Character is what you are in the dark. " –Dwight Lyman Moody"I suppose all old soldiers are the same," said Mrs. White. "The idea of our listening to such nonsense! How could wishes be granted in these days? And if they could, how could two hundred pounds hurt you, father?" "Might drop on his head from the sky," said the frivolous Herbert. "Morris said the things happened so naturally," said his father, "that you might if you so wished attribute it to coincidence. " "Well, don't break into the money before I come back," said Herbert as he rose from the table. "I'm afraid it'll turn you into a mean, avaricious man, and we shall have to disown you. " —"The Monkey's Paw," W. W. Jacobs What event does this passage foreshadow?a. the white family winning two hundred pounds in the lottery b. the family getting their money at a great cost c. mr. white becoming a greedy man d. the family getting all of their wishes answered at the same time


Answer 1


This passage foreshadows the family getting their money at a great cost. The mention of the two hundred pounds being able to hurt Mr. White, and Herbert's comment about the money turning him into a "mean, avaricious man," both suggest that there may be negative consequences associated with the family's acquisition of the money. Additionally, the story's title, "The Monkey's Paw," also suggests that there may be a sinister or dangerous element to the family's wishes coming true


Please correct me if wrong

Related Questions

Descriptive Writing

Describe moving from a stressful place to one which is peaceful.



As I stepped out of the bustling airport terminal and into the warm, tranquil air, my senses were immediately flooded with a sense of relief. The honking horns, blaring announcements, and frenzied chatter that had surrounded me for hours were replaced by the gentle rustling of palm trees and the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, feeling the weight of my stress and worries begin to lift from my shoulders. The sun was setting in the sky, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape and giving everything a soft, dreamlike quality. The air was thick with the scent of salt and sea, and I could feel the humidity clinging to my skin like a comforting blanket.

As I made my way towards my destination, I couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast between this peaceful paradise and the stressful place I had just left behind. The chaos and noise had been replaced by a soothing serenity, and the energy of the city had been replaced by the calmness of the ocean.

As I settled into my new surroundings, I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me. I was grateful for this moment of peace and tranquility, for the chance to slow down and reconnect with myself. In this peaceful place, I knew that I could take the time I needed to heal and find my way back to a sense of balance and harmony

Brutus is the main character in the play, Julius Caesar. Select one: O True O False​


Answer: True


Despite its title, Brutus serves as the protagonist of Julius Caesar. Caesar dies midway through the play and has little influence over the events that unfold.

Hope this helps!!! :)

These 3 questions are based on the dialogue in Act 1 of the Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare.

Can someone please complete these 3 questions? The three questions are number 18, 19, and 20. They are shown in the picture above.​
Problem 18: In the first metaphor, who is compared to what? a - Caesar is compared to sheep and the Romans to a wolf.

b - Caesar us compared to a wolf and the Romans to sheep.

C - Caesar is compared to a lion and the Romans to a female deer.

d - Caesar is compared to a female deer and the Romans to lions.

Problem 19: In the second metaphor, who is compared to what?

a - Caesar is compared to sheep and the Romans to a wolf.

b - Caesar us compared to a wolf and the Romans to sheep.

C - Caesar is compared to a lion and the Romans to female deer.

d - Caesar us compared to a female deer and the Romans to lions.

Problem 20: Using the lines from the previous two questions, how do Cassius' metaphors slur Caesar?
a - Cassius is saying Caesar's power comes from the Senate.

b - Cassius is saying Caesar's power comes from Caesar's personal strength.

C - Cassius is saying Caesar's power comes from the weaknesses of the people he rules.



Problem 18: In the first metaphor, who is compared to what?

b - Caesar is compared to a wolf and the Romans to sheep.

Problem 19: In the second metaphor, who is compared to what?

c - Caesar is compared to a lion and the Romans to a female deer.

Problem 20: Using the lines from the previous two questions, how do Cassius' metaphors slur Caesar?

c - Cassius is saying Caesar's power comes from the weaknesses of the people he rules. In the first metaphor, Caesar is depicted as the predator, preying on the weak, defenseless sheep, which represents the Roman people. In the second metaphor, Caesar is compared to a powerful lion who preys on the female deer, which symbolize the Roman people who are easily manipulated and controlled by Caesar. Cassius is using these metaphors to suggest that Caesar is a tyrant who gains his power by exploiting the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the people he rules over.

Problem 18: b - Caesar is compared to a wolf and the Romans to sheep.

Problem 19: C - Caesar is compared to a lion and the Romans to female deer.

Problem 20: C - Cassius is saying Caesar's power comes from the weaknesses of the people he rules.

I'm sorry i just saw the post

what is the first step in the goal-setting process?


The first step in the goal-setting process is to identify and define the specific objective or outcome that you want to achieve.

This involves determining what you want to accomplish, why it is important to you, and how you will measure success. Setting a clear and specific goal helps to provide direction and focus, and enables you to track progress and adjust course as needed.

It also provides motivation and a sense of purpose, which can help to overcome obstacles and maintain momentum towards achieving the desired outcome. By establishing a clear and specific goal, you can increase your likelihood of success and create a roadmap for achieving your desired outcome.

To learn more about goal here:


Write about lakunles attitude towards bride price


Answer: Lakunle's attitude towards bride price is a reflection of his beliefs and values. In the play "The Lion and the Jewel" by Wole Soyinka, Lakunle is portrayed as a modern, educated man who rejects traditional practices and customs, including the payment of bride price.

Lakunle sees bride price as an outdated and oppressive practice that objectifies women and reduces them to mere commodities. He believes that marriage should be based on love and mutual respect rather than financial transactions. He argues that women should not be bought and sold like property, and that they should be allowed to make their own choices and decisions.

Throughout the play, Lakunle challenges the traditional notion of bride price and opposes the attempts of Baroka, the village chief, to marry the young and beautiful Sidi. Lakunle's refusal to pay the bride price and his insistence on marrying Sidi without any payment is seen as a defiance of tradition and a challenge to the authority of the village elders.

However, Lakunle's attitude towards bride price is not universally accepted, as many members of the community still value and uphold the tradition. Lakunle's refusal to pay the bride price and his disregard for tradition is seen by some as a threat to the stability and continuity of the community.

In conclusion, Lakunle's attitude towards bride price reflects his modern and progressive beliefs, which challenge traditional customs and practices. While he sees bride price as an oppressive and outdated practice, others in the community view it as an important part of their cultural heritage.


You have failed to submit an assignment for one of your core subjects.
The teacher confronts you about your supposed lack of commitment.
Write out the conversation between the teacher and yourself.
Use the dialogue format.
axest pratw (snodosaris priwollot eni to MO of handa


Teacher: Greetings to everybody! . Please turn in the assignment from yesterday.

Students: Good day, sir!

Please turn in your assignment, teacher! Please stand up if you haven't finished your homework.

Rahul gets up.

Rahul is my teacher! Inform me. You didn't do your assignment yesterday, why?

Rahul: As I was busy the entire day, I was unable to complete my assignment, sir.

Teacher: Why Rahul, though? Your assignment has been late four times already this week.

Rahul: I am sincerely sorry, sir. Honestly, I didn't have enough time to finish my schoolwork because my father is really ill and in the hospital.

Teacher: I see, thanks. That is awful. Rahul, don't worry. You are able to finish your homework.Teacher: Greetings to everybody! . Please turn in the assignment from yesterday.

Students: Good day, sir!

Please turn in your assignment, teacher! Please stand up if you haven't finished your homework.

Rahul gets up.

Rahul is my teacher! Inform me. You didn't do your homework yesterday, why?

Rahul: As I was busy the entire day, I was unable to complete my assignment, sir.

Teacher: Why Rahul, though? Your homework has been late four times already this week.

Rahul: I am sincerely sorry, sir. Honestly, I didn't have enough time to finish my schoolwork because my father is really ill and in the hospital.

Teacher: I see, thanks. That is awful. Rahul, don't worry. You are able to finish your homework.Teacher: Greetings to everybody! . Please turn in the homework from yesterday.

Students: Good day, sir!

Please turn in your homework, teacher! Please stand up if you haven't finished your homework.

Rahul gets up.

Rahul is my teacher! Inform me. You didn't do your homework yesterday, why?

Rahul: As I was busy the entire day, I was unable to complete my homework, sir.

Teacher: Why Rahul, though? Your homework has been late four times already this week.

Rahul: I am sincerely sorry, sir. Honestly, I didn't have enough time to finish my schoolwork because my father is really ill and in the hospital.

Teacher: I see, thanks. That is awful. Rahul, don't worry. You are able to finish your homework.Teacher: Greetings to everybody! . Please turn in the homework from yesterday.

Students: Good day, sir!

Please turn in your homework, teacher! Please stand up if you haven't finished your homework.

Rahul gets up.

Rahul is my teacher! Inform me. You didn't do your homework yesterday, why?

Rahul: As I was busy the entire day, I was unable to complete my homework, sir.

Teacher: Why Rahul, though? Your homework has been late four times already this week.

Rahul: I am sincerely sorry, sir. Honestly, I didn't have enough time to finish my schoolwork because my father is really ill and in the hospital.

Teacher: I see, thanks. That is awful. Rahul, don't worry. You are able to finish your homework.Teacher: Greetings to everybody! . Please turn in the homework from yesterday.

Students: Good day, sir!

Please turn in your homework, teacher! Please stand up if you haven't finished your homework.

Rahul gets up.

Rahul is my teacher! Inform me. You didn't do your homework yesterday, why?

Rahul: As I was busy the entire day, I was unable to complete my homework, sir.

Teacher: Why Rahul, though? Your homework has been late four times already this week.

Rahul: I am sincerely sorry, sir. Honestly, I didn't have enough time to finish my schoolwork because my father is really ill and in the hospital.

Teacher: I see, thanks. That is awful. Rahul, don't worry. You are able to finish your assignment.

Teacher: Greetings to everybody! . Please turn in the homework from yesterday.

Students: Good day, sir

To know more about Greetings


If Tom......(wake up) late, he dosent usually have breakfast.​



If Tom......(wake up) late, he dosent usually have breakfast.​


If Tom wakes up late, he doesn't usually have breakfast.

Consider a few ways that the novel uses nature to connect Victor and the monster. Choose at least two instances and evaluate how effective this method is in connecting the characters.
In Frankenstein Mary Shelley often compares and contrasts Victor and the creature.
Mary Shelley uses birth and labor imagery to suggest that Victor gave birth to the creature. For example, Victor goes into confinement for nine months to create the monster. Victor and his monster child are alike in some ways and different in others.
One of the major traits shared by Victor and his monster is their love of nature. Both Victor and his creature express their joy in nature.
The creature expresses his joy when spring arrives: "Spring advanced rapidly; the weather became fine, and the skies cloudless. It surprised me that what before was desert and gloomy should now bloom with the most beautiful flowers and verdure. My senses were gratified and refreshed by a thousand scents of delight, and a thousand sights of beauty."
Frankenstein expresses similar emotions: "When happy, inanimate nature had the power of bestowing on me the most delightful sensations. A serene sky and verdant fields filled me with ecstasy. The present season was indeed divine; the flowers of spring bloomed in the hedges, while those of summer were already in bud."
Both Frankenstein and the creature have the ability to forget sorrows and disappointments when they are in nature. After he is cruelly rejected by the De Lacey family, the monster is miserable. But he regains his hope when he feels the warmth of the sun: "The pleasant sunshine, and the pure air of day, restored me to some degree of tranquility; and when I considered what had passed at the cottage, I could not help believing that I had been too hasty in my conclusions."
In a similar way, nature allows Frankenstein to forget the guilt and horror that has haunted him since the creature's creation. Victor tells Walton, "I perceived that the fallen leaves had disappeared, and that the young buds were shooting forth from the trees that shaded my window. It was a divine spring; and the season contributed greatly to my convalescence. I felt also sentiments of joy and affection revive in my bosom; my gloom disappeared."


Mary Shelley uses nature to connect Victor and the creature in two ways: birth and labor imagery, and a shared love of nature.
Step-by-step : Birth and labor imagery suggest that Victor “gave birth” to the creature, with Victor going into confinement for nine months to create the monster. Both characters are alike in some ways and different in others.
The second connection is their shared love of nature. The creature expresses joy when spring arrives, and Victor feels ecstasy when he is surrounded by inanimate nature. Nature also provides comfort to both characters in times of sorrow and disappointment.
Overall, Mary Shelley effectively uses nature to illustrate the shared traits between Victor and the creature, and to provide a sense of comfort in moments of distress.

To learn more about this - Consider a few ways that the novel uses nature to connect Victor and the monster :


write a letter to your friend in another school writing to him about your forth coming inter house sport​




Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am excited to inform you about our upcoming inter-house sports event, which is just around the corner. As you know, inter-house sports events are always highly anticipated, and this year is no exception.

Our school has been busy preparing for this event for weeks now, and everyone is eager to showcase their athletic abilities. The various houses have been holding training sessions and competitions to determine the best athletes in each category. I am happy to inform you that I have been selected to represent my house in the 100m and 200m races.

The event promises to be an exciting one, with a variety of athletic events and activities planned throughout the day. There will be a marching parade, with each house displaying its house colours and mascots. The cheering squads will be out in full force, showing their support for their respective houses.

I am confident that my house will perform well and take home the trophy. However, the competition is fierce, and it will take all of our hard work and dedication to come out on top. Nonetheless, win or lose, it promises to be a day filled with fun and excitement.

I hope that you will be able to attend the event and cheer me on. It would be great to see you and catch up with all the latest news from your school. Do let me know if you can make it, and I will arrange for your entry into the school.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]

Which element of a narrative
poem do lines 37-38 of "The
Raven" portray?
A. Rising action
B. Beginning exposition
C. Resolution


Answer:  wisdom had "paled", or had lost its power and relevance.


How does Pinsky define accent? What is its role in poetry? Present a few of the examples that he uses to explain accent


Pinsky defines accent as the way in which a poet emphasizes certain words in a poem. This can be done through the use of stress, pace, rhythm, and intonation. Accent is used to bring attention to certain words, phrases, and images in order to create a certain mood or atmosphere. It can also be used to emphasize a particular meaning or emotion.

Pinsky gives the example of a poem that uses the phrase “the wind whispers a secret”. By emphasizing certain words in the phrase, such as “whispers” and “secret”, the poet can create a mysterious atmosphere. Similarly, the phrase “morning birdsong” can be emphasized to convey a sense of joy and optimism.

Pinsky also gives the example of a poem that uses the phrase “the moonlight falls”. By emphasizing the word “falls”, the poet can create a feeling of melancholy and introspection.

Finally, Pinsky gives the example of a poem that uses the phrase “the stars twinkle”. By emphasizing the word “twinkle”, the poet can create a feeling of wonder and mystery.

Overall, accent is a powerful tool for poets to create a certain mood or atmosphere in their poems. By emphasizing certain words and phrases, poets can create a unique and powerful experience for readers.

To learn more about the wind whispers a secret link is here


What is the three witches weakness in Macbeth?



It is Banquo who first describes the Witches. His words in Act 1, Scene 3 depict the Witches as stereotypical hags – 'withered' and 'wild', unearthly beings ('That look not like th' inhabitants o' th' Earth') with 'skinny lips', chapped ('choppy') fingers and beards (1.3. 40–46).


Late one night, Cindy hears someone outside her window. She throws open the door and finds Pete, the neighborhood troublemaker, swimming in her pool.


The answer is option D: Win, since Dustin cannot use a dangerous animal like a python to protect only his property.

What is the explanation for this answer?

D is the right answer.

When it comes to the purposeful use of a deadly animal to defend property, Dustin loses and Pete wins since such usage is illegal. Only reasonable force, not force that would result in death or serious harm, may be used in the protection of property. The python is considered a lethal weapon in this country. However, keep in mind that indirect deadly force (such as spring weapons) is not permitted if it cannot be used properly and appropriately. In other words, lethal force as a deterrence against simple trespassers is not permissible.

To find out more about protection of property, visit:


The full question is:

If Pete sues Dustin for his injuries, he will likely:

A. Lose, as long as Dustin has posted signs stating, "Beware of Attack Python."

B. Lose, since Pete was a trespasser on Dustin's property.

C. Win, because Dustin is liable for any damages to a trespasser on his property.

D. Win, since Dustin cannot use a dangerous animal like a python to protect only his property.

Paraphrase, "I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children." - "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift


Given that this cuisine may be pricey and because landlords already abused the parents and thus have the greatest claim to the children, it is the perfect choice for them said swift.

Juvenalian satires include, for instance, A Modest Proposal. A Juvenalian satire is a form of satirical writing that uses exaggerated hyperbole to ridicule or condemn a certain aspect of social conduct, societal norms, or governmental policies. Jonathan Swift penned "A Modest Proposal" in an effort to persuade the Irish Parliament to better the living conditions of the underprivileged. Swift used the metaphor of eating children to allegorize how the poor were being taken advantage of, such as by landlords who charge exorbitant rent.

To know more about Jonathan Swift refer to the link below :


Summary of chapter 8 of what a strange paradise


To escape their lives and find a better place to live, a nicer future for their children, and an existence away from poverty and the chaos of war and political persecution.

Summary of " What Strange Paradise"

The story begins with a shipwreck off the coast of Greece and the haunting, all-too-familiar sight of bodies washed up on a beach. Amir, a 9-year-old Syrian boy who appears to be the sole survivor, is among them. He flutters his eyelids open and runs away from the uniforms who have arrived to clean up the mess. He is hidden in a nearby villa by Vänna, a 15-year-old girl who is the granddaughter of Nordic transplants whose dreams of running a seaside guesthouse have been dashed by the Greek economic crisis.Vänna and Amir do not understand each other's language, but they are both marooned and alone in this fairy tale, the good and innocent children. It's no surprise that Vänna, who is estranged from both the island and her difficult parents, assists Amir in avoiding detention and attempting to reach a ferryman who can transport him to safety on the mainland.

To know more about Paradise, click on the link :


Planning and Developing Your Literature Analysis
In this activity, you will plan, draft, and revise a literature analysis on how authors develop mystery, tension, or
surprise using authorial techniques such as order of events, pacing, structure, time manipulation, and
language. Remember that your analysis will be a response to this question: How do authors create effects such
as mystery, tension, or surprise in literature?
TIP: As needed, refer to the instruction and examples of literature analysis techniques in the previous slides
and in the Lesson Activities from previous lessons in this unit. If you completed any graphic organizers
throughout this unit, you may use them while planning and developing your analysis.
Part A - Select and Plan Authorial Techniques for Analysis
First, determine which authorial techniques you'll address in your essay and what textual evidence you'll
include. Remember you'll need to address at least two techniques. If you need help planning these
details, look back at the work you did on the graphic organizers in the unit. Use these guiding questions as
you plan your analysis
Then, complete the table. For each authorial technique you've chosen to address, provide textual evidence
from two or more texts in the unit that demonstrates the author's use of the technique in the first
column. In the second column, describe the effect it creates, such as mystery, tension, or surprise.
TIP: If you need to directly reference the texts from this unit, you can access them in the Activity


This educational video explains how an author can produce mysterious effects by choosing how to organize a text, sequence events, and manage time.

How can writers infuse their works with effects like mystery, tension, or surprise?

Create tension by withholding information or by asking pertinent questions that pique readers' curiosity. Character development has a big impact on suspense; for example, the reader won't feel satisfied with the book if a character's wish isn't fulfilled at the book's conclusion.

How does a writer evoke mystery?

A writer builds suspense by releasing information to readers in a way that raises important questions and fills them with curiosity and fear at the same time. Occasionally a writer uses dramatic irony to create tension, offering readers more information.

To know more about mystery visit:-


can someone write a flash fiction story

will mark brainiest ​



As the sun began to set, Sarah made her way through the deserted streets of the small town. She clutched her jacket tightly around her, feeling the cool breeze seep through the fabric. She had always loved this time of day; the way the sky turned a fiery shade of orange, the birds chirping their last songs before settling down for the night.

But today was different. Today, Sarah was on a mission. She had received a cryptic message from an unknown number, urging her to come to this exact spot at this exact time. She had no idea what to expect, but her curiosity had gotten the best of her.

As she turned the corner, she saw a figure waiting for her at the end of the street. It was a man, tall and lean, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through her. He wore a black suit that looked like it had been tailored to perfection, and his hair was slicked back in a neat, professional style.

"Sarah," he said, his voice deep and commanding. "I'm glad you could make it."

Sarah's heart raced as she tried to gather her thoughts. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I represent an organization that's been keeping an eye on you," he replied. "We believe you have a special talent, one that could be of great use to us."

Sarah furrowed her brow. "What talent? I don't understand."

The man smiled. "You have a gift, Sarah. You can see things that others can't. You have the ability to sense danger before it happens, to see through people's lies."

Sarah's mind raced as she tried to process what he was saying. She had always known that she was different, that she had a heightened sense of intuition, but she had never thought it was anything special.

The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. "If you're interested, give me a call. We could use someone like you."

And with that, he turned and walked away, disappearing into the darkness.

Sarah stared at the card in her hand, her mind racing with possibilities. Could this be her chance to finally make a difference in the world? Could she use her gift to help others, to prevent disasters before they happened?

Only time would tell. But one thing was for certain - Sarah's life was about to take a very unexpected turn.

I hope that helps, please don't forget to give a Brainliest :) any feedback is appreciated. Hope you have a great day!

Which sentence best demonstrates the meaning of the word magnitude?



the great size or extent of something.

Jemma will be pleased if she____(get) that job.​



Is this supposed to be answer with a synonym of get? Need more info!

Identify the type of figurative language used in each of the quotations.
"Juliet is the sun"
"Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, /Who is already sick and pale with grief. . . "
"Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye / Than twenty of their swords!"
"My life were better ended by their hate / Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love."



1. Metaphor

2. Personification

3. Hyperbole

4. Paradox



the first one is hyperbole

the second one is personification

Which of the St. Lucy’s stages did Mirabella most likely reach?


Mirabella most likely reach "B. stage 2" of the St. Lucy’s stages. Hence option B is the correct choice.

Stage 2 Your children will eventually understand that they must try to integrate into the new culture. Due to this work, students may feel extremely stressed out and confused. Certain meals may not be consumed. They had plenty of time throughout this to daydream.

Rori and Rockman She may have made a sound loud enough for others to hear, in my opinion. She needed Mirabella's help, but she wanted everyone to think that she didn't like Mirabella and didn't want anything to do with her.

Claudette tries to strike a balance between the nuns' teachings and her wolf heritage, but in the end she succumbs to human morals.

To learn more about stage 2 here:


The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Which of the St. Lucy’s stages did Mirabella most likely reach?

A. Stage one

B. Stage two

C. Stage three

D. Stage four

Alice got n A on her essay And I don't understand why dhe doesn't work as harrd or write as well as I do - Which of these words best describes the tone of the passage?


The word that best describes the tone of the passage is condescending.

In the passage, Alice is discussed in a condescending tone. A condescending tone is a way of speaking or writing that suggests that the speaker or writer is superior to the listener or reader. They adopt a condescending tone to show how much more superior they are than others.The passage implies that despite the fact that Alice got an A in her essay, the person speaking/writing feels that Alice does not work as hard or write as well as they do. In the sentence, there is an implicit suggestion that the writer/speaker is better than Alice. The passage has a condescending tone because the writer/speaker appears to belittle Alice's success by portraying Alice's work ethic and writing skills as inferior.

For more such questions on passage, click on:


does anyone have any good annotationd in act 1 scene 6 macbeth​




Annotations for Act 1 Scene 6 of Macbeth might include:

1. Lines 1-27: In this scene, Macbeth is alone on stage, contemplating the murder of King Duncan. He struggles with his conscience, weighing the consequences of his actions.

2. Lines 28-42: Macbeth decides to go ahead with the murder, claiming that ambition is stronger than his conscience. He resolves to put aside his "natural" love for the King and embrace his evil intent.

3. Lines 43-60: Macbeth decides to send a letter to his wife, Lady Macbeth, informing her of his plans. He acknowledges the deep bond between them and expresses his trust in her judgement.

4. Lines 61-80: Macbeth encounters a group of murderers, whom he hires to kill Banquo and Fleance. He promises them rewards for their loyalty and offers to pay for their services. He also reveals his inner turmoil and doubts about the morality of his actions.

5. Lines 81-93: Macbeth orders the murderers to hide so that no one will suspect the King's murder. He also warns them that if they fail to follow his instructions, they will suffer the consequences.

Which of the following would be a good hook for a compare-and-contrast
A. Caught in the middle of the jungle with small-arms fire whizzing
past like mosquitoes at a Midwestern picnic, I realized I was
fighting on the wrong side.
B. Caught in the middle of the jungle with small-arms fire whizzing
past like mosquitoes at a Midwestern picnic, I wondered just who
the people below shooting at my helicopter were.
C. Caught in the middle of the jungle with small-arms fire whizzing
past like mosquitoes at a Midwestern picnic, I began to think of a
time when I was playing Little League baseball.
D. Caught in the middle of the jungle with small-arms fire whizzing
past like mosquitoes at a Midwestern picnic, I realized I was in the
wrong vehicle for the purpose I now needed. I wished I had
thought of this in advance and made a more informed decision


We can see here that the option that would be a good hook for a compare-and-contrast essay is: B. Caught in the middle of the jungle with small-arms fire whizzing past like mosquitoes at a Midwestern picnic, I wondered just who the people below shooting at my helicopter were.

What is compare-contrast essay?

A compare-contrast essay is a type of academic writing that involves comparing and contrasting two or more items, such as ideas, concepts, events, or objects. The purpose of a compare-contrast essay is to analyze the similarities and differences between the chosen items and to present an argument that supports the writer's perspective.

The above selected option will be good hook because it sets up a scenario of conflict and uncertainty that can be explored and contrasted with other situations or contexts.

The language is vivid and dramatic, which can draw the reader in and make them curious about the topic being discussed. Additionally, the hook raises questions that can be addressed in the essay, such as the nature of conflict and how different groups perceive and respond to it.

Learn more about compare-contrast essay on


Directions: Restate the following sentences in own words. Castillo, K, et al. -2016. Joy is Learning English 5. Department of Education
Group, Inc.
1. The space shuttle has a robot arm. It helps move things into and out of the shuttle. It can also hold an astronaut who isworking in space. Mars rovers are robots. They drive around on the land.
2. Three NASA rovers are on Mars. Two of them are still working! Stardust was first robot sent to a comet. It brought bitsof the comet back to Earth in January 2006.
3. In the past, robots had helped NASA explore. Today, they are still significant to NASA. In the future, robots will be usedto help return humans to the moon and to travel to Mars and beyond. ​


The space shuttle comes with a robot arm which is designed to assist in the movement of items into and out of the shuttle. It also has the ability to carry an astronaut who is carrying out his/her duties in space. The robots of Mars rovers operate on the land.

Three NASA robots operate on Mars, and two of them are still active. The Stardust robot was sent to a comet, becoming the first of its kind. It returned to Earth in January 2006 with some pieces of the comet. The previous robots assisted NASA in exploration, and today they are still significant. In the future, robots will help to bring people back to the moon and travel to Mars and other planets.Below is the rewritten text;The shuttle comes equipped with a robot arm that helps to transport objects in and out of the shuttle. It can also house an astronaut when working in space. Mars Rovers run on land. Three NASA robots currently operate on Mars, two of which are still operational. The Stardust robot was sent to a comet, being the first of its kind, and returned to Earth in January 2006 with a few pieces of the comet. In the past, robots have supported NASA's exploration, and they still play an important role today. In the future, robots will be essential in bringing humans back to the moon and allowing them to travel to Mars and beyond.

For more such questions on astronaut, click on:


What action does Swift tell his readers his proposal will prevent?
a. The overproduction of poor children
b. The abortion or murder of children unwanted by their parents
c. The practice of charging high rents that the poor cannot afford
d. Frequent cannibalism among the poor


In his modest proposal for forbidding the poor children from being an encumbrance to their parents, turning them advantageous to the people, Swift proposes abortion or murder of children unwanted by their parents.

What is the summary of this proposal?

In his "Modest Proposal," Jonathan Swift proposes a solution to the problem of overpopulation and poverty in Ireland. He suggests that the poor should sell their children to the wealthy as food. Swift argues that this will solve the problem of overpopulation, reduce the number of poor people, and provide a new source of income for the poor. He uses satire and irony to convey his message and criticize the government's lack of action in addressing the problem. Swift's proposal is not intended to be taken seriously, but rather to expose the absurdity of the government's inaction and the callousness of the wealthy towards the poor.

To find out more about the modest proposal, visit:


why does the author compare the struggles of the mouse to the struggles of the human speaker in the poem?


The author compares the struggles of the mouse to the struggles of the human speaker to highlight the a common humanity and dignity that they both share.

Both the mouse and the speaker are subject to discrimination, exclusion, and violence because of their race and social status. However, despite the hardships and injustices they face, they refuse to be defeated or intimidated. Instead, they assert their right to exist, to be heard, and to be treated with respect and dignity.

In conclusion, the author compares the struggles of the mouse to the struggles of the human speaker in the poem "I, Too, Sing America" to emphasize the common experiences and aspirations of African Americans who have faced discrimination, marginalization, and oppression throughout American history.

Learn more about a mouse here:


Wealth was an inferior object, but what glory would attend the discovery if I could banish disease from the human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death! Which words from this text help develop the theme of pride?


In the given text, "Wealth was an inferior object, but what glory would attend the discovery if I could banish disease from the human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death!

The words that help develop the theme of pride are "glory" and "invulnerable.

The word "glory" is defined as "magnificence, splendor, or great beauty." In the text, the speaker is considering the "glory" that would accompany the discovery of how to eliminate disease and make people invulnerable to all but a violent death. This notion is the epitome of pride since it elevates the discoverer to a superior status.The word "invulnerable" means "impenetrable, incapable of being harmed or damaged." The speaker claims that if they could make people invulnerable to all but violent death, it would be a source of great pride. The fact that people are impervious to harm would be a symbol of the discoverer's genius and superiority.The theme of pride is developed in the passage by the speaker's reference to the "glory" and the possibility of achieving invulnerability to all but violent death. This idea is in line with the notion of pride, which seeks to elevate the discoverer to a superior status.

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1. a pair of red/leather/beautiful/Italian/expensive/shoes...............
2. a pile of/dirty/disgusting/clothes....................
3. difficult/Chemistry/long/experiment......................


The adjectives for the words can be completed as follows:

1. A pair of beautiful, red, expensive Italian leather shoes.

2. A pile of disgusting dirty clothes.

3. Difficult, long Chemistry experiment.

How to place the adjectives

For the sentence to make sense, it is vital that the writer places the adjectives in the right sequence. This will make long sentences easy and sensible while reading.

Typically, the object being described will come last while the adjectives that describe it will come before. In the last sentece, the chemistry experiment is described as difficult and long. Thus, we can understand the nature of the experiment.

Learn more about adjectives here:


What IS NOT one of the dangers associated with the train tracks in Chiapas?


On this land voyage, however, migrants encounter numerous difficulties, such as hazardous terrain, illness exposure, and Chiapas from criminal organizations.

What is the Mayan train's problem?

Scientists have expressed grave concern over how Mexico's Mayan Railway affects historic, unspoiled places. Some environmentalists and scientists believe that the railway's hurried development will threaten the nearby nature and the ancient cave networks that lie beneath the jungle.

The risks of riding La Bestia were what?

While traveling through Mexico on foot or in La Bestia, there are several risks to be aware of, such as the possibility of getting hurt or killed due to shaky road conditions, gang violence, sexual assault, extortion, kidnapping, and organized criminal recruitment.

To know more about Chiapas visit :-


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