condition.

In summary, to solve the given differential equation, we used separation of variables and integration to obtain the general solution y = -1/(4x^3 + C), where C is the constant of integration. This solution can be used to find the value of y for any given value of x and C.

How does Morrison's personification of the house help reveal both plot and characterization? The house in this novel is given human qualities through personification that makes it seem as if it were another character along withSethe and Denver and the rest of the characters throuout the novel.


In the novel of Toni Morrison called  "Beloved," the personification of the house helps us to reveal both plot and characterization. The house, a central character in the novel, is given human like qualities through personification that make it seem as if it were another character along with Sethe, Denver, and the rest of the characters throughout the novel.

The house is presented as having a powerful presence and a history that is closely tied to the experiences of the characters who inhabit it. For example, when Sethe first moves into the house, she senses that it has a "strong, reliable backbone" and feels a sense of safety and protection within its walls. As the novel progresses, the house takes on new meanings and becomes a symbol of both the characters' traumas and their resilience.

The personification of the house also helps to reveal the characters' inner lives and motivations. Sethe, for example, is shown to be deeply connected to the house and its history, and her desire to protect it is closely tied to her own traumatic experiences as a former slave. Meanwhile, Denver's relationship with the house is more complex, as she struggles to find her own identity within its walls and overcome her feelings of isolation and loneliness.

In conclusion, it can be said that the personification of the house in the story  "Beloved" serves as a powerful literary tool which helps to deepen our understanding of both the plot and the characters. Through the house's human-like features and its intimate connection to the characters' experiences, Morrison creates a richly layered and emotionally resonant narrative that continues to captivate readers to this day.

Learn more about Toni Morrison  :



Identify a theme for your favorite story (book, movie, etc.). Explain how/why the theme applies to the story, including reference to ideas from the video.


One of the themes of my favorite book, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is the corrupting influence of wealth and materialism on individuals and society. This theme applies to the story because the characters, particularly Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan, are driven by their desire for wealth and material possessions, leading them to make unethical decisions and engage in destructive behavior.

In the video “The Great Gatsby - Thug Notes Summary & Analysis,” the host highlights the idea that the characters in the story are “hustling backwards” by pursuing wealth and status for the wrong reasons. Gatsby, for example, throws extravagant parties to impress Daisy and win her back, while Daisy is more interested in maintaining her social status and avoiding scandal than in pursuing true love.

This pursuit of wealth and status ultimately leads to tragedy and ruin, as the characters become consumed by their desires and lose sight of their morals and values. Gatsby, in particular, becomes so obsessed with his vision of the American Dream that he is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it, even if it means getting involved in illegal activities and sacrificing his integrity.

Overall, the theme of the corrupting influence of wealth and materialism is a powerful and relevant one that applies not only to The Great Gatsby but to our modern world as well. As the video suggests, it is important to consider what we are truly working towards in our pursuit of success and to be mindful of the consequences of our actions.

More on themes: https://brainly.com/question/4009040


write a letter to the minster of transport suggesting two ways of improving the public road system in the country​



Dear Honorable Minister of Transport,

I am writing to you today to suggest two ways in which we can improve the public road system in our country. As you know, the state of our roads is a critical issue affecting our daily lives, and it is imperative that we address this issue as soon as possible.

Firstly, I suggest that we increase the budget for road maintenance and repair. Many of our roads are in dire need of repairs, and we cannot continue to neglect them. By allocating more funds towards road maintenance, we can ensure that our roads are safe and functional for all road users. This will also help reduce the number of accidents caused by potholes and other road hazards, which will ultimately save lives and reduce medical expenses.

Secondly, we need to focus on improving public transportation. Many of our citizens rely on public transportation to get around, and it is our responsibility to provide them with reliable and affordable means of transportation. By investing in public transportation, we can reduce the number of cars on the road, which will ultimately reduce traffic congestion and air pollution. Furthermore, we can ensure that public transportation is accessible to all citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

I strongly believe that implementing these two suggestions will significantly improve our public road system and enhance the quality of life for all citizens. I urge you to consider these suggestions and take the necessary steps to ensure that they are implemented.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

what forces and influences,In what ways does he try to withstand the urge to act against Duncan?


Macbeth tries to withstand the urge to act against Duncan in several ways. One of the ways is that he makes an assessment of his own conscience, the implications of the act, the effect on his family and the people, and finally, the inherent moral code of being human.

Macbeth, in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth, finds himself confronted with the opportunity to become king by killing King Duncan. He is met with a struggle to try and withstand the urge to act against Duncan, and his resistance to doing so is influenced by a variety of forces. The following are some ways that Macbeth tries to resist the urge to act against Duncan:

Macbeth assesses his own conscience.He considers the implications of the act.He reflects on the impact on his family and his people.He thinks about the inherent moral code of being human.Macbeth's sense of morality was one of the forces that influenced him to hesitate before killing Duncan.

Furthermore, Macbeth's wife is a significant force in convincing him to commit murder. He is conflicted about whether or not to follow her guidance. Finally, Macbeth thinks about the inherent moral code of being human. He contemplates the difference between right and wrong, and he recognizes that killing Duncan is immoral. He is aware that this act will not only lead to his downfall, but also to his moral decay.

In conclusion, Macbeth tries to resist the urge to act against Duncan in various ways. His resistance is motivated by his conscience, the implications of his actions, his family and people, and the inherent moral code of being human.

You can learn more about Macbeth at: brainly.com/question/28957021


A . determine the verb in this sentence and tell whether it is a transitive verb or an Intransitive verb 1 . Mr Jenkins,s cat watched the birds in the trees _________ 2 we will not buy a new car until next summer________ 3 The small boat moved
slowly through the grey sea _________ 4 Diane tripped on the top step and fell downstairs_______ 5 please order a hamburger and a milkshake for me.________ 6 . Have you ever explored a cave ? _______ 7. Many years ago a young boy discovered a huge cave in Kentucky._______ 8 The cave contained strange, twisted formations of stone and crystal._______ 9. Your friend Tom has a very intriguing job.______ 10. We arrived at the stadium ten minutes before the game started.______




"watched" - transitive verb

"buy" - transitive verb

"moved" - intransitive verb

"tripped" and "fell" - both intransitive verbs

"order" - transitive verb

"explored" - transitive verb

"discovered" - transitive verb

"contained" - transitive verb

"has" - transitive verb

"arrived" - intransitive verb

How is Central America impacted by a recession and financial problems in the United States?

Answer choices:

A. Sale of exports from Central America is reduced

B. Fewer opportunities for emigration to the U.S.

C. More money will go to Central America instead of the U.S.

D. No impact at all



A. Sale of exports from Central America is reduced.

Central America is heavily dependent on exports to the United States, particularly in industries such as textiles, agriculture, and manufacturing. During a recession and financial problems in the United States, consumer demand decreases and imports from other countries decrease, resulting in a reduction in exports from Central America. This reduction in exports can have a significant impact on the economies of Central American countries, leading to job losses and a decrease in economic growth.

In which phase of Design Thinking would a designer learn more about the user and their problems, wants, and needs?



The phase of Design Thinking in which a designer would learn more about the user and their problems, wants, and needs is the "Empathize" phase. This phase is the first step in the Design Thinking process, where designers immerse themselves in the user's environment to understand their perspective, needs, and pain points.

During the Empathize phase, designers use various tools such as interviews, observations, and surveys to gather information about the user's needs and wants. This process helps the designer to gain a deeper understanding of the user, their experiences, and the context in which they are operating.

By empathizing with the user, designers can create more effective and relevant solutions to their problems, as they have a better understanding of what the user is trying to achieve and the challenges they face. Thus, the Empathize phase is crucial in the Design Thinking process, as it sets the foundation for the rest of the process.

FILL IN THE BLANK. Use morphology and syntax to make grammatical sense of the following sentence. Choose all that apply.
The English language began when the _____ invaded.


The English language began when the  English, Saxons and Jutes invaded.

English is a West Germanic language that emerged from Ingvaeonic languages brought to Britain by Anglo-Saxon immigrants between the middle of the fifth and the seventh centuries AD from what is now northwest Germany, southern Denmark, and the Netherlands. Starting in the middle of the fifth century, the Anglo-Saxons migrated to the British Isles and eventually came to control the majority of southern Great Britain. A group of Ingvaeonic languages, which superseded the Celtic languages that had previously been most prevalent, were spoken by settlers in England and southern and eastern Scotland in the early Middle Ages. Ancient English was influenced by the several Anglo-Saxon kingdoms that had been established across Britain. The Late West Saxon dialect prevailed eventually. A significant subsequent effect on the Via vocabulary borrowing and grammatical simplification, Scandinavian Vikings who invaded and colonised parts of Britain in the eighth and ninth centuries had a significant impact on the evolution of Old English.

The Anglian dialects had a stronger influence on mediaeval English.

To know more about Anglo-Saxon, click here:



Which text feature would best show the attendance rate at Malala's school from previous years compared to 2009 when it decreased by more than 60%?

Question 5 options:

Bar graph






Bar graph would best show the attendance rate at Malala's school from previous years compared to 2009 when it decreased by more than 60%.

Pick the best option, the correct sentence among the following is
Akram is a young telented Pakistani boy.
Akram is a Pakistani young talented boy.
Akram is a talented young Pakistani boy.
None of these


The correct sentence among the following options is "Akram is a talented young Pakistani boy." Option C.

In the given sentence "Akram is a young talented Pakistani boy," the placement of adjectives is incorrect. "Young" is placed before "talented," which makes the sentence awkward and not grammatically correct.

Also, in the sentence "Akram is a Pakistani young talented boy," "young" is again placed incorrectly.

The correct form of this sentence would be "Akram is a talented young Pakistani boy."This is the correct sentence among the given options.

To learn more about sentence, click here:



What is the definition of "prosthesis"?
A. a remarkable or outstanding person

C. utilizing electronic devices and mechanical parts to assist humans in performing difficult, dangerous, or intricate tasks

D.an artificial device used to replace a missing body part

B. a condition marked by misfortune, calamity, d.
or distress


The definition of "prosthesis" is an artificial device used to replace a missing body part. Prostheses are used when a body part is lost or damaged due to injury, disease, or a congenital condition.

The correct option is D.

They are designed to function as closely as possible to the body part they replace and can include limbs, fingers, toes, eyes, and teeth, among others. Prostheses can be made from various materials, including plastic, metal, and silicone, and can be customized to fit an individual's specific needs and lifestyle. Prostheses can significantly improve a person's quality of life by restoring function and improving mobility.

Prostheses can significantly impact the quality of life of those who use them, allowing them to perform everyday tasks and activities that might otherwise be impossible.

To know more about prosthesis, visit:



essay on
educate our daughter,save our daughter ​




The phrase "educate our daughter, save our daughter" emphasizes the importance of providing girls with access to education, not only for their personal development but also for the benefit of society as a whole. This essay will explore why educating girls is so critical, the challenges that prevent girls from accessing education, and what can be done to ensure that all girls have the opportunity to learn.

Educating girls is essential for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, it is a basic human right. All children, regardless of their gender, should have access to education. Education provides girls with the knowledge and skills they need to become empowered and confident individuals. It allows them to participate in decision-making processes, have a voice in their communities, and advocate for their own rights and the rights of others.

In addition to being a fundamental human right, educating girls also has significant benefits for society. Studies have shown that educating girls leads to better health outcomes, lower rates of child marriage and early pregnancy, and increased economic opportunities for families and communities. Educated girls are more likely to secure employment, earn higher incomes, and contribute to the economic growth of their communities. Educated girls also tend to have smaller families and are more likely to invest in the education of their own children, creating a cycle of intergenerational empowerment and progress.

Despite the clear benefits of educating girls, many challenges prevent girls from accessing education. Poverty is one of the most significant barriers, as many families cannot afford to send their children, particularly their daughters, to school. Cultural norms and gender stereotypes can also play a role, with girls being expected to prioritize household chores or marry at a young age rather than pursue an education. Other factors such as lack of access to schools, safety concerns, and discrimination can also prevent girls from accessing education.

To ensure that all girls have the opportunity to learn, a multi-faceted approach is needed. This includes addressing poverty and providing economic support to families to enable them to send their children, including their daughters, to school. It also involves challenging harmful cultural norms and stereotypes, promoting positive role models and media representation of women, and creating safe and inclusive learning environments. Governments and communities must work together to build schools, provide transportation, and improve the quality of education available to girls.

In conclusion, educating girls is essential for their personal development and for the benefit of society as a whole. It is a basic human right, and the benefits of educating girls are numerous and far-reaching. However, many challenges prevent girls from accessing education, and a multi-faceted approach is needed to ensure that all girls have the opportunity to learn. By prioritizing the education of our daughters, we can create a more equitable and just society for all.

Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.Under agreements that were negotiated by those that were at the table, all parties had to give something up in the deal.


The suspect was cornered because he was the only person who was near the crime scene.

Standard English (SE) is the variant of English that has undergone significant regularization in an English-speaking nation and is connected to formal education, language testing, and official print media, including public service announcements and newspapers of record, among other things. All linguistic features, including morphological, phonological, syntax, lexicon, register, sentence patterns, and semantics, as well as written features like spelling norms, punctuation, capitalization, and abbreviation practices, are subject to the effects of standardization.

Hence, the underlined statement needs to be shortened since it is too wordy, repetitious, and unclear. Any brevity must nevertheless adhere to grammar rules and convey the sense of the statement. "He was the only one who was near the crime site" is the sole response option that satisfies both of these requirements.

To learn more about Standard English, click here:



NOTE: The question given on the portal is incomplete. Here's the complete question.

QUESTION: Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.

Sentence: The suspect was cornered because he was the one that was the only person who had been near what was the crime scene.

approach in language teaching? Explain the advantages of
communicative approach in the field of ELT.​




The communicative approach is a teaching method that emphasizes the importance of communication in language learning. This approach places a strong emphasis on the functional use of language in real-life situations, focusing on the ability of learners to communicate effectively in the target language. The communicative approach is widely used in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT), and it has many advantages.

Advantages of the Communicative Approach in ELT:

Emphasizes Real-Life Communication: The communicative approach focuses on real-life communication and provides learners with opportunities to use language in meaningful contexts. This approach allows learners to develop their language skills in a way that is relevant to their needs.

Encourages Active Participation: The communicative approach encourages active participation from learners. Learners are encouraged to participate in communicative activities that require them to use the language in a meaningful way. This approach helps learners to develop their confidence in using the language.

Increases Motivation: The communicative approach is a learner-centered approach that focuses on the needs and interests of learners. By providing learners with meaningful and engaging communicative activities, this approach increases learner motivation and encourages them to take an active role in their language learning.

Develops Fluency: The communicative approach places a strong emphasis on the development of fluency in the target language. By providing learners with opportunities to use the language in real-life situations, this approach helps learners to develop their ability to communicate effectively and fluently.

Provides Feedback: The communicative approach provides learners with immediate feedback on their language use. This feedback helps learners to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to focus on areas that require improvement.

In conclusion, the communicative approach is an effective teaching method that emphasizes the importance of communication in language learning. This approach has many advantages in the field of ELT, including emphasizing real-life communication, encouraging active participation, increasing motivation, developing fluency, and providing feedback to learners.

Can anyone do this I can't understand


One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs

Two men in a Hospital

Two seriously ill men shared a hospital bed. One person was allowed to sit in his bed for an hour at a time in the afternoon to help drain the His lungs were full of fluid. His bed was directly across the street from the Secondary School. The room's only window. The other man had to lie flat on his back the entire time. The men talked for a long time. They discussed their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, and their military service, where they had been on leave. When the man in the bed gets out of bed in the afternoon. He could sit up by the window and pass the time by telling his roommate about everything he could think of while looking out the window.

To know more about Two men,click on the link :



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