Can I introduce you ______ my grandfather?


Answer 1

Can I introduce you to my grandfather?

Answer 2
The answer should be “to”

Related Questions

Complete the letter with the correct form of say or tell.
who is
Dear Stephanie,
I'm writing to (1) about the discussion I had with my father last
weekend. We talked for several hours and I
him all
about the plans we've made for our business. At first, he wasn't
interested, he (3)
he didn't think we were old enough to
run a business. However, I (4)
him that we had already
seen the bank
manager, ,
that the plan seemed
realistic. So then he sat down and asked me (6)
how much money we'd need to start with, and where we'd sell the stuff we made
and so on. Eventually he 171
to me 'OK, it's a good
plan. (8)
Stephanie that I'll lend you some money to
get started.' Honestly, I couldn't believe he (19)!
Isn't it great? I'm really looking forward to seeing you next week so we can
talk to him together and get things going.
All the best,








6-To Tell




List and Explain the three levels of Public Sector ​



Organization. ... Levels of Public sector are organized at three levels: Federal or National, Regional (State or Provincial), and Local (Municipal or County).


give me five correlatives​


both/and, either/or, neither/nor, not/but, not only/but also


साँझमा सूर्यको गति हेरेर के सिक्न सकिन्छ ?​



s this is correct correct

1) A:你现在觉得小李怎么样?
B:我们在一起工作了3个月,不知不觉_ 2)A:你来北京多长时间了?B:时间过得真快,不知不觉我_
3)A:终于做完了,太累了!B:不知不觉 _



I don't understand a single word

can anyone please tell in English what is want to write here​


It is introduction.

1. My name is ______.

2. I am a _____.

3. I am ____ years old.

4. I study in ________ school.

5. My father's name is ________.

6. My mother's name is _______.

7. I study in ______ class.

8. I like _______ colour

9. I like eating ______ very much.

10. My friend's name is _______.

This is what it wants to say.

If you want any more help in Hindi, just ask.

I will give you some word meanings also:


मेरा my

नाम name

है is


मैं I

एक a/one

हूं am


मैं I

साल year/years

का of

हूं am


मैं I

स्कूल School

में in

पढ़ता study (masculine)

पढ़ती study (feminine)


मेरे my (respected masculine or plural, means the person you are talking about is masculine, not you)

पिता father

का of

नाम name

है is


मेरी my (respected feminine or simple feminine, means the person you are taking about is feminine, not you)

मां/माताजी mother (It is optional like mom and mother, the later one is formal)

का of

नाम name

है is


मैं I

कक्षा class

में in

पढ़ता study (masculine)

पढ़ती study (feminine)

हूं am


मुझे I

रंग colour

पसंद like

है is


मुझे I

खाना eat

बहुत very

पसंद like

है is


मेरे My (masculine, means the person you are talking about is masculine, not you)

मेरी My (feminine, means the person you are taking about is feminine, not you)

दोस्त friend

है is

हमें संस्कृत क्यों पढ़नी चाहिए ?​


sanskritभारत के विभिन्न प्रान्तों में विद्यालयों में भाषा सम्बद्ध नीति समान नहीं है। कहीं दो भाषाएँ पढ़ाई जाती है तो कहीं तीन। उनमें जो एक भाषा सब प्रान्तों में अनिवार्य रूप में पढ़ाई जाती है वह अंग्रेजी है। अधिकांश पढ़े लिखे लोगों के 62 वर्षों के अथक प्रयत्नों के पश्चात् भी हमारे देश के 10 प्रतिशत लोग अंग्रेजी समझ पाते हैं और 1 प्रतिशत बोल पाते हैं। 100 प्रतिशत भारतीयों की मातृभाषा कोई न कोई भारतीय भाषा है, जिनकी जननी संस्कृत है। यदि संस्कृत को सभी प्रान्तों में अध्ययन के लिए अनिवार्य भाषा बनाया होता और अंग्रेजी इतना परिश्रम संस्कृत सीखने पर किया होता तो भारत के सभी लोग आपस में जुड़ जाते और क्षेत्रीय भाषाओं को समझ पाते। बिना संस्कृत जाने आप भारतीय भाषाओं का पूरी तरह से आस्वाद नहीं उठा सकते। उदाहरण के रुप में ‘वन्दे मातरम्’ इस गान को लिया जाए। इसमें मूल बांग्ला शब्दों की तुलना में संस्कृत शब्द अधिक हैं। इस कारण अधिकतर जनता ‘वन्दे मातरम्’ को संस्कृत गीत मानती है। ‘जन-मन-गण’ इस गीत की स्थिति भी ऐसी ही है। क्या बिना संस्कृत जाने राष्ट्रगानों का अर्थ समझ में आ जायेगा?

भारत की सभी भाषाओं पर अंग्रेजी, फारसी, अरबी इत्यादि विदेशी भाषाओं का आक्रमण जारी है। वार्तापत्र, दूरदर्शन एवं दैनिक व्यवहार में मिली जुली भाषा का प्रयोग बढ़ता जा रहा है। ऐसी ही स्थिति रही तो भारत की किसी भी भाषा को शुद्ध बोलना अधिकांश लोगों के लिए असंभव हो जायेगा। इस संकट का एक कारण है मण्डी में आनेवाली विविध नूतन वस्तुओं के लिए नामों का भारतीय आविष्कार उपलब्ध न होना। इस कार्य को संस्कृत भाषा माध्यम से निश्चित पूरा किया जा सकता है। 1700 धातु 22 उपसर्ग और 20 प्रत्ययों के आधार पर संस्कृत में अनगिनत शब्दों का सृजन किया जा सकता है और भारतीय भाषाओं को बचाया जा सकता है। वर्तमान में 27 लाख 20 हजार शब्द संस्कृत भाषा में प्रयुक्त होते हैं। वें अर्थवाही हैं। उदाहरण के लिए हृदय शब्द को लीजिए। इसमें प्रथम धातु है हृ याने हरण करना, दूसरा है दा याने देना और तीसरा है य याने घुमाना। यह तीनों कार्य हृदय करता है।


hope it will helps


you should learn sanskrit so that you will always know about the bravery of our great ancestors,historical personalities and to preserve our natural heritage.

What is the typical Nepali word for the word opposite?




the typical nepali word for the word opposite is विपरित .

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.



thx bro


Thanks! I’ll keep this in mind

Trình bày tiểu luận tiếng HÀN như thế nào?


U need translation or what?

. Imaginá cómo es el Centro Psiquiátrico de Investigación de Tendencias Regresivas. ¿A quiénes
encierran ahí y cuál es el objetivo?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, tu pregunta está incompleta. Se te olvidó incluir información importante como si es que estás hablando de un libro o una novela. ¿A qué novela te refieres? No lo mencionas.

Tampoco mencionas el nombre del autor. ¿¡Cuál es la fuente, quién lo escribió?

Sin embargo, tratando de ayudarte, hicimos una investigación profunda y podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Al parecer te estás refiriendo a un lugar dentro de la novela "El Peatón," escrita por el autor Ray Bradbury.

De ser así, entonces yo me imagino el Centro Psiquiátrico de Investigación de Tendencias Regresivas, como una institución futurista, con modernas instalaciones y tecnología de punta, pero a la vez como un lugar sombrío, frío y desalmado.

¿A quiénes encierran ahí y cuál es el objetivo?

En ese lugar encierran a las personas que son diferentes y que son potencialmente riesgosas para la estabilidad y el control de la sociedad. Como el gobierno no quiere correr riesgos, encierra a las personas que son distintas por considerarlas peligrosas para mantener el control de los demás miembros de la sociedad.

Es por eso que cuando el personaje de la novela "El Peatón," Leonard Meade, va caminando un noche por las calles de la ciudad en el año 2053, es detenido por una patrulla de policía y lo interrogan.

Después de interrogarlo, deciden llevárselo al Centro Psiquiátrico de Investigación de Tendencias Regresivas, para analizar su comportamiento.

Ray Bradbury fue un escritor norteamericano, quien también escribió la famosa novela "Fahrenheit 451,"en 1953.  

तलका प्रश्नको लामो उत्तर लेख :
क) 'आमा' कवितामा कविले आमाको महत्त्वलाई कसरी देखाएका छन् ?



itratranslate po bah yan?

Turning in someone else's work as your own. *
A. The Ghost Writer
B. The Photocopy
C. The Potluck Paper
D. The Poor Disguise
E. The Labor of Laziness
F. The Self-stealer
G. The Forgotten Footnote
H. Misinformer
I. The Too-perfect Paraphrase
J. The Resourceful Citer
K. The Perfect Crime​



Actually, all of the above are types of plagiarism, or turning in someone else's work as your own. They just describe different ways people go about it.


Hope this helped!

उमा मेहमानों के सामने जरा करीने से आए​




what language is this?

2.1. Watter tipe spreker het ons in hierdie gedig​



Hi I don't know this language so I am going to tell you that you are going to be kicked in this


You are a loser

sawarasenaikimiwa⛓shoujonano ✨bökùwâÿariçhiñbįcchīńoosûdàyo



I'm gonna haft to translate this ig.

Help, I give colonite :(



1. Have you ever played Sudoku?

2. He has worked here ever since he moved in this city.

3. Has he finished making the pizza yet?

4. My parents in England have not been to an island yet.

5. His brother has ridden on the streets

1. Kelsey has gone to Dublin to live three years

2. Denis has swum two hours

3. Camila has written a letter to her ________. (I can't write this particular world because Brainly doesn't permit me)

4. They have tried to approve the class

5. We have won the competence yesterday

Hope this helped!

Panuto: Markahan ang iyong mga gawaing nagpapalalim ng iyong pananampalataya sa antas na 1 hanggang 5, kung saan ang pinakamataas. Gawin ito sa iyong sagutang papel
1. Pagdarasal sa pook-dalanginan
2. Paglahok sa pangrelihiyong pagdiriwang
3. Pagpapatawad sa nakagawa sa iyo ng pagkakamali
4. Pagpapakain sa nagugutom
5. Pakikipag-usap sa mga kasing-edad tungkol sa iyong relihiyon
6. Regular na pagpunta sa mga spiritual leaders
7. Araw-araw na pagdarasal
8. Regular na pagninilay silay at pagmumuni-muni
9. Pagdalaw sa may sakit
10. Pagdalaw sa mga ulila at matatanda​



mamarkahan niyo lng po yan kung ano ung pinakamataas at pinakamababa para sa inyo

explain the purpose of one law/legislation that protects citizens against the poor service delivery​



The Consumer Protection Act, protects the consumers against the poor service delivery. Explanation: ... This act promotes a fair, accessible and sustainable place for consumer to avail services. This act established the national norms and standards to ensure consumer protection act


When planning to retell a story in ASL, it's important for your plan for signing to include

a detailed sketch of all finger signs

a list of possible audience members

an attention to English word order

an understanding of the main idea


An understanding of the main idea. If not the an attention to English word order

When planning to retell a story in ASL, it's vital for the plan for signing to include D. An understanding of the main idea.

What is ASL?

ASL simply means American Sign Language and it's used to communicate with people that has hearing difficulties.

In this case, when planning to retell a story in ASL, it's vital for the plan for signing to include an understanding of the main idea.

Learn more about ASL on:

tell the opposite of these words
• pauvre
• loin
• contente
• belle
note that these are French words ​



pauvre, loin, heureux, belle


pauvre remains the same

loin remains the same

belle remains the same

pasagot po please!

ito po ung no.5 hindi po kase kasya

5.labis ang INILAGAY NA SANDATA SA KAMAY ng mga prayle at mga may katungkulan sa mga sawinpalad.
b.pagbigay ng sandata










yan lang

Learn a language with me for free! Duolingo is fun, and proven to work. Here’s my invite link:​



I alr have Duolingo





Here is mine!

In one of the secret language, HSGXSV Mean by doctor. What about the pencil in that language?


You should probably look it up. Or maybe it’s not a thing I’ve never heard of it.

Yo-yo and her mother are both characterized by the complex to face decide whether each county applies only to yo-yo only to her mother or do both characters


I didnt understand ur question

paano mo maiignay sa tunay na buhay ang mga pangyayari sa akdang napagaralan 100 words po sana plssss


Kfbemsifneid dieneiene is due eissjeneiee

viết chủ đề : 谈一次课外活动(去哪儿、怎么去、什么 时间去、怎么过)



do u need translation ?




Basahin ang mga pahayag sa ibaba Sunun kung alin sa dalawang
pahayag ang nagtataglay ng kalinawan kaugnayan at bisa Isulat ang sagot sa
saning kuwaderno
Pahayag B
Sa kasalukuyan, nasisira na
ang ating kapaligiran
Nakatatakot dahil nakasalalay
nito ang ating kaligtasan
Kailangan ang pagtutulungan
para alagaan ang kalikasan
Pahayag A
"Mahirap at nakakatakot ang kasalukuyang
panahon Kung pagmamasdan nating maig
ang kapaligiran ay makikita natin na unti
unti nang nasisira ang ating mahal na
kalikasan. Nakakatakot at talagang
nakakabahala dahil delikado ito sa
sangkatauhan Nasisira na ang ating
kagubatan, yamang tubig maging ang nasa
karagatan at ang kapaligiran dahil sa mga
lapastangan na ganid sa pera. Mahirap pero
hindi pa huli ang lahat Magtulungan tayong
ipamulat sa ating kapwa ang kahalagahan
sa pag-aalaga sa kalikasan. Ito ay ating








" (speech marks or also known as quotation marks)

Phân biệt đường aldose và cetose


tất cả
Anđehit được định nghĩa là monosaccarit có khung xương cacbon có nhóm chức anđehit. Chúng chủ yếu được tìm thấy trong thực vật. Ketose là một monosaccharide có khung xương carbon có nhóm xeton. Chỉ khi có đường khử, chúng mới có thể đồng phân hóa thành aldose.

Hy vọng điều này sẽ hữu ích và nếu nó có, đừng ngại đánh giá câu trả lời của tôi cũng như có thể cho nó một "Cảm ơn"? (Hoặc thậm chí tốt hơn một "Não nhất"). Và nếu nó không chính xác, tôi xin lỗi vì đã làm mất thời gian của bạn và chúc bạn may mắn tìm được câu trả lời chính xác :)
Other Questions
use the function below to find f(3)[tex]f(x) = \frac{1}{3} \times {4}^{x} [/tex] What is the coefficient in the expression 5x2 +3 ?OA. 2OB. 3OC. 5OD. x What is the line of symmetry for the parabola whose equation is y = -x2 + x + 3?x = -1x = -1/2x = 1/2 From what year did 3.5G enter Vietnam? help me plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Why do people hate Jesus? Which two lines in this excerpt from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet foreshadow the tragic fate of Romeo and Jullet?FRIAR LAURENCE: So smile the heavens upon this holy act,That after hours with sorrow chide us not!ROMEO: Amen, amen! but come what sorrow can,It cannot countervail the exchange of joyThat one short minute gives me in her sight:Do thou but close our hands with holy words,Then love-devouring death do what he dare;It is enough I may but call her mine.FRIAR LAURENCE: These violent delights have violent endsAnd in their triumph die, like fire and powder,Which as they kiss consume: the sweetest honeyIs loathsome in his own deliciousnessAnd in the taste confounds the appetite:Therefore love moderately; long love doth sO;Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.Next When an AC source is connected across a 17.0 resistor, the output voltage is given by v = (190 V)sin(50t). Determine the following quantities. (a) maximum voltage V (b) rms voltage V (c) rms current A (d) peak current A (e) Find the current when t = 0.0045 s. anyone know how to do this?? Today, the government measures income by calculating the number of people living in poverty. In what year were poverty rates the highest? according to the text, the three essential qualities of a speaker is called________. Howard Bowen is a large-scale cotton farmer. The land and machinery he owns has a current market value of $11 million. Bowen owes his local bank $9 million. Last year Bowen sold $10 million worth of cotton. His variable operating costs were $8 million; accounting depreciation was $40,000, although the actual decline in value of Bowen's machinery was $60,000 last year. Bowen paid himself a salary of $50,000, which is not considered part of his variable operating costs. Interest on his bank loan was $400,000. If Bowen worked for another farmer or a local manufacturer, his annual income would be about $30,000. Bowen can invest any funds that would be derived if the farm were sold to earn 10% annually. (Ignore taxes.)Required:a. What is Bowen's accounting profit?b. What is Bowen's economic profit? halamang ornamental na di namumulaklak Which rhetorical device is used in this text? From A Room of One's Own whats the factor:81x3-3000 A tree was 14 3/8 inches tall when it was first planted. Two years later, the tree was 21 1/8 inches tall. how much did the tree grow in the two years In this excerpt, Queen Elizabeth relies heavily on a rhetorical appeal to ETHOS to establish that she has the qualities of a strong ___________.I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma of Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm; to which, rather than any dishonor shall grow by me, I myself will take up arms, I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field.queengeneralleader rewarderplease answer only if you have actually taken the test. Raja Melaka mengurniakan kawasan pegangan ini kepadapembesar tempatan ialah _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Which country had the second largest sphere of influence in China? Rahul sits in a chair reading a book. Which force is equal to the force Rahul exerts on Earth?