how did the zhou rulers seek to legitimize their takeover of the shang dynasty?


Answer 1

In order to justify their annexation of the Shang dynasty, the Zhou kings claimed moral superiority.

What is meant by moral superiority?Being morally superior is the idea or attitude that one's position and behavior are justified by possessing higher moral standards than others. It can be used to discuss morality when contrasting two moral systems. elevated moral basis.Moral superiority, which makes you feel superior to someone or something, is "a particularly strong and pervasive sort of illusion," claim the researchers. Nevertheless, there is some logic at play. moral superiority complex. Individuals with a high moral self-perception and a negative moral perception of others are those who score highly on this dimension. By claiming that others are immoral, unfair, or greedy while believing oneself to be the height of morality and ethics, moral elitism can be used to manipulate others.

To learn more about moral superiority, refer to:

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The public works administration (pwa) and the works progress administration (wpa) funded ______ projects to provide new jobs.


AnswerAnswerAnswer:2 one


identify the statements that accurately describe free people of color during the revolutionary era.


Many worked in the arts or opened their own businesses, their ancestors were enslaved Africans who purchased freedom and most were wealthy plantation owners who lived across colony describe free people of color.

People of mixed African, European, and Native American ancestry who were not enslaved made up the majority of free people of colour in the context of the history of slavery in the Americas. The word, however, also referred to individuals who were born free and who were mainly of black African heritage with little to no mingling.

In the French possessions, notably Louisiana, and in settlements on Caribbean islands like Saint-Domingue (Haiti), St. Lucia, Dominica, Guadeloupe, and Martinique, they were a unique group of free people of colour.

A sizeable third class of mostly mixed-race, free people formed in these regions and important towns, especially New Orleans and those held by the Spanish. These colonial communities divided mixed-race individuals into various categories, most of which were based on outward appearances.

To know more about free people of color:


Correct question:

Identify the statements that accurately describe free people of color during the revolutionary era.

Many worked in the arts or opened their own businesses.

They became important citizens in the city of New Orleans.

They flourished after officials outlawed slavery in the 1780s.

Their ancestors were enslaved Africans who purchased freedom.

Most were wealthy plantation owners who lived across the colony.

They were more accepted in Louisiana than in other parts of America.

during the nineteenth century, europeans improved roads, built bridges, and put down railroad tracks in their colonies primarily to –


In the 19th century, Europeans improved roads, built bridges, and laid railroad tracks in their colonies. It was mainly for extracting raw materials for industrial use.

Most motives were economic, political, racial, or religious. Europeans felt racially and morally superior to Africans, Asians, and other indigenous peoples, and had the right to conquer them. Many conflicts have arisen from imperialism.

In some colonies, Europeans built infrastructure such as dams, roads and railroads. But the main reason for this construction was not to help the native people. All these buildings were designed to facilitate the transportation of raw materials to their homeland.

Railways were built in most African countries during the colonial period to connect mines and other natural resources to ports.

European colonialists had several motives.

A thirst for precious natural resources, a quest for national prestige, competition among the great powers of Europe, and a zeal for religious missions. The internal affairs of African natives also played a role.

Strong among them are the gratification of curiosity, the pursuit of trade, the spread of religion, and the desire for security and political power. Different motifs dominate at different times and in different places. 

Know more about Europeans here:


What region did sailors from England explore? (4 points)




North America

South America



A . Asia


English merchants and explorers sought their own sea routes to Asia via the northeast and the northwest. The first of these set sail In 1497, when John Cabot (c. 1450-c. 1500) set out to discover a Northwest Passage, similar to Christopher Columbus's quest a few years earlier.

after living in england, alice paul returned to the united states and dedicated herself to what movement?


Alice Paul returned to the United States and dedicated herself to the women’s suffrage movement. She soon became a leader of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), working with other prominent feminist figures like Carrie Chapman Catt.

Paul planned major protests, such the 1913 "Women Suffrage March" in Washington, D.C., which took place immediately before Woodrow Wilson's inauguration.

She also spearheaded a tenacious fight to get the 19th Amendment, which guaranteed women the right to vote, passed.

Paul was steadfast in her commitment to the cause, and she even served time in prison for it. In the end, her efforts were successful, and in 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified. The current women's rights movement in the United States was founded on the efforts of Alice Paul, whose legacy continues to motivate people today.

To learn more about Alice Paul visit:


Which type of tax is designed to help protect American business?



customs duties


you've got the answer bc im awesome

As part of the Reconstruction Acts of 1867,
Congress formally accepted Johnson’s plans.
harsher restrictions were forced on the South.
the Freedmen’s Bureau lost most of its power.
voting rights were granted to white men only.


Answer: As part of the Reconstruction Acts of 1867, harsher restrictions were forced on the South.


The Reconstruction Acts were a series of laws passed by Congress in 1867 to address the aftermath of the American Civil War and ensure civil rights for African Americans. These laws were enacted over President Andrew Johnson's veto and sought to reorganize the Southern states and establish new governments that were more inclusive and representative of all citizens, regardless of race.

The Reconstruction Acts divided the South into five military districts, each under the control of a Union general, and required the states to rewrite their constitutions to guarantee civil rights for all citizens, including African Americans. These laws also required Southern states to ratify the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to all people born or naturalized in the United States.

The Reconstruction Acts imposed harsher restrictions on the South by placing the region under military rule, suspending many of the civil and political rights of former Confederate officials, and requiring states to grant voting rights to African American men. These measures were intended to promote racial equality and ensure that African Americans were able to participate fully in the political process.



got it right on test

Why is the U.S. government divided into three branches?​



Read below


The U.S. government is divided into three branches as a system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful and abusing its authority. This separation of powers was established by the United States Constitution, which was written in 1787 and ratified in 1788.

The three branches of the U.S. government are:

The legislative branch: This branch is responsible for making laws. It consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives, which together are called the Congress.The executive branch: This branch is responsible for enforcing laws. It is headed by the President, who is assisted by various departments and agencies.The judicial branch: This branch is responsible for interpreting laws. It consists of the Supreme Court and other federal courts.

Each branch of the government has its own unique powers and responsibilities, and each is designed to check and balance the others. For example, the President can veto laws passed by Congress, but Congress can override the veto with a two-thirds majority vote. Similarly, the Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional, but Congress can amend the Constitution with a two-thirds vote in both houses.

This system of checks and balances helps to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful and that the rights of the people are protected.

find a modern military weapon and explain what it is and what it can do. how is it different from the weapons of wwi?


A modern military weapon is any weapon used by the military that has been developed recently.

The weapons used during World War I was mainly bolt-action rifles, machine guns, and artillery. The weapons of World War I had a much lower rate of fire, and they lacked the ability to attach accessories such as optics, suppressors, and night vision devices.

The modern military weapon is the F-35 Lightning II, a multirole fighter jet used by the United States military and several other countries. The F-35 is designed to perform a variety of missions, including air-to-air combat, ground attack, and reconnaissance.

Compared to the weapons of WWI, the F-35 is much more advanced and capable. During WWI, the main weapons used were rifles, machine guns, and artillery.

The F-35 is highly maneuverable and can operate in a variety of environments. It is also equipped with advanced avionics and radar systems that allow it to detect and engage targets at long range.

The F-35 represents a significant advancement in military technology over the weapons of WWI.

Learn more about Modern military weapons here:


how did the baby boom that followed world war ii impact the american economy?



The sheer size of the baby-boom generation (some 75 million) magnified its impact on society: the growth of families led to a migration from cities to suburbs in the postwar years, prompting a building boom in housing, schools, and shopping malls.


map of europe after WW1 - 1918


On the western edge of the disintegrating Russian Empire, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, as well as Poland were established after World War I.

After World War One, how did the map of Europe change?

With the breakup of the former Austria-Hungarian empire, four nations were created: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. Much of the Ottoman Turks' lands in southwest Asia and the Middle East had to be ceded. World War I, sometimes known as the Great War, began in 1914 with the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. A war broke out in Europe after his assassination and lasted until 1918.

Which empires died in the First World War?

The Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and German empires, the Russian empire, the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and German empires, and the Russian empire all fell as a consequence of the First World War. They lost to revolution and victory.

Learn more about World War I:


Imperialism- The European powers, Russia and Japan competed from power in the 1800s. France and Germany competed for while Britain and Germany competed Because of their mutual ties with each other. gain in Africa, with Germany, Britain and France formed close Nationalism- Aggressive Many French people wanted to take revenge against Germany and regain and Balkans was known as the " was the source of tension throughout Europe. Because of nationalism, the region of the " of Europe.​


European nations joined forces, either to help Bonaparte or to overthrow him. Seven anti-Napoleonic alliances were formed by European leaders between 1797 and 1815.

What impact did imperialism have on the European War?

One of the main causes of World War I can be attributed to the growth of European empires (also known as imperialism), as tensions among European states rose as countries like Britain and France expanded their territories.

Who were the five European powers?

Throughout the several wars and peace congresses of the 18th century, European diplomacy sought to maintain a balance between the five major powers of Britain, France, Austria, Russia, and Prussia. European countries banded together, either to support Bonaparte or to remove him. From 1797 and 1815, European leaders formed seven anti-Napoleonic coalitions.

To Know more about century,


How were gender roles different between white and black Americans?


The gender roles varied among different racial and ethnic groups in the United States, with white Americans adhering to more traditional roles and black Americans having a more flexible approach due to their history and socioeconomic circumstances.

How were gender roles different between white and black Americans?

In the United States, white and black Americans had different gender roles. White Americans generally adhered to more traditional gender roles, with men as the primary breadwinners and women as homemakers.

Women were expected to be subservient to men and take care of the domestic responsibilities. On the other hand, black Americans had a more flexible approach to gender roles due to their history of slavery and economic hardship.

Women often had to work outside the home to help support their families, and men were more involved in domestic duties. Gender roles were also affected by the Civil Rights Movement, which challenged traditional gender norms among black Americans and pushed for greater gender equality.

Read more about gender roles


Why did most women want to keep working after the war?
A.They enjoyed the challenge of working in manufacturing.
B.They did not like being housewives.
C.They wanted to do something different than their mothers had done.
D.They needed to support themselves and their families.


D.They needed to support themselves and their families.

Answer: A or D


1. Mr. John age 70, is fair skinned. He visits his doctor because his face gets very red at times, especially his nose. He wants to know what is wrong. The doctor’s diagnosis is rosacea. As the medical assistant in the office, the doctor wants you to explain this condition and what causes it.



1. Mr. John age 70, is fair skinned. He visits his doctor because his face gets very red at times, especially his nose. He wants to know what is wrong. The doctor’s diagnosis is rosacea. As the medical assistant in the office, the doctor wants you to explain this condition and what causes it.


Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and visible blood vessels on the face, particularly on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. It is a common condition that affects an estimated 16 million people in the United States.

The exact cause of rosacea is not known, but there are a number of factors that can trigger or worsen the condition. These include genetics, sun exposure, alcohol consumption, spicy foods, hot drinks, stress, and certain medications.

Rosacea can be categorized into four subtypes: erythematotelangiectatic, papulopustular, phymatous, and ocular. The erythematotelangiectatic subtype is characterized by facial redness and visible blood vessels, while the papulopustular subtype is characterized by acne-like bumps and pustules. The phymatous subtype is characterized by thickening and enlargement of the skin on the nose, while the ocular subtype affects the eyes and eyelids.

Although there is no cure for rosacea, there are a number of treatments that can help to manage the symptoms. These include topical medications, oral antibiotics, laser therapy, and lifestyle changes such as avoiding triggers and protecting the skin from the sun. The doctor can discuss these treatment options with Mr. John and help him to develop a management plan that is right for him.

how did the early new deal legislation attempt to achieve the three goals of relief, recovery and reform? which of the many programs was the most successful? least successful?


The early New Deal legislation attempted to achieve relief through emergency relief programs, recovery through public works programs, and reform through financial regulation and labor protection laws.

The most successful program was likely the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), while the least successful was the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA).

The Explanation to Each Answer

In response to the Great Depression, the early New Deal legislation aimed to provide immediate relief for those suffering from unemployment and poverty, stimulate economic recovery through government investment in public works projects, and reform the financial and labor systems to prevent future economic crises.

The CCC was widely considered a success as it provided employment and vocational training for young men, while also improving public lands and natural resources. Other successful programs included the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) and the Civil Works Administration (CWA), which provided direct relief and employment opportunities, respectively.

The AAA, however, faced criticism for artificially inflating food prices and benefiting large landowners at the expense of small farmers and consumers. Other programs, such as the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), were later struck down by the Supreme Court or deemed ineffective in achieving their intended goals.

Learn more about New Deal


an 1869 presidential pardon was granted to this man, due in part to a plea by the medical society of harford county, maryland


The 1869 presidential pardon was granted to Dr. Samuel Alexander Mudd, due in part to a plea by the Medical Society of Harford County, Maryland.

A presidential pardon is an official act that forgives a person for a crime and restores their civil rights. It is a right granted to the President of the United States by the United States Constitution, Article II, Section 2.

Presidents have the authority to grant pardons for any federal crime, except in the case of impeachment. They cannot pardon state or local offenses. They are allowed to grant pardons to people who have been convicted and sentenced in a court of law.

For more such questions on presidential pardon, click on:


The probable question may be:

"an 1869 presidential pardon was granted to this man, due in part to a plea by the medical society of harford county, maryland." who is he?

1) Helped bring about the integration of black and white jazz musicians 2) Grew up in the slums of Chicago 3) Got huge success after performing at the Palomar in LA. who is the character above?


The character described above is Benny Goodman, an American jazz clarinetist and bandleader who helped to bring about the integration of black and white musicians.

Benny Goodman is best known for his instrumental role in the development of swing music. During his career, he worked with a number of talented musicians and performers, including Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton, and Gene Krupa. In the 1930s and 1940s, Goodman led one of the most popular bands of the era, and he helped to introduce jazz to a wider audience through his recordings and live performances.

Benny Goodman's contributions to jazz song consist of:-helping to interrupt down racial barriers in tune by integrating black and white musicians.-Popularizing swing tune and bringing it to a mainstream target audience.-elevating the role of the clarinet in jazz track.-taking part with a extensive range of proficient musicians to create revolutionary sounds and patterns. overall, Benjamin David Goodman became an American clarinetist and bandleader known as the "King of Swing". From 1936 till the mid-Nineteen Forties, Goodman led one of the most famous swing massive bands within the u.s.a.

To know more about benny goodman, refer here:


Select the correct answer. which recent presidential candidate led one of the most successful independent campaigns? a. al gore b. ross perot c. ronald reagan d. walter mondale


The correct answer is b. Ross Perot led one of the most successful independent campaigns as a presidential candidate in 1992 and 1996.

In 1992 and 1996, Ross Perot, an American businessman and politician, ran as an independent for president of the United States. He was born in Texarkana, Texas, on June 27, 1930, and established Electronic Data Systems (EDS), a provider of computer services, in 1962. In 1984, he made a billion dollars when he sold EDS to General Motors.

Perot entered politics in the 1990s, running against Democratic nominee Bill Clinton and incumbent Republican President George H.W. Bush as an independent in the 1992 presidential election. During his campaign, Ross Perot emphasized cutting the federal deficit as well as dealing with issues like trade, employment, and healthcare. He won almost 19% of the vote, making him the most popular-vote successful third-party presidential candidate.

In this case option B is correct.

To know more about presidential candidate  here


the 1754 albany congress was a significant event because it demonstrated that


The 1754 Albany congress was a significant event because it demonstrated that neither the colonists nor the British found the other's plan acceptable.

Because it laid the groundwork for the Articles of Confederation that the Union presented as the first American Constitution in 1777, the Albany Plan of Union was significant. The strategy showed the colonies' capacity for collective thought and their shared objectives.

A group headed by Benjamin Franklin came up with the Albany Plan of Union. The colonies were to join to create a federal government, according to the Plan of Union. The fact that the colonies rejected the plan yet demonstrated that many of their leaders had started to consider banding together for a common defense.

To know more about  Albany congress visit :


*What was jane addams profession?
*What cause did jane addams want to change?
*What method did jane addams use to bring about awareness and
*What changes jane addams were made as a result of their



Jane Addams was a social reformer, activist, and author. She was also the co-founder of the first settlement house in the United States, the Hull House in Chicago.

Jane Addams was dedicated to changing the living conditions of the poor and working-class people. She focused on the issues of poverty, social inequality, and women's rights. She also advocated for the creation of child labor laws, better working conditions, and women's suffrage.

Addams used various methods to bring about awareness and change, including community organizing, public speaking, writing, and advocacy work. She established the Hull House, which provided social services, education, and healthcare to immigrants and low-income families. She also founded the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to promote disarmament and world peace.

As a result of Jane Addams' actions, significant changes were made in the United States, including the establishment of child labor laws, the development of the settlement house movement, and increased opportunities for women to participate in civic and political life. Additionally, Addams' work inspired many other social reformers and activists to continue her legacy of promoting social justice and equality.

What is a deGrasse Tyson's main claim (b) What evidence and reasons support his argument


According to Tyson in "Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Future of US Space Exploration After Curiosity," Curiosity is not a "stepping stone" in helping people realize the benefits of sending humans to Mars.

Evidence and reasons support his argument are:

Neil deGrasse Tyson is dissatisfied with NASA's current situation. After the agency's decades-old space shuttle program was retired last year, ending the kind of low-Earth orbit exploration that Tyson, the astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium, jokes "boldly went where the man had gone hundreds of times before," Tyson believes America is at a critical juncture in its space exploration history.

NASA should be creating scientific breakthroughs that will inspire the public and lead to additional innovations by private firms.

To learn more about scientific method :


identify the statements that describe the marbury v. madison decision and its significance.



Marbury v. Madison, decided by the United States Supreme Court in 1803, was the legal decision that established the use of judicial review. In that case, the Supreme Court found that Congress's Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court established the principle that it has the authority to declare a law unconstitutional and so null and void.

who is in the audience listening to franklin’s talk? what does he want to do with her information?


Answer: Without additional context, it is impossible to determine which "Franklin" is being referred to or what talk is being discussed. Can you provide more information or clarify the question?


african americans who served in world war i returned home to find


African Americans who served in World War I returned home to find that white supremacy and racial tensions still posed a significant threat to their civil rights and safety.

African Americans who served in World War I made immense sacrifices for the betterment of their country, but when they returned home, they found that their struggles for civil rights and safety were far from over.

White supremacy and racial tensions were still rampant in many parts of the United States, making it difficult for African Americans to exercise their right to vote and access the same services and resources as their white counterparts.

To know more about African Americans , click here.


What is the MOST LIKELY reason that the 25th Amendment gives the Vice President
and a majority of the Cabinet the right to challenge a President's claim that he or she is
ready to resume office?


It allows for the US vice president to have more power and it makes it so the president could be challenged not only by congress but by the vice president itself/checks and balances/Andrew Johnson led to this happening

Why were the results of the War of 1812 inconclusive?


The U.S. and Canada’s borders stayed the same; and the British still interfered with U.S. neutrality rights.

Briefly explain Bennett’s interpretation of world war 1???

Briefly explain how One specific historical event or development from the period between 1918 and 1945 could be used to support Bennett’s interpretation????


Bennett argued that World War I was a turning point in European history, marking the end of an era of stability and leading to the rise of totalitarianism.

What else did he mention?

Bennett also mentioned the collapse of empires, and the eventual outbreak of World War II. He believed that the war was a result of deep-rooted tensions and conflicts within Europe, including nationalism, imperialism, and the arms race.

One specific historical event or development that could be used to support Bennett's interpretation is the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed in 1919 and officially ended World War I. The treaty imposed harsh penalties on Germany, including massive reparations payments and the loss of territory, which led to economic instability and political unrest in the country.

This contributed to the rise of the Nazi Party and ultimately, the outbreak of World War II. Additionally, the Treaty of Versailles failed to address the underlying issues that had led to the war, such as nationalism and imperialism, which continued to simmer and eventually boiled over into another devastating conflict.

Read more about WWI here:


describe an example of rebellion in camps and why it was important.

History of Holocaust

Answer in 3-5 sentences ​



One example of rebellion in concentration camps during the Holocaust was the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943. Jewish resistance fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto, who had been forced to live in deplorable conditions, staged an armed revolt against the Nazis in an attempt to resist deportation to death camps. While the rebellion was ultimately unsuccessful, it was a symbol of Jewish resistance and strength against the brutal Nazi regime, and remains an important example of defiance in the face of overwhelming oppression.

what connections can you make between the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s and the reconstruction era?


There are several connections that can be made between the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s and the Reconstruction Era that followed the American Civil War in the late 19th century. Some of these connections include:

Struggles for political and legal rights: During Reconstruction, newly freed African Americans were granted legal rights and citizenship, including the right to vote and hold public office. However, these rights were systematically stripped away by white supremacist groups and state governments in the South, leading to a new era of racial segregation and discrimination known as Jim Crow. Similarly, during the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans and their allies fought for political and legal rights, including the right to vote and equal protection under the law, which had been denied to them through discriminatory laws and practices.

Nonviolent resistance: Both the Civil Rights Movement and Reconstruction saw the use of nonviolent resistance as a tactic to achieve political and social change. During Reconstruction, African American communities organized protests and resistance to discriminatory laws and policies, while during the Civil Rights Movement, activists used tactics such as sit-ins, boycotts, and marches to challenge segregation and discrimination.

Opposition from white supremacists: In both eras, there was fierce opposition from white supremacists who sought to maintain their dominance and control over African Americans. During Reconstruction, white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan used violence and intimidation to prevent African Americans from exercising their rights, while during the Civil Rights Movement, white supremacists used similar tactics to oppose desegregation and civil rights.

The legacy of slavery: Both the Reconstruction Era and the Civil Rights Movement were deeply influenced by the legacy of slavery and the systemic racism that had been built into American society. The struggle for civil rights and equality was, in many ways, a continuation of the fight for emancipation and the end of slavery.

To learn more about Civil Rights Movement refer to:


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