Easy questions pls answer. Conjugate these in the present tense form.

Easy Questions Pls Answer. Conjugate These In The Present Tense Form.


Answer 1

Hello and Greetings.

The answers are marked in bold and underlined in the conversation:

Manuel: ¿Cuándo vienes a mi casa? Tenemos que decorar los carritos para las Fiestas de Quito.Fernando: Salgo de aquí en quince minutos y llego en media hora.Manuel: Elena dice que la carrera empieza a las dos.Fernando: Hay un desfile después. ¿Vas a traer tu guitarra?Manuel: Sí, yo la llevaré . Quiero tocar una serenata quiteña.Fernando: ¡Y yo voy a cantar! ¿Qué hacemos despues del desfile?Manuel: Elena y yo damos una fiesta en casa. Ahora ella prepara la ensalada y yo pongo la mesa.Fernando: Bueno, llego en media hora. ¡Hasta luego!

Phrases of the present tense that go in the conversation:

Venir - vienes ⇒ you comeSalir - salgo ⇒ I'm on my way outdecir - dice ⇒ saystraer - llevaré ⇒ I will takedar - damos ⇒ we giveponer - pongo ⇒ Put


Translation of the conversation from Spanish to English:Manuel: When are you coming to my house? We have to decorate the carts for the Fiestas de Quito.Fernando: I leave here in fifteen minutes and I'll arrive in half an hour.Manuel: Elena says the race starts at two.Fernando: There's a parade afterwards. Are you going to bring your guitar?Manuel: Yes, I'll bring it. I want to play a Quito serenade.Fernando: And I'm going to sing! What do we do after the parade? Manuel: Elena and I are having a party at home. Now she prepares the salad and I set the table.Fernando: Well, I'll be there in half an hour. See you later!

What is the conversation about?

The conversation deals with the plans that Manuel, Fernando and Elena have for the Quito Fiestas. They discuss the decoration of the carts, Fernando's arrival time, the events that will take place during the celebration, the music they will play and sing, and the party they will have at Manuel and Elena's house after the parade.


The present tense is a tense that is used to describe actions that occur at the time of speaking or that occur regularly. In other words, it is used to talk about actions that are happening in the present or to describe things that are general truths or that occur frequently.

In Spanish, the present tense is formed from the infinitive of the verb, eliminating the ending "-ar", "-er" or "-ir" and adding the endings corresponding to the grammatical person. For example, in the verb "to walk", the present form for the first person singular would be "I walk".

You can also use the present tense in a negative or interrogative way, using the corresponding auxiliaries, such as "no" or "true?" in the case of questions. For example, "I don't walk to work" or "do you walk to work?"

\(^_^ )If you want to learn more, I share this link to complement your learning:


Easy Questions Pls Answer. Conjugate These In The Present Tense Form.

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Reflexive Verb List Part 2
Grammar Hunches: Reflexive Verbs (Practice)
Now that you have worked through a lot of material that includes these basic patterns, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you have been working with in this or previous modules. Keep in mind that what you're after is your hunch, not a grammar rule from a text book. Then check your hunch with the explanation of this principle in the following pattern.



Most of the time grammar comes after 'common sense" which is inevitable. Grammar rules don't matter anymore when it comes to informal conversation. We only pinpoint grammar errors when we don't understand the statement. So the easiest way to know if the sentence makes sense is to check if in all time subject agrees to its predicate or supporting details.


______ abuelo es millonario



О  Su.                                                              


Su abuelo es millonario.                                          


informe de lectura del cuento “la casa tomada” de julio cortázar


De acuerdo al contenido del cuento "La casa tomada" un informe sería "Este cuento aunque es una historia sencilla explora importantes aspectos del comportamiento humano".

¿Qué es un informe?

Un informe es un documento que da cuenta del contenido de un material lo analiza. De acuerdo a lo anterior un posible informe es:

"El cuento la casa tomada narra la historia de un hombre (el narrador) y su hermana que viven en la casa familiar y se aferran a ella. Este cuento aunque es una historia sencilla explora importantes aspectos del comportamiento humano por ejemplo el miedo a lo desconocido y la manera en que nos aferramos a lo material basado en recuerdos y nostalgia."

Aprenda más sobre cuentos en brainly.com/question/28306564


Question 110 pts Cristina meets Paco for the first time in her biology class. Complete the dialogue with appropriate responses. Cristina: Buenos días. Paco: [ Select ] Cristina: [ Select ] Paco: Bien, gracias. ¿Y tú? Cristina: Muy bien, gracias. Paco: [ Select ] Cristina: Me llamo Cristina. Paco: [ Select ] Cristina: Encantada. Paco: [ Select ] Cristina: Soy de Venezuela. Paco: Yo también soy de Venezuela.


The dialogue between Cristina and Paco could be completed with the appropriate forms as follows:

Cristina: Buenos días.Paco: Buenos días, ¿cómo estás?Cristina: Muy bien, gracias.Paco: Me alegro. ¿Cómo te llamas?Cristina: Me llamo Cristina.Paco: Mucho gusto, Cristina. Yo soy Paco.Cristina: Encantada.Paco: Igualmente.Cristina: Soy de Venezuela.Paco: Yo también soy de Venezuela. ¡Qué coincidencia!

How to learn Spanish?

Constancy is needed in daily studies. For this, the student can create a diversified schedule to study the vocabulary, grammar and particularities of the language. Cultural immersion in books, movies, and music also helps retain content.

Therefore, the activity of creating dialogues is positive for the assimilation of vocabulary, verb conjugation and grammar in Spanish, helping with knowledge.

Find more about Spanish dialogues at:



Choose the correct demonstrative adjective:

1. (That)______________gato es gris.
2. (That way over there)_____________mesa es grande.
3. (These)_________________cuadernos son tuyos.
4. (Those)_____________computadoras son negras.
5. (That) ____________comida la hizo mi madre.
6. (Those way over there)____________muchachos son divertidos.
7. (This)_________________tarea es fácil.
8. (These)_______________manzanas son rojas.
9. (This)_______________perro es serio.
10. (That way over there)______________zapato es mío.




Ese gato es gris.Aquella mesa es grande.Estos cuadernos son tuyos.Aquellas computadoras son negrasEsa comida la hizo mi madre.Aquellos muchachos son divertidos.Esta tarea es fácil.Estas manzanas son rojas.Este perro es serio.Aquel zapato es mío.

Really need help with this question


Sentences can be completed with the correct form of the Spanish verb as follows:


How to conjugate a verb?

In Spanish, verbs can be regular or irregular. Irregular verbs will change their conjugation according to the subject, and do not follow the standard conjugation of regular verbs. There are three groups of verbs, which are conjugated ar, er and ir.

Therefore, it is necessary that the verb is inflected and agrees with the subject to maintain the agreement and grammatical coherence of the sentences.

Find more about Spanish verbs at:






Which pronoun correctly completes this conversation?

Laura: What do you think _____?
Emily: I think that's wrong.



The correct pronoun to complete the conversation would be "I".


The conversation is between Laura and Emily, so Emily is expressing her own opinion by saying "I think that's wrong."

Write the correct positive or negative command for the correct form.

Study! (informal tu)
Don't talk! (formal ud)
Read! (plural uds)
Don't sing! (informal tu)

Write the correct positive or negative command for the correct form and use object pronouns where possible.

Read the books! (formal ud)
Don't clean the house for us! (informal tu)


The correct form of the commands would be: Estudia, has silencio, lean, No cantes. Additionally, sentences with an object pronoun would look like this: Leelos, No la limpies por nosotros.

How to write the correct command corresponding to each sentence?

To write the correct command corresponding to each sentence we must take into account the information in parentheses, the subject and whether it should be formal or informal. According to this information, the commands would look like this:

Study! (informal tu) - ¡Estudia!Don't talk! (formal ud) - ¡Has silencio!Read! (plural uds) - ¡Lean!Don't sing! (informal tu) - ¡No cantes!

How to write sentences correctly with object pronouns?

To write sentences correctly with object pronouns we must take into account the information in parentheses and the objects that receive the action. Based on this information, the sentences would look like this:

Read the books! (formal ud) - ¡Leelos!Don't clean the house for us! (informal tu) - ¡No la limpies por nosotros!

Learn more about sentences in: https://brainly.com/question/18728726


necesito informe de lectura de la obra solo cenizas hallarás de pedro verges para mañana



Cenizas (Sólo cenizas Hallarás: Bolero, 1980)—quizás la mejor novela escrita por un autor dominicano en el siglo XX y considerada un clásico de la narrativa dominicana—fue ganadora del XV Premio Vicente Blasco Ibáñez de Narrativa en 1980 así como del el Premio Internacional de la Crítica Española de 1981. Su autor, Pedro Vergés (1945), ha disfrutado de una dilatada carrera diplomática (fue embajador en España, Alemania y Japón) y hasta hace poco fue Ministro de Cultura de República Dominicana. Actualmente es embajador de República Dominicana en Canadá. También es poeta y cuentista. Sólo cenizas hallarás es su única novela.

1. Identify three pairs of Spanish/English cognates from the vocabulary presented in this unit.

2. Where and when did paella originate?

3. How would you say the following sentence in Spanish using the impersonal se?
"One eats very well in Mexico."

4. How did Diego Velázquez audition for the role of King Philip’s court painter?

5. Explain how the surrounding geographic features affect the climate of Cantábria.



Three pairs of Spanish/English cognates from the vocabulary presented in this unit are: Popular/Popular, Global/Global, Natural/Natural

What are three pairs of Spanis/English cognates?

Three pairs of Spanish/English cognates from the vocabulary presented in this unit are:




Where and when did paella originate?

Paella originated in the Valencia region of Spain, specifically in the area surrounding the Albufera lagoon, in the mid-19th century.

How would you say the following sentence in Spanish using the impersonal se? "One eats very well in Mexico."

"Se come muy bien en México."

How did Diego Velázquez audition for the role of King Philip’s court painter?

Diego Velázquez auditioned for the role of King Philip's court painter by creating a portrait of the king's court jester that was so lifelike and detailed, it convinced the king to appoint him as court painter.

Explain how the surrounding geographic features affect the climate of Cantábria.

Cantábria is a region in northern Spain that is surrounded by mountains and the sea. The mountains to the south protect the region from cold winds, while the sea to the north moderates the temperatures and brings humidity. This results in a mild, humid climate with relatively stable temperatures throughout the year.

Learn more about Spanish language in: https://brainly.com/question/8059410


Complete las oraciones con las partes del cuerpo humano. Incluya el artículo definido (el, la, los, las).



1. la boca y pensamos con el cerebro

2.vemos con los ojos y oimos con los oídos

3.Respiramos con la nariz y los pulmones

4.la sangre pasa por el Corazón

5. Tragamos la comida por la boca

6. La comida se digiere en el estomago


1. la boca y pensamos con el cerebro
2.vemos con los ojos y oimos con los oídos
3.Respiramos con la nariz y los pulmones
4.la sangre pasa por el Corazón
5. Tragamos la comida por la boca
6. La comida se digiere en el estomago

Rellenar el espacio. Fill in the blank with the missing vocabulary word to complete each sentence below. Do not capitalize or use punctuation, as it
will confuse the system.

1. ¿Me compraste un
2. Nuestro
en México?
4. Necesito comprar un
Sí, te compré una llavera." "keychain
sale a las 6 de la mañana. Llega a Baltimore a las 11:30.
3. No me gusta nadar en el mar. Prefiero tomar el sol en la
5. Estamos perdidos. Necesitamos comprar un
. "sunbathe
No tengo el mío y mi celular no tiene cargo.
de la ciudad.


The words that complete the sentences are: llavero, vuelo, playa, cargador, mapa.

How to complete the sentences?

To complete the sentences correctly we must carry out the following procedure: 1. Carefully read the information available in each sentence, 2. Identify the central idea of the sentence, 3. Match the appropriate vocabulary for each blank space. According to the above, the sentences are completed with the following vocabulary:

1. ¿Me compraste un llavero en México?2. Nuestro vuelo sale a las 6 de la mañana. Llega a Baltimore a las 11:30.3. No me gusta nadar en el mar. Prefiero tomar el sol en la playa.4. Necesito comprar un cargador. No tengo el mío y mi celular no tiene cargo.5. Estamos perdidos. Necesitamos comprar un mapa de la ciudad.

Learn more about vocabulary in: https://brainly.com/question/28932775


3rd pers
3rd perso
d persor
1st person,
2nd persc
1st pe
6 Las comidas favoritas
Comparación cultural
La cocina criolla
How do historical influences affect the food that people eat?
Traditional cooking in Puerto Rico, known as la cocina criolla, combines
Spanish, African, and indigenous influences. Tostones (fried plantains)
are a common side dish. Popular snack foods are alcapurrias (fried plantains
stuffed with meat) and bacalaitos (codfish fritters). In El Salvador, traditional
cuisine blends indigenous and Spanish influences. A typical food is the
pupusa, a corn tortilla filled with beans, pork, and cheese. Pupusas are often
served with curtido, a spicy coleslaw. Semita, a sweet bread layered with
pineapple marmalade, is also popular.
Compara con tu mundo Which of these dishes would you most like to try and why?
Usa la información para hablar sobre
las comidas preferidas en Puerto Rico
El Salvador. (Talk with a partner about food
preferences in both countries.)
A ¿Dónde
les gustan los
B En Puerto
Rico les gustan
los tostones.
Las letras r y rr
In Spanish, the letter in the middle or the end of a word is pronounced by
a single tap of the tongue against the gum above the upper front teeth. The
letter r at the beginning of a word or rr within a word is pronounced by
several rapid taps called a trill. Listen and repeat.
El cereal y el yogur son ricos; no son horribles.


Not a clear question


Need help with this question …


Hello and Greetings.

Answers in bold and underlined in the text

Mi hermano está furioso . ¡No tiene dinero!Amalia y Sandra están cansados porque estudian mucho.La profesora está feliz porque sacamos una "A".Luisito, estás sucio. ¡Ve a la ducha!¡Enrique! Tu dormitorio está desordenado. Tienes que hacer tu cama. Maria está triste, ella llora.Pedro escucha su música favorita, él está contento.La casa está ordenado. Es una casa hermosa y limpia.


Translation from Spanish to English:My brother is furious. He does not have any money!Amalia and Sandra are tired because they study a lot.The teacher is happy because we got an "A".Luisito, you are dirty. Go to the shower!Enrique! Your bedroom is messy. You have to make your bed.Maria is sad, she cries.Pedro listens to his favorite music, he is happy.The house is tidy. It is a beautiful and clean house.


The verb "estar" is one of the most important verbs in Spanish and is used to express the state or condition of something or someone at a specific moment. Unlike the verb "estar", which is used to express permanent characteristics of a person or thing, the verb estar" is used to describe temporary and changing characteristics, such as location, health, emotion, appearance, among others.

For example, in the sentence "I am tired", the verb "estar" is used to indicate that my current state is tired, but I am not necessarily always tired. You can also say "I'm home" to indicate that my current location is home, but that location can change at any time.

\(^_^ )If you want to learn more, I share this link to complement your learning:


Review for a few minutes the material of this lesson as needed. Drawing from the following building blocks and the
model sentences you have worked with in this lesson, string together at least ten statements.


Some statements or sentences using the vocabulary are ellos trabajan bien; poder dormir bien es beneficioso, allá no ganan mucho, pero viven bien.

How to create sentences using the vocabulary given?Choose one or two words that you would like to include in your sentence.Add a subject (pronoun or noun), then add the verb, and add some extra words to have a complete idea.

Based on this, some sentences are:

Ellos trabajan bienPoder dormir bien es beneficiosoAllá no ganan mucho, pero viven bienHay que reposar después del almuerzoEs estúpido beber o comer mucho.Ella esta contenta porque recibió un regalo.El esta descontento porque no ha comido.Es imposible estar descontento y feliz.Ellos pueden comprar una nueva casa.El vestido cuesta mucho.

Note: This question is incomplete; here is the missing section:

for, for the purpose = para

there = allá

to work, working = trabajar

to eat, eating = comer

to be happy = estar contento

to be unhappy = estar descontento

well = bien

but = pero

without =sin

to live, living (compare "vivid," "vivify") = vivir

to be able, being able (compare "power") = poder

to sleep, sleeping (compare "dorm") = dormir

to rest, resting (compare "repose") = reposar

much, a lot = mucho

One must (you have to, it's necessary to) = Hay que

It) is stu.pid. = Es estúpido(a).

It is (im)possible. = Es (im)posible.

Learn more about sentences in https://brainly.com/question/18728726


Ensayo argumentativo sobre los avances tecnológicos



Ensayo argumentativo sobre los avances tecnológicos

Need Help ASAP.!!!!..!!!!!!!…..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1.- Ven aquí
2.-Limpia la cocina
3.- Pon la mesa
4.-Haz la cama
5.-Riega las plantas
6.-Barre el piso
7.-Ve a la tienda con tu madre
8.-Escribe un correo electrónico a tu tía
9.-Ten paciencia con tu hermana
10.-Se simpático

Ayuda, consulte el archivo adjunto a continuación.

Help please, 50 points! View the attachment below
Please type a text version of the answer to each question



1. Mi sitio web favorito es (add name)

2. En mi direcion creo que hay (add cuantity) de nombres

3. Durante el dia navego (add hours) en la red

4. Mi direcion de correo electronico es (add email)

5. Durante el dia envio (add cuantity) mensajes instantaneas y le envio mas mensajes a (add name)


(Don"t know if this is what your asking about but i hope it help)

Need help ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Based on the information, we can infer that the appropriate verbs for each sentence are: vivimos, asistimos a, recibe, escribe, leo, creen.

How to complete the sentences?

To complete the sentences correctly we must read each one of them and take into account the verb in parentheses. In this case, we must conjugate the verb according to the subject of each sentence in the present tense. According to the above, we can infer that the sentences would look like this:

José, mi compañero de cuarto y yo vivimos en un apartamento.Nosotros asistimos a al UNAM.Todos los días él recibe mensajes de su familia.Él escribe sus tareas por la noche en la compu.A veces yo leo los mensajes de ellos.Sus abuelos creen que el telefono es para hablar. Ellos no mandan mensajes de texto.

Learn more about Spanish verbs in: https://brainly.com/question/11727612


Which word correctly completes the sentence?
Mi mamá va a cocinar una tortilla españoa deliciosa. Ahora vamos a sentarnos en el
O baño
O cocina
O comedor
O tocador
para comer.


Ahora vamos a sentarnos en el comedor para comer


О  comedor.                                                                


Mi mamá va a cocinar una tortilla española deliciosa. Ahora vamos a sentarnos en el comedor.


Los usos de que, qué y lo que
Complete las oraciones con la expresión apropiada de la lista. jOJO! Una expresión se usa más de una vez.



1) qué, 2) quelo que lo que

Which pronoun correctly completes this conversation?

Laura: What do you think _____?
Emily: I think that's wrong.


I think it's C if I'm wrong I'm sorry

Need help with this ASAP!!…………..


1. está furioso
2. están cansados
3. está contenta
4. está sucio
5. está desordenada
6. está triste
7. está feliz
8. está ordenada

tell a firend that you would love to go to a club to dance in Spanish ​



Me encantaría ir a una discoteca a bailar.

una oracion con revolucion​



El periodo de revolución de la Tierra alrededor del Sol es igual a un año


hope this helps

can you put this in english

Rescribe las siguientes oraciones usando los pronombres de doble
objecto( pronombre de objeto directo y objecto indirecto) para
simplificar las ideas.
Escribe el número y después la oración simplificada. Recuerda usar
los pronombres de doble objeto.
1.Julian trajo una sangria a su hermano. --
2. El profesor manda mensajes a nosotros-->
3. Georgina reservó unos lugares para sus amigas --
4. Yo di comida a los pobres.
5. Eric compró unas flores a mí--



Rescribe las siguientes oraciones usando los pronombres de doble

objecto( pronombre de objeto directo y objecto indirecto) para

simplificar las ideas.

Escribe el número y después la oración simplificada. Recuerda usar

los pronombres de doble objeto.

1.Julian trajo una sangria a su hermano. --

2. El profesor manda mensajes a nosotros-->

3. Georgina reservó unos lugares para sus amigas --


4. Yo di comida a los pobres.


5. Eric compró unas flores a mí--


Julian le trajo una sangria.

El profesor nos manda mensajes.

Georgina les reservó unos lugares.

Yo les di comida a los pobres.

Eric me compró unas flores.

You and your family are trying to go on vacation, but everything is going wrong. Use the elements provided, the preterite tense, and constructions with se to write sentences.
(a papá) / perder / las llaves del auto
(a mis hermanos ) / olvidar / ponerse las inyecciones
(a ti) / caer / los papeles del médico
(a Marcos) / romper / su disco compacto favorito
(a mi) / dañar / la cámara durante el viaje



A mi papá se le perdieron las llaves del auto

A mis hermanos se les olvido ponerse las inyecciones

A ti se te cayeron los papeles del medico }

A marcos se le rompió su disco compacto favorito

A mi se me daño la cámara durante el viaje


una oracion con emancipó​



Esa guerra preservó la Unión y emancipó a los esclavos.


hope this helps

¿Alguien puede iniciar una conversación, por favor?



¿Cómo estás? ¿Haces deporte? Juego voleibol y fútbol. Los amo. Disfruto de la libertad que tienes en el campo y la cancha.


How are you? You do sports? I play volleyball and soccer. I love them. I enjoy the freedom you get on the field and court.



Con gusto podemos conversar, siempre y cuando sea con fines didácticos referentes al aprendizaje del español.

(We can talk, as long as it is for didactic purposes related to the learning of Spanish).


1. Identify three pairs of Spanish/English cognates from the vocabulary presented in this unit.

2. Explain how the surrounding geographic features affect the climate of Cantábria.



The three pairs of Spanish/English cognates:

Chocolate - Chocolate

Hotel - Hotel

Animal - Animal

Regarding your second question, Cantabria is located in the north of Spain and is bordered by the Bay of Biscay to the north, the Basque Country to the east, Asturias to the west, and Castilla y León to the south. The region's geography, specifically its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and the Cantabrian Mountains, greatly influences its climate.

How the surrounding geographic features affect the climate of Cantábria.

The oceanic influence from the Bay of Biscay brings moderate temperatures throughout the year, with mild winters and cool summers. However, the mountains can create significant differences in temperature and precipitation between the coastal and inland regions.

The coastal areas tend to have more precipitation and milder temperatures, while the inland regions can experience colder temperatures and drier conditions.

Overall, Cantabria's climate is characterized by moderate temperatures, high humidity, and significant rainfall throughout the year, particularly in the fall and winter months.

Learn more about climate on;



Chocolate - Chocolate

Hotel - Hotel

Animal - Animal

For the first Half.
Just Translate The left side to Spanish


Hables - Speak

Como - "As"

Anyways. There's you answer.... Hope this helped

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Giotto di Bondone what regions are more supportive of the Republicans than the Democrats? in the 1960s, two currents emerged in folk music: artists who wanted social change and artists who were mostly interested in commercial success Ten pounds ____ a reasonable price for this computer Solve the following simultaneous equations algebraicallyxy = 6y-x=1 Use the Law of Cosines to solve the problem. You must solve for BC first. Solve this orderA ship travels due west for 94 miles. It then travels in a northwest direction for 119 miles and ends up 173 miles from its original position. To the nearest tenth of a degree, how many degrees north of west (x) did it turn when it changed direction? Show you Work. adam leases a truck with an upfront payment of $3500 and monthly payments of $114. assuming there are no additional charges, what will be the total cost of a 4-year lease? With satisficing, managers look for alternatives until they find one that is satisfactory, not optimal.True or False? Classify the polynomial X+2Urgent !!! DUE 1 DAY help1.Which of the following sentences uses imagery?a-The dog barked at the cat until Mother put him outside.b-The sweet scent of warm apple pie filled the kitchen and took me back to my childhood.c-The doughnut tasted funny.d-I told him to turn the television down.2.Which of the following is not an example of imagery?a-The sun had painted her skin with a beautiful gold that almost matched her silky hair.b-The divers took their mark and then plunged into the waters.c-The warm softness of the kitten's fur brushed against my face as she vibrated my cheek with her purr.d-The firecracker boomed and then crackled, startling the baby.3. What is the refrain in the following poem "Rain on My Mind" by Luke See?Rainy days are so dreary.I want to stay in bed.The pitter-patter of the dropsGoes dancing through my head.Rainy days are so dreary.Let's stay at home instead.The last thing I want to feel Is raindrops falling on my head.a-Goes dancing through my head.bRainy daysc-The poem does not use refrain.d-Rainy days are so dreary.4. Which of the following is a metaphor?a-Her hair was a river of gold.b-The fading flower fell to the floor.c-Bang! She slammed the door.d-Her hair was like a river of gold.5. Which of the following uses imagery to persuade a reader?a-A donation of only ten cents a day can help to protect an endangered animal.b-A glimmer of hope in the dark, the volunteers showed up each morning to help clear the debris left by the tornado.c-The football players were like ravenous wolves after training camp.d-The rumbling of each football player's stomach could be heard as the coaches embraced their sweaty bodies after the six-hour overtime game win.6. Which of the following is an example of symbolism?a-Mr. Kindman spoke so loudly at the ceremony that he did not need a microphone.b-She ate the pies in record speed and won the contest. She beat all of the other contestants.c-This is not going to be easy," the woman said to her husband as they looked over their sleeping child. "That stuffed animal was her favorite. We will never be able to replace it."d-The woman removed the crown from her head and placed it onto the young woman's bowed head."With this comes great responsibility," she said. "You are no longer a child, but a leader."7. Read the metaphor below, and answer the question that follows.Time is an all-consuming monster that steadily eats at our hopes and dreams.What can you infer about the author based on the metaphor?a-The author feels that time moves too slowly.b-The author feels that his or her hopes and dreams are a monster.c-The author is content with the time that he or she has to achieve hopes and dreams.d-The author feels that time moves too quickly to allow people to accomplish their goals and dreams.8. Which of the following is not an example of symbolism?a-a wealthy man named Mr. Green b-wearing black to a funeralc-a character named Steve who works as a lawyerd-a character named Joy who is always happy in 1850 and 1852, california passed laws that charged a tax on foreign miners. these taxes were aimed at the large numbers of immigrant miners drawn by the gold rush from which country? ABCD is a quadrilateral in which BD = 15 cm., perpendiculars from A and Con BD are 6 cm and 8 cm respectively. Calculate the area of the quadrilaterals the power of media in elections can be substantial because it can sway uncommitted voters, who often decide the election results, true or false? Solve the following equation using the graphing method. Write answers in set notation. Round irrational solutions to the nearest tenths place (1 decimal).Equation: 5x^2+2x-6=0 In a study of the effects of marijuana during pregnancy, measurements on babies of mother who used marijuana during pregnany were compared to measurements on babies of mothers who did not. A 95% confidence interval for the difference in mean head circumference (nonuse minus use) was .61 to 1.19 cm. What can be said from this statement about a p-value for the hypothesis that the mean difference is zero?