Answer the Question right and get Brainliest.
1a. Which of the following might replace "consumption" (paragraph 3) and not change the meaning of the sentence?
A. editing
B. purchasing
C. viewing
D. surfing

1b. What in the text helped you answer question 1a?

2a. Which is not a concern of the AAP?
A. Excessive media disrupts sleep patterns in young children.
B. Excessive media use may make young children act aggressively.
C. Excessive media use may cause young children to do poorly in school.
D. Excessive media use causes families to spend too much money on media.

2b. What in the text helped you answer question 2a?

3. Why do you think the author presented the AAP guidelines in the form of a bulleted list?

4. Based on your reading of the article, what benefits would you expect children and society to reap if the AAP guidelines were to be followed?

Answer The Question Right And Get Brainliest.1a. Which Of The Following Might Replace "consumption" (paragraph


Answer 1

Answer: the answers are c b


Answer 2
Q1a) C
Q1b) Something in the text that helped me find the word that is able to replace the word, “consumption” is, “The Doctors urge families to enact rules about TV consumption, texting, internet surfing and social media use” This helped me because this is basically saying that doctors want young people to stop viewing much technology (ex. phone, TV, computer, etc).
Q2a) D.
Q2b) I know that that is the answer because in the text it never really says that families spend lots of money due to social media. Rather it talks more about the effects that social media has than that.
Q3) I think that the author presented the guidelines of the AAP as a bulleted list because maybe it’s their way of trying to show what rules they want parents to put on the children.
Q4) If children were to follow the AAP guidelines the children in the society would be way more different. Some of the things that would change is that the children would do better in school than they did before, they would also get more rest, and they would not have aggressiveness towards others.

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i need help with my essay if its not too much to ask for.
i got removed from playing in band class so now i need to write essays on trumpets, trumpet players, etc for it.
this essay is about the origin of the trumpet. here's what i have so far:

The trumpet originated in Egypt and was either made of silver or bronze and was a sacred instrument to only be played in the worship of Egyptian god Osiris. The trumpet was later adopted by Israelites. A spin-off that was produced by Etruscan people was called the lituus. Unlike regular trumpets that were made from different types of metals, the lituus was made/carved from goat horns.

it would be greatly appreciated if you could help me a little.



The trumpet is one of the oldest instruments in the world and has been used in many different styles of music for centuries. It has a rich history full of rich sounds, and its players have made tremendous contributions to jazz, classical, pop, rock, and even hip-hop. To honor these remarkable musicians, this essay will explore the history of trumpet playing and the individuals who have shaped its development.

The first trumpets were large straight horns made of wood, brass, or bronze. These shofar-like instruments were used in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. The modern trumpet was developed around 1500s, when it acquired its familiar elongated shape with a conical bore and a bell at the end. Its sound was used to signal battles and announce kings, as well as play music.

The Renaissance saw the early development of trumpet playing, as it began to be used in courtly music. During this period, virtuoso players began to emerge, creating original music and developing new techniques. This led to the creation of the Baroque trumpet, which was characterized by its high-pitched tone. This allowed the trumpet to soar above other instruments in unison with the voice.

In the late eighteenth century, the trumpet’s role in classical music diminished as the size and range of the instrument changed. However, it regained its attention in the twentieth century when jazz emerged.

The trumpet is a brass instrument that has been played for centuries. Its origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it was used for various purposes such as signaling, religious ceremonies, and military marches. The trumpet has evolved over time, with changes in its design and usage.

The earliest known trumpets were found in Egypt and were made from reeds. They were long and straight, with a narrow mouthpiece at one end and a flared bell at the other. These trumpets were used for signaling and were often played in pairs.

In ancient Greece, the trumpet was made from bronze and was used in religious ceremonies and as an accompaniment to vocal performances. It was also used in military marches, where it served as a means of communication between commanders and soldiers.

During the Middle Ages, the trumpet underwent significant changes in design. The introduction of valves allowed for greater versatility in the instrument's sound, and the trumpet became an important part of orchestral music.

In the 19th century, the trumpet became even more popular as a solo instrument. Composers such as Beethoven and Haydn wrote pieces specifically for the trumpet, and virtuosos like Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis popularized jazz music, which heavily featured the trumpet.

Today, the trumpet is still used in a variety of settings, from orchestras and jazz bands to marching bands and solo performances. Its versatility and unique sound continue to make it a popular instrument among musicians and audiences alike.

In conclusion, the trumpet has a rich history that spans thousands of years. From its humble beginnings as a reed instrument in ancient Egypt to its current status as a versatile and popular brass instrument, the trumpet has undergone numerous changes in design and usage. Despite these changes, however, the trumpet remains an integral part of musical culture and will likely continue to be so for many years to come.

In which step of the writing process would you re-read your writing and add to it or change it to make it better? 1 peer review 2 rewriting 3 revising 4 editing



3. revising


"Step 4: Revising

Read what you have written again. ...

Rearrange words, sentences, or paragraphs into a clear and logical order.

Take out or add parts.

Do more research if you think you should.

Replace overused or unclear words.

Read your writing aloud to be sure it flows smoothly."

revising! when revising text you will reread your own writing and add or take things away when neccesaey

Answer These questions please :)

What is the mood of the poem?

What is the voice of this poem?

What is one use of figurative language and what is the meaning?

I'm so confused, thank you!



story teller


i think its in story teller mode

It’s Storyteller I think

Read each question and discuss it with your classmates. Then write down the answers your group comes up with. If you do not have access to classmates, you may answer each question on your own.
1. Identify the claim and supporting reasons in the essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time" from this lesson.

2. Evaluate how the essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time" uses evidence to back up its supporting reasons. Is some of the evidence more effective than other evidence? Is any of the evidence weak or ineffective?

3. Between the essay, "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time," and the three advertisements you examined earlier, which do you think is the most convincing? Explain your answer.

4. Identify at least two logical fallacies from the essay, "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time," or any of the three advertisements you examined earlier. Explain why each example is a fallacy and how it affects the persuasiveness of the text.


However, I can answer your questions based on my training and knowledge.

1. The claim of the essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time" is that limiting screen time for children is not necessary and can be harmful. The supporting reasons for this claim are that screens can be educational, can improve social skills, and can be used to foster creativity in children.

2. The essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time" uses evidence to back up its supporting reasons. For example, it cites research studies and expert opinions to support its claim that screens can be educational and improve social skills. It also provides anecdotal evidence to support its claim that screens can be used to foster creativity in children. Some of the evidence is more effective than other evidence. For instance, the research studies are generally more convincing than anecdotal evidence. Some of the evidence may be weak or ineffective, such as when the essay cites a survey of parents' opinions rather than actual research.

3. The most convincing text between the essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time" and the three advertisements is subjective and depends on individual opinions. However, based on the evidence presented and the strength of the arguments, some readers may find the essay more convincing than the advertisements.

4. Two logical fallacies that may be present in the essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time" are the appeal to authority fallacy and the strawman fallacy. The appeal to authority fallacy occurs when an argument is presented based solely on the authority of the person making the argument, rather than on the evidence supporting it. The essay may rely too heavily on the authority of the experts it cites without fully explaining the evidence they provide. The strawman fallacy occurs when an argument is misrepresented or exaggerated in order to make it easier to attack. The essay may misrepresent the arguments of those who support limiting screen time by presenting extreme or unrealistic versions of their arguments. These fallacies can weaken the persuasiveness of the text by misleading readers and failing to provide strong evidence to support the claims.
In the essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time," the claim is that parents should not limit screen time for their childrenEffective evidence should be relevant, credible, and well-supported, such as citing research studies or expert opinions. The persuasive power of each piece of writing or advertisement depends on various factorsLogical fallacies can weaken the persuasiveness of a text by undermining the credibility and validity of the arguments presented.

In the essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time," the claim is that parents should not limit screen time for their children. The supporting reasons are likely to be the arguments or points presented in the essay to back up the claim. Since I don't have access to the specific content of the essay, I cannot provide the exact supporting reasons, but they could include arguments related to the educational benefits of certain screen time activities, the importance of digital literacy, or the positive impact on children's social skills.

Without access to the essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time," I cannot evaluate the specific evidence used in the essay. However, effective evidence should be relevant, credible, and well-supported, such as citing research studies or expert opinions. Weak or ineffective evidence might be based on personal anecdotes or unsupported claims that lack factual basis.

Since I don't have access to the essay and the three advertisements you examined earlier, I cannot compare them directly to determine which one is the most convincing. The persuasive power of each piece of writing or advertisement depends on various factors, such as the strength of the arguments, the quality of evidence presented, and the appeal to the target audience.

As I don't have access to the essay "Why Parents Should Not Limit Screen Time" or the three advertisements you examined earlier, I cannot identify specific logical fallacies from those texts. However, common examples of logical fallacies might include ad hominem attacks, where the author attacks the character of their opponents instead of addressing their arguments, or appeal to authority, where the author uses the endorsement of an authority figure without providing substantial evidence. Logical fallacies can weaken the persuasiveness of a text by undermining the credibility and validity of the arguments presented.

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The author probably wrote this article in order to __________.
A.Explain why cosmetic surgeons are researching limb replacement
B.Suggest that a bionic hand could not be made to look like a natural one
C.Highlight the differences between a bionic hand and a natural one
D.Inform readers about the development of bionic hands for three men

Milorad Marinkovic, age 30, lost the use of his right hand in a motorcycle accident in 2001. He never thought he'd be able to control a prosthetic as naturally as he controlled his unaffected hand. Neither did his doctors. But in 2011, Marinkovic replaced his injured hand with a bionic one. It responds to thought, just as a natural hand does.

The patients then needed to learn to use faint signals from those nerves to command the artificial hand. Now, the men use their new, bionic hands to perform everyday tasks. They can pick up a ball, handle small items like coat buttons and shoelaces, and cut food with a knife.

Previously, people with bionic hands have primarily controlled them with manual settings. But with the new groundbreaking technique, the transplanted nerves allow the brain to relay messages directly to the new extremity. It's particularly notable since the human hand contains sophisticated muscle structures and a complex nerve system, making it especially difficult to copy.

Dr. Oskar Aszmann of the Medical University of Vienna developed the bionic reconstruction approach with some of his coworkers. He performed the first surgery in April 2011 on an Austrian named Patrick, then age 24. (Patrick declined to give his last name.) He had lost the use of his left hand as the result of a work injury three years earlier.

"This is the first time we have bionically reconstructed a hand," Dr. Aszmann said at the time. "If I saw these kinds of patients five to seven years ago, I would have just shrugged my shoulders and said, 'There's nothing I can do for you.'"

Aszmann's team described the cases of the three men in a report published in the journal Lancet in February 2015. All three men had suffered injuries to the brachial plexus. This is a network of nerves running from the spine to the shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand, and it controls movement in these areas.

Injuries had left the hands of these men paralyzed. They opted to undergo the elective amputation only after having the bionic hand strapped onto their injured hand. This allowed them to see how the robotic one might work.

Now, after the surgery, Marinkovic loves his new hand. It allows him to hold things like a sandwich or a bottle of water—and most importantly, to play with his three children. Still, the bionic hand is not the same as a natural one.



The answer is D


The passage is saying three different peoples stories and they are all about Bionic hands

The answer js d inform readers about the development of bionic hands for three men

Answer the Question right and get Brainliest.
1a. Which of the following is not a synonym for the word "sanitized" (paragraph 4)?
A. clean
B. germ-free
C. unhealthy
D. disinfected

1b. What in the text helped you answer question 1a?

2a. Why did the International Institute for Species Exploration come up with a top-ten list of new species?
A. Scientists are fond of making lists.
B. They wanted to honor Carl Linnaeus.
C. There were only ten new species discovered in 2013.
D. They hoped this idea would draw people's attention to biodiversity.

2b. What in the text helped you answer question 2a?

3. Paragraph 2 begins like this: "Generally, people sense that much of the news about wildlife species is discouraging." What fact contributes to this attitude?

4. What fact makes scientists hopeful that they will discover many more species in the future?



1a. C. unhealthy

1b. The word "not" in the question indicates that the correct answer is the opposite of the other answer choices. The text describes how sanitization is used to remove unhealthy germs and bacteria, making option C the opposite of the others.

2a. D. They hoped this idea would draw people's attention to biodiversity.

2b. The text states that the top-ten list was created "to draw attention to the biodiversity crisis and the unsung species explorers and museums who continue a 250-year tradition of discovering and describing the millions of kinds of plants, animals, and microbes with whom we share this planet."

 1)  The fact that contributes to this attitude is that many species are declining in numbers or are at risk of extinction due to human activities, such as habitat destruction and climate change. The text states, "Human pressures on wildlife are typically negative, and species that adapt well to our presence tend to be those we consider pests or invaders."

2)   The fact that makes scientists hopeful is that there are still many unexplored and remote areas on the planet where new species may exist. The text states, "There are still vast unexplored areas, particularly in the ocean depths and in tropical forests, where new species can be discovered." Additionally, advances in technology and genetic analysis are helping scientists to identify new species that may have been previously overlooked.


1b. When it kept on putting the word in a positive tone. So I matched it with the words given and looked at the roots of the words. In which unhealthy is worded in a negative outlook.
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