Does anyone know which speaker mostly agrees with enlightenment ideas as expressed in the Declaration of Independence?

Does Anyone Know Which Speaker Mostly Agrees With Enlightenment Ideas As Expressed In The Declaration


Answer 1


Speaker 2


One of the main ideas of the Enlightenment is that of the Social Contract, developed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

According to this idea, people, by their own will, give up some of their freedoms to the state, in exchange for protection and the administration of justice. By the same logic, if the rulers govern in ways that go against the wishes of the people, then they have the right to depose their rulers because they would be violating the social contract.

For this reason, speaker 2 would be the one who mostly agrees with enlightenment ideas, because speaker 2 is expressing the idea of the social contract, and the right of the people from the colonies to depose their ruler: King George III.

Answer 2


The CORRECT answer (depending on wich quiz you're given) is Speaker 3


I got it correct myself and I got a 100% on the quiz!

Hopefully this helps!

Answer Information:

Class: United States Government

Chapter of Class: Inspiration for Independence

Assignment type & Number: Quiz 1.3.2

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hope this helps you


The 14 points included proposals to ensure world peace in the future: open agreements, arms reductions, freedom of the seas, free trade, and self-determination for oppressed minorities.Wilson later suggested that there would be another world war within a generation if the U.S. failed to join the League.

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a. The crowning of a new Queen
b. War against other European nations
c. The rise to power of Robespierre
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A. The Reign of Terror (1793-1794) was a period in the French Revolution marked by a series of massacres and pubic execution that took place in an atmosphere marked by revolutionary fervour, anti-nobility sentiments and wild accusations of the Jacobin faction led by Maximilien Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety

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A. he was acting under orders from General Taylor.

B. he heard about the Bear Flag Revolt.

C. he did not want England to capture the ports first.

D. Governor Micheltorena had been captured.



Zachary Taylor,  Governor Micheltorena had been captured.


hope it helps

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The answer is Roe v. Wade




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The Montgomery Bus Boycott



Public Busses


the____ desert, located in northern Africa, is the largest desert in the world​



the answer is Kalahari desert


it's a big desert


C) Sahara


Got it right on Edge :D

Ano ang unang metal na ginamit ng mga sinaunang tao sa pag-gawa ng armas?



With the beginning of the year 3500 BC, man knew by chance his ability to smelt copper metal and mix it with arsenic or tin, then hammer it and form it, thus becoming the first deadly weapon, although it was imperfect.

Weapons were various fine and sharp stone tools, small in size and incisive. This stage also witnessed the manufacture of weapons from other materials such as wood, ivory and bone. For their part, the Sumerians and Akkadians excelled in the manufacture of arrows, spears and fighting chariots drawn by animals, and used them in their military actions between the years 2800 and 2000 BC. M.

List of ancient weapons: a knife , dagger , Sword , Axe , whip , Spear , arrow (weapon) , shield , catapult .

I hope that helps you ^_^

The Cold War was a time best characterized by
which word?


Because the Cold War marked a time period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union with its satellite states and the United States with its allies following World War II.

I hope this helps :]

Question 4 Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
Why is illegal immigration a controversial issue?
O People think that the current laws on immigration address the issue well.
There are far fewer illegal immigrants each year than naturalized citizens.
O Americans disagree on whether immigration law should change to address it
O Most naturalized citizens first entered the United States as illegal immigrants.


I believe “Americans disagree on wheat her immigration law should change to address it”, is your answer.

Those who were loyal to the Roman Empire were the:




pharisees and sadducees


They were groups that were directly related to the Roman Empire, the Pharisees were Catholics and the Sadducees were the rich minority who were conservatives and religion and also in politics such as Herod.

How did imperialism contribute to the start of WWI?

A. European rivalries over colonial territory led to nationalistic tension among these states.

B. Eagerness to take over land in postrevolutionary Russia led to territorial conflicts.

C. Conflicts between church and government led to distinct divisions within key European countries.

D. Centralized governments whose powers were unchecked caused internal uprisings in many nations.​



A. European rivalries over colonial territory led to nationalistic tension among these states.


Imperialism contributed to the start of WWI in such that the "European rivalries over colonial territory led to nationalistic tension among these states."

Imperialism is a term used in describing the strategy of a particular country exercising its power and influence to colonize other countries or nations using military force.

Hence, imperialism contributed to the start of WWI when the likes of Britain, Germany, and France tried to expand their empires, which led to a rise in tensions as they fought for resources among European countries.

In 1790, the amount of debt owed by state governments was



In 1790, the amount of debt owed by state governments wasUnited States. 


The name of person is Alexander Hamilton.

in 1970 the amount debt by state government was us

why is it important to learn about other countries government?



Investigating the political systems of other countries helps students to foster an interest in the world. ... Learning about these elements allow students to develop global view. Learning about the governments of other countries can help students develop a better understanding of their own government systems.


the political systems are ussually influenced by the history of a country and its relationship with other countries and changes ussually reflect the people.


learning about other government systems can help students develop a better understanding of their own governments.

How did William the Conqueror and King Henry II of England expand the monarchy’s power? Use the cause-effect graphic organizer to organize your ideas. On each line, describe an effect of the (sorry for incomplete question its what was written)


How did William and Henry II increase royal power? William made tax collection more efficient, and required first allegiance of all barons. Henry II claimed the right to try clergy in royal courts, and unified the system of royal justice.

1) ¿Cuál es la razón principal (explique) por la que en Europa se inician los viajes de exploración en el siglo XV?:


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos, podemos decir lo siguiente.

¿Cuál es la razón principal por la que en Europa se inician los viajes de exploración en el siglo XV?

La razón principal por la que en Europa se inician los viajes de exploración en el siglo XV fue para explorar nuevas rutas de navegación para realizar actividades comerciales con otras regiones y descubrir nuevas tierras disponibles para la colonización.

Potencias europeas de aquella época como Portugal, España, Inglaterra o Francia, invirtieron en embarcaciones y contrataron experimentados navegantes para descubrir nuevas rutas de navegación y descubrir nuevas tierras para incrementar las posiciones de sus reyes.

Así es como Cristóbal Colón llega a descubrir América el 12 de octubre de 1492. Colón recibió el apoyo financiero de los Reyes de España, Fernando de Castilla e Isabel la Católica.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. Which ideas are addressed by both Roosevelt and Lincoln? Select 2 options.


I looked this question up and found out it compares Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" and Roosevelt's "The Four Freedoms Speech." Since the speech is too long, I will not add it here, but it can be easily found online. As for the answer choices, they are the following:

A. the importance of equality

B. the importance of freedom

C. the importance of taxation

D. the importance of avoiding war

E. the importance of lost soldiers


The ideas that are addressed by both Roosevelt and Lincoln are:

A. the importance of equality

B. the importance of freedom


Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd. Their speeches, "Gettysburg Address" and "The Four Freedoms Speech" are both famous for their themes as well as their rhetoric.

Two ideas that both speeches have in common are the importance of freedom and the importance of equality. Even though the contexts in which each speech was given were very different, both Presidents focused on how freedom is, or should be, a premise in everyone's life. Both of them believed in that ideal, and both claimed that it was the groundwork of the American nation. Likewise, both Presidents speak of equality between all human beings. We are all born the same, and disrespecting that fact is what leads to wars and injustices.

What was Jean-Jacques Rousseau's contribution to the Enlightenment during
the 17th century?


Rousseau was a great French philosopher, his contribution to the Enlightenment during the 17th century was that he wrote the Age of Enlightenment about politics, freedom.

The picture shows workers at a logging camp in 1917.
Unions most likely helped these workers negotiate
o better pay and improved living conditions.
O better pay for longer work days.
O shorter work days for lower pay.
longer work days and better living conditions.



better pay and leaving conditions.


The answer is the first option, Better pay and living conditions.


Everyone in the world would like better pay, even better no-one would want to live in a wooden shack will over 50 people cramped in. so thats also a reason why they would want better living conditions.

Please mark me as brainliest if this helped

How judges view their role as jurists can influence their decision-making. Some judges believe in
judicial activism, while others believe in judicial restraint.
Take a position on whether federal judges should exercise judicial activism or restraint.
Use at least one piece of evidence from one of the following foundational documents:
The Federalist 78
Letter From a Birmingham Jail
The Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution
In your response you should do the following:
✓ Respond to the prompt with a defensible claim or thesis that establishes a line of reasoning.
✓ Support your claim with at least TWO pieces of specific and relevant evidence.
One piece of evidence must come from one of the foundational documents listed above.
• A second piece of evidence can come from any other foundational document not used as your
first piece of evidence, or it may come from your knowledge of course concepts.



The method used by judges to make judgments is known as judicial precedent or decisions. Using previous similar instances as a guide, judges make decisions in legal precedent. The principle of stare decisis, which means to "stand by the decision already made," is the foundation for all court decisions.

What are the factors influencing decision-making and judgment?

Personality, culture, situation, the amount of information at hand, and education level all play a role in decision-making. These elements should be considered whenever a person makes a decision because some of them, like personality or culture, are controllable but not all of them.

Some justices strongly believe in judicial activism, or the need to defend individual rights and liberties, and they work to stop actions and laws by other branches of government that they perceive as infringing on these rights. This type of justice is known as judicial activism. A justice's decisions are influenced by how he or she defines his role as a jurist.

Learn more about decision-making and judgment here:


The most important outcome of the Treaty of 1818
was that



I believe it is the first option


When a historian uses the skill of corroboration he or she



Corroboration is the action of double checking information from one source, and searching for different sources, this is done in several social sciences, like history, sociology, anthroplogy, and in journalism, to chech te veracity of information that we have from a source.

How was the Roman Empire different after Constantine's recognition of Christianity?

A. Previously intolerant, Rome became known as a place in which all religions were equally tolerated.
B. Inspired by their emperor to convert, the newly Christian Roman soldiers became more loyal to the empire.
C. Roman cultural achievement fell as pagan philosophers, scientists, and artists fled in fear of persecution.
D. Once Constantine accepted Christianity, the Roman Empire became the center of the new faith's growth.



I think that the answer is D but I'm not sure bc I also think B

What is the meaning of Parasitiko?



Parasitiko in Filipino means parasitic meaning that you cling to others like a parasite and benefit from them. I guess in a way it could mean that you take advantage of those around you.

Hope I helped :)




The definition of Parasitiko is parasitic in the Philippine language.

What prompted the practice of
branding in the cattle moving
A. attack from predators
B. lightning strikes
C. Native American skirmishes
D. theft from other cowboys


The answer is D. Other cowboys would try and steal cattle from other farmers.

-Conclusion - What happened after Nelson Mandela was released? Was the UN intervention positive or negative? (Be sure to mention the African National Congress and FW De Klerk in the conclusion, 5-7 sentences)



The support of the UN was positive by supplying the ANC support of Ammunition and training to appose the racist government... FW De Klerk had no choice but to cooperate and implement democracy whereby he placed a voting day for a new voted government... Autocracy was demolished and Mandela became president and assigned Klerk as he's deputy for guidance

Which was part of perestroika reforms?

removing censorship from newspapers and television

transforming the economy into free market capitalism

urging citizens to discuss national problems publicly

modernizing government by reducing the bureaucracy



removing censorship from newspapers and television


the answer is A


What prompted American colonists to convene the Continental Congress?
A. Disloyal American colonists were being condemned without trial,
B. Colonial political leaders were frustrated with the lack of colonial
representation in Parliament,
C. The Congress had been tasked with choosing a form of
government for the colonies,
D. The public was protesting against British violations of their rights.



D. The public was protesting against British violations of their rights.


What prompted American colonists to convene the Continental Congress is that "the public was protesting against British violations of their rights."

The American colonists made their first continental congress when the British Parliament issued the Coercive Acts in 1774, which was known as the Intolerable Acts among the American colonists.

The American colonists felt that these Acts was a violation of some of their basic rights. Hence, the American colonists United through the continental congress to go against these Acts


D.) The public was protesting against British violations of their rights.

Directions: Read and analyze the following statements carefully. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and
write the word FALSE if the statement is wrong. Write your answer in your answer sheet

__1. In general, a proportion of 1 cup of sugar per cup of juice may be used for fruit juices rich in pectin.
__2. Sweet fruits of low acidity require less sugar, sour fruits require more,
__3. The endpoint of jelly cooking ranges from 3 degrees - 5 degrees C above the boiling point of water.
__4. Fruits low in acid but rich in pectin are rare-ripe papaya and bananas.
__5. The proportion of sugar to add depends upon the acidity of the juice and the amount of pectin present
__6. You may increase the fruit juice's acidity by adding "calamansi", lemon juice, or commercial citric.
__7. Gel formation occurs only within a narrow range of pH value of food gel formation is 2.5-3.4, the optimum
pH condition is found near pH 3.0
__8. A cold plate test is a way of testing the pectin content of fruits.
__9. An alcohol test is not a way of testing the setting endpoint of jelly.
__10. The juice is an essential ingredient in processing fruits by sugar concentration.​


I’m sorry I’m not intelligent

What practice of the railroad monopolies hurt American farmers? A) They prevented farmers from producing more crops than could be shipped easily. B) They blocked farmers from selling their goods abroad. C) They charged high shipping rates for getting farm products to market.



C) They charged high shipping rates for getting farm products to market.


Farmers' Alliance was an American agrarian economic movement created by the farmers living and farming in the United States of America during the 1870s and 1880s. The Farmers' Alliance was aimed and focused on improving the economic conditions for all American farmers to grow, develop and flourish excellently through the establishment of cooperatives and political advocacy groups.

Basically, the Farmers' Alliance believed majority of the economic problem and challenges was caused by industrial monopolies, eastern bank and railroads.

The railroad monopolies hurt American farmers because they were extorting the farmers by way of charging high shipping rates to transport their farm products to the market.

Hence, the Farmers' Alliance was formed so as to break the economic grip considered to be caused by the railroad monopolies, through the establishment of farmers' cooperatives.

Other Questions
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