As a f______ i have to travel to a lot to find interesting places for my movies


Answer 1

As a film producer, I have to travel to a lot to find interesting places for my movies.

I hope this helps; have a great day!

Related Questions

How is the rhythm in a lyric poem created?

A. by playing music when the words are read

B. by stressing certain words or syllables

C. by writing down the syllables

D. by emphasizing the number of words in the poem


Answer:  B


Hope this helped

CAN YOU PLZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME ON THIS ESSAY ITS ABOUT ( Write about a daily routine (getting ready for school, what you do after school or on weekends )



here hehe


I always wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I do some exercises then I put my clothes on and prepare my school bag. Next, I have my breakfast and wait for the school bus. At 8 o'clock I go to school and start my first class then I go to the second class. Than third. Than fourth, Than fifth, Than sixth, than lastly 7th. I go home, do my homework, finish it. Go outside play basketball with friends.  Go home. Watch TV. Than go on my phone to answer questions on brainly!

please can someone help my assignment in English.​



1.) Breaking the Fourth Wall, Second Person, Imperatives

2.) Repetition

3.) Rhetorical Question

4.) I'm unsure, but some form or rallying? Personal Pronouns. Creating a connection between the speaker and the audience.

5.) Emotive Words. Adjectives

6.) Exaggeration

— Hope this helps! Brainliest appreciated ♥

In this argument in favor of recycling, which sentence introduces the counterargument?
A-By recycling and reusing the resources we have, we can preserve what untouched natural resources we have while extending the life of the resources we are currently using.
B-Admittedly, we cannot reuse or recycle all of the materials we use in our daily lives.
C-However, this is not an “all or nothing” scenario.


The correct answer is B, it introduces the counter argument by stating "we cannot reuse or recycle all the materials we use in our daily lives."




This starts by saying the limitations on such "Admittedly, we cannot reuse..."

You were walking on the road when you saw some boys pelting stones at a puppy. You saved the puppy from

the bullies and took it to an animal shelter. Write a diary entry about the incident describing your feelings.

(how you felt when you saw what the boys were doing…. the condition of the puppy…how you saved it… what

medical care was given to it)

friends plz help me out​



Dear diary,

I was walking home from school one day and decided to take a different route to school,little did i know,i walked right into a couple of boys throwing rocks at a poor puppy.Its was a horrible sight,the puppy was whimpering,I felt so bad for that poor puppy so i told those mean boys to stop before i call the police on them for animal cruelty.The boys ran off,scared to be caught,I knelt down to make sure the dog was ok.Lucky he was still breathing.A rush of relieve went through my body,I called the animal hospital and they picked him up instantly,i rode with him to the hospital and they said he had a couple cuts from the stones and then they patched him up and said "We'll look after him till he's better"I said "ok" .I walked home and thought what would've happened if i didn't stop them?...

What effect does the structure of events have on the reader? How would the effect change if the negative outcomes had been avoided?



It effects the reader because the tone in the story can effect their emotions and certain words can have a different effect. The reader becomes more upset and negative when reading about negative things. The reader would feel more positive if the book talked about more positive things because of the same reasons it would effect someone in a negative way; certain tones and words

anyone juul cuz they cuul B)



i gotta juul but i be takin a break rn cuz im always at school :)



i dont have one but i see alot of folks getting them now still dont want 1 one btw lol


Write an Informational paragraph explaining the consequences of global warming on polar bears. Be sure to try and persuade the American people of ways the polar bear population can be saved. This paragraph needs to include 2 cited facts. This must be a minimum of 8 sentences long. I need the recourses too



Global warming is affecting many species on our planet, including polar bears .

Some species can respond to the changing global climate by changing their distribution — the area that a species lives and moves within. For example, many species of birds in North America are moving their distributions northward as the climate changes.

Other species are unable to adjust to changing conditions and therefore become extinct . For example, the golden toad used to be found in the tropical cloud forests of Costa Rica, but are now thought to be extinct. Scientists have collected evidence which shows that the golden toad was probably driven to extinction by climate change , because the forests became too dry for them to survive.

golden toads

The golden toad probably went extinct when the forests became too dry for this species.

As for the polar bears, they spend most of their time on floating sheets of sea ice  hunting for their favorite food, seals. But as the Arctic  has warmed in recent years, the ice is melting earlier. This gives the bears less time to hunt. So some bears might not be able to build up the fat they need to survive the rest of the year.  

We can all contribute to reducing climate change, and therefore help polar bears and other endangered  species. A significant cause of climate change is the emission of polluting gases from burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. Fossil fuels are burned when we use electricity or drive our cars, among other things.

polar bear on ice floe

The number of polar bears is dropping. Further global warming could threaten the entire species.

Here are just a few important things we can do to help reduce global warming:

Use our cars less (walk or take public transport whenever possible)

Use energy  efficient light bulbs (these are available in most household stores — encourage your parents and teachers to buy them!)

Recycle  more and avoid products that have lots of packaging.

Turn off electric devices when you're not using them.


All these actions will help reduce the amount of pollution we create. And don't forget, when you get older you will have the opportunity to vote for politicians that support taking action to reduce global warming.

Explore More:  

How is global warming affecting animals that are Living on Ice in the Arctic?

Find out how global warming is endangering the planet's species and habitats in Going, Going... Gone?

Kids talk about how melting ice is threatening polar bears in this video, The Sea Ice is Melting!


did anyone buy this from teachers pay teachers: Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children COMPLETE Unit Plan





yh i did tell me what u need and i will hlp u




the last one i think hope this helps

Wat are sum stratiges in preparing for a response test?



read the question and underline key words as well as absolute words as in "never", "all", and "always."

try and answer the question without reading the answers.

read and consider all of the answers.

narrow down answers that make no sense.

look for clues in other questions in the test.


i hope this helps u

Please help, I looked at this 19 times.



Constitution, And United States needs to be capitalized.


United States is what I saw that needed to be capitalized. I thought 'the' might need to be capitalized but I believe not. Sorry if this is wrong.

B. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the following
"Qualitative approach can never be accurate and reliable. Hence, it is
less important than quantitative research and should only be used as a
supplement to the latter. It is also impossible for quantitative approach to
supplement qualitative approach."





This guide tells you everything you need to know about qualitative and ... Many incorrectly think the two terms can be used interchangeably. ... The very way in which they tell us about what they do, tells the ... Use quantitative research methods such as A/B testing for validating or choosing ... Previous Next » .

Please help

I'm not sure!

If your answer is right, I'll give you brainlieat



its D thank you


hope it helps

The correct answer to this problem is D

Does experience define maturity? why or why not?



I would personally say no.


I would say that it does not define it because maturity is a stage. It is not something you can have happen otherwise it would be forcing and not actual maturity. Hope this helped <3


in my opinion, no because just because you have experience on something doesn't suddenly mean that they are mature. I think its someones personal experiences that make them mature.


Hope this helped :)

Which of these statements from the article provides the STRONGEST support for the idea that segregated schools are unfair for poor minority students?

The proportion of such schools — where more than 75 percent of children receive free or reduced-price lunches and more than 75 percent are black or Hispanic — climbed from 9 percent to 16 percent during the same period.
High-poverty, majority-black and Hispanic schools were less likely to offer a full range of math and science courses than other schools, for example, and more likely to use expulsion and suspension as disciplinary tools, according to the GAO.
"Segregation in public K-12 schools isn't getting better; it's getting worse, and getting worse quickly, with more than 20 million students of color now attending racially and socioeconomically isolated public schools," he said in a statement Tuesday.
The persistence of racial divisions in the nation's public schools was underscored Friday when a federal judge ordered a Mississippi district to integrate its middle and high schools, capping a legal battle that had dragged on for five decades.


I think it might be B because it's the only one that mentions how these specific schools suffer, but I could be off

Read the excerpt from Chapter 4.
Anne of Green Gables

by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla had decided to adopt a boy to help on their farm called Green Gables. When a girl, Anne, arrives, they are surprised. In this excerpt, Anne has just awoken after her first night at Green Gables.

Anne could evidently be smart to some purpose for she was down-stairs in ten minutes’ time, with her clothes neatly on, her hair brushed and braided, her face washed, and a comfortable consciousness pervading her soul that she had fulfilled all Marilla’s requirements. As a matter of fact, however, she had forgotten to turn back the bedclothes.

“I’m pretty hungry this morning,” she announced as she slipped into the chair Marilla placed for her. “The world doesn’t seem such a howling wilderness as it did last night. I’m so glad it’s a sunshiny morning. But I like rainy mornings real well, too. All sorts of mornings are interesting, don’t you think? You don’t know what’s going to happen through the day, and there’s so much scope for imagination. But I’m glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day. I feel that I have a good deal to bear up under. It’s all very well to read about sorrows and imagine yourself living through them heroically, but it’s not so nice when you really come to have them, is it?”

“For pity’s sake hold your tongue,” said Marilla. “You talk entirely too much for a little girl.”

Thereupon Anne held her tongue so obediently and thoroughly that her continued silence made Marilla rather nervous, as if in the presence of something not exactly natural. Matthew also held his tongue,—but this was natural,—so that the meal was a very silent one.

As it progressed Anne became more and more abstracted, eating mechanically, with her big eyes fixed unswervingly and unseeingly on the sky outside the window. This made Marilla more nervous than ever; she had an uncomfortable feeling that while this odd child’s body might be there at the table her spirit was far away in some remote airy cloudland, borne aloft on the wings of imagination. Who would want such a child about the place?

Yet Matthew wished to keep her, of all unaccountable things! Marilla felt that he wanted it just as much this morning as he had the night before, and that he would go on wanting it. That was Matthew’s way—take a whim into his head and cling to it with the most amazing silent persistency—a persistency ten times more potent and effectual in its very silence than if he had talked it out.

When the meal was ended Anne came out of her reverie and offered to wash the dishes.

“Can you wash dishes right?” asked Marilla distrustfully.

“Pretty well. I’m better at looking after children, though. I’ve had so much experience at that. It’s such a pity you haven’t any here for me to look after.”

“I don’t feel as if I wanted any more children to look after than I’ve got at present. You’re problem enough in all conscience. What’s to be done with you I don’t know. Matthew is a most ridiculous man.”

“I think he’s lovely,” said Anne reproachfully. “He is so very sympathetic. He didn’t mind how much I talked—he seemed to like it. I felt that he was a kindred spirit as soon as ever I saw him.”

“You’re both queer enough, if that’s what you mean by kindred spirits,” said Marilla with a sniff. “Yes, you may wash the dishes. Take plenty of hot water, and be sure you dry them well. I’ve got enough to attend to this morning for I’ll have to drive over to White Sands in the afternoon and see Mrs. Spencer. You’ll come with me and we’ll settle what’s to be done with you. After you’ve finished the dishes go up-stairs and make your bed.”

Anne washed the dishes deftly enough, as Marilla who kept a sharp eye on the process, discerned. Later on she made her bed less successfully, for she had never learned the art of wrestling with a feather tick. But it was done somehow and smoothed down; and then Marilla, to get rid of her, told her she might go out-of-doors and amuse herself until dinner time.

Question 1
Part A

What is a theme of Anne of Green Gables?

Some people can find ways to stay positive under any circumstances.

It's easy to adhere to a decision once one has committed to it.

It's difficult to imagine possibilities when life has been hard.

Children should be given the opportunity to express themselves.
Question 2
Part B

Which detail from the story best supports the answer to Part A?

“‘I’m pretty hungry this morning,’ she announced as she slipped into the chair Marilla placed for her.”

“Yet Matthew wished to keep her, of all unaccountable things!”

“‘But I'm glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day.’”

“Who would want such a child about the place?”



Answer:  Question 1 ) Some people can find ways to stay positive under any circumstances

Question 2) “‘But I'm glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day.’”

Explanation: Anne, is in indeed a kindred spirit. She's delightful and outgoing. Her loving nature and bold attitude makes her the light of the room. despite the odds she finds happiness and joy in most anything.

For question 2, Anne expresses her points of view on the mornings weather. Her babbling is actually just her being herself and voicing her own thoughts.  This point of view shows, even on a rainy morning she can still find the joy others may lack in seeing.

Hope this is helpful :)


Answer:  Question 1 ) Some people can find ways to stay positive under any circumstances

Question 2) “‘But I'm glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day.’”


I'm pretty sure it's correct, but I could be totally wrong. Again, sorry if I'm wrong.

PLZ HELP!!!! write a short fiction story.


What is the story about

what do you imagine latina food to be like without knowing what it actually tastes like?



A burrito with spicy Taco Bell sauce


Answer: I’d imagine it just by looking at it probably. Like, a taco. You could look at what’s in it (peppers, beef, etc.) Then imagine what they taste like. Or, If you haven’t eaten a pepper/beef/cheese before, you could think about where it came from. Like, southern food is kind more cajun, meaning it’s cooked a little longer. Think about how latina food is made. Is it cooked a little shorter? Is it charred a bit?

Hope this helps ya, god bless

can you answer this please
1. from the letter, we know that
A. sheila was lost
B. cindy met sheila and her friends
C. Rose could meet sheila on her holidays
D. Sheila didn't want to meet Rose
E. Rose hated to meet Sheila with Cindy
2. Please, let me know when your plans are DEFINITE...
The DEFINITE word has similar in meaning to
A. right
B. fuzzy
c. sharp
d. insure
e. certain
3. The word "cheers" can be replaced with
A. regards
b. yours sincerely
c. dear
d. hopefully
e. lots of love​



1. B

2. E

3. This one is a bit confusing but it could be E as cheers means good wishes


I hope this is correct. Good luck

both media producers and their intended audience have ____.
A. agendas
B. biases
C. media tools
D. testimonials


I pretty sure it’s B

Identify the point of view represented by each of these sentences. Then select the sentence that is most likely to appear in a reflective essay, based on its point of view.
Select one:
a.He now knows the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.
b.She now knows the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.
c.You now know the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.
d.I now know the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.








took the test

Read the passage. Then, rewrite the passage to correct any mistakes in spelling and
Coach told us we should
stay lose before the championship match, and that
we should think soothing thoughts. "The best way to lose a big game is to
forget to have fun," he said. "That's one of the main principals I stick to: Enjoy
yourselves. Now, the other team is over their in there locker room. They're
jumping around and screaming, but that's not who we are. We're laid-back
dudes. That's why last year when I took this job, I choose a surfing beagle as
our mascot. Now let's go out there and have a swell time. Who's with me?"

And please don’t just copy the text it’s really annoying I just need a little help I’ll even give out the BRAINILY thing



Coach told us we should stay lose before the championship match, and that we should think soothing thoughts. "The best way to lose a big game is to forget and have fun," he said. "That's one of the main principals I stick to: Enjoy yourselves." Now, the other team is over there in their locker room. They're jumping around and screaming, but that's not who we are, we're laid-back dudes. That's why last year when I took this job, I choose a surfing beagle as our mascot. Now let's go out there and have a swell time. Who's with me?

(I was kinda confused since it didn't make sense for me, so it was kinda wonky, but I hope this helps <3 )

Coach told us we should: Stay loose before the championship match, and that we should think soothing thoughts. “The best way to lose a big game is to forget to have fun,” he said, “That’s one of the main principals I live by.” Enjoy yourselves. Now, the other team is over there in their locker room. They’re jumping around and screaming, but that’s not who we are; we’re laid back dudes. That’s why laser when I took this job, I chose to be a surfing beagle as our mascot. Now, let’s go out there and have a swell time! Who’s with me?

identify one question from pages 45-48 that best shows the perspective of napoleon ​



I don't know but here is some where you can go to get information (Wikipedia/Napoleon ) is some information about Napoleon


what is the Classification and Usage of Thimble


Classification of thimble:

The extraction thimbles are divided into three types according to different materials. Three kinds of filters commonly used in the world are cellulose extraction thimble, glass fiber extraction thimble, and quartz fiber extraction thimble.

Usage of Thimble:

A thimble is an object used to protect the finger and push the needle through the fabric or leather when sewing. The earliest known use of the word is 15th century, but the word is Old English in origin, and related to the word for thumb.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

Which sentence uses the
semicolon correctly.?
A. Brent slapped me on the back when I left the
office; for the weekend.
B. The coffee pot shut off, I would like another
C. When the clock gets to five minutes past the
hour; the class will begin.





B is the only one that connects two sentences.

Answer: I’d say B (I assume the “,” is supposed to be a semicolon since the other answer options have semicolons)

Explanation: For B, you could both say “The coffee pot shut off. I would like another cup.” as well as “The coffee pot shut off, I would like another cup.”, which is where the semicolon comes in.

please help me I only have 7 minutes to do this



D most likely





Fall of the House of Usher, excerpt
By Edgar Allan Poe

Upon my entrance, Usher rose from a sofa on which he had been lying at full length, and greeted me with a vivacious warmth which had much in it, I at first thought, of an overdone cordiality—of the constrained effort of the ennuyé1 man of the world. A glance, however, at his countenance convinced me of his perfect sincerity. We sat down; and for some moments, while he spoke not, I gazed upon him with a feeling half of pity, half of awe. Surely, man had never before so terribly altered, in so brief a period, as had Roderick Usher! It was with difficulty that I could bring myself to admit the identity of the wan being before me with the companion of my early boyhood. Yet the character of his face had been at all times remarkable. A cadaverousness of complexion; an eye large, liquid, and luminous beyond comparison; lips somewhat thin and very pallid, but of a surpassingly beautiful curve; a nose of a delicate Hebrew model, but with a breadth of nostril unusual in similar formations; a finely moulded chin, speaking, in its want of prominence, of a want of moral energy; hair of a more than web-like softness and tenuity;—these features, with an inordinate expansion above the regions of the temple, made up altogether a countenance not easily to be forgotten. And now in the mere exaggeration of the prevailing character of these features, and of the expression they were wont to convey, lay so much of change that I doubted to whom I spoke. The now ghastly pallor of the skin, and the now miraculous lustre of the eye, above all things startled and even awed me. The silken hair, too, had been suffered to grow all unheeded, and as, in its wild gossamer texture, it floated rather than fell about the face, I could not, even with effort, connect its Arabesque expression with any idea of simple humanity.

In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherence—an inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy—an excessive nervous agitation. For something of this nature I had indeed been prepared, no less by his letter, than by reminiscences of certain boyish traits, and by conclusions deduced from his peculiar physical conformation and temperament. His action was alternately vivacious and sullen. His voice varied rapidly from a tremulous indecision to that species of energetic concision—that abrupt, weighty, unhurried, and hollow-sounding enunciation—that leaden, self-balanced and perfectly modulated guttural utterance.

Read the following line from the text:

The now ghastly pallor of the skin, and the now miraculous lustre of the eye, above all things startled and even awed me.

What does the author mean by startled and even awed in this sentence? (5 points)

Surprised and distressed
Angered and enraged
Offended and insulted
Pleased and comforted



Surprised and distressed


The excerpt shown above shows the reaction of the narrator to seeing the state in which Usher was in, which was completely different from what the narrator remembered and in addition, it was an ugly, uncomfortable appearance that left the narrator startled and awed, that is, he left him with a sense of anguish and surprise to see Usher in that state.

"Fall of the House of Usher" is a short story written by Edgar Alan Poe. In this short story we get to know the moment when the narrator decides to visit his friend, Usher, and when he arrives at the house he finds himself in a dark, mysterious and terrifying place that emits an evil and frightening atmosphere, just like Usher himself.


Surprised and distressed


Hope this helps

Why will random samples from a given population not have the same mean? O Sample means will vary because the data values selected for samples are not randomly chosen. O Sample means will vary because for each sample the same data values are selected. O Sample means will vary because the data values are randomly selected from different populations. O Sample means will vary because the data values selected for each sample will be different.​



D.) Sample means will vary because the data values selected for each sample will be different.

[ It is like the large pool, so if you pick some fishes from certain area might be very different from the fish of another area, in the same pool ]

Hope this helps!




It's d on edge

Select the choice from the answer choises and put it in the box
Matt promised his parents that he would both clean his room () help with the yard work.
a. but
b. and
c. nor
d. or


it would be B i hope this helps:)
Other Questions
2. What is one effect of convection currents in the mantle? A. forming deep-water currents in oceans B. cooling the rocks of the crust C. providing energy to drive the water cycle D. transferring heat from Earth's interior to the crust in the sentence below from paragraph 3 what is the word staple mean What is the important question that the nation struggled with from 1789 until the Civil War? Alexis bought 4 cupcakes that cost $1.05 each. She paid with a five dollar bill. How much change did Alexis receive? Most Chinese governments after the Han dynasty used civil service exams to select people for positions within the government. How did these exams contribute to the success and stability of China throughout the Middle Ages?The people who wanted government jobs took the exams as a formality-to make it seem that they were qualified for the job.The people who could pass the tests generally had the knowledge and skills to fulfill their duties as goverment officials.The people from wealthy, powerful families attended the best schools and therefore maintained their power in society.The people who finished the test in the allotted time could be expected to work quickly to accomplish tasks. The value of the computer decreased exponentially throughout the five-year period.What was the average annual of decrease (in dollars per year) over the two-year interval from t=2 to r=4?table:_Time___/_Value__1 / $400.003 / $100.005 /$25.00 Romeo and Juliet play questionsWhat are the key plot events and characters?How would a Shakespearean audience have viewed the play?What did you think about the play and why? compare metaphor and simile Why must you use the HEIGHT of the parallelogram, NOT the length of the slanted side of the parallelogram, to determine its area? What is the y coordinate? How are plastic containers different from paper containers? Pythagorean Theorem is annoying.. 17.) Which of the following statements is FALSE about mutations?a. They are almost always harmfulb. They can be caused by exposure to radiationC. Some mutations can be beneficiald. They change the genetic code by inserting, deleting, or substituting bases HELP ME!!!Project: Modeling potential and kinetic energy Assignment SummaryFor this assignment, you will develop a model that shows a roller coaster cart in four different positions on a track. You will then use this model to discuss the changes in potential and kinetic energy of the cart as it moves along the track.Background InformationThe two most common forms of energy are potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the stored energy an object has due to its position. Kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. An objects kinetic energy changes with its motion, while its potential energy changes with its position, but the total energy stays the same. If potential energy increases, then kinetic energy decreases. If potential energy decreases, then kinetic energy increases.Potential energy related to the height of an object is called gravitational potential energy. Gravitational potential energy is directly related to an objects mass, the acceleration due to gravity, and an objects height.Materials One poster board per student Drawing utensilsAssignment InstructionsStep 1: Prepare for the project.a) Read the entire Student Guide before you begin this project.b) If anything is unclear, be sure to ask your teacher for assistance before you begin.c) Gather the materials you will need to complete this project.Step 2: Create your poster.a) On the poster board, draw a roller coaster track that starts with one large hill, then is followed by a valley and another, smaller hill.b) Draw a cart in four positions on the track as outlined below.i. Draw the first cart at the top of the first hill. Label it A.ii. Draw the second cart going down the first hill into the valley. Label it B.iii. Draw the third cart at the bottom of the valley. Assume that the height of the cart in this position is zero. Label it C.iv. Draw the last cart at the top of the second, smaller hill. Label it D.c) Make sure that your name is on the poster. Step 3: Type one to two paragraphs that describe the energy of the cart.a) Type one to two paragraphs describing the changes in potential and kinetic energy of the cart. Be sure to discuss how the potential and kinetic energy of the cart changes at each of the four positions along the track, and explain why these changes occur.b) Make sure your name is on the document.c) Later, you will submit this document through the virtual classroom.Step 4: Evaluate your project using this checklist.If you can check each criterion below, you are ready to submit your project. Did you draw a model of a roller coaster track with one large hill, a valley, and a smaller hill? Did you draw a cart on the track in the four required positions AD? Did you label the cart at each of the four positions? Did you type a paragraph describing the changes in potential and kinetic energy of the cart at each of the four positions on the roller coaster track? Did you explain why the changes in potential and kinetic energy occur?Step 5: Revise and submit your project.a) If you were unable to check off all of the requirements on the checklist, go back and make sure that your project is complete.b) When you have completed your project, submit your poster to your teacher for grading. Be sure that your name is on it.c) Submit the typewritten document through the virtual classroom. Be sure that your name is on it.Step 6: Clean up your work space.a) Clean up your work space. Return any reusable materials to your teacher and throw away any trash.b) Congratulations! You have completed your project. What scientist discovered the process of transformation? What do you think is the primary reason why the Unionid mussel population declined whenever there is a dramatic increase in the Zebra mussel population? How many miles will Mrs. Garcia drive in eight hours if she is traveling 65 mph? _ miles A 1. Explain the key difference between permutations of three out of agroup of seven objects and combinations of three out of a group ofseven objects. Sheffield Corp. sells its product for $70 per unit. During 2019, it produced 60000 units and sold 50000 units (there was no beginning inventory). Costs per unit are: direct materials $15, direct labor $12, and variable overhead $1. Fixed costs are: $720000 manufacturing overhead, and $90000 selling and administrative expenses. The per unit manufacturing cost under absorption costing is Function Notation: f(x)= -4+22; f(12)