essay about behind closed doors


Answer 1



"Behind Closed Doors" is a phrase that typically refers to the idea of secrecy, deception, and hidden intentions. This concept has been the subject of numerous books, movies, and television shows. In this essay, I will explore the different ways that "Behind Closed Doors" can be interpreted and how it relates to our everyday lives.

The phrase "Behind Closed Doors" suggests that there is something hidden from view. It can refer to a secret meeting or activity that is not meant to be disclosed to the public. It can also imply that there is something sinister or deceptive happening behind the scenes. In some cases, it can even indicate a sense of danger or fear.

In our personal lives, "Behind Closed Doors" can refer to the secrets we keep from others. It may be a personal struggle, a family issue, or a difficult decision that we are not ready to share with others. It can also refer to the hidden agendas or intentions of others that are not apparent on the surface.

In the business world, "Behind Closed Doors" can refer to negotiations or deals that are not made public. It may be a strategy that a company is using to gain an advantage over its competitors or a decision that is being made without the input of others. It can also indicate corruption or unethical behavior that is not meant to be disclosed.

In politics, "Behind Closed Doors" can refer to backroom deals or agreements that are made without public knowledge. It may be a decision that is made by a small group of people or a policy that is being developed without input from the public. It can also refer to the hidden motives or intentions of politicians that are not readily apparent to the public.

In conclusion, "Behind Closed Doors" can have many different interpretations depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to secrecy, deception, danger, fear, and hidden agendas. It is a concept that is present in our everyday lives, from personal relationships to business and politics. It is important to be aware of the potential implications of "Behind Closed Doors" and to be mindful of the decisions and actions that we take in private. By being transparent and honest, we can build trust and strengthen our relationships with others.

Related Questions

Which of the followings is not the feature of postmodern literature?​



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in paragraph 5 the author describes how different spiders catch their prey using what pattern of organization?


The author compares the rates at which various spiders capture their prey. This book explains the many prey items that spiders catch as well as the creatures they consume.

How do different types of spiders capture their prey?

Some species, as we saw in the last section, create complex webs to trap flying insects. Many wolf spiders and other spiders look for meals on the ground. Spiders that build trap doors excavate holes,

Which spiders consume their prey?

The majority of house spiders are carnivores and like to consume a range of common household insects, including flies, cockroaches, earwigs, mosquitoes, fleas, moths, and ants. Also, the species has a big impact on the type of diet they consume and survival.

To know more about spiders and prey visit:-


What is the meaning of SAP​


In agriculture, the term "sap" typically refers to the nutrient-rich liquid that flows through the xylem and phloem of plants. This liquid contains a variety of nutrients, including water, sugars, minerals, and other compounds that are essential for the growth and development of the plant.

Sap plays a crucial role in the process of photosynthesis, as it transports the necessary nutrients and water from the roots to the leaves of the plant. It also helps to distribute other important substances throughout the plant, such as hormones and enzymes.

The properties of sap can vary depending on the species of plant and other environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, and soil conditions. In some cases, sap may also have medicinal or nutritional properties, and is used in various traditional and alternative medicine practices.

The history of treatment for psychological problems gives sufficient reason for appreciating modern therapies. 2One of the more dramatic “cures” practiced by primitive “therapists” was a process called trepanning. 3A hole was bored, chipped, or bashed into the skull of the patient, presumably to relieve pressure or release evil spirits. 4Actually, trepanning may have simply been an excuse to kill people who were unusual, since many of the “patients” didn’t survive the “treatment.” 5 During the Middle Ages, treatment for the mentally ill in Europe focused on demonology. 6Abnormal behavior was attributed to supernatural forces such as possession by the devil or the curses of witches or wizards. 7Exorcism, which often took the form of physical torture, was used to drive out the evil. 8The idea that the emotionally disturbed are “mentally ill” and that they should be treated compassionately emerged after 1793. 9This was the year Philippe Pinel changed the Bicetre Asylum in Paris from a squalid “madhouse” into a mental hospital by personally unchaining the inmates.

The supporting details of the above paragraph are:
Group of answer choices
A.)modern therapies
B.)abnormal behaviors
C.)ways of treating psychological problems
D.)supernatural beliefs about abnormal behavior during the Middle Ages






Across Cultures

History and Practice of Medicine

in Non-Western Cultures

Edited by

Helaine Selin

Kluwer Academic Publishers







HELAINE SELIN, Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts USA



History and Practice of Medicine

in Non-Western Cultures



Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

Advisory Editor


University of Nevada, Reno, USA



eBook ISBN: 0-306-48094-8

Print ISBN: 1-4020-1166-0

©2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers

New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow

Print ©2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers


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In 1997, Kluwer Academic Publishers published the Encyclopaedia of the

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures. The

encyclopedia, a collection of almost 600 articles by almost 300 contributors,

covered a range of topics from Aztec science and Chinese medicine to Tibetan

astronomy and Indian ethnobotany. For some cultures, specific individuals

could be identified, and their biographies were included. Since the study of

non-Western science is not just a study of facts, but a study of culture and

philosophy, we included essays on subjects such as Colonialism and Science,

Magic and Science, The Transmission of Knowledge from East to West,

Technology and Culture, Science as a Western Phenomenon, Values and

Science, and Rationality, Objectivity, and Method.

Because the encyclopedia was received with critical acclaim, and because the

nature of an encyclopedia is such that articles must be concise and compact,

the editors at Kluwer and I felt that there was a need to expand on its success.

We thought that the breadth of the encyclopedia could be complemented by a

series of books that explored the topics in greater depth. We had an opportunity,

without such space limitations, to include more illustrations and much longer

bibliographies. We shifted the focus from the general educated audience that

the encyclopedia targeted to a more scholarly one, although we have been

careful to keep the articles readable and keep jargon to a minimum.

Before we can talk about the field of non-Western science, we have to define

both non-Western and science. The term non-Western is not a geographical

designation; it is a cultural one. We use it to describe people outside of the

Euro-American sphere, including the native cultures of the Americas. The

power of European and American colonialism is evident in the fact that the

majority of the world’s population is defined by what they are not. And in fact,

for most of our recorded history the flow of knowledge, art, and power went

the other way. In this series, we hope to rectify the lack of scholarly attention

paid to most of the world’s science.

As for defining science, if we wish to study science in non-Western cultures,

we need to take several intellectual steps. First, we must accept that every

culture has a science, that is, a way of defining, controlling, and predicting

events in the natural world. Then we must accept that every science is legitimate

in terms of the culture from which it grew. The transformation of the word

science as a distinct rationality valued above magic is uniquely European. It



is not common to most non-Western societies, where magic and science and

religion can easily co-exist. The empirical, scientific realm of understanding

and inquiry is not readily separable from a more abstract, religious realm.

Medicine Across Cultures is the third book in the series. It includes about 20

chapters. Most deal with medical systems as they are perceived and practiced

by different cultures: Australian Aboriginal people. Native Americans, Samoans,

Indians, etc. The book also contains a variety of essays on related subjects,

such as Religion and Medicine or Chinese and Western Medicine.

We hope the series will be used to provide both factual information about

the practices and practitioners of the sciences as well as insights into the

worldviews and philosophies of the cultures that produced them. We hope that

readers will achieve a new respect for the accomplishments of ancient civiliza-




The ans will be D cus from where u

wrote 3A there was a skull, read down and digest it then choose you ans

Add the missing end of sentence punctuation and capital letters. There are 2 missing question marks, 1 missing full stop and 2 missing capital letters. I’m going to play crazy golf tomorrow with Katrina do you want to play too I think we’re allowed up to five players. have you ever played crazy golf before I haven’t, but I’ve got a feeling I’m going to be good at it.



"I'm going to play crazy golf tomorrow with Katrina. Do you want to play too? I think we're allowed up to five players. Have you ever played crazy golf before? I haven't, but I've got a feeling I'm going to be good at it."

Which inference can be made based on the information in the excerpt?​




Based on the information in the excerpt, it can be inferred that the author is describing a scenario in which a person has to make a difficult decision that involves taking risks. The author states that it is important to consider both the potential rewards and the potential risks before making a decision. The author also suggests that it is better to take a calculated risk than to take no risk at all, as that could lead to stagnation and an inability to achieve one's goals.

In Lincoln's Grave Robbers who was John English?


Answer: he was a reporter from the Chicago Tribune


Chicago lawyer, friend of Patrick Tyrrell. John English. Reporter of the Chicago Tribune newspaper, first to break story of attempted tomb robbery.

You will complete an Argument Organizer based on the topic you choose.

Select the Argument Organizer.
Important: Immediately save the worksheet to your computer or drive.

Should teens be allowed to play dangerous sports?
Choose one side of the issue. Add the following information to your Argument Organizer:
The question your essay will answer
A claim clearly stating your stance on the issue that is written in the third person point of view, does not include emotions or feelings, and can be supported with facts
Reason 1 why readers should agree with your claim. Evidence/support for the reason. A reliable source for the information
Reason 2 why readers should agree with your claim. Evidence/support for the reason. A reliable source for the information
Rebuttal with evidence from a reliable source
Locate at least two reliable sources and complete each box of the Argument Organizer


## Question

Should teens be allowed to play dangerous sports?

## Claim

It is not advisable for teens to play dangerous sports because it poses serious risks to their health and safety.

## Reason 1

Teens are more prone to sports injuries due to their developing bodies and lack of experience in handling dangerous sports.

- Evidence: According to a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics, teens are more likely to sustain injuries in sports due to their growing bones and muscles, which are more vulnerable to damage.

- Source: ([](

## Reason 2

Playing dangerous sports can have long-term effects on teens' physical and mental health.

- Evidence: A study conducted by the University of Texas found that athletes who sustained multiple concussions during their teenage years had a higher risk of developing depression and memory loss later in life.

- Source: ([](

## Counterclaim

Some argue that playing dangerous sports helps teens build character and develop important life skills such as teamwork and perseverance.

## Rebuttal

While it is true that sports can have positive effects on character development, the risks associated with playing dangerous sports outweigh any potential benefits. A study by the National Athletic Trainers' Association found that the most common sports injuries among teenage athletes were sprains, strains, and fractures, which can lead to chronic pain and long-term disability.

- Source: ([](

What is the meaning of "Mind you grow a little wiser.Little better every day"?




The phrase "Mind you grow a little wiser. Little better every day" means that one should strive to improve oneself in small ways every day, gradually becoming more knowledgeable and better at various skills or tasks. It emphasizes the importance of continuous personal growth and self-improvement, suggesting that even small steps in the right direction can lead to significant progress over time.


"You are not helping," Alicia shrieked.

Ron was driving the boat, and he clearly knew what he was doing. He had been running boats, working crab traps since Alicia was old enough to notice such things. Still, she wasn't sure she trusted him to tell her the truth about things. She was younger, and he liked to tease. She often found herself soaking wet from a dunk, or the loser in a game he'd "forgotten" to explain the rules for. She loved him nonetheless. He brought her treasures from his traps. He told her stories of strange creatures he'd seen in the salt marshes.

"Seriously," Ron continued, slowing the boat down, "they can't really hurt you. It's just a bivalve."

"Bivalve means 'two valves,'" Alicia said, "but that doesn't tell me anything about how hard they bite." Spray from the waves speckled Alicia's back and shoulder. She had turned to talk to Ron, but she also was enjoying a break from getting the spray in her face. It was a warm sunny day, but Alicia knew if the wind picked up she could get chilled.

"Look, it's not going to hurt if you get bitten," Ron said, taking her seriously now. "If you just pick them up from the back you won't have any trouble. Shoot, you pick up crabs all the time and they have a much more painful pinch than a scallop."

"Well, there's a bigger place to put my hand on a crab. Scallops are petite."

"And squirty," Ron added. "You know they move by pushing water through their shell? But seriously, sis, they move slowly. They will be snuggled down in the sea grass when you see them and won't go far if they do move. You'll be fine. Now climb up on the bow, look out in the shallows, and see if you can see any."

Ron had slowed the boat to an almost idle speed. Up ahead Alicia could see many boats anchored on the shallow flats. People walking around the boats would bend every now and then to pick something up from the water. It looked like a small city on the water, with people milling about waiting for a movie to start or a party to begin.

Alicia climbed up to the front of the boat and looked out over the sea grass flats. The water was just a few feet deep, and she could see the dark green blades of sea grass swaying as the waves gently washed across the shallows. The boat moved slowly, and Alicia saw shells scattered here and there and sea urchins with their spiny red orbs. Small translucent fish darted away.

She had only seen pictures of scallops, but when she saw the first brown shell tucked into a clump of sea grass she knew immediately what it was.

"I see one," she yelled, pointing.

"That's great," Ron yelled back. "Wait till you see a lot more than just one. It's not worth stopping for one."

Alicia continued looking, scanning first one side of the boat then the other. She saw a stingray dash away, patches of gleaming white sand here and there, and another few sea urchins. Then suddenly, as if they had passed into a new world, scallops were everywhere. Every few feet on both sides of the boat she saw them. Waving her hand at Ron, she turned and got ready to drop the anchor.

"Here," she said. "Right here is perfect."

Ron cut the motor and Alicia dropped the anchor off the bow. She turned. Ron had already put on his tennis shoes and was putting sunblock on his face. He threw the sunblock in her direction, and threw a leg over the side of the boat.

"Get your shoes on. There's a mesh bag on the seat for you. Use that to collect your scallops. We'll put them in the cooler when the bags get full."

Alicia slipped out of the boat a few minutes after Ron. The ground under her feet was squishy but solid; the sea grass brushed her legs. Spotting a nearby scallop, she walked slowly over, reached down-water up to her elbow-and touched its shell. Sure it would squirt away, she was surprised when nothing happened at all. Reaching behind and underneath it, she lifted the scallop out of the water and up to her face to look more closely. The top shell was dark green, almost brown, with tiny barnacles here and there. The bottom shell was white and smooth.

"Told ya," Ron yelled at her from the other side of the boat. "It's super easy."

Just then the scallop she was holding opened its shell slightly. Alicia saw a row of iridescent blue dots among what looked like frilly whiskers. Was it looking at her?

Suddenly she felt the scallop contract in her hand. Its shell clamped shut, and water squirted out of it. Right into her face.

"Ahhh," she screamed, dropping the scallop and hearing Ron's hoots of laughter behind her.

"And there, dear sister, is the scallop's bite. Do be careful," Ron said, laughing harder.

Alicia had to grin as her brother's laugh grew louder. "I'll take a squirt in the face any day over a bite," she said bending to retrieve the dropped bivalve. It was going to be a good day.

Why is Ron so knowledgeable about sea animals?

He likes to eat scallops.

He spends his time working crab traps.

He enjoys teasing his sister.

He likes to show off what he knows.



The passage states that "Ron had been running boats, working crab traps since Alicia was old enough to notice such things." This suggests that Ron has spent a lot of time working with sea animals, which would explain why he is knowledgeable about them. Therefore, the correct answer is (b) He spends his time working crab traps.


1.Since 1949, Beijing has been the seat of government for ________ and Taiwan has been the home to ________.

the Chinese Communist Party; the Nationalists

the Nationalists; the Chinese Communist Party

capitalist leaders; communist intellectuals

Jiang Jieshi; Mao Zedong

2.What was the most prominent result of the Great Leap Forward?

China caught up and surpassed the Soviet Union in industrial output.

Tens of millions of people in China starved to death.

There was a falling out between China and the Soviet Union.

Mao Zedong solidified his grip on power over the Chinese government.

3.Use the image below to answer the question that follows.

The Chinese propaganda above showed the relationship between

communism and capitalism

communism and nationalism

war and the environment

industry and agriculture

4.In modern Chinese history, the big push to rid China of all remaining obstacles to a harmonious, classless society, initiated by Mao Zedong in his last ten years, is known as the

Hundred Flowers Campaign

Cultural Revolution

Great Leap Forward

First Five Year Plan and Second Five Year Plan


How did Deng Xiaoping demonstrate flexibility in leadership from strict communist ideology?

He opened up the special economic zones.

He used the military to break up the protests in Tiananmen Square.

He refused to criticize the leadership of Mao Zedong.

He defended the Gang of Four from public criticism.

6.How did the Chinese government change the one-child policy in 2015?

It completely abolished it.

It changed it to the four-child policy.

It introduced a waiver system.

It increased the fine for violating it.

7.Which of the following accurately describes the impact of China's special economic zones?

An increase in Chinese self-sufficiency

A significant decrease in political freedoms

An extraordinary increase in economic output and trade

The introduction of some elements of democracy


The Dalai Lama is a major player in what ongoing international controversy with China?

The security of Hong Kong's separate democratic government

The independence of Tibet

The status of Taiwan as part of China or an independent country

The militarization of small islands in the South China Sea

9.In which areas of the world did proxy wars occur?


Europe and Africa

The Americas

All of the above

10.Use the table of American military deaths during the Vietnam War to answer the question that follows:

United States Military Deaths by Country Fatality Occurred

Country of Casualty Number of Records

Cambodia 520

Laos 733

North Vietnam 1,124

Communist China 10

Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) 55,629

Thailand 177

Total 58,193

Based on the data above, American involvement in the Vietnam War was

strictly as advisors to the South Vietnamese military

successful in its strategic goals

contained to Vietnam

spilled over into neighboring countries

11.Use the graph below of the Korean War to answer the question that follows.

Which of the following statements about the Korean War is supported by the information above?

The Korean people suffered the most from the war.

Overall, more civilians were killed than soldiers.

The United States suffered much more relative to the other countries involved.

American and Chinese civilians did not care about the war.

12.What militarily much more powerful country fought an unsuccessful war in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989?


Soviet Union

United Kingdom

United States

13.The containment policy of the United States was dedicated to containing which of the following most precisely?




National Socialism

14.What do the conflicts in Turkey, Greece, Korea, and Vietnam all have in common?

They ended with neither side winning decisively.

They were fundamentally about colonialism.

The United States intervened militarily and suffered thousands of soldier deaths.

The United States provided support to anti-communists.

15.What was the goal of the event known as the Bay of Pigs incident in 1961?

Pushing out the remaining capitalists from Cuba

Overthrowing the communist government

Assassinating Fidel Castro

Collecting intelligence on American CIA operations

16.Based on your knowledge of the American military and the graph below, answer the question that follows.

The steady decline in defense spending between 1987 and 1999 would best be explained by

the First Gulf War

the end of the Vietnam War

the end of the Korean War

the end of the Cold War



the Chinese Communist Party; the NationalistsTens of millions of people in China starved to death.communism and nationalismCultural RevolutionHe opened up special economic zones.It introduced a waiver system.An extraordinary increase in economic output and tradeThe independence of TibetAsiaspilled over into neighboring countriesOverall, more civilians were killed than soldiers.Soviet UnionCommunismThe United States provided support to anti-communists.Overthrowing the communist governmentthe end of the Cold War

Identify three feature of non academic language from the text and justify why each of your chosen features are non academic


Answer: Three features of non-academic language from the text and their justifications are:1. Colloquialism: Colloquialism is one of the characteristics of non-academic language. Colloquial language is informal and includes slang, idioms, and dialects. These phrases are typical of a specific area or demographic, and they are unlikely to be used in a formal academic setting. For instance, “I got to go, catch you later!” or “Hey, what's up?”.2. Abbreviations: Abbreviations are a common feature of non-academic language. Abbreviations are created by shortening long words or phrases, such as "ASAP" for "As Soon As Possible." In academic writing, the use of abbreviations is not considered suitable unless they are widely understood, such as "UN" for "United Nations.

3. Emojis: Emojis, similar to colloquialisms, are considered non-academic because they are informal and non-standardized. Emojis can express emotion or indicate tone in a text message or social media post, but they are not considered suitable for formal academic writing.

Read more about  justifications here:


which of the following statements regarding ethnic and gender differences in rates of cigarette smoking is true?


Tobacco triggers spasms that close off blood vessels. Generally, guys have a tendency to apply all cigarette smoking at better prices than ladies.

In 2015, 16.7 percentage of person adult males and 13.6 percentage of person women smoked cigarettes. Such variations can also additionally relate to a mixture of physiological (mainly ovarian hormones), cultural, and behavioral factors. American Indians and Alaska Natives have the best smoking fee of any racial or ethnic group. A latest observe additionally determined American Indian and Alaska Native males and females have a better percent of smoking-associated deaths from coronary heart sickness and stroke than white males and females. New studies shows that, as compared with guys, ladies can be greater at risk of smoking-associated morbidity and mortality. Gender-associated boundaries to smoking cessation encompass weight gain, intercourse hormones, and mood. Smokers are much more likely than nonsmokers to broaden coronary heart sickness, stroke, and lung cancer. Estimates display smoking will increase the risk: For coronary coronary heart sickness through 2 to four times. For stroke through 2 to four times.

To learn more about smoking check the link below-


Complete question-

Which of the following statements regarding ethnic and gender differences in rates of cigarette smoking is true?Multiple Choice Tobacco decreases levels of LDL cholesterol. Tobacco triggers spasms that close off blood vessels. Tobacco damages the inner lining of blood vessels. Tobacco decreases levels of HDL cholesterol.

fill in the blank. according to studies, the story of santa claus delivering gifts on christmas eve starts to seem far-fetched when children are___years old.


According to studies, the story of santa claus delivering gifts on christmas eve starts to seem far-fetched when children are 5 years old.

According to its unique meaning, Christians acquire on Christmas Eve to have fun the beginning of Jesus. Non-Christian human beings additionally have fun nowadays as a own circle of relatives vacation with presents, a unique meal and lots of lighting and decorations. The subculture of celebrating Christmas Eve derives in part from Christan liturgy beginning at sunset, that's inherited from Jewish subculture and primarily based totally at the Book of Genesis's Story of Creation, pronouncing the primary day begins offevolved withinside the nighttime and ends withinside the morning. Christmas Eve, that's the day earlier than Christmas Day, is well known in many nations worldwide. It is a Christian observance that falls on December 24 withinside the Gregorian calendar.

To learn more about Christians' check the link below-


Which part of the novel Namesake do you not like? Why not? How would you change it in any way?


I think it would be powerful to see Gogol's reaction to his father's passing, and how it has shaped him.

What is Namesake?

Namesake is a novel by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri. The book follows the story of a Bengali couple who immigrate to the United States and give birth to a son, whom they name Gogol. The story explores themes of identity, cultural assimilation, and the immigrant experience as Gogol navigates his life as a second-generation Indian-American.

The novel was first published in 2003 and was later adapted into a film of the same name in 2006. The book has been highly acclaimed and has won numerous awards, including the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award, the New York Public Library's Young Lions Fiction Award, and the National Book Critics Circle Award.

I don't like the way Ashoke's death is handled in The Namesake. I find it jarring and abrupt. I think it would be more effective if there was more focus on his life and more of a build-up to his death. I would also like to see more of his impact on Gogol's life and how his death has changed him.

Learn more about Namesake from given link


FILL IN THE BLANK _____spent time abroad when i was a student, i found it easier to get used to______in another country


Having spent time abroad when I was a student, I found it easier to get used to living in another country.

The above sentence was related to choosing the grammatically correct option to complete the answer. The above sentence is in the past tense, in which a student is trying to explain his experience of living abroad.

An instance of inappropriate or problematic language use is a grammatical error. It will be difficult for the reader to understand what you are saying as a result. It's important to distinguish grammatical mistakes from other forms of writing mistakes because there are many different kinds of errors.

A grammatical tense called the past tense is used to say that something happened in the past. Verbs in the past tense include the English words sang, went, and washed.

To learn more about Grammatically correct, click here;


NOTE: The given question on the portal is incomplete. Here's the complete question.

QUESTION: _______ spent time abroad when I was a student, I found it easier to get used to ________ in another country.

A. Have, live

B. To have, living

C. Having, Living

D. Having, live

Write a sentence in your own words in which you use ‘freak’ as an intransitive verb



1.I saw the spider and freaked, jumping out of my chair.

2.After watching the horror movie, my little sister freaked and refused to sleep in her own bed.

3.I tend to freak when I see a needle, so getting a vaccine shot can be a nerve-wracking experience for me.

4.The loud thunder outside made the dog freak, causing him to hide under the bed for the rest of the night.

What is the meaning of "an attack in ten days"?


The phrase "an attack in ten days" implies a possible German military attack within ten days after the report or rumor was received. The Stockholm embassy passed on this rumor on June 7, suggesting an anticipated attack by June 17.

Why did Germany launch an invasion of Belgium?

In the early stages of World War I, Germany developed the Schlieffen Plan, a military strategy aimed at quickly defeating France in a lightning attack. The plan involved a rapid invasion of Belgium, which was neutral at the time and then attacking France from the north, where its defenses were weaker.

The invasion of Belgium had significant consequences. It caused Britain, which had guaranteed Belgian neutrality, to declare war on Germany, thus bringing the United Kingdom into World War I. The invasion also led to significant international condemnation of Germany's actions and damaged Germany's reputation in the eyes of many countries around the world.

To learn more about World War I, click


Part III: Community Connection Ask at least one adult in your community about reading in his or her work. Write a paragraph naming the person’s job title and describing how reading is important in the position.


A sense of belonging to a place and community. opportunity to learn about getting along with people. People to turn to when they want assistance.

Continue to converse with one another. Continue the conversation. Assemble and share even if you aren't at your sharpest, most dressed-up, well-rested, and cheery. Continue to explore, express, and evolve your understanding of your experience and what you value by meeting yourself and others in your community where they are. Community bonds are vital because they provide people a sense of belonging. These interactions go beyond a person's family and friends and are founded on the idea of reciprocity, in which individuals both give and receive.

Learn more about community Connection


come up with 5 questions you have about interracial relationships from the Jim Crow laws and answer those questions with at least 3 sentences each.
Please help, thank you


In this question we have to provide 5 questions from the Jim Crow laws.

What is the meaning of Laws?

Laws are rules and regulations established by a government or other authority to govern behavior and maintain order in a society. Laws may be written or unwritten, and they apply to individuals, organizations, and governments.

Sure, here are five questions and answers related to interracial relationships during the Jim Crow laws era:

1) Were interracial relationships illegal during the Jim Crow laws era?

Yes, interracial relationships were illegal during the Jim Crow laws era in many states in the United States. Laws known as anti-miscegenation laws prohibited interracial marriage and sexual relationships. These laws were intended to maintain racial segregation and prevent the mixing of races, particularly between whites and non-whites.

2) What were the consequences of engaging in an interracial relationship during the Jim Crow laws era?

The consequences of engaging in an interracial relationship during the Jim Crow laws era could be severe. In some states, individuals who engaged in an interracial marriage or sexual relationship could be fined, imprisoned, or both. They could also face social ostracism, loss of employment, and physical violence.

3) Were there any exceptions to the anti-miscegenation laws during the Jim Crow laws era?

There were some exceptions to the anti-miscegenation laws during the Jim Crow laws era. Some states had "grandfather clauses" that allowed interracial couples who were already married to remain married. Other states allowed interracial marriages if one partner was of a certain percentage of Native American ancestry, but these laws varied by state.

4) Did interracial relationships still occur despite the anti-miscegenation laws during the Jim Crow laws era?

Yes, interracial relationships still occurred despite the anti-miscegenation laws during the Jim Crow laws era. Some couples chose to defy the laws and risk the consequences, while others engaged in secret relationships. In some cases, interracial relationships occurred between individuals of different races who were not subject to the anti-miscegenation laws, such as Native Americans or individuals of Asian descent.

5) Did attitudes towards interracial relationships change over time during the Jim Crow laws era?

Attitudes towards interracial relationships did not change significantly during the Jim Crow laws era. The laws remained in place until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, which led to the repeal of the anti-miscegenation laws. However, even after the laws were repealed, interracial relationships continued to face social stigma and discrimination. It was not until later years that attitudes towards interracial relationships began to shift towards greater acceptance.

To know more about laws visit:

how does the author use figurative language in paragraph 1? to show why message does not like winter


The author uses figurative language to highlight the contrast between slow and abrupt changes in the passage. Option 2 is correct.

The author uses the phrase "blasting its way into our village" to describe the sudden and violent nature of the change that comes into the narrator's life and the village. This use of figurative language emphasizes the contrast between this sudden change and the slow and gradual changes that the narrator has witnessed in the past, such as the decline of her father's importance and the aging and death of her parents.

By contrasting the slow changes with the sudden and violent one, the author highlights the profound impact of the new change and its disruptive nature. The use of figurative language, in this case, contributes to the meaning of the passage by emphasizing the importance of recognizing and responding to sudden and significant changes in life. Hence Option 2 is correct.

To learn more about figurative language, here


The complete question is:

Change I had known before, and it had been gradual. My father had been a headman once, a person of consequence in our village: I had lived to see him relinquish this importance, but the alteration was so slow that we hardly knew when it came.

I had seen both my parents sink into old age and death, and here too there was no violence. But the change that now came into my life, into all our lives, blasting its way into our village, seemed wrought in the twinkling of an eye.

How does the author use figurative language to contribute to the meaning of the passage?

by illustrating the close relationship between the narrator and her parentsby highlighting the contrast between slow and abrupt changesby describing the destruction inflicted upon the villageby summarizing the important experiences that shaped the narrator’s life

Indrite on article for publication.
ciscussa my
10th March, 2023
the reasons why
in your School
why children in
suggesting ways of minimizing 16.




As the end of the academic year approaches, it's a common sight to see children dropping out of school. This can be a major concern for parents, teachers, and the community at large. In this article, we will be discussing some of the reasons why children drop out of school and suggesting ways to minimize this issue.

One of the primary reasons why children drop out of school is due to academic challenges. Students who struggle with their studies often feel demotivated and may lack the confidence to continue. As a result, they may decide to quit school altogether. Teachers can help by providing extra support to such students and engaging them in different activities that cater to their learning style.

Another reason why children may drop out of school is due to financial constraints. In some cases, families may not be able to afford the cost of education. In such situations, schools can provide scholarships or other forms of financial aid to help students in need.

Peer pressure is also a major factor that can lead to dropouts. Negative influence from peers can lead students down the wrong path and cause them to lose interest in academics. Educators can encourage positive relationships among students and provide support to help them resist negative peer pressure.

Mental health issues can also contribute to students dropping out of school. Depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions can make it difficult for students to cope with academic and social pressures. Schools can provide mental health services and support to help students manage their mental health and stay engaged in their studies.

In conclusion, dropping out of school is a significant issue that can have long-term consequences for students. By identifying the reasons why students may drop out and taking proactive steps to minimize these issues, schools can ensure that all students have access to quality education and a bright future.

How many bones are in the human blank




There are 206 bones in the adult human body. These bones are connected to each other by joints, ligaments, and muscles, and together they form the skeletal system, which provides support and protection for the body's organs and tissues, helps us move, and plays a role in the production of blood cells.

In lines 38-43, Scipio, the Roman commander, reflects on the history of great cities and empires. In your own words, what does he state? Can you think of any other examples to support his claim?

Anyone from India ​




In lines 38-43, Scipio reflects on the rise and fall of great cities and empires throughout history. He states that every city and empire, no matter how great, is ultimately subject to the cycle of rise and fall. He believes that the greatness of a city or empire is not determined by its size or wealth, but rather by its virtues and the character of its people.

To support this claim, we can look at examples from history such as the Roman Empire itself, which Scipio belonged to. Despite its size and power, the Roman Empire eventually declined and fell due to various factors such as corruption, economic instability, and external threats. Another example is the Byzantine Empire, which lasted for over a thousand years but eventually fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453.

Other examples of great cities and empires that have risen and fallen throughout history include the Ancient Greek city-states, the Egyptian and Babylonian empires, the Mongol Empire, and the British Empire. Each of these examples illustrates Scipio's point that no empire or city is immune to the cycle of rise and fall and that greatness is determined not by power alone but by the character of its people and their virtues.


In those lines, Scipio reflects on the transient nature of great cities and empires, stating that they rise, become great, and then inevitably fall. He notes that the once-great cities of Tyre, Sidon, and Thebes are now in ruins, and that even Rome, the city he is defending, will someday also fall. He emphasizes the importance of virtue and the pursuit of higher ideals as a way to achieve lasting greatness beyond mere material wealth and power.

One example to support his claim is the ancient Greek empire, which rose to great heights of cultural, artistic, and intellectual achievement, but eventually declined and was absorbed by the Roman empire. Another example is the Ottoman empire, which was once one of the largest and most powerful empires in the world, but gradually declined and eventually dissolved in the 20th century.


explain how you can ensure that corruption does not form part of your e-business​




As an e-business owner, it is important to ensure that corruption does not form part of your business operations. Corruption can negatively impact your business reputation, lead to legal issues, and even result in financial losses. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that corruption does not form part of your e-business:

Develop and implement a code of ethics: A code of ethics is a set of guidelines that outlines the standards of conduct for your e-business. It can help prevent corruption by establishing clear expectations and guidelines for ethical behaviour. Your code of ethics should cover topics such as conflicts of interest, gifts and entertainment, and transparency.

Implement internal controls: Internal controls are procedures and policies put in place to prevent fraud and corruption. Implementing internal controls such as regular audits, separation of duties, and authorization protocols can help prevent corruption in your e-business.

Conduct due diligence: Conducting due diligence on business partners, suppliers, and customers can help prevent corruption. The due diligence involves researching the background and reputation of the individuals or companies you are doing business with. This can help you identify any potential risks and take steps to mitigate them.

Provide anti-corruption training: Providing anti-corruption training to your employees can help them understand the risks associated with corruption and how to avoid it. This training should cover topics such as identifying and reporting corrupt behaviour, the consequences of corruption, and how to comply with anti-corruption laws and regulations.

Monitor and report suspicious activity: Monitoring your e-business operations for suspicious activity and reporting it to the appropriate authorities can help prevent corruption. This can include monitoring financial transactions, supplier relationships, and employee behaviour. You should also have a reporting system in place for employees and stakeholders to report any suspicious behaviour they observe.

Comply with anti-corruption laws and regulations: Complying with anti-corruption laws and regulations is essential to preventing corruption in your e-business. This includes laws such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act. Ensure that your e-business operations are in compliance with these laws and that you are aware of any updates or changes to them.

In conclusion, preventing corruption in your e-business requires a proactive approach that includes implementing a code of ethics, internal controls, due diligence, anti-corruption training, monitoring and reporting suspicious activity, and compliance with anti-corruption laws and regulations. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your e-business operates ethically and maintains its reputation as a trustworthy and reputable business.

Select how text structure and text features support the overall meaning of the text.

They can ask good questions.
They can move the story along.
They can provide cool pictures.
They can support the central idea.


The correct option is  “They can support the central idea”. Text structure and text features support the overall meaning of the text by supporting the central idea.  

Text structure refers to how a text is organized, while text features refer to the elements of a text that help readers understand it better. Both of these can help support the central idea of a text, which is the main point or message that the author wants to convey.

Therefore, text structure and text features support the overall meaning of the text by supporting the central idea. This means that they help readers understand the main point of the text and how it is organized. For example, if a text is organized chronologically, the text structure will help readers understand the sequence of events that led up to the central idea. Similarly, if a text features headings and subheadings, the text features will help readers navigate the text and find information that supports the central idea.

You can learn more about the central idea at:


1. State and describe the three main ways discussed in the lessons that culture is developed in a society. Provide an example from your culture for each.

2. Define, compare, and contrast formal and informal norms. Describe an example of each that you encounter in your own life, and discuss what sanctions may be used for obedience or violations of each norm.


Answer: 3 main ways below.


1. The three main ways that culture is developed in a society are through material culture, non-material culture, and symbols.

Material culture refers to the physical objects created by a society that reflect its values, beliefs, and behaviors. An example from my culture is traditional clothing like the saree, which is worn by women during formal occasions and represents modesty and respect for tradition.

Non-material culture refers to the abstract ideas, attitudes, and beliefs that a society holds. An example from my culture is the concept of "Namaste," which is a greeting and farewell that symbolizes respect and humility towards others.

Symbols are objects, gestures, sounds, or images that represent something else. An example from my culture is the "Om" symbol, which represents the sound of the universe and is used in meditation and religious practices.

Formal norms are established, written rules that govern behavior in society, while informal norms are unwritten, but widely understood rules that govern behavior.

An example of a formal norm in my life is following traffic laws while driving. Violations of this norm can result in fines or even legal action.

An example of an informal norm in my life is shaking hands when meeting someone for the first time. Following this norm is seen as a sign of respect, while not doing so can be viewed as rude or unfriendly.

Sanctions for obedience or violations of each norm can vary. For formal norms, sanctions can range from legal punishments to fines, while for informal norms, sanctions may be less severe, such as social disapproval or exclusion from a group. However, in some cases, violating an informal norm can result in more severe consequences, such as being ostracized from a community.

Q: Write An Article About the Topic: (At Least 1000 Words)
"10 Weight Loss Tips To Reduce Weight At Home"


Kindly No Plagiarism & No Grammatical Mistake


Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce your risk for many chronic diseases and improve your overall quality of life. Here are 10 tips for weight loss at home, which you can use to start improving your lifestyle today.

Eat nutrient-dense foods: Filling up on foods that are nutrient-dense, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, can help reduce your overall calorie intake and leave you feeling satisfied. Eating more nutrient-dense foods can also reduce your risk for chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.Avoid processed and fast foods: Processed and fast foods tend to be high in fat and calories, and can contribute to weight gain. Try to limit your intake of these types of foods and focus on eating more nutrient-dense options.Cut down on added sugars: Added sugars are often hidden in processed foods and drinks. To reduce your added sugar intake, read labels carefully and try to stick to natural sweeteners like honey and agave nectar.Cut down on sodium: Too much sodium can increase your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Avoid processed foods and opt for foods that are naturally low in sodium, like fresh fruits and vegetables.Exercise regularly: To lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. In addition to eating less, you should aim to get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. This can include walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, or any other type of physical activity.Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated is important for overall health, but it can also help with weight loss. Drinking water before meals can help you feel fuller, which can lead to less food consumption. Drinking plenty of water can also help flush out toxins and boost your metabolism.Get enough sleep: Getting enough quality sleep can help regulate your hormones, improve your mood, and boost your metabolism. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.Eat mindfully: Eating mindfully can help you stay mindful of what you’re consuming and avoid overeating. Try to eat slowly, savor your meals, and chew your food thoroughly.Keep a food diary: Keeping track of what you eat can help you become more mindful of your food choices. Writing down what you eat can also help you identify patterns that might be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.Find an accountability partner: Having an accountability partner can help you stay on track with your goals. You can work together to find new ways to stay motivated, reach your goals, and celebrate your successes.

By following these 10 tips for weight loss at home, you can start to make changes that will help you improve your overall health and wellness.

Learn more about weight loss here:


Rewrite the sentence in active voice using simple past tense.

Several key clues were overlooked by the investigators.


Answer: Several key clues are being by the investigators.

she earns $26000

Use 52
weeks to calculate her weekly earnings.


Answer: $500


a year has 52 weeks, if she earns $26000 a year she earns $500 a week since 26000 ÷ 52 = 500

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