Can someone help me please

Can Someone Help Me Please


Answer 1




exclusive means like a one time place/offer

Related Questions

Using examples from Act 3, describe in a detailed response how this scene develops the theme
you identified. Why do each of the characters react as they do and how does this reveal and
enhance Shaw's messages to the audience?


Answer and Explanation:

This question is about "Pygmalion"

Act III presents the moment when Eliza, after being trained by Pickering and Higgins, presents herself in high society. Although she exhibits very admirable behavior and speaks with impeccable diction and pronunciation, she ends up revealing her true nature when talking about the family and leaving the subject to which she had been taught. This develops the theme, as it shows that we have not been able to change who we truly are, with a new "outfit" and beautiful words, as our true nature will always reveal itself, when we least expect it.


The answer is that even though you can have beautiful exterior and have all the correct pronunciation what is underneath will still always be the same.


Throughout the text she is correctly pronouncing the words and she has very polite and mannerly actions when she starts to tell about her past and stories of her life she starts to become back what she was. This means that even though you can hide who you are and pretend you are someone else your true self will always come back out. This is the main theme of the story that is developed throughout this scene.

PLEASE HELPS ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Liar! Liar!

You need to write a story about something that happened to you, whether real or not. Write out the story (no more than 3 minutes) and then videotape yourself telling the story. You need to use delivery marks when writing the story and your gestures should be used during your videotape. Post both the video and the written story to this assignment. (This was adapted from the Liar! Liar! Workshop in your packet if you'd like to see the original assignment.) The key thing is that the video must be believable even if the story isn't true!! Your delivery must make it appea



"Liar! Liar!" I shouted to my brother as he was running out the door. He took the last cookie and I knew it. He said he did not but I know he did. "Oh my god! I did not take it (insert name here)." He yelled back as he was driving away. He quickly pulled out of the driveway and down the street. I followed him but it was no use.



"Liar! Liar!" i said as Guchi pulleed me in. The boiling hot water burned my sin as i regreted following him. Guchi was my best freind that i truted but he betrad me. My last toughts before dying were, "i will take reveng for what you have done even if i turn into a gost".

Which division problem is modeled below?


D or 3.6 divided by 4 is modeled

Which statement best describes the effect of parallelism in a speech? It helps the audience remember a key word or phrase. It draws attention to a point by repeating a fact over and over. It helps engage the audience by adding rhythm and balance. It encourages the listener to think about the point the speaker is making.



It encourages the listener to think about the point the speaker is making.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.




what is the difference between before and now​



See explanation!


When using the term before, you are referring to something that has most likely happened in the past, specifically prior to another event. For example, your 15th birthday would happen before your 16th birthday because your 15th birthday would come first. Another example would be when you think about how you get ready for your day. You would most likely get dressed before you leave your house in the morning.

When using the term now, you are referring to what is happening at this exact moment in time. For example, if I was driving at the moment then I would say, "I'm driving right now." If you were in math class and someone called you and asked what you were doing, you'd say, "I'm in math class now." Hope this helps!

Perception is _____. a picture you have of yourself, in light of how others view you the ability to interact with others in a manner that is honest and appropriate for the situation, individuals, and task the revealing of information about yourself that has been hidden the process of using our beliefs, thoughts, and observations to gather information about surroundings and people



Perception is the process of using our beliefs, thoughts, and observations to gather information about surroundings and people, it's this one, because it's what you believe, and understanding to a sense :3



What are the prepositions in the following sentence?-
The boys might have cooperated if they had not been chosen last.





Noah began racing go-karts when he was just six years old. Noah has traveled to other states to race, win, and finish in the top five, an impressive accomplishment
for anyone but especially for a young driver. He now races a 1934 Ford Legends Coupe, a car that weighs 1.000 pounds and goes faster than 100 miles per hour.
Noah regularly competes against drivers who are three times older than he is, but he does not let that intimidate him. He explained in one news article. "I have been
racing against older people all my life. When you strap on a helmet, you are no longer a 13-year-old kid, you are a racecar driver. The other drivers don't treatme
like a kid. They treat me the same as the other drivers on the track." He has the nickname "Little Gator" partly because of his size and partly because of Gatorland's
sponsorship over the last several years.
In paragraph 2, Noah says, "I have been racing against older people all my life. When you strap on a helmet, you are no longer a 13-year-old kid, you are a racecar
What is the implicit meaning of his words?
O Everyone on the racetrack is equal.
Older racers are embarrassed to compete against a kid.
l am very talented because I am able to race against adults.



the first one


Histograms. Practice - Level F
In which rainforest tree layer would you most
expect to spot a harpy eagle?
Harpy Eagle Sightings
harpy eagle
Number of Harpy Eagles
Emergent Layer: 40+ meters
Understory: 10 - 29 meters
10 - 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59


Answer:Consists foa biological parent, a stepparent, and the children of one or both parents.


Just ninety sense a bag correct the two errors



Just ninety cents a bag


11. Why would scarcity and choice most likely be basic economic problems for all
A. Because resources are widely available, so consumers must choose which resources
they prefer to use.
B. Because resources are limitless, and people have unlimited choices that can cause
C. Because resources are not always available, and consumers must decide which
resources to purchase.
D. Because resources are limited, but people's wants are unlimited.


Jehdh morning I am so I don’t think it was ok for

In which profession would you most likely find the type of jargon used in this paragraph?


According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 99 percent of all Americans are literate. While most people think of literacy as simply having the ability to read and write, Teachers Network Policy Institute member MetLife Fellows claims that literacy encompasses communication through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The four are interrelated, so development in one area impacts development in the other three.'" In which profession would you most likely find the type of jargon used in this paragraph?

answer choices









The profession that this jargon would be found is in the academic profession because it talks about teachers and other technical terms that relates to them.

Academics is anything that has to do with formal education.

Profession which is  most likely find the type of jargon used in this paragraph is:

Option A


As indicated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), close to 100% of all Americans are proficient. While a great many people consider education basically being able to peruse and compose.

Teachers Network Policy Institute part MetLife Fellows asserts that proficiency envelops correspondence through perusing, composing, talking, and tuning in. The four are interrelated, so improvement in one region impacts advancement in the other three.

The calling that this language would be found is in the academics calling since it discusses educators and other specialized terms that connects with them.  Scholastics is whatever has to do with formal schooling.

For more information, refer the following link:

In the context of the text, what obstacles did Wilma Rudolph overcome to become an
Olympic gold medalist? How do you think she was able to overcome these obstacles?
Describe a time when you overcame something difficult to succeed. How were you able
to overcome your obstacle?


Answer: A time when I overcame something difficult to succeed is when I was going somewhere important with my mom and I had to wear a dress. The dress had a big hole in it and I didn't have any other dress to wear so my grandma teach me how to sew the dress back together to the point you won't, see the stitches and that how I was able to overcome my obstacle.


please help 20 points


The best answer choice is C
The best answer choice is c

Ode to the West Wind

by Percy Bysshe Shelley

O WILD West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being—

Thou from whose unseen presence the leaves dead

Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,

Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,

5 Pestilence1-stricken multitudes!—O thou

Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed

The wingèd seeds, where they lie cold and low,

Each like a corpse within its grave, until

Thine azure2 sister of the Spring shall blow

10 Her clarion3 o'er the dreaming earth, and fill

(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)

With living hues and odours plain and hill—

Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere—

Destroyer and Preserver—hear, O hear!

15 Thou on whose stream, 'mid the steep sky's commotion,

Loose clouds like earth's decaying leaves are shed,

Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean,

Angels of rain and lightning! they are spread

On the blue surface of thine airy surge,

20 Like the bright hair uplifted from the head

Of some fierce Mænad,4 ev'n from the dim verge

Of the horizon to the zenith's height—

The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge5

Of the dying year, to which this closing night

25 Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre,6

Vaulted with all thy congregated might

Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere

Black rain, and fire, and hail will burst:—O hear!

Thou who didst waken from his summer-dreams

30 The blue Mediterranean, where he lay,

Lull'd by the coil of his crystalline streams,

Beside a pumice7 isle in Baiæ's bay,

And saw in sleep old palaces and towers

Quivering within the wave's intenser day,

35 All overgrown with azure moss, and flowers

So sweet, the sense faints picturing them! Thou

For whose path the Atlantic's level powers

Cleave themselves into chasms, while far below

The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear

40 The sapless foliage of the ocean, know

Thy voice, and suddenly grow gray with fear

And tremble and despoil themselves:—O hear!

If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear;

If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee;

45 A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share

The impulse of thy strength, only less free

Than thou, O uncontrollable!—if even

I were as in my boyhood, and could be

The comrade of thy wanderings over heaven,

50 As then, when to outstrip thy skiey speed

Scarce seem'd a vision,—I would ne'er have striven

As thus with thee in prayer in my sore need.

O lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!

I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!

55 A heavy weight of hours has chain'd and bow'd

One too like thee—tameless, and swift, and proud.

Make me thy lyre, ev'n as the forest is:

What if my leaves are falling like its own!

The tumult of thy mighty harmonies

60 Will take from both a deep autumnal tone,

Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,

My spirit! be thou me, impetuous one!

Drive my dead thoughts over the universe,

Like wither'd leaves, to quicken a new birth;

65 And, by the incantation8 of this verse,

Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth

Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!

Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth

The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,

70 If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?


1 Pestilence: a deadly infectious disease.

2 azure: sky blue.

3 clarion: clear, sharp sound.

4 Maenad: a crazed worshipper of Dionysius, the Greek god of wine and revelry.

5 dirge: a mournful song sung or played at funerals.

6 sepulchre: ('sep-el-cur) tomb.

7 pumice: volcanic rock.

8 incantation: magic spell.



im sorry what is this im comfuzed can you just put one questoin plz


A friend has sent you a letter. She finds school subjects difficult and she has problems with her
teachers and classmates. Write a brief letter giving her some advice.​



Hey friend, heard you been having some trouble with people in class and such. I don't want to pry my nose into something that isn't any of my business but I just want to let you know that I'm here for you. Don't let what other people say or do upset you, just keep doing what you need to do. Focus on your career and keep trying to make yourself better at it, use that as your motivation to get through the day. With enough motivation and manifesting, you can be one of the best at what you do, just strive for better days. We are so young and still have so much life to live so let's keep on keeping on.

The letter giving her some advice to the friend who has problems in dealing  with her teachers and classmates is stated as below.

What is letter?

A letter is a written communication sent through a medium from one person to another. Something being epistolary denotes that it is a letter-writing format.

The letter is stated as follows:-

"Dear friend, I've heard you've been having some issues with classmates and whatnot. I don't want to intrude on matters that are beyond of my purview, but I simply want you to know that you have my support. Keep doing what you need to do, and don't allow what other people say or do bother you. Use your profession as your incentive to get through the day by concentrating on it and making efforts to improve in it. You can excel at what you do if you put enough effort into manifesting and being motivated."

Therefore, As stated above, the letter is her way of providing a friend who struggles with her professors and peers some guidance.

Learn more about letter here;


write a notice for the notice board asking the students of your school to donate in kind for the victims of a recent natural disaster​



Notice writing for a school donation.



                                         ABC PUBLIC SCHOOL

                                                   NEW DELHI

                                                   21 May 2017

This is to inform any interested students that there will be a donation drive for the victims of the recent floods and landslides that occurred in Uttarakhand. Nothing is less or not worthy. So, please make sure to donate anything you can. It can be money, books, clothes, toys, medicines, food, anything.

The donation drive will be initiated by each class monitor starting from next week. There will be a box kept in each classroom for the students to drop off their donations. Feel free to contact any of the class monitors if you have any queries.


Ravi Sharma

School co-ordinator.

Taking all of these examples together, the reader can assume that van Gogh appeals more to working men because he didn’t pretend he was better than them. What type of characterization would this be considered?




I believe its implicit


Because Implicit characterization is when you let reader’s infer a character’s traits from his or her appearance, actions or speech.

this a question i was brought to if ur Christian do u support lqbtq+ knowing the bible has been re-written so many times how do u believe things that are fake ?

and why do u dislike them when it say not to hate in the bible?



Christians pick and choose what they want to beleive/support in the bible. I'm christian and I completely support LGBTQ+ I also support BLM and women empowerment. The bible is old, it was written ages ago, back then times were different. Now that things have changed Christians have decided what they support or don't support.


im a christian and i dont support that but it not my choose and i cant judge or hate someone for that i might not agree with that but i dont have a say its there life  

pick the odd man out
A. just
B. fair
C. equitable
D. biased
E. honest


D biased.
D is the “odd man out”

Which of the following is NOT a central theme explored in The Call of the Wild? the effect of the environment on character the quality of men the value of work the passing of time



I'd say the passing of time probably.


Hope this helps :)

How effective is the argumentative structure that
King uses to persuade his audience? Use details
from the text to support your answer.



ExplanatiKing’s claim is that segregation must end.

King uses grounds and warrant to strengthen his claim.

King provides opponents’ counterclaims.

King rebuts counterclaims with strong language and facts.

King provides a conclusion.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech is considered one of the most effective examples of persuasive rhetoric in American history. King's argumentative structure is highly effective in persuading his audience to support his call for racial justice and equality.

What is a speech by Martin Luther King Jr.?

King begins his speech by acknowledging the historical context of racism and discrimination in the United States and establishing the urgency of the civil rights movement. He then uses a combination of emotional appeals and logical arguments to persuade his audience. King uses vivid imagery and powerful metaphors, such as "the chains of discrimination" and "the sunlit path of racial justice," to evoke strong emotional responses from his listeners.

Hence, Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech is considered one of the most effective examples of persuasive rhetoric in American history. King's argumentative structure is highly effective in persuading his audience to support his call for racial justice and equality.

Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. here.


2. PART B: Which TWO pieces of evidence from the text best support your answer to Part A?
wan TUO 100
A. "The best way to learn about something is to live it." (Paragraph 2yuma
B. "Some people wouldn't think twice about smashing such low quality items to
bits for decorating Steampunk Jewelry..." (Paragraph 5)
C. "...when a lamp has to be filled and cared for, one is naturally more mindful of
when it's really needed, instead of simply using it by habit." (Paragraph 7)
D. "Clothes are incredibly intimate. They influence how we move..." (Paragraph 13)
E. "Some things can only be learned by experience repeated so often it becomes
od monone second nature." (Paragraph 21) novembro
F. "How wearing long skirts can become an extra sense for experiencing the world,
the way cats use their whiskers." (Paragraph 21)


F. How wearing long skirt can become an extra sense for experience the world

The two pieces of evidence from the text that best support the answer in Part A are mentioned below.

What does the given paragraphs suggests?

C. “…when a lamp has to be filled and cared for, one is naturally more mindful of when it's really needed, instead of simply using it by habit.” (Paragraph 7) - This supports the idea that owning and caring for an item can make a person more mindful of its value and usefulness, as they have invested time and effort into it.

D. “Clothes are incredibly intimate. They influence how we move…” (Paragraph 13) - This supports the idea that owning and wearing clothes that are well-made and fit well can enhance a person's quality of life, as they are more comfortable and able to move freely. It also suggests that investing in quality clothing can lead to a better understanding and appreciation of the value of well-made items.

Learn more about such paragraphs, here:


What was happening an hour ago? Complete te sentences below. Use the Past Continuous.
1- I was...
2- My friends were...
3- The teacher was....
4- I wasn't....
5- My friends were..



1. I was paying attention to class an hour ago.

2. My friends were talking to each other.

3. The teacher was writing on the blackboard.

4. I wasn't using my phone.

5. My friends were discussing what to do after class.


The Past Continuous tense has the following structure:

subject + past form of "be" + main verb with -ing

The past form of the verb "be" is either "was" (I, he, she, and it) or "were" (you, we, and they).

The Past Continuous is used to talk about actions that happened for a period of time in the past, that is, actions that started and lasted for a while. The examples below help illustrate that:

- I was cooking pasta when my mother arrived.

- Nina wasn't answering her phone, so I called her sister.

- Were you watching TV instead of studying?

31) Which best describes the different purposes of these two passages?
The first passage is meant to inform readers about
A) the new park, the second passage is meant to relate
one personal reaction to the park.
The first passage is meant to critique the creation of
an expensive new park, while the second passage is
meant to defend its construction,
The first passage is meant to suggest improvements
for the contents of the park, while the second
passage is meant to argue for a new park to be built.
The first passage is meant to entertain readers with
details of one person's reaction to the park, while the
second passage is meant to relate the facts of the
park's construction,


B The fist passage is meant to critique from the creation

please help me this one



In the Explanation


They should be banned because many kids spend too much time on it and do not have enough time to socalize or play outside. It keeps them working all day.

It helps kids get better jobs in the future. It shows kids good work ethic and prepares them for upcoming tests. These tests can help them for college. Assignments help kids prepare for college, as the work will increase.

16. How much time passes in the short story by Kate Chopin, “A Story of an Hour?"
a. 1 minute
b. 1 hour
C. 1 day
d. 1 week


Answer: b. 1 hour


“A Story of an Hour'' tells a story of a woman who has just found out that her husband had died in an accident. She immediately mourns him but after some reasoning decides that his death has given her a new sense of freedom and a new lease on life.

When she comes out however, she finds that the husband was alive after all and this caused her to have a heart attack which killed her. The events of this story happened in the space of an hour which is where the book gets its title.

which word has a similar denotation to the word thrifty but a more negative connotation?
a. economical
b. stingy
c. cost-conscious
d. prudent


i believe it’s b stingy

Can someone write me 1 paragraph of Black Lives Matter I will make u Brainly



We are expansive. We are a collective of liberators who believe in an inclusive and spacious movement. We also believe that in order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities. We must ensure we are building a movement that brings all of us to the front.

Which type of note taking is shown in the example above?


Answer: It is a summary

The type of note taking is shown in the example above is summary. The correct option is A.

The chapter summarizes crucial details regarding Kate Chopin's early life, such as her birth, the early death of her father, her living situations, and her schooling.

The note summarizes the passage's main themes and key facts without explicitly citing or paraphrasing particular lines.

It gives a brief summary of the information offered in the original source. As a result, the note-taking in this scenario may be classified as a summary.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding summary, visit:


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