a língua de libras é universal?​


Answer 1


eu não penso assim lol


Answer 2
Es hora de comár. Es hora de comár?!

Related Questions

haz conocido de algun conflicto limitrofe?​


No, pero me recuerda a Phineas y Ferb, muchas gracias.

请结合下列词语 (要全部使用 ,顺序不分先后 ) ,写一篇 80字左右的短文 。等待 、抱怨 、对比 、如何 、不耐烦



Highlighted words are the words that need to be used.


My father and I were at my dentist appointment. It was a very gloomy Sunday afternoon. The wait was long, but we didn't complain. My father wasn't an impatient guy, so I think he was okay with the long wait. About 20 minutes after we got to the dentist office, it was our turn to go in. After we went in, the dentist told me to sit in this seat. She was gonna compare my teeth from last time I came in to now. My father was very picky about my teeth being clean. The dentist told my dad that my teeth had actually looked better than last time. I didn't know how that was possible because I wasn't brushing my teeth very often. I think she was just bluffing, and I was pretty fine with that. After we were done at the dentists office, we went home and ate dinner.

investiga y en lista 10 ejemplo de vicios sintacticos del lenguaje​


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Estos son los 10 ejemplos de vicios sintácticos del lenguaje​ en el idioma Español.

1.- El Barbarismo. Cuando cambiamos una letra de la palabra y la pronunciamos como si fuera normal. Por ejemplo, "aiga" en lugar de "haya."

2.- Arcaísmo. Cuando se usan términos antiguos que ya no se utilizan. Chipiturco, en lugar de chamarra.

3.- Ambigüedad. Cuando no se específicamente una idea y queda demasiado abierta. Por ejemplo, saldré de la oficina una horas, pero regreso pronto. La oración no especifica un tiempo específico para estar afuera de la oficina y para regresar.

4.- Cacofonía. Sílabas juntas que generan un sonido desagradable. Ejemplo: "vas a alguna fiesta."

5.- Dequeísmo. Cuando combinamos mal l as palabras "de" y "que."

6.- Anglicismo. Cuando usamos una palabra en Inglés, para expresarnos en Español. Como "cool," en lugar de está "padre."

7.- Modismo. Palabra que no tiene un significado por sí mismo, sino se ha adoptado por costumbre. Ejemplo: "Está comiendo camote", en lugar de "Está distraído."

8.- Metátesis, Alternar sonidos de una palabra poniendo letras distintas. "Juegamos," en lugar de "jugamos."

9.- Pleonasmo. Colocar palabras de más. Como "subir arriba" o "bajar abajo."

10.- Impropiedad. Se otorga un significado equivocado a la palabra. El ruido está muy fuerte, en lugar el ruido está alto.

Los 10 vicios sintácticos investigados son:


Vicios Sintácticos.

Se les considera de esta forma a todas las palabras o expresiones que rompen la estructura gramatical del español, modificándolo ampliamente hasta sonar o ser escrito de una forma muy diferente a la original.

Aunque existen muchos, de los diez nombrados en la respuesta se dará una explicación general con el fin de entender su concepto:

Solecismo: Estructura gramaticalmente incorrecta.Pleonasmo: Dos o más palabras que refieren a lo mismo.Catacresis: Uso de palabras conocidas como figura retórica en otro ámbito.Cosismo: Palabras que se usan de forma repetitiva para referirse a otros sustantivos.Dequeísmo: En la combinación "de que" retirar la "de" sin motivo.Alguismo: Uso repetitivo de la palabra "algo."Teveísmo: Utilizar vocabulario propio de la televisión, incluso cuando es incorrecto.Anfibología: Palabras o frases con doble interpretación.Arcaísmo: Uso de palabras ya no usadas en el lenguaje.Extranjerismo: Uso de palabras en otro idioma, cuando tienen traducción al español.

El uso de todos estos vicios limita la riqueza del lenguaje e impide que las nuevas generaciones aprendan el idioma con un léxico más amplio, por lo cual lo más recomendable es evitarlas al máximo.

Más información:


1. Ito ay kauri ng manok na mainam sa
kanyang karne?​



Bibe just use this answer

QUESTION 36 What is the theme of this poem? Soybean poem​


The theme of the poem "Soybean" is the beauty of the natural world and the importance of appreciating the simple things in life.

What is the theme about?

The speaker of the poem describes the soybean in great detail, marveling at its small size and unassuming appearance. However, the speaker also sees the soybean's potential, and imagines all the ways it can be used to nourish and sustain people. The poem ends with a call to action, urging the reader to appreciate the soybean and all the other gifts that nature has to offer.

The poem begins with the speaker describing the soybean in great detail. The speaker notes the soybean's small size, its smooth skin, and its delicate green color. The speaker also describes the soybean's environment, noting the rich soil and the warm sun that help the soybean to grow. The speaker's descriptions of the soybean and its environment are full of beauty and wonder.

Learn more about theme on



Which of these sentences contains an underlined appositive phrase?
A) The greenhouses on campus stay warm even in winter
B) Lovely orchids, delicate tropical flowers, grow there all year.
C) Any student who majors in plant science may work in the greenhouses.
D) Students use microscopes, cameras, and measuring tools to study plants.


C) Any student who majors in plant science may work in the greenhouses.

There is a constant power cut in your area.write a letter to the manager of electricity company of your district complaining the situation to him or her.​


To Whom It May Concern,

I am one of the residents in “area name” and I am writing a complaint in regards to the constant power cuts taking place over the past couple of weeks.

The power cuts interrupt my work and important daily tasks I need to finish, therefore it is a priority that this problem is resolved as soon as possible. I would like to request you to take precautionary measures to find a solution so that this problem does not occur again.

Until then, I hope to hear from you soon!


“Your name”

Who is Keith Nolan? And what is his mission? Do you think he will be successful with his mission? Why or why not?


Answer: Yes because you need to pull in the customers to buy better advertisers and ads for the company.  

Explanation: i hope this helps:)

do you believe that men and women have to perform specific roles?



erkek and kadın çıksın diye,nnigdyodydtodyddi

Change this into a compound sentence(He plays football. He makes his living)



He makes a living when he plays football.

I've done this question and go it right with that answer so hope its right for you

explain why it would be important to evaluate the outcome of a campaign​


It is important to evaluate the result of an advertising campaign to assess its effectiveness, that is, to monitor the positive results generated by the campaign.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign?

It is necessary for the marketing team to evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign through sales metrics in a period, interaction with the brand, strengthening of relationships between the company and customers, attracting new consumers, etc.

Therefore, a marketing campaign to be successful must be aligned with the company's objectives, needs and desires of the target audience, in order to generate positioning and competitiveness for the company.

Find more about marketing campaigns at:



Care sunt personajele din Singur pe lume de Hector Malot



traduce din italiana



È un trovatello adottato dalla signora Barberin e poi venduto al signor Vitalis, un suonatore ambulante. È in realtà figlio della Signora Milligan e fratello di Arthur, alla fine del romanzo sposerà Lise e avranno un figlio, Mattia, chiamato così in onore del suo amico fraterno.


Capo di una compagnia di saltimbanchi, al quale viene venduto il piccolo Rémi. Diventa il maestro di vita di quest'ultimo. In passato era un grande tenore italiano, Carlo Balzani.

Capi, Dolce, Zerbino e Joli-Coeur

Sono gli animali della compagnia Vitali, tre cani e una scimmia. Nel corso del racconto, Zerbino e Dolce sono sbranati dai lupi e Joli-Coeur muore di polmonite. Rimane solo Capi.

Signora Barberin

La madre adottiva di Rémi, è affezionata a lui come fosse il suo vero figlio. Quando Rémi cresce e ha un figlio, ne diviene la balia.

Jerôme Barberin

Il padre adottivo di Rémi, è spietato col ragazzino e, in seguito ad. un incidente sul lavoro, non potendo mantenerlo più lo vende a Vitalis.

Signora Milligan

La vera madre di Remi, è una nobile inglese. Ha anche un altro figlio, Arthur, il fratellino di Rémi.

Arthur Milligan

Il secondo figlio della Signora Milligan e fratello di Rémi. Soffre di una grave malattia alle gambe che gli procura molti disagi, ma che gli passerà appena cresciuto. Si innamorerà di Cristina, sorella minore di Mattia.


Amico fraterno di Rémi. È italiano ed è un bambino prodigio, infatti sa parlare con disinvoltura, oltre che la sua lingua madre, il francese e l'inglese, ed è un bravissimo musicista. Sa suonare molto bene il violino, infatti da grande diventerà un famoso violinista.


Un violento sfruttatore di bambini, padrone e zio di Mattia. Finisce in prigione per aver fatto morire di stenti un ragazzo.

Famiglia Acquin

Composta dal padre, Pierre, e quattro figli: Etiennette, Alexis, Benjamin e Lise. Accolgono Rémi dopo la morte di Vitalis. La figlia minore, Lise, diventa la miglior amica di Rémi. Alla fine del romanzo si sposeranno e avranno un figlio, il piccolo Mattia.

James Milligan

Cognato della Signora Milligan e zio di Rémi e Arthur, è stato lui ad abbandonare il bambino perché sarebbe stato un ostacolo sulla strada dell'eredità del suo defunto fratello.

Famiglia Driscoll

Degli impostori e ladri d'accordo con James Milligan che si spacciano per la vera famiglia di Rémi. La famiglia è composta dal padre Patrick Driscoll, la madre Margaret Grange, il vecchio nonno, e quattro odiosi figli: Allen, Ned, Annie e Kate.

In developing the "science" of eugenics, how did Francis Galton draw upon the discoveries of Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel?



He applied the concept of natural selection to humans, through the transmission of genetic characteristics transmitted from parents to children.


Francis Galton created the Eugenia concept, by integrating Medel's genetic discoveries, the theory of natural selection. That's because, eugenics states that there are races among human beings. These breeds are considered superior when they receive genes that trigger characteristics that allow the members of these breeds to prevail within the environment in which they live.

This model shows how lake effect snow forms. Which statement best describes how the Great Lakes impact lake effect snow in the Great Lakes basin? A) They are a constant source of moisture that cause localized heavy snow during winter months. B) They freeze in the winter, which keeps the region's temperature low and causes heavy snowfall. C) They freeze in the winter, which causes flooding in the Great Lakes Basin when they thaw in spring. D) They evaporate in the summer, but fill up again in spring as lake effect snow melts in the Great Lakes Basin.



C) They freeze in the winter, which causes flooding in the Great Lakes Basin when they thaw in spring.


The freezing of the lake in winter has a significant effect on the way the in the great lakes basin. For example, freezing and thawing is directly proportional to the level of water which exist on the lake. When this occurs, it tends to lead to flooding.




Did this assignment come from somewhere?

I would imagine that I would have a stunning view of Paris from my bird's-eye perch if I were a gargoyle on the world-famous Notre Dame cathedral. I would be able to see the Eiffel Tower rising in the distance, the winding streets of Paris, and the Seine River running through the center of the city from my vantage point.

I would observe throngs of tourists milling about below, taking pictures, and taking in the cathedral's architecture. I might even catch a glimpse of a wedding party emerging from the crowd, as well as the occasional street artist or performer.


Through research, we can state that this assignment did not come from somewhere, that is, there are no recognized authors for this creative descriptive-narrative.

What is a descriptive-narrative?

It corresponds to a text that contains a plot, a place, characters and other elements to tell a story, whether fictional or not, with the purpose of generating entertainment for the reader.

Therefore, this is a text without recognized authorship, which describes in detail the city of Paris from the narrator's point of view and his perspectives, such as the landscape, the sights, the people, etc.

Find out more about descriptive-narrative at:



3. Given below are some more words related to music. Find out the sentences
1. pitch
2. chorus
3. rhythm ​



She was in the middle of every pitch and fully supported each note

He'll become a part of the chorus and sing a song

The style and rhythm, indeed, were not exactly Virgilian

How urdu language helps to learn english


I start by listen to music and reading books that would help you learn English

In duo
7. Evimizdeki tozları daha hızlı ve etkili
şekilde almamızı sağlayan teknolojik alet.​


elektirikli süpürge değil mi?

How does the author reveal RInko's feelings about her mother's behavior.


by telling how Rinko's mother goes to clean house for Mrs. ... Like the author, Rinko knows why a letter from Japan might upset a family member. Like the author, Rinko wishes she were better at reading Japanese writing.

Answer:  by telling how Rinko’s mother was acting like Joji instead of her neat self

ano ang time singnature awiting pilinas kong mahal



3/4 ang time signature ng pilipinas kong mahal

What are Ilokano songs about politics and Nationalism? ​



Tagalog and English for your own preference.


May bagong silang

*There is a new birth

May bago nang buhay

*There is a new life

Bagong bansa, bagong galaw

*a new nation, a new movement

sa Bagong Lipunan

*towards a New Society

Nagbabago ang lahat

*Everything is changing

Tungo sa pag-unlad

*Toward progress

At ating itanghal Bagong Lipunan

*and let us show a New Society

“At kung tayo’y nanahimik

*And if we remain silent

Huwag kayong magalit

*Let’s not get angry

Ang dapat sa atin ay tawagin

*What we deserve is to be called

Mga gago!”


"Subalit hindi ganyan

*But this should not be the case

Hindi tayo dapat ganyan

*We should not stay this way

Marami nang nahihirapan

*Many are suffering

Marami nang sumisigaw

*Many are already screaming

Marami nang namimilipit

*Many are wrenching in pain

Maging ako’y nahihirapan

*Even I am hurting

Kaya ako’y sumisigaw

*That is why I’m shouting



“‘Di ko matanggap

*I cannot accept

ang laman ng pahayagang

*the contents of the newspapers

Walang laya’t walang bibig

*that have no freedom, no voice

Natatakot magbunyag ng totoo

*Scared to speak the truth

Balitang radyo at telebisyon

*Radio and television news

Panay panloloko!”

*are all deceptions!

And this one to




Lupang Hinirang

Lupang Hinirang

Friendly people

Bayang magiliw

Pearl of the East

Perlas ng silanganan

The flame of the heart in your chest is alive

Alab ng puso sa dibdib mo'y buhay

Lupang Hinirang, the cradle of the brave

Lupang Hinirang, duyan ka ng magiting

To the oppressor, you will not be oppressed

Sa manlulupig, di ka pasisiil

In the sea and mountain breeze

Sa dagat at bundok na simoy

And in your blue sky

At sa langit mong bughaw

Success shining

Tagumpay na nagnininging

That star and sun

Ang bituin at araw niyan

It will never get dark

Kailan pa ma'y di magdidilim

Land of the sun of glory and passion

Lupa ng araw ng luwalhati't pagsinta

Life is heaven in your arms

Buhay ay langit sa piling mo

We are happy when there is an oppressor

Aming ligaya nang pag may mang-aapi

To die because of you

Ang mamatay ng dahil sa iyo

hope it helps you ^ ✓^


What question was addressed in United States V nixon?


The question is whether President has an absolute and unqualified executive privilege that allows him to withhold evidence from a criminal trial.

What was the question in United States v. Nixon?

In 1974, the Supreme Court addressed question of executive privilege in the case of United States v. Nixon.  He was subpoenaed to turn over tape recordings and other evidence on Watergate scandal but refused to comply, citing executive privilege.

The Supreme Court ruled that executive privilege is not absolute and that the President must comply with a subpoena for evidence in a criminal trial. This decision was a significant blow to Nixon's presidency and ultimately led to his resignation.

Read more about U.S. vs nixon



Cuál de los mensajes contiene artículo, sustantivo verbo y adjetivo?


Answer: La fria Nevada cayó en la ciudad capital

                Las aves cantan hermosas melodías

Creo que esas son las respuestas, corrígeme si me equivoco....

Panuto: Sagutan ang mga katanungan. Piliin ang tamang sagot sa sa ibaba.

blank 1. Ito ang kursong kinuha ni Pilosopo Tasyo.

blank 2. Ang tanging pagkain na natira sa hapag-kainan nila Sisa dahil inubos lahat ng kaniyang asawa na si Pedro.

blank 3. Ang salitang ito ang naging paksa ni Padre Salvi sa kaniyang pagmimisa na may kaugnayan sa mga kaluluwa ng namatay.

blank 4. Hindi nakauwi ng bahay si Crispin dahil sa ibinibintang na ninakaw niya. Ano ang bagay na ito?

blank 5. Isang uri ng laro na nangangailangan ng talas ng isip.

blank 6. Ang trabaho ni Basilio at Crispin sa simbahan.

blank 7. Ang salitang ito ay nangangahulugang barangay hall sa panahon natin ngayon kung saan nagaganap ang pagpupulong.

blank 8. Isang uri ng kalamidad na nais mangyari ni Pilosopo Tasyo upang mabago ang bulok na lipunan ng mga tao.

blank 9. Isang tungkulin sa bayan noong panahon ng Kastila na katumbas ng barangay chairman sa panahon natin ngayon.

blank 10. Ang hudyat ng pagsisimula ng misa ay kapag narinig na ang tunog na ito. Ano ang tawag dito?

choices: Purgatoryo
Tenyente Mayor

need this asap pls



1. Pilosopiya

2. Tawilis

3. Purgatoryo

4. Onsa

5. Ahedres

6. Sakristan

7. Tribunal

8. Delubyo

9. Tenyente Mayor

10. Dupikal


Happy to help :)

Haydn helped to establish the four of the symphony?​


Haydn contributed to the emergence of the symphony and the string quartet as main vehicles of expression for composers; he wrote over 100 symphonies and almost as many string quartets.

What else did he do?

He also created the sonata rondo form, variation form with two themes, and was the first significant composer to include fugue and contrapuntal elements into the classical form.

The construction of bigger structures from very modest and simple melodic ideas is a major feature of Haydn's work.

Learn more about symphony  at:



Why can't we say that the universe is the result of mere chance ?



"We can not say that the universe is a result of mere chance because everything has a maker. For example, a computer was made by some one; a car was made by some one, same way this universe with all its sight and wonders and treasures was created by the All-Wise, All-Knowing, and the Most Powerful, Allah"


Find the simple subject. The sky look pink and orange. 1.Sky 2.looked. 3.Pink and orange



2 is the answer hope this helps


My mother once said to me; there are two kinds of men you'll meet. The first will give you the life you want and the second will give you the love you desire. If you're one of the lucky few, you will find both in the one person. But if you ever find yourself having to choose between the two, then always choose love.







in romanian

Mama mi-a spus odată; există două feluri de bărbați pe care îi vei întâlni. Primul îți va oferi viața pe care ți-o dorești și a doua îți va oferi dragostea pe care ți-o dorești. Dacă ești unul dintre puținii norocoși, îi vei găsi pe amândoi într-o singură persoană. Dar dacă te vei simți vreodată nevoit să alegi între cei doi, atunci alege întotdeauna dragostea.

जो शब्द कार्य करने के ढंग को बताए वह ....... कहलाता है?
ख) क्रिया विशेषण
ग) विशेषण
क) क्रिया
घ) कोई नहीं​


the is first one kriya vesheshan

pasagot po nyan kaylangan ko po pls
6 7 8 9 10 pls


the Answer:

6.) 1





1.cabeza de barangay


3.ferdinand Magellan

4.prayleng Portuguese

5. polo y servicios

Other Questions
Find the perimeter, in inches, of the parallelogram A pesar de que hombres y mujeres tienen losmismos derechos, qu genera que hayadiscriminacin hacia las mujeres?Seleccione una:a. Condiciones diferentes que colocan a lasmujeres en una situacin de vulnerabilidadb. La culturac. Situaciones diferentesd. Las diferencias biolgicas Please help me I posted this before using all my points and now I'm reposting it Bc no one helped meWhen Sarah was 6 months old, she was 21 in. tall and her head had a diameter of 4.5 in. Now, at 20years old, she is 6 ft. 1 in. tall and her head has a diameter of 7.65 in. If Sarah is typical, should aperson at 20 years of age be considered "similar" to herself at 6 months of age? For all parts of theproblem write an equation and solve, showing ALL the work.a. Find the ratio of height-to-head diameter for Sarah at 6 months old. If the ratio were thesame when she was 20 years old, what diameter would her head have?b. Find the ratio of height-to-head diameter for Sarah at 20 years old. If the ratio were thesame when she was 6 months old, how tall weld she be at 6 months?Draw or add images hereCHow close are the two ratios you found in Part (a) and Part (b)?d. If Sarah were taller or shorter either at 6 months of age or 20 years of age, would this makeher more or less "similar" at those two ages? Explain. During the first month (April 20--), the following transactions occurred. a. Invested cash in business, $18,000. b. Bought office supplies for $4,600: $2,000 in cash and $2,600 on account. c. Paid one-year insurance premium, $1,200. d. Earned revenues totaling $3,300: $1,300 in cash and $2,000 on account. e. Paid cash on account to the company that supplied the office supplies in transaction (b), $2,300. f. Paid office rent for the month, $750. g. Withdrew cash for personal use, $100.Required:Show the effect of each transaction on the individual accounts. Find the GCF. (questions shown in photo) A production facility employs 10 workers on the day shift, 8 workers on the swing shift, and 6 workers on the graveyard shift. A quality control consultant is to select 3 of these workers for in-depth interviews. Suppose the selection is made in such a way that any particular group of 3 workers has the same chance of being selected as does any other group (drawing 3 slips without replacement from among 24).Required:a. How many selections result in all 5 workers coming from the day shift?b. What is the probability that all 5 selected workers will be from the day shift?c. What is the probability that all 5 selected workers will be from the same shift? d. What is the probability that at least two different shifts will be represented among the selected workers?e. What is the probability that at least one of the shifts will be unrepresented in the sample of workers? Fill in the blank...Each element is made up of only one kind of ________ answer asap please!! Has any one read The Night Before the Invasion by Rachel Howard? What type of energy does photosynthesis turn energy from the sun into? Can someone help me. I need to show the box method also can someone show me. GIVING POINTS AND BRAINLIEST!!! what are the consequences of bad netiquette Mr.Rodriguez has 1/2 cake left from his buthday party. He wants to share it among 4 people What fraction represents how much of the cake each of the 4 people will get Pl help its for a grade Why do you think some neighborhoods are more crime ridden than others? Do you think it is the people living there or something about the neighborhood? Why? Under Hebrew law, within the family a. A women had full legal rightsb. Woman were treated as propertyc. a divorce could be granted by request of either the husband or wifeD. The father had supreme authority Which diagram shows photosynthesis with the correct reactants and products?answer:Bexplain:i did the test:)) Fill in the blank with the suitable subordinate conjunction. I waited for my friend___ he arrived. Is there a difference in how a black shirt or a white shirt affects our exposure to us radiation?