2- Vamos relembrar o que estudamos nesta aula. Qual é o gênero do texto abaixo? *
1 ponto
Imagem sem legenda


Answer 1



I would like to better understand the use of the verb "remember". I therefore present to you a concrete question that I have come across. Which of the following is the right one and why?

"This device reminds men (of) who should not..."


"This device reminds men that they should not..."

Thank you so much for your cooperation

Related Questions

How does the design of an instrument affect its volume?



musical instruments create sound by causing matter to vibrate depending on it's shape

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He won't let Romeo get away with gate crashing the Capulet feast. Although he does put his weapon down, he does do so reluctantly, under his uncle's orders. He threatens revenge upon the young Montague. This, of course, foreshadows the tragic future of Romeo and Juliet (deaths of the two protagonists) as the Prologue at the beginning of act 1 states.

Hope this helps.

Ni shi bu shi xue sheng?
What is this in English?



Is NI a student

Have a good day!


Are you a student?


Ni: You

Shi: are

Bu: not

Shi: are

Xue sheng: Student

This doesn't form a complete sentence, however because grammar structure in the Chinese language is different from English, the sentence translates to, 'Are you a student?'

what does как ты, Джефф mean



"How are you Jeff", in Russian.


ª im good, how r u? Lol

gujarati language
samanarthi sabda





In U.S. history, groups have had to __________ for their right to vote.





In U.S. history, groups have had to fight for their right to vote.

ما الضمائر التي تتصل بالأفعال الخمسة


الضمة الفتحة الكسرة المره

a year on earth is 365.26 days long a year on satum lasts over 29 times longer than earth which on the following best explains this difference between the two planets



The Earth's orbit lasts for 365 days and Pluto's orbit takes 249 YEARS! ... The earth has one moon, Mars has two very small ones, Jupiter, the giant of ... Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System, even hotter than Mercury, ... A Martian day is 24 hours and 39 minutes long, less than an hour longer than a day on Earth.

Explanation: :O

برصغیر کی مدد سے مندرجزمیں مکمل کریں
ب ہمارے گھر کا
سے لکڑی کاٹی۔
بہت خوبصورت ہے۔
شنار نے انگوٹی مل کی
میں رکھ دی۔
بوڑھی عورت میں دال پکا رہی تھی۔
وپاری نے اخبار کے کاغذ میں مرچوں کی
بینائی ۔​


if you do not know english here i  now  no arabic

Complete temples with the help of the subcontinent


b of our house

Wood shaved from

Very beautiful.

Shnar has an ingoti mill

I put it.

The old woman was drinking dal in it.

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The bean

Explain how ferilisers are different drom manure.​



Manure is organic material that is prepared by decomposition of crop residue or animal droppings, which is added to the soil to improve fertility. Fertilizer is any substance, organic or inorganic, that is added to the soil to increase the yield of crops.


What does Frank do when he’s questioned about participating in the sit-in? ◦ AHe discusses his own experiences with being treated unfairly in stores. ◦ BHe gets angry and violent with the man who questions him. ◦ CHe supports his friends and the movement to treat black people equally. ◦ DHe becomes unsure in his participation in the sit-in. ◦



or stand up by sitting in



C: He supports his friends and the movement to treat black people equally.

c. Why are concave mirrors used in solar



Concave mirrors are used in solar cookers. This is because they are the only type of mirrors that reflect sunlight to a single focal point. ... Concave mirrors absorb all the incident light and reflect it to a single focal point. This reflected light is very powerful because it carries a lot of thermal energy.

bharat ka sanvidhan kisne banaya hai?​



26 नवंबर 1949 को संविधान सभा ने संविधान के उस प्रारूप को स्वीकार किया, जिसे डॉ. बीआर आंबेडकर की अध्यक्षता में ड्राफ्टिंग कमेटी ने तैयार किया था. इसी रूप में संविधान 26 जनवरी, 1950 को लागू हुआ और भारत एक गणराज्य बना. इसी की याद में 26 नवंबर के दिन को संविधान दिवस मनाने का चलन 2015 को शुरू किया गया.

Over three days in early May 1963, African American children of all ages left school to march through the streets of Birmingham, Alabama. Nine-year-old Audrey Faye Hendricks was among the youngest of about 2,000 children to participate in the Children’s Crusade. The students hoped to raise awareness about Black citizens efforts to integrate the city. Audrey was arrested and spent five nights in jail. Other young protesters were blasted by fire hoses and had police dogs turned on them.

what authors purpose is this:
To Pursuade
To Argue
To Entertain
To Inform
To Criticize
To Glorify
To apologize
To Encourage
To Explain



to inform

Explanation: trust

عاش إبراهيم عليه السلام في الجزيرة العربية ما هي نوغ المعلومه معلومة دينية معلومة تاريخية معلومة كونية معلومة علمية




معلومة تاريخية

Abraham, peace be upon him, lived in the Arabian Peninsula, what is the type of information, religious information, historical information, universal information, scientific information

Pasagut nito!!! ESP SUBJECT



-Maaaring magkaroon ng malaking kaguluhan sa buong paligid.

-Maraming masasawing buhay,mapatao,halaman at hayop.

-Mag-aaway away lahat ng tao.

-magkakaroon ng gera sa ibat ibang panig ng mundo.

-Masisira ang sanlibutan.


thank me later

आपकी कक्षा के छात्र ‘विश्ि पुस्तक मेला’ देखने जाना कहते हैं| प्रधानाचार्य को ननिेदन करते हुए प्रार्नय ा-पत्र

ललखखए |

प्रश्न 2. आपके क्षेत्र में सरकारी स्कूल कम हैं| लिक्षा अधधकारी को एक और विद्र्ालर् की मााँग करते हुए पत्र ललखखए |

प्रश्न 3. आपको आपकी कक्षा का ‘मॉननटर’ बना ददर्ा गर्ा है | इसकी सूचना देते हुए अपने भाई को पत्र

ललखखए |

प्रश्न 4. मौसा- मौसी को अपने जन्मददन पर आने का आग्रह करते हुए पत्र ललखखए |

प्रश्न 5. समाचार पत्र का महत्त्ि बताते हुए वपता-पुत्र के बीच होने िाले संिाद को ललखखए |

प्रश्न 6. पक्षक्षर्ों की सुरक्षा के बारे में दो लमत्रों के बीच होने िाले संिाद को ललखखए |

प्रश्न 7. विद्र्ालर् में हुए िावषकय उत्सि पर प्रनतिेदन ललखखए |

प्रश्न 8. आपके क्षेत्र में मदहला ददिस का समारोह मनार्ा गर्ा | इस पर प्रनतिेदन ललखखए |

प्रश्न 9. आपके विद्र्ालर् में कविता पाठ का आर्ोजन ककर्ा गर्ा , इस पर प्रनतिेदन ललखखए |

प्रश्न 10. अनच्ुछेद लेखन

i जंगल की सैर ii मेरी अविस्मरणीर् र्ात्रा

iii बाररि की िह िाम

प्रश्न 11 विज्ञापन लेखन

i दहदं ी पुस्तक के ललए विज्ञापन ii आइसक्रीम के ललए विज्ञापन

iii जापानी कार के ललए विज्ञापन​



How do u need me to answer this? I can answer in English.


What change, if any, should be made to severe in this sentence?

The principal warned the senior class, "I will find out who let the birds into the school, and that person will be punished severe."
no change



b because all the other ones are gramatcalliy incorrect.


Jane works as a cashier at a small grocery store.
Her shift finishes at 3pm, but she can't leave
until her co-worker, Melissa, takes over from
her. Melissa is really nice and has been working
at the grocery store for about 3 years, and Jane
has been working there for the last 5 months.
Recently, Melissa is showing up late for work
without any explanation and because of it, Jane
is not able to leave untij 3:10pm. This really
upsets Jane and as she has to rush to get to her
computer classes. Melissa has never explained
or apologized for being late. Help Jane to solve
this situation.



Jane should have a conversation with Melissa or her manager.


Maybe Melissa has something personal going on in her life and Jane should sit down with her and have a talk about why she is always late. If Melissa has no good explanation, she should go to her boss or manager and make them aware of the situation.

To help Jane I would advise you to talk to Melissa about the situation, to avoid her continuing to be 10 minutes late.

Dialogue is a form of communication in which two or more interlocutors exchange their points of view on a particular situation to establish an agreement with which they both agree.

In this case, Jane must communicate her disagreement to Melissa so that they can establish an agreement on the situation that is happening.

For example, Jane could propose to Melissa that only two days a week she can cover her for 10 more minutes or Melissa could propose that in exchange for covering her for 10 more minutes, she will receive her shift earlier so that Jane can leave more early.

The agreement reached by both interlocutors must be characterized by a balance in which neither of them gets more benefit than the other. In addition, the dialog has certain parameters that are:

RespectThe sincerityEmpathyEquality

According to the above, the best alternative for Jane to solve this problem is dialogue.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/14225507

विश्वभर के डॉक्टरों ने यह साबित कर दिया है की शाकाहारी भोजन उत्तम स्स्वास्थ के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ट है। फल, फूल सब्जी विभिन्न प्रकार की दालें, बीज एवं दूध से बने पदार्ता आदि से मिलकर बना हवा संतुलित आहार भोजन में कोई भी जहरीले तत्व नहीं पैदा करता । इसका प्रमुख कारण यह है की जब कोई जानवर मारा जाता है, तब वह मृत्यु पदार्थ बनता है | यह बात सब्जी के साथ लागू नहीं होती | यानि विशिष्ट खोजों के द्वारा यह भी पता चला है की जब किसी जानवर को मारा जाता है, तब यह इतना भयवीत हो जाता है कि अय से उत्पन्न जहरीले तत्व उसके शरीर में फैल जाते हैं, और वे जहरीले तत्व मास के रूप में उन व्यक्तियों के शरीर में पहुँचते है, जो उन्हें खाते हैं। हमारा शरीर इन तत्वों को पूर्णतया निकालने में समर्थवान नहीं है नतीजा यह होता है कि उच्च रक्त चाप, दिल व आदि गुर्दै की बीमारियाँ मांसाहारियों को जल्दी आक्रांत करती है. इसलिए यह नितांत आवश्यक है कि स्वास्थ कि दृष्टि से हम पूर्णतया शाकाहारी रहे । बुद्धिजीवी व्यक्ति शाकाहारी जीवन प्रणाली को अधिक आधुनिक, प्रगतिशील और वैज्ञानिक कहते हैं एवं अपने आप को शाकाहारी कहने में विश्व के प्रगतिशील व्यक्ति गर्व महसूस करते हैं।

1.संतुलित आहार में कौन-कौन से खाद्य पदार्थ सम्मिलित है.?

2.विश्व के प्रगतिशील व्यक्ति किस बात का गर्व महसूस करते हैं और क्यों ?

3.जब किसी जानवर को मारा जाता है तो उसके शरीर में क्या परिवर्तन होते है ? स्पष्ट कीजिये ?

4.स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से किस भोजन को उलम कहा गया है ? 5.बुद्धिजीवियों की दृष्टि से कौन-सी जीवन प्रणाली आधुनिक, प्रगतिशील एवं वैज्ञानिक है ?
1st answer will be mark as brainliest..​


प्र. संतुलित आहार में कौन-कौन से खाद्य पदार्थ सम्मिलित है?

उ. संतुलित आहार में फल, फूल सब्जी विभिन्न प्रकार की दालें, बीज एवं दूध से बने पदार्थों, आदि से मिलकर बने हुए खाद्य पदार्थ सम्मिलित है।

प्र. विश्व के प्रगतिशील व्यक्ति किस बात का गर्व महसूस करते हैं और क्यों ?

उ. विश्व के प्रगतिशील व्यक्ति अपने आप को शाकाहारी कहने में गर्व महसूस करते हैं क्योंकि स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से यह नितांत आवश्यक है की हम पूर्णतया शाकाहारी रहें।

प्र. जब किसी जानवर को मारा जाता है तो उसके शरीर में क्या परिवर्तन होते है ? स्पष्ट कीजिये ?

उ. जब किसी जानवर को मारा जाता है तब वह मृत्यु पदार्थ बनता है और उसके अंगों से उत्पन्न जहरीले तत्व उसके शरीर में फैल जाते हैं, और वे जहरीले तत्व मांस के रूप में उन व्यक्तियों के शरीर में पहुँचते है, जो उन्हें खाते हैं।

प्र. स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से किस भोजन को उलम कहा गया है?

उ. स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से शाकाहारी भोजन को उत्तम कहा गया है।

प्र. बुद्धिजीवियों की दृष्टि से कौन-सी जीवन प्रणाली आधुनिक, प्रगतिशील एवं वैज्ञानिक है ?

उ. बुद्धिजीवी व्यक्ति शाकाहारी जीवन प्रणाली को अधिक आधुनिक, प्रगतिशील और वैज्ञानिक कहते हैं।

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8th class 10th lesson परियोजना कार्य Answer.​



i am sorry but can you explain what "परियोजना कार्य" mean?


What is the simile or metaphor my words explode like fireworks mean



it can show  that your words make in impact, like brilliant words and are specific and cool, it makes you wonder and has a lot of meanings it can be like a poem or a book or a statement.




hope this helps


Metaphor = The fireworks were a colorful rainbow.

Simile = The fireworks were like glittering gems in the night sky.

Personification = The fireworks exploded with anger.

write a chitar varnan for this image in punjabi​



ek ladki ne bieg boye hai use who Pani de Rahi hai ab who us paudhe kat Rahi hai...

I hope it helps....

RANDOM TOPIC AGAIN FOR THE SECOND TIME(Lol):if you can speak any language what language what it be and say hi in that language(it can be up to as much as you want :D) POSITIVE VIBES EVERYONE :> UwU



I would speak Korean. 안녕


I am actually learning Korean right now!! I love BTS!!!

What is the best English translation for "Visum est?"


assuming this is latin, the translation is “it has been seen”
visum est ( which is latin) means “seen” in english

can anyone pls tell me how to write "thi" in katakana? (eg:- thin)​





there you go............

Can someone recommend good Japanese names with a last name if you can and also with meanings as well? Thank you for your work!~



   Fuji - unsurpassed or unique.

   Haru - to stretch.

   Haruto - soar or fly.

   Hiroto - soar or big flight.

   Itsuki - independence.

   Kai - paddle.

   Kane - bell.

   Kenji - prosecutor.


ما هو اعراب ففي؟؟؟؟؟؟​



gviauyshou yhbkadsyzB


(ii) मानो घर-घर ना हो कोई चिड़ियाघर हो
जिसमें खूखार जानवर आबाद हो।
क) अनुप्रास
ख) यमक
ग) उत्प्रेक्षा
घ) मानवीकरण​


Answer: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Kung mapupunta ka sa ibang lugar at tatanungin ka ng mga makikilala mo roon kung anong bahagi ng kultura, tradisyon at kaugalian ng iyong sariling lugar ang maipagmamalaki mo, ano ang sasabihin mo? Bakit mo ipinagmamalakai ang bahagi ng kulturang sinabi mo tungkol sa inyong sariling lugar?


If you were to go somewhere else and people you met there asked you what part of the culture, traditions and customs of your own place you could be proud of, what would you say? Why are you proud of the part of the culture you said about your own place?
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