how does alcohol lead you to depression, thoughts of unaliving yourself and violence. Make sure to explain


Answer 1


Alcohol Releases toxins into your brain that cause overstimulation.

Explanation: Your brain is not able to take in a heavy amount of alcohol because when you consume too much it can cloud your memory and even distort your mind. This is because of how your body reacts to the consumption and intake of alcoholic beverages. You hormones attack your body in a very negative way causing memory loss and other mental health issues

Related Questions

a dream comes true essay


To write an essay on "A dream comes true" analyze the source first, create a thesis statement and develop it.

What is an essay?

This is a type of text that aims at proving or developing a main idea or position of the author that is expressed in the thesis statement.

How to write an essay based on a source such as "A dream comes true"?Carefully read and analyze "A dream comes true".Write a thesis statement or your position/interpretation.Identify quotes, ideas, reasons, etc. to support your thesis statement.Organize the information and write the essay by including these sections:IntroductionBody paragraphsConclusion

Learn more about essays in:

1. What is ironic or unexpected about this story? Or, what makes this story so funny? Cite text in your response. The ransom of red chief


In O. Henry's The Ransom of Red Chief, a plan to abduct a boy and hold him for ransom goes horribly wrong. Bill apologizes for handing up the ransom when the reader and Sam can view the boy. Situational irony happens when the reverse occurs.

I hope this helps you

I know what the caged bird feels, alas!
When the sun is bright on the upland slopes;
When the wind stirs soft through the springing grass,
And the river flows like a stream of glass;
When the first bird sings and the first bud opes,
And the faint perfume from its chalice steals--
I know what the caged bird feels!

I know why the caged bird beats his wing
Till its blood is red on the cruel bars;
For he must fly back to his perch and cling
When he fain would be on the bough a-swing;
And a pain still throbs in the old, old scars
And they pulse again with a keener sting--
I know why he beats his wing!

I know why the caged bird sings, ah me,
When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore,--
When he beats his bars and he would be free;
It is not a carol of joy or glee,
But a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core,
But a plea, that upward to Heaven he fling--
I know why the caged bird sings!

Which of the following best explains how the use of dialect connects to the overall message?

He uses dialect to better connect the message to the intended audience.

He uses dialect to make the poem more entertaining.

He uses dialect to make the poem rhyme.

He uses dialect to help the reader understand who the speaker of the poem is



A-He uses dialect to better connect the message to the intended audience.


In this poem, we see that the dialect is one of rare poetries. We are able to understand that the "caged bird" can resemble different things. An animal trapped, or a human stuck in its own mind.

A caged bird beats its wing, or it sings. It's praying to the Heavens above, wishing for something else, for a miracle to come through to him/her.

I think that this is a way for the poet to connect to its intended audience, of which are the people that feel trapped and alone. Why they do the things they do. They don't intend to fully harm themselves or sob, but they wish to have a different fate, and they pray that one day, if they continue to do it, a miracle will come their way.

At least that is my interpretation of the poem. The caged bird is to resemble a person who is stuck in their thoughts, lost in their mind, not knowing what to do next. I feel the intended audience is those people, and the people who feel that way but don't know it yet.

I hope this helps!

-No one

what does "none but your beauty would that fault were mine" mean in Shakespeare?



40 Consent to marry with Demetrius,

I beg the ancient privilege of Athens.

As she is mine, I may dispose of her—

Which shall be either to this gentleman

Or to her death—according to our law

45 Immediately provided in that case.



I’m here, full of anger, to complain about my daughter Hermia.—Step forward, Demetrius.—My lord, this man, Demetrius, has my permission to marry her.—Step forward, Lysander.—But this other man, Lysander, has cast a magic spell over my child’s heart.—You, you, Lysander, you’ve given her poems, and exchanged tokens of love with my daughter. You’ve pretended to be in love with her, singing fake love songs softly at her window by moonlight, and you’ve captured her imagination by giving her locks of your hair, rings, toys, trinkets, knickknacks, little presents, flowers, and candies—things that can really influence an impressionable young person. You’ve connived to steal my daughter’s heart, making her stubborn and harsh instead of obedient (like she should be).

In Sonnet Lv to which of your senses do the images in Line 1 and 4 appeal





Marble and gilded monuments, unswept stone— it is visual imagery.

Based on the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?

There are many different ideas about how April Fools' Day started.
Swiss farmers tried to grow a tree that made spaghetti, but it didn't work.
Historians agree that the Catholic Pope planned to start April Fools' Day.
April Fools' Day probably grew out of other spring festivals like Holi and Purim.





because spaghetti spaghetti


It must be A, because there are a lot of ideas about it.  April Fools Day didnt start because of the Catholic Pope or spring festivals. B is just completely off topic-


        If somehow this isnt right pls dislike and comment! :)
Have a great day!

Make a prediction why Elie is going to lose his faith (stop believing in God and Jewish religion). What do you think he will say about why he stops believing?



To his own disbelief, Elie had given up on God and had lost his faith due to his immense struggle throughout the year he spent in the camp, carrying the burden that he does not care about the one he had always looked up too and been there for him, which is God


Write a memorable event from your past (u can actually make it up i dont mind) (e.g birthday party)

ur essay should have:
-real life characters (describe)
-describe the weather,place,feeling (must)
-min 150 words





One day I was suprised by my parents to go to great wolf loge. I was really happy because I never went before. It was a long car drive to get there but as soon as we made it I knew it was worth it. Great wolf loge is a huge hotel and water park. As soon as I came in it was enchanting I looked an saw ice cream shops water parks claw games. There was one thing that took my mind the water park. I went to the water park the next day and had a blast there was so much to do huge water slides and endless fun. I played at the waterpark all day. The next day was st patricks day and there was a bunch of balloons in a net and they all dropped over everyones head. It was paradise and one of the best times of my life.

goldfish with smiles stamped on



Those are called:
Fish Graham Crackers


Have a great rest of your day

On the unfortunate days when I have to wake up at 4 a. M. , I'm a zombie. Functionally useless. I can't think straight, I'm irritable, and I probably shouldn't be driving a car. But this is how many American teenagers feel every single school day. The speaker uses this reasoning to support her claim that too little sleep affects a teen negatively. How sound is her reasoning?
A. The reasoning is unsound, because the speaker's experiences with lack of sleep are much different from a teen's experiences. B. The reasoning is sound, because the speaker explains the situations she encounters with her teenage kids each day. C. The reasoning is sound because the speaker uses real-life experiences to explain the effects of lack of sleep in teens. D. The reasoning is unsound because the speaker's real-life experiences should not be used to support a claim


Definitely not B or D. A is out of the question too, so I think it's C

Make a title for this short paragraph and write a statement that is your opinion about the paragraph.




a group completes a project but it gets a bad grade because the project doesn't meet most of the requirements which question did the group likely fail to ask
A. What is the point of the project
B. What tasks need to be completed
C. What is the goal of the project
D. What will each task require





the group needs to make sure ALL the requirments were made.  


D. What will each task require

I think


What is the main plot in A Midsummer night's dream


Answer:The four main plots of A Midsummer Night's Dream are the upcoming wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta, the confused relationships between the young lovers, the misadventures of the mechanicals, and the conflict between the fairies.



Symbolist poetry rebelled against a. Expressionism. b. traditional modes of expression. c. Impressionism. d. French modes of expression.


The symbolist poetry originated in revolt of French poets. It was against the  rigid convection governing both techniques and themes of French poetry.

Symbolist poetry rebelled against French modes of expression.

History about Symbolist Poetry

Symbolist movement in poetry originated in late 19th Century among the French poets.

The correct answer is d. French modes of expression.

Learn more English at

A(n) ____________ is a supplementary record created to maintain a separate account for each customer. Multiple choice question. Accounts receivable ledger general ledger specific ledger accounts payable ledger



accounts receivable ledger

A(n) accounts receivable ledger is a supplementary record created to maintain a separate account for each customer.

What is meant by accounts receivable ledger?The accounts receivable ledger exists a subledger in which all credit sales created by a company exists recorded.

It is useful for centralizing all amounts invoiced to customers, as well as all credit and (rarely) debit memos issued to them, and all payments made against invoices by them.

Journal Entry for Accounts Receivable Account receivable exists the amount owed by the company to the customer for the sale of goods or services.

Accounts receivable is always recorded as an asset on a balance sheet, resulting in a debit, because it is money owed to you that you will own and benefit from when it arrives.

To learn more about account receivable ledger refer to:


What is a difference between inferiority complex and superiority complex?



An inferiority complex is an overstated feeling of weakness.A superiority complex is an exaggerated sense of self-worth. It hides real feelings of mediocrity.


SOMEONE PLEASE HELP i’m doing a argumentative research essay about social work i need a controversial/ argumentative topic that relates to the articles i choose: we’re the grand challenges social workers face due to race/gender/lgbtq community


social workers have worked harder and harder ever sense people started protesting and bringing up long unattended to issues

Imagine that you are tutoring a foreign exchange student who has no understanding about what creative nonfiction is. What are some of the main points that you would express to this student from the unit to help give them an overall picture about creative nonfiction writing?



When reading a work of creative nonfiction, it is important to remember the story is true. This means the author does not have as much artistic freedom as a fiction writer or poet might, because they cannot invent events which did not happen.


The program can both _________ and entertain young audiences.



look? i believe


i mean it's just a sentence so.....yea all i got is LoOoKkKkkKkK

Educate and entertain your audiences

Phrase or clause they contain about seventy five percent of its fresh water





"They contain about seventy-five percent of its fresh water" is a clause because it has a subject and predicate. It also expresses a complete thought

To what extent do parent´s affection and engagement influence a change in a students´ academic behavior?



Parent involvement in a child's education is consistently found to be positively associated with a child's academic performance. However, there has been little investigation of the mechanisms that explain this association. The present study examines two potential mechanisms of this association: the child's perception of cognitive competence and the quality of the student-teacher relationship. This study used a sample of 158 seven-year old participants, their mothers, and their teachers. Results indicated a statistically significant association between parent involvement and a child's academic performance, over and above the impact of the child's intelligence. A multiple mediation model indicated that the child's perception of cognitive competence fully mediated the relation between parent involvement and the child's performance on a standardized achievement test. The quality of the student-teacher relationship fully mediated the relation between parent involvement and teacher ratings of the child's classroom academic performance. Limitations, future research directions, and implications for public policy initiatives were discussed.


20 min time limit for 100 pts
1. In what specific ways is Frankenstein seen as a brooding anti-hero who is often resistant to authority figures, dangerously rebellious, and often aloof from others? (Respond in a paragraph using the RACE format. Answer using complete sentences. )



This complexity explains

the amazing abundance of

interpretations generated

by Mary Shelley’s narrative,

many of them as intriguing

and as provocative as the

novel itself. Some read

the book as a metaphor of

the writing/creative process

and its ethical implications;

for example, the novel

questions whether artistic creations can be monstrous.

Others read the story as an allegory of the reading act;

interpretation centers on the function of the “excellent” Margaret Saville, the ideal reader whose act of

reading makes the novel possible. Some discuss the

novel as a version of the Promethean myth, and others consider the novel a variant of the Faustian myth.

Some equate Victor’s laboratory with an artificial

womb, reading Mary Shelley’s narrative as a critique

of the attempt to deprive women of their power, as a

“maker of children”; others read the novel as a warning against the usurpation of God. Some believe that

the novel is a critique of a society based exclusively on

reason (a model supported by Mary Shelley’s parents

and by her husband), whereas others argue that the

story is a critique of the masculine model of knowledge. Some read it as an allegory of the colonial master-slave relationship; others, as an allegory of

revolution. Some interpret the novel in connection

with Edmund Burke’s reflections on the nature of the

sublime; others, in connection with the scientific theories of the time, especially the experiments with galvanic electricity. No matter what interpretation is

placed on it, Frankenstein remains a powerful and scary figure.


i read the book

need answer please please​



all of them were a period of Indian Art but I suggest BBABACBACA or B because rangoli is used to welcome the goddess of wealth and to attract good luck so you decide ^-^

Which words in the poem reflect the idea of unity? based on the poet's word choice, what is the mood of the poem?


The sonnet this question alludes to is a haiku composed by Matsuo Basho When the colder time of year chrysanthemums go, nothing remains to be expounded on except for radishes.

What is word choice?

The words that mirror the possibility of misfortune here are go and nothing. The colder time of year chrysanthemums are gone they is lost and nothing remains aside from radishes.

The mind-set of the sonnet can be portrayed as surrendered. The artist isn't satisfied, however he has acknowledged that he can't really make any difference with these conditions.

Word-decision is depicted as the decision of successful and exact jargon that helps the creator in filling his planned need. In the given sonnet, the words like all and one assistance the creator in conveying the possibility of collection or solidarity.

For more information about word, refer the following link:


Which words in the poem reflect the idea of unity?

✔ "all" and "one"

Based on the poet's word choice, what is the mood of the poem?

✔ peaceful and harmonious


dose this sound good and should i make any Corrections
We decided to establish this business as a way to profit and help the environment, we donate to help the environment by 2% of all sales will be donated to help provide clean drinking water for impoverished families. we decided to set up our business in Mexico because it is super hot we set up shop on the beach because of the heat.



It's straight to the point, which is good but there's a bit of repetition in the phrasing. I revised it for you, I hope it helps.


We decided to establish this business as a way to profit and help the environment, we donate to help the environment by 2% of all sales will be donated to help provide clean drinking water for impoverished families. we decided to set up our business in Mexico because it is super hot we set up shop on the beach because of the heat.


We've decided to set up a business on a warm sunny beach of Mexico to raise money and help others! 2% of all proceeds will be donated to provide clean drinking water for the less fortunate. We specifically chose this location to help supply those in the scorching heat.

Give two examples of Eleanor’s humility and fearlessness.


Some examples of Eleanor Roosevelt's humility and courage are:

She advocated for the rights of women.She also supported the advancement of women's all works of life through labor unions and other organizations.

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?

Eleanor Roosevelt was the first lady of the United States between  1933 to 1945. This was the time when her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt was president of the United States.

She was known for fighting for the rights of women from all walks of life.

Learn more about Eleanor Roosevelt at:

You have been asked to write an argumentative essay for your school's blog in which you support or oppose the use of an artist’s music in advertising. use information from the ""should musicians change their tune?"" passage set in your essay.


In order to answer this question, here is a guide to help you write an argumentative essay:

Make adequate research on what advertising is all about.Choose the option that you can buttress very well - either supporting or opposing.Outline your points logically.Use adequate details and examples to support your points.

What is argumentative essay?

Argumentative essay refers to a type of essay that actually requires one to thoroughly investigate a topic or matter, evaluate evidences and then establish his or her position on the topic. Argumentative essay is known to reveal one's position on a matter.

We can see that if one will write an argumentative essay, it's important to outline your points and provide evidence to support your argument.

Learn more about argumentative essay on

What is one way you could alter the syntax of Common Sense to make it easier to decipher today? HELP ASAP PLEASE!!!!

eliminate adjectives from the text to shorten its length

replace the semicolons that combine independent clauses with periods

combine sentences to improve the flow and pacing of the text

read only the first independent clause of each sentence


Answer:  A full stop


Select the letter of the correct answer.
What is the main idea of this article?
A. Some prison inmates train rescue dogs.
B. Some rescue dogs have been treated badly.
C. Some families adopt rescue dogs.
D. Some service dogs help veterans.


The main idea is also known as the theme of an excerpt. It is the central idea in an excerpt. The main idea could also be called the controlling idea in an excerpt or passage. Hence, the main idea goes thus.

A. Some prison inmates train rescue dogs.

Main idea

The main idea of a paragraph is the writer's message about the topic. It is often expressed directly or it can be implied.

Therefore, the sentence that reveals the main idea is option A.

learn more about main idea:

What did Banquo caution Macbeth about?

can somebody help me please <3



Banquo cautions Macbeth that the Witches can win us with honest trifles


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