Ana y su esposo hicieron una excursión de ecoturismo en la selva y visitaron las islas de san blas.


Answer 1


If you wanted a translation:


Ana and her husband took an ecotourism trip in the jungle and visited the islands of San Blas.

Related Questions




Vestirse: visto, vistes, viste, vestimos, vistenServir: sirvo, sirves, sirve, servimos, sirvenSentirse: siento, sientes, siente, sentimos, sientenSeguir: sigo, sigues, sigue, seguimos, siguenRepetir: repito, repites, repite, repetimos, repitenPreferir: prefiero, prefieres, prefiere, preferimos, prefierenPedir: pido, pides, pide, pedimos, pidenMorir: muero, mueres, muere, morimos, muerenDormirse: me duermo, te duermes, se duerme, nos dormimos, se duermenDormir: duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, duermenConseguir: consigo, consigues, consigue, conseguimos, consiguen




1 limpiar un auto

2.limpiando la mesa

3.cortar el césped

4.)alimentando al perro

5.)ella esta haciendo la cama

6.)guardar los platos


your welcome!

6Raquel está limpiando los trates
27Antonio y Sergio plantan flores

Write one sentence about something that you are going to do using the verb IR and a verb infinitive.


Yo iré a caminar en el bosque.
El próximo sábado voy a nadar en la playa.
Voy a ir con mis amigas a festejar el cumpleaños de nuestro profesor.

Cuando viajes, recuerda que en muchos países desarrollados, ________ los cigarros en lugares públicos cerrados.

se permiten
se permitían
se prohíben
se prohibían


Cuando viajes, recuerda que en muchos países desarrollados, se prohíben los cigarros en lugares públicos cerrados.


Cuando viajes, recuerda que en muchos países desarrollados, (se prohíben)los cigarrillos en lugares públicos cerrados.

The last 3 pleaseee.


Ustedes- conocen

Choose the best Spanish translation.

Do you need some papers?



Necesitas algunos papeles?

Explanation: Hope it helps

Do you need some papers?

Answer in Spanish:

⭐ ¿Necesitas algunos papeles? ✅

I hope I have helped you, greetings! Atte: ||°Miraculer18°||

Translate this please




Our house

Copy and translate the following.

the house of the famdka Márquez Here is the house ok the fomitra Marquez. It is on Calle San Remo, number 77-the house is large, very comfortable, and cream-colored medemaks. In front of the main bridge there is a flower garden and behind the house there is a large patio.

Today there is also a living room, a dining room, a large kitchen, four derrâtorsos, a four bathroom, a study room and a garage next to the house... The house of the Fundes

Marquess is very pretty

words to learn


March 30, 2022



Select the correct verbal form to complete this sentence.

Nosotros no ______ la verdad en el juicio.


Answer: A, Dijimos

Explanation: It is A because all the other ones don't sound right. (my first language is Spanish)

A is correct my first language is Spanish

Su niño
todo. (repetir)





Su niño repite todo.

Su niño repite todo.

Example: (permitir) user el telefono—> Se permite usar el telefono
1 (hacer) mucho ruido
2. (pedir) prestado (to borrow) dinero para la comida
3. (hablar) en voz alta
4. (entrar) sin permiso
5 (andar) descalzo
6 (comprar) sellos


1. Se prohíbe hacer mucho ruido
2. Se pide permiso para hacer algo
3. Tienes que contestar en voz alta
4. Está prohibido entrar sin permiso
5. No se puede andar descalzo
6. i’m not sure sorry

¿Por qué la bruja se
quedó en la boda?


La bruja se quedó en la boda para limpiar
Se queso para limpiar Gracias por los puntos

! ! !!!



i don’t know what you’re asking for exactly

this was due yesterday please help lol-



your (Uds.) yellow chairs - Ustedes sillas amarillas
your (Uds.) black pens - Ustedes bolígrafos negros


Ustedes is used when talking about more than one person, which is why tu is not used.


The colors have an "s" added to the end to make it plural because chairs and pens are also plural. Also, the color comes after the noun in Spanish, so it is "Ustedes bolígrafos negros" and "Ustedes sillas amarillas" instead of " Ustedes negros bolígrafos" and "Ustedes amarillas sillas".

Hope this helped :).

Answer: your (Uds.) yellow chairs - Ustedes sillas amarillas

your (Uds.) black pens - Ustedes bolígrafos negros


Ustedes is used when talking about more than one person, which is why tu is not used.





The colors have an "s" added to the end to make it plural because chairs and pens are also plural. Also, the color comes after the noun in Spanish, so it is "Ustedes bolígrafos negros" and "Ustedes sillas amarillas" instead of " Ustedes negros bolígrafos" and "Ustedes amarillas sillas".


alguien tiene buenas canciones. informe a



si, la respuesta es kodaline hermano



Here comment on this one


The others are maxed

i need someone to make a chooclet flan sound good



Try stressing the syllables or accenting the word.

Answer:Same I love flan



Is "¿Necesitamos a nuestro abogado?" a correct sentence?


Yes it can be that it means We need our Lawyer.
Yes it is a correct sentence

Gramatica B
Present tense of verb -er and -ir verbs


1. Corre

Read and choose the correct option with the stem-changing verb in the preterite tense. Ellos ________ (preferir) comprar un boleto de ida y vuelta. preferimos preferiste prefirieron prefirió


The answer is Prefieren




ellos = they

-ir/-er verbs change into -ieron

remove -ir from preferir and replace with -ieron

How to say "I gave him" In spanish.



Le di


the answer is le di a el meaning i gave him

Use the indicative or subjunctive: Este periódico tiene un artículo que_____
sobre los mitios aztecas. (hablar)



Este periódico tiene un artículo que habla sobre los míticos aztecas

You have been working through a lot of material that includes sorting grammatically correct and incorrect sentences.

Directions: Take a look at the sentences below and create a general rule in your own words that you think could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct in Spanish when using verbs that require spelling changes in the preterite tense.

Hint: Note the subject pronoun.
Pay attention to the type of verb. (-ar, -er, -ir)
Determine the conjugations for regular preterite tense verbs.
See if any patterns occur.

Make your best guess and create your grammar rule for these 3 special types of verbs, then see if your rule applies to the example sentences. We are not looking for a textbook grammar rule, but rather a creation of your own.

Example readings:

Me gusta tocar el violín. Yo toco el violín en la escuela para practicar y yo lo toqué al concierto anoche. ¿Tocaste tú?
A mi amiga toca el violín también. Ayer ella lo tocó conmigo. Tocamos muy bien. ¡Los estudiantes de la escuela visitante no tocaron como nosotros! A veces tocamos tanto que se hinchan nuestros dedos y tenemos que descansar.

¿Jugaste tú deportes o algo más después de escuela? Yo jugué unos videojuegos y después mi familia y yo jugamos afuera. Mi hermano jugó al béisbol con mis padres. Ellos jugaron lanzadora y jardinero (pitcher and outfielder). Mi hermano tiene el asma y necesitó medicamentos para respirar.

Hola amigo, ¿tienes tiempo entre las clases para almorzar? Javier y Julia ya almorzaron a la 1. Yo no almorcé con ellos. Almorzamos en el patio ayer y hacía sol. ¿Almorzaste algo? Es importante comer para que estés sano y en buena forma. Tienen las empanadas de pollo en la cafetería hoy. Julia las almorzó ayer y ella me dijo que las empanadas estaban deliciosas.


Directions: Take a look at the sentences below and create a general rule in your own words that you think could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct in Spanish when using verbs that require spelling changes in the preterite tense.

Hint: Note the subject pronoun.

Pay attention to the type of verb. (-ar, -er, -ir)

Determine the conjugations for regular preterite tense verbs.

See if any patterns occur.

Tocar (to play):

Infinitive: TocarPreterite conjugation (yo): Toqué (ends with -é, which matches the rule)

Jugar (to play) and Almorzar (to have lunch):

Infinitive (jugar): JugarPreterite conjugation (yo): Jugué (ends with -é, which matches the rule)What is the conjugations

Rule: When using the preterite tense for regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs, you usually take off the ending (-ar, -er, -ir) and replace it with different endings that depend on who is doing the action.

Regular verbs in Spanish have specific patterns that change the endings when they are used in different tenses. The preterite tense is a way to talk about things that happened in the past and are finished. To change regular verbs to past tense, you remove the original ending and add a new ending that matches the subject.

Read more about conjugations  here:


PLEASE HELP I GIVE BRAINLIEST LOOK AT THE PICS (spanish work) i put 100 points as well ill report fake answers.


1. El tren salió de Philadelphia a las ocho de la mañana.

2. El tren llegará a Washington DC a las nueve de la noche.

3. El tren salió de Atlanta a las tres de la madrugada.

4. El tren llegará a Washington a las cinco y media de la tarde.

5. El tren salió de Philadelphia a las cuatro y cuarto de la tarde.

6. El tren llegará a Washington a las tres de la madrugada.

7. El tren salió de Nueva York a las tres y media de la tarde.

I need to know what some of the words mean


I’m here for you. I have taken two years of Spanish what words do you need help with.
I’ll help you, just let me know what words.

Ser and estar need help


These are the answers.

1. JULIANA: Imposible mi casa ESTÁ un poco lejos.

2.BRUNO: oh no y ya ESTÁ empezando la clase.

3.JULIANA: además ESTOY enferma.

4: BRUNO: Y tus ventanas ESTAN cerradas?

5:JULIANA: si gracias por preocuparte. Hoy ES jueves.

6: BRUNO: EL es muy simpático.

7:JULIANA: Gracias amigo, por cierto de donde ES el profesor de ciencias

I don't know the others, sorry.

Resuelve los siguientes problemas de transmisión hereditaria.

1. el tomate saladette está determinado por un gen dominante (g) y el tomate cherry por un gen recesivo (g). determina las proporciones de los genotipos y fenotipos de la primera y segunda generación.

2. en los hámsteres el pelaje crema (c) es dominante sobre el pelaje chocolate (c). determina las proporciones genotípicas y fenotípicas si se cruzan un hámster macho pelaje crema heterocigoto con una hembra pelaje chocolate homocigoto.

3. rolando tiene cataratas en los ojos (heterocigoto), caracter que está determinado por un gen dominante (c). su esposa martha tiene ojos normales, ellos tienen dos hijos; daniel que tiene cataratas y marcela de vista normal. ¿cuál es el genotipo de cada uno de los miembros de la familia de rolando?

rolando: ___ ___ martha: ___ ___ daniel: ___ ___ marcela: ___ ___

4. en la calabaza el color blanco de la fruta está determinado por su gen dominante (b) y el color amarillo de la fruta por su gen recesivo (b). determina las proporciones genotipos y fenotipos si se cruzan dos variedades puras de calabazas; una blanca y otra amarilla.



1) Genotype: 50%-Gg-(Phenotype)-Saladette Tomato,50%-gg-(Phenotype)Cherry Tomato

2) 50/50

3)CC(Rolnodo) Cc(Martha&Daniel)cc(Marcela)


Por qué cree que al principito no le parecía tenerlo atado o dentro de la caja


quien sabe teverdad

Hola, pueden ayudarme con esta tarea es para los verbos Ser y estar. Dará 50 puntos


[tex] \black{ \rule{1000pt}{5555555pt}}[tex] [/tex]


no hablo español


to return; to go back
Poder or Volver


volver definitely poder means to go onward im pretty sure !!!!!!!!
A: Volver

Volver means go back.

2. Conjuga los siguientes verbos en presente continuo:
Pedir, vestir, repetir, servir.



1. Pido

2. Visto

3. Repito

4. Sirvo

Please help me :( :(



Its B. Cargar


i know because Im hispanic and it makes sense


Cargar means helps.

also is this flvs?


Other Questions
Which choice is equivalent to the fraction below?56a. 5-6b. 56c. 6 divided by 5d. 5 divided by 6 If Ryan does a job in 10 hours and with the help of Chelsea they can do it together in 5 hours, how long would it take Chelsea to do it alone? Jos had looked forward to his first day of high school for as long as he could remember. Not only would he get to experience interesting classes and a stimulating social life, but he would also be able to enlist in the Student Activities Coordination Committee, which his older sister had been raving about for years.On the first day of day of school, Jos spied a banner for the Student Activities Coordination Club and rushed over to investigate. He found a sign-up sheet for the group and scrawled his name on the list, pondering which activities he wished to plan.At the committees annual inaugural meeting, the president and committee officers introduced themselves and detailed their plans for many of the committees regular activities. Then the president announced that she wanted to create a new activity this year, something to get the group more involved with volunteering and with the community. Jos inquisitively listened to the presidents request.The president asked the members to think of a few ideas to tell at another meeting later in the week. Jos departed from the meeting pondering how his group could positively affect the community. Jos and his family had volunteered many times in the past. His parents had always instilled in him the idea that volunteering is invaluable because it makes the community a better place.Jos tried to draw on his volunteering experiences to help him think of an activity for the committee. Jos reminisced about the time he doled out piping hot meals at a soup kitchen. He contemplated the time he and his dad had planted lush, green trees in the park. Suddenly, Jos recalled another volunteering experience. A number of years ago, he and his family had volunteered at the Bristol County Animal Shelter. While volunteering there, Jos had prepared food, washed animals, and cleaned the cages. He remembered that it was one of his favorite volunteering experiences.Jos realized that the shelter had meager operating funds and that it relied on the generosity of the public to survive. This gave Jos a wonderful idea. He decided to suggest that the committee commence a walk-a-thon to raise money for the animal shelter!At the committee meeting, members presented their ideas to the group. Jos wasnt certain that his idea would be chosen because there were so many worthy causes mentioned by other students. When Jos had his chance to speak, he relayed his experiences volunteering at the shelter and gave a brief overview of his idea for the walk-a-thon; everyone adored his idea.Upon hearing the news of the committees plans, the animal shelter workers were overjoyed. They asked if they could attend the event with some of the animals from the shelter. Over the next weeks and months, Jos led a team of his peers in planning and developing the plans for the walk-a-thon. They designed posters to advertise their cause and displayed them in local establishments all over town. They enlisted the help of their fellow students, friends, and family to find volunteers to walk and sponsors to donate money. They even solicited food and beverage donations so that all participants would have refreshments to enjoy.On the day of the event, hundreds of peopleand a few animalsarrived at the schools track field to complete the walk. The turnout alone almost took Joss breath away, not to mention the enormous sum of money raised for the animal shelter; the event was a huge success. At the end of day, Jos gazed at the scene before him and smiled with pleasure, wondering if anything to come during the rest of his high school career could possibly provide him with a more valuable experience.Upon hearing the news of the committees plans, the animal shelter workers were overjoyed, and they asked if they could attend the event with some of the animals from the shelter. Over the next weeks and months, Jos led a team of his peers in planning and developing the plans for the walk-a-thon. They designed posters to advertise their cause and displayed them in local establishments all over town. They enlisted the help of their fellow students, friends, and family to find volunteers to walk and sponsors to donate money. They even solicited food and beverage donations so that all participants would have refreshments to enjoy.1) Read this paragraph from the draft. Which would be the appropriate ending for this paragraph?A) Jos was excited that the workers were attending the event, and he hoped to see some of his friends from the shelter.B) The plans for the walk were coming together, and Jos and the other committee members waited with anticipation.C) Some of the committee members put together a radio ad about the walk and played it on local stations.D) The committee decided to have some food and drinks available at the walk for the participants. Find the value of x. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. A new club sent out 180 coupons to boost sales for next year's memberships. They provided 4 times as many to potential members than to existing members. How many coupons did they send to existing members? Mrs. Orrie surveyed all classes that he teaches about the three different types of music thay students most listen to. 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Nosotros _______ tarde por estar distrados. (llegar). El es muy _________ para mi. (?) help me please i need help HELP! ASAP! 20 POINTS!