essay on the immigration and migration in the early 20th century


Answer 1



Immigration and Migration in the Early 20th Century: Challenges and Opportunities.

In the early 20th century, immigration and migration were significant social and political issues in the United States. This era was marked by large waves of immigrants and internal migration, which had far-reaching social, cultural, and economic implications for American society.

Between 1900 and 1920, over 14 million immigrants arrived in the United States. The majority of these immigrants came from Europe, with many coming from southern and eastern regions. These immigrants came seeking economic opportunity, religious freedom, and escape from political turmoil in their home countries. Many settled in urban areas, including New York City and Chicago, where they formed ethnic enclaves and contributed to the cultural diversity of American cities.

However, the influx of immigrants also sparked social and political tensions. Many native-born Americans felt threatened by the growing numbers of immigrants and feared that they would take their jobs and lower their wages. Anti-immigrant sentiment led to the passage of laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and the Immigration Act of 1924, which restricted immigration from certain countries and regions.

Internal migration also played a significant role in shaping American society in the early 20th century. African Americans and rural Americans moved to cities in search of economic opportunity, leading to the growth of urban centers and the emergence of new social and cultural trends.

The Great Migration, which began in the early 20th century and lasted through the 1960s, saw millions of African Americans move from the rural South to northern cities in search of better economic opportunities and to escape racial oppression. This migration led to the formation of new African American communities in urban areas and contributed to the growth of the civil rights movement.

Similarly, the Dust Bowl of the 1930s forced thousands of rural Americans to migrate to California and other western states in search of work and a better life. This internal migration had significant economic and social implications for both the migrants and the places they settled, as it led to changes in labor markets and urban development.

Overall, immigration and migration in the early 20th century had a profound impact on American society. These movements of people contributed to the growth of urban centers, cultural diversity, and economic development, while also sparking social and political tensions. Today, the legacy of immigration and migration in the early 20th century continues to shape American society, as the country remains a melting pot of different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

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Who is your favorite superhero and why?

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The ideal patriot is Captain America. He was born Steve Rogers, a weak young man who through a covert government project became a super soldier.

Why Captain America favorite superhero?

He has incredible strength, agility, and endurance, as well as quick reflexes and improved senses. He can fend off hostile strikes with an invincible shield that he has as well. It's comforting to know that there are still those seeking justice in a society plagued by crime and sorrow. These three heroes are my favorites because they serve as a constant reminder that good always wins out in the end.

They are all extraordinary heroes thanks to their individual talents and capabilities. Those are people I look up to and try to emulate in many ways. He strives for the greater good and is a symbol of justice and optimism. I strive to be like him because I respect his bravery and selflessness.

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Read the following sentence.
But while the new labor system was celebrated throughout the northern United States as "free labor," it was also lamented by a growing powerless class of laborers.
What does the author use the word "lamented" to mean?

Question 4 options:

apologized for or regretted later
opposed and quickly removed
longed for and greatly missed
criticized or complained about


The author just use word "lamented" to indicate apologized for or regretted subsequently.

Is a late apology better than none at all?

The findings demonstrated that later apology were more beneficial than early ones, and that feeling heard and appreciated mediated this effect. There is discussion of the effects of fostering a  preparedness for  resolution.

A sincere apology is what?

A real apology that conveys empathy, regret, and a commitment to making amends for past errors is one that is sincere and effective. To put it another way, you must sincerely feel guilty about what you did and regret the mistake  you caused.

To know more about lamented visit:


what are the s.p.i.c.e outcomes at the end of the war production board ?




The War Production Board (WPB) was a U.S. government agency created during World War II to oversee the production of war materials and ensure that the military had the resources it needed. Here are some potential SPICE outcomes at the end of the War Production Board:

Social outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had social implications, as Americans adjusted to a postwar society. The agency had played a role in coordinating the country's war efforts and promoting national unity, and its dissolution may have had an impact on how Americans viewed themselves and their country.

Political outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had political implications, as well. The agency had been involved in managing the wartime economy and allocating resources, and its dissolution may have signaled a shift in U.S. government priorities or strategies.

Intellectual outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had intellectual implications, as Americans grappled with the legacy of wartime production and the role of government in managing the economy. Some may have questioned the efficiency of the government's wartime mobilization efforts, while others may have considered the challenges of transitioning from a wartime to a peacetime economy.

Cultural outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had cultural implications, as well. The agency had played a role in shaping American culture during the war, as many aspects of daily life were affected by the country's war efforts. The dissolution of the agency may have influenced American cultural production in the postwar years.

Economic outcomes: The end of the War Production Board had significant economic consequences, as the country shifted from a wartime to a peacetime economy. The agency had overseen the production and allocation of war materials, and its dissolution may have had an impact on industries that had relied on government contracts during the war. Additionally, the country experienced a postwar recession as demand for war materials decreased and soldiers returned to the workforce.

Why did the Scientific Revolution happen in the West and not another world civilization?



The Scientific Revolution happened in the West due to a combination of factors, including the development of new technologies, the encouragement of a questioning attitude towards established knowledge and beliefs, and increased access to higher education. In particular, the printing press allowed for the rapid dissemination of new ideas and accessible texts, while the rise of universities and academies allowed for the sharing of new knowledge and theories. The West also benefited from the influx of classical texts from the Islamic world and the Renaissance period, which provided the foundation for the development of new theories and scientific assumptions. Additionally, the West benefited from the emergence of nation-states, which provided the economic and political stability necessary for the growth of science and technology.

ways for promoting productive values and worldview of Africa's development​



There are many ways to promote productive values and worldview of Africa's development. Here are some ideas:

Education: Education is a powerful tool for promoting productive values and worldviews. Through education, people can learn about the history, culture, and achievements of African countries, which can help promote a positive and productive worldview of Africa's development.
Media: The media can play a vital role in promoting productive values and worldviews of Africa's development. Through positive and accurate media coverage, people can learn about the progress and achievements of African countries, which can help promote a positive and productive image of Africa.

Role models: Having positive role models can help promote productive values and worldviews. Promoting successful African entrepreneurs, artists, and leaders can inspire others and show that success is possible, which can help change negative perceptions of Africa.

Community engagement: Engaging with local communities can help promote productive values and worldviews. By working with communities to identify their needs and help develop solutions, people can see the positive impact that African solutions can have, which can promote a positive and productive worldview.

Promoting African goods and services: Supporting African goods and services can help promote a positive and productive worldview of Africa's development. By buying African-made products, people can contribute to the growth of African economies, which can help change negative perceptions of Africa.

Partnerships and collaborations: Partnerships and collaborations between African and international organizations can help promote productive values and worldviews. By working together, organizations can share knowledge and expertise, which can help promote positive and productive development strategies for Africa.

Overall, promoting productive values and worldviews of Africa's development requires a multifaceted approach that involves education, media, role models, community engagement, promoting African goods and services, and partnerships and collaborations. By working together, people can help change negative perceptions of Africa and promote a positive and productive image of Africa's development.

True or False: It is believed humans first started to change the environment in a negative way with the advent of fossil fuel technology.


False. Humans started to change the environment in a negative way long before the advent of fossil fuel technology.

What is Fossil Fuel Technology?

Fossil fuel technology refers to the methods and equipment used to extract, refine, and use fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of dead plants and animals that lived millions of years ago and were buried under sediment and rock.

Fossil fuel technology involves processes such as drilling for oil and gas, mining for coal, transporting the fuels, and burning them for energy production. While fossil fuels have played a critical role in powering modern industrial society, their use is also a major contributor to environmental problems such as air pollution, climate change, and habitat destruction.

Learn more about fossil fuel technology here:


FILL IN THE BLANK jefferson and the republicans worked to reverse the trend whereby ____ had nearly tripled between 1793 and 1800.






Describe Woodrow Wilson's attempt to keep the United States out of World War I by discussing the ways that President Wilson own actions undercut his desire to keep the country at peace?



One of Wilson's key strategies was to pursue a policy of neutrality, which meant that the United States would not take sides in the conflict and would remain neutral in its dealings with both the Allied and Central Powers. However, Wilson's own actions undercut this policy in several ways.

Firstly, Wilson issued a series of diplomatic statements that appeared to favor the Allied Powers. For example, in his address to Congress on April 2, 1917, Wilson urged the United States to enter the war on the side of the Allies, arguing that it was necessary to make the world "safe for democracy". This statement signaled to both sides that the United States was no longer a neutral party and would likely join the war effort.

Secondly, Wilson's decision to continue arming merchant ships carrying supplies to the Allies also undermined his policy of neutrality. This decision provoked a series of attacks by German submarines, including the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915, which killed over 1,100 civilians, including 128 Americans. Although Wilson initially protested these attacks, he eventually authorized the arming of American merchant ships, which further escalated tensions with Germany.

Finally, Wilson's support for the Allied Powers also led him to implement a series of economic policies that favored the Allies over the Central Powers. For example, the United States extended credit to the Allies to purchase American goods, while at the same time imposing an embargo on trade with Germany. These policies further eroded Wilson's policy of neutrality and signaled to Germany that the United States was aligned with the Allies.

In conclusion, while Woodrow Wilson attempted to keep the United States out of World War I through a policy of neutrality, his own actions, including his public statements, military decisions, and economic policies, ultimately undercut this effort and contributed to the United States' eventual entry into the war.


There is a little something to get you started.

need help with these 3 questions please

(Q005) Explain how the drawings and passages in Documents 1 and 2 served President Jefferson's political or philosophical purposes.

What did he hope to accomplish by annexing, mapping and documenting this new territory (there are several possible answers).

Why send Lewis and Clark in the first place?


We can see that Documents 1 and 2 refer to the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which was commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. The purpose of the expedition was to explore and document the newly acquired territory of Louisiana, which had been purchased from France in the Louisiana Purchase.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?

Jefferson was a president, diplomat, an architect, a musician, and a philosopher. He was a strong advocate of individual rights and limited government, and he is often regarded as one of the most important figures in American history.

During his presidency, he oversaw the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition, among other notable achievements.

Jefferson hoped to accomplish several goals by annexing, mapping and documenting this new territory. One of his primary objectives was to establish American control over the Mississippi River and its tributaries, which would facilitate trade and commerce in the region.

Additionally, he hoped that the exploration of the territory would yield valuable information about the region's geography, natural resources, and potential for settlement and economic development.

Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on the expedition because he believed that they were well-suited for the task. Lewis had served as Jefferson's private secretary and was a skilled outdoorsman and naturalist, while Clark was an experienced soldier and frontiersman.

Learn more about Thomas Jefferson on


The first manufactured good to be produced by truly modern, industrial means was

a. cast iron.

b. the case clock.

c. cotton cloth.

d. the breech-loading rifle.

e. porcelain.


Cotton cloth was the first item to be manufactured   using genuinely contemporary, industrial techniques.

What was produced during the initial Industrial Revolution?

The steam engine, the spinning jenny, the cotton gin, and the telegraph are a few of the first Industrial Revolution's most significant technologies. The second Industrial Revolution that followed witnessed the development of the internal combustion engine, managed electricity, and the lightbulb.

What contemporary factory was the first during the Industrial Revolution?

Industry started to advance after the industrial revolution. The first factories were constructed in 1790, beginning with Samuel Slater's Slater Mill cotton-spinning facility in Rhode Island.

To know more about manufactured  visit:-


Stalims five year plan was successful in transforming agriculture and industry in the soviet union between 1928 and 1941. elucidate on how it helped increase production ​


Initiating rapid and widespread industrialisation from across Soviet Socialist Republics Union was the goal of the first five-year plan.

To what extent did Stalin's five-year plan succeed in changing Soviet agriculture and industry?

In approximately four months and three years, the industry's first five-year plan was formally fulfilled to a degree of 93.7%. Heavy industry's production methods went over the allotted amount by 103.4%. The industry for light goods, or consumer goods, attained up to 84.9% of the its designated quota. Harry Byers' first trip to the Soviet Union took place during the second year of the plan, which started on October 1st, 1928.

To know more about Soviet Union visit:


in which of the following areas did the united states make the greatest contribution among all of its allies?


Industrial production

What was the primary purpose of the Reconstruction period following the Civil War




The primary purpose of the Reconstruction period following the Civil War (1865-1877) was to rebuild and reunify the United States after the secession of the Southern states and the subsequent Civil War. Reconstruction aimed to address the political, economic, and social consequences of the war, including the abolition of slavery, the integration of freed slaves into society, the reintegration of Confederate states into the Union, and the rebuilding of the Southern economy.

The Reconstruction period began with the passage of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, and the establishment of the Freedmen's Bureau, which provided assistance to newly freed slaves in areas such as education, healthcare, and employment. The Reconstruction period also saw the passage of the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, which granted citizenship and voting rights to African Americans.

In addition to these legislative actions, the Reconstruction period also involved efforts to rebuild the Southern economy, which had been devastated by the war. This included the construction of new infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and railroads, as well as the promotion of agricultural development and the establishment of new industries.

Despite these efforts, Reconstruction ultimately proved to be a contentious and divisive period in American history, as many white Southerners resisted efforts to integrate African Americans into society and opposed the expansion of federal power in the region. Nonetheless, the legacy of Reconstruction remains a significant chapter in the ongoing struggle for racial justice and equality in the United States.

Which region's economy grew due to the Erie Canal?

A. Midwest

B. Rocky Mountain states

C. Pacific states

D. Southeast


The answer is A, the eerie canal opened the Midwest to settlement. Hope this helps.

One exception to President Warren G. Harding's policy of isolationism involved in the Middle East, where the United States sought to
a. support a homeland for Jews in Israel.
b. prevent the League of Nations from establishing British and French protectorates in the region.
c. stop the Soviet Union from dominating the area.
d. secure oil-drilling concessions for American companies.
e. curb the rise of Arab nationalism.


President Democratic Candidate Harding made a break from his isolationist approach in the Mideast, where the country worked to get oil drilling rights for American firms. (Choice d)

What do we mean by the policy of isolation?

Isolationists favoured staying out of international affairs and staying out of conflicts in Europe and Asia. The United States continued to expand financially and defend its interests throughout Latin America even while it took steps to prevent political as well as military conflicts across oceans. China is a prime illustration of isolationism. In the fifteenth century, China closed itself off from the outside world and made an effort to maintain its isolation ever since. China sent out large-scale voyages inside the early 14th and early sixteenth centuries, but none more left port after that.

To know more about Isolationists visit:


Ideas of the enlightenment were very popular with people who desired what?


The enlightment was popular because it gave people freedom and rights, which is what people desired.

Please answer accordingly and I will give you brainliest and a 5 star rating.

According to this picture, what is the author’s main argument about the constitutional amendment. Please make specific references.



The author's main argument is that the Constitution has become harder to amend even as it has become increasingly important to do so. The author argues that while the Founding Fathers did a good job drafting the Constitution, they could not have predicted the problems that the United States would face in the future. As time passes, it becomes more necessary to amend the Constitution to keep it up to date with changes in technology, society, and governance. The author suggests that the difficulty of amending the Constitution is a problem and implies that it needs to be made easier to do so in order to address the challenges faced by the country today.


In 2-3 sentences, explain the intention of the changing US policies in the years leading up to and during World War II.



Read Below:


In the years leading up to and during World War II, the intention of the changing US policies was to remain neutral and avoid involvement in the conflict, but as the war progressed and the threat of Axis powers increased, the US shifted towards support for the Allies and eventual entry into the war. This was driven by a combination of factors, including economic interests, national security concerns, and moral imperatives.

What is the cartoon saying about how this country was treated before the start of World War II?


Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party—abbreviated NSDAP in German and the Nazi Party in English—were propelled to power by political and economic unrest in Germany as well as residual animosity over the harsh conditions imposed by the Versailles Treaty.

How World War II was started and reasons?

Once Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939, France and Great Britain decided to declare war on Germany, starting World War Two. More lives would be lost and more land and property would be destroyed during the following six years of fighting than during any other war in history. From 1939 and 1945, every major nation in the globe took part in World War II. Millions of people died in the most catastrophic conflict in recorded history. The Axis (Germany, Japan, and Italy) and the Allies engaged in combat (Britain, the US, and the Soviet Union among others).

Hitler was obsessed with the notion that the "pure" German race, which he referred to as "Aryan," was superior and thought that the only way to acquire the required "Lebensraum," or living space, for the German race to grow, was through war.

Learn more about World War II:


2. Describe how Indigenous groups in the southeastern United States resisted removal. Your
response should describe at least two ways in which Indigenous peoples fought removal by the
federal government. (4 points)


Answer: View explanation below

Explanation: Indigenous groups in the southeastern United States faced forced removal from their ancestral lands by the federal government in the 19th century. Despite the devastating impact of this policy, Indigenous peoples employed various forms of resistance to fight against removal. Here are two ways in which they resisted:

Legal Challenges: Indigenous peoples used legal challenges as a way to resist removal. They argued that the treaties they had signed with the federal government guaranteed them the right to remain on their ancestral lands. For example, in the Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) case, the Cherokee Nation argued that they were a sovereign nation and that Georgia had no right to force them to leave their land. Although the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately ruled against the Cherokee, this case set a precedent for using the legal system to fight for Indigenous rights.

Armed Resistance: Some Indigenous groups chose to resist removal through armed resistance. The most famous example of this is the Seminole Wars (1818-1858), in which the Seminole people of Florida fought against removal by the U.S. Army. The Seminole were skilled fighters and were able to use the dense swamps of Florida to their advantage. They launched surprise attacks on U.S. troops and were able to resist removal for many years. The Seminole Wars were costly for both sides, and the U.S. government eventually agreed to allow the Seminole to remain in Florida. This was a rare victory for Indigenous peoples in the face of federal removal policies.

Overall, Indigenous peoples in the southeastern United States used a variety of strategies to resist removal, including legal challenges, armed resistance, and cultural preservation. While many were eventually removed from their lands, their resistance serves as a powerful reminder of their determination to protect their communities, cultures, and ways of life.

12. Which statement is accurate about the Hunley?
A Crew members could stand inside the Hunley easily.
B. The Hunley sunk two times.
C. The Hunley was the first submarine to sink another ship.
The Hunley sunk three ships throughout the Civil War.


The statement that is accurate about the Hunley is C. The Hunley was the first submarine to sink another ship.

About hunley -

During the American Civil War, the CSS Hunley was a submarine built in the Confederate States of America. It was constructed during 1863 and 1864 by a team of engineers led by Horace Lawson Hunley. The Hunley is known for being the first submarine to successfully sink an enemy warship, the USS Housatonic, on February 17, 1864, off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina. The Hunley also sank twice before the successful attack on the Housatonic, claiming the lives of all crew members on both occasions.

To know more about hunley -


The courage acts by ______________ had an impact on history because???



The courage acts by individuals or groups had an impact on history because they often challenged the status quo, fought against oppression and injustice, and helped to bring about significant social, political, and cultural changes. Examples of such courageous acts include the Civil Rights Movement, the Suffragette Movement, and the actions of individuals such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela, who used nonviolent resistance to bring about change and inspire movements for social justice around the world. Courageous acts have played a significant role in shaping history and continue to do so today.

Why were many northerns against the war of USA against Mexico


Answer:Other Americans simply thought it was wrong to use war to take land from Mexico.


According to the graph, which statements about Florida’s population are true? Check all that apply. The number of young people in Florida is increasing compared to the rest of the United States, which shows a decline. Fewer retirement-age people live in Florida than in the rest of the United States. The percentage of people in Florida in the 15–44 age range is greater than that in the rest of the United States. The percentage of people in Florida over the age of 55 is greater than that in the rest of the United States. The percentage of people in Florida in the 45–54 age range is the same as in other states.


Answer: Based on the graph, the following statements about Florida's population are true:

The number of young people in Florida is increasing compared to the rest of the United States, which shows a decline.

The percentage of people in Florida in the 15–44 age range is greater than that in the rest of the United States.

The percentage of people in Florida over the age of 55 is greater than that in the rest of the United States.

Therefore, the correct options are:

The number of young people in Florida is increasing compared to the rest of the United States, which shows a decline.

The percentage of people in Florida in the 15–44 age range is greater than that in the rest of the United States.

The percentage of people in Florida over the age of 55 is greater than that in the rest of the United States.



A,C and D



Anyone!!What are three advantages and disadvantages of “reasoning from race” by mayeri? And how “reason from race”approach can be controversial?


The "reasoning from race" approach can have advantages such as addressing historical racism, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and challenging the myth of a color-blind society.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

However, it also has disadvantages such as potential reverse discrimination, perpetuating stereotypes, and raising ethical and legal questions.

The approach can be controversial as it challenges traditional notions of meritocracy and equal opportunity, and raises questions about the role of race in society. It can be difficult to determine when and how race should be considered in decision-making, and some argue that other factors such as socioeconomic status or education may be more relevant.

The approach can also promote identity politics and perpetuate racial divisions.

To know more about Stereotype visit:


which of the following represent arguments by supporters of women's suffrage in the late 1800s and early 1900s?


The following represent arguments by supporters of women's suffrage in the late 1800s and early 1900s: Equal Rights The social and moral aspects of the issue of women’s suffrage were also considered.

They held that it was right that women should have an equal political status with men since they were essentially equal before the law. Women’s natural rights as citizens necessitated that they must be allowed to vote. Voting rights would give women a chance to voice their opinions on issues that affected them, their children, and the community at large.

Many reformers were of the opinion that suffrage would allow women to more efficiently fight for social improvements, specifically for the poor and the working class. Suffrage would help raise the moral standards of society, especially in areas such as education, temperance, and public health.

In brief, women's suffrage supporters believed that it was their moral duty to work towards social reform, and that enfranchisement was a way to achieve it.

For such more question on women's suffrage:


What represent arguments by supporters of women's suffrage in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

Match each person with something he or she did. Write a letter on each line.

6. Ivan the Terrible
7. Peter the Great
8. Empress Catherine II
9. Karl Marx
10. Nicholas II
11. Vladimir Lenin
12. Joseph Stalin

a. the German who wrote about his ideas
on communism

b. changed Russian government, became the
first czar of Russia

c. the "man of steel, " ruled Soviet Union 1924-1953

d. opened a Russian "window to the West"

e. brought French culture to Russian nobles, put
down peasant revolt

f. led the Communist Bolsheviks, often called
Father of the Revolution

g. the czar of Russia during World War I, gave
up the throne



Ivan the Terrible - e. brought French culture to Russian nobles, put down peasant revoltPeter the Great - d. opened a Russian "window to the West"Empress Catherine II - e. brought French culture to Russian nobles, put down peasant revoltKarl Marx - a. the German who wrote about his ideas on communismNicholas II - g. the czar of Russia during World War I, gave up the throneVladimir Lenin - f. led the Communist Bolsheviks, often called Father of the RevolutionJoseph Stalin - c. the "man of steel," ruled Soviet Union 1924-1953

What is a marines most valuable asset


the Marine Corps most vital asset is “people

The Marines are a highly skilled and disciplined military force, and their most valuable asset is their personnel.

What is a marines most valuable asset ?

Each Marine brings unique talents, skills, and experiences that contribute to the overall success of the mission.

In addition to physical and mental toughness, Marines are trained to exhibit leadership, adaptability, and resilience in the face of challenges. Their ability to work together as a cohesive unit, relying on each other's strengths and expertise, is also a critical asset.

Marines also possess a strong sense of duty, honor, and commitment to the Marine Corps and their country. This dedication and loyalty allow them to endure hardship and sacrifice to achieve their objectives.

Ultimately, the Marines' most valuable asset is their people, who possess the training, mindset, and character necessary to overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and protect their country's interests.

Learn more about marines here


Help please and thank you


Answer: Pythagoras Samos


1. Which of these textbooks, if either, do you find more trustworthy? Why? (Textbooks are in the picture added)

2. What other types of resources might be helpful in order to figure out what happened during the Japanese invasion of Nanking?


1. According the given question textbook B fond more trustworthy.

2. One of the most barbaric in modern history took place during the Japanese invasion of Nanking in 1937, which took place during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

What happened in Second Sino-Japanese War?

From 1937 to 1945, China and Japan engaged in a conflict that was primarily fought in China. It played a significant role in the larger conflict known as World War II, which began with Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939.

Beginning in the early 1930s with Japan's aggressive expansion into China, the war was preceded by a period of rising tension between China and Japan. Japan invaded China completely in July 1937 after a dispute between Japanese and Chinese troops near Beijing.

The initial Japanese advance was swift, and they quickly established control over a significant portion of China's eastern coast. However, Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist government's ferocious Chinese resistance made the war quickly escalate into a prolonged conflict.

To know more about World War II, visit:


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