Identify the winning side of each battleSides:Allied victoryGerman victoryBattles:First battle of el alameinOperation torchBattle of tobrukBattle of tunisia


Answer 1

The winning side of each battle are 1. First Battle of El Alamein: Allied Victory. 2. Operation Torch: Allied Victory. 3. Battle of Tobruk: German Victory. 4. Battle of Tunisia: Allied Victory.

The Battle of El Alamein, which was a turning point in World War II's North African campaign, was fought between 23 October and 4 November 1942. An Axis force commanded by General Georg Stumme attempted to invade Egypt, but it was repulsed by the Allied forces, which were led by General Bernard Montgomery. Allied victory in the Battle of El Alamein was a crucial step toward the eventual defeat of the Axis in North Africa.

Operation Torch was an Allied invasion of French North Africa during World War II that began on November 8, 1942. The operation was a joint effort between the United States and the United Kingdom, and it was aimed at eliminating the Axis forces from North Africa. Despite some initial setbacks, the Allied forces were successful in their efforts, and the Axis forces were pushed out of North Africa.

The Axis powers won the Battle of Tobruk, which took place in Tobruk, Libya, from 10 April to 27 November 1941, during World War II. The battle was fought between German and Italian forces, who were trying to capture the city, and Australian and British forces, who were attempting to hold it. Despite the Allies' best efforts, the Axis forces eventually prevailed and captured Tobruk.

The Battle of Tunisia was a series of battles that took place between November 1942 and May 1943 during World War II. It was fought between the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Vichy France) and the Allies (United States, United Kingdom, and Free France). The Allies eventually prevailed, with the last Axis troops surrendering on May 13, 1943.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Identify the winning side of each battle. Sides: Allied victory and German victory. Battles: First Battle of El Alamein, Operation Torch, Battle of Tobruk, and Battle of Tunisia.

Learn more about Operation Torch:


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Often credited as a founder of cutting-edge “liberal” thought, Locke pioneered the thoughts of herbal law, social contract, religious toleration, and the right to revolution that proved indispensable to each the American Revolution and the U.S. Constitution that followed.

What have been the predominant influences on John Locke's thinking?

John Locke was once influenced via the effect of the Glorious Revolution, a revolution in which England overthrew its king, James II, and changed him with a new monarch with fewer absolute powers. He wrote Second Treatise of Government (1690), in which he developed very distinctive conclusions about human nature than Hobbes.

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Learn more about John Locke here:

(4 points)

17. Describe one cause of the urbanization of Texas that occurred during or after World War II

Use examples to support your answer.


The urbanisation of Texas during or after World War II The development of metropolitan centres was attracted to by the war-related industry, which also attracted farmers and residents of small towns.

Farmers, residents of small towns, and others were drawn into growing urban areas by the war-related business. Many of the workers were women and non-Caucasian. With a net population increase of 33 percent, Texas quickly shifted from being predominantly rural to becoming more urban. The Great Depression was quickly forgotten.

Texas's urbanisation is mostly a product of European immigration and culture. The Indian contribution is little because there isn't much that can be linked to Indian roots in contemporary Texas cities, with the possible exception of some demographic segments' genetic makeup.

Read more about World War II at


complete the passage to describe the situation of women and african americans during and after the revolutionary war.



During the Revolutionary War, women and African Americans played important roles in supporting the fight for independence. Women contributed by working in factories, making supplies, and serving as spies. African Americans also fought in the war, both for the American and British sides. However, despite their contributions, both groups faced discrimination and inequality.

After the war, the situation for both women and African Americans remained largely unchanged. Women were still expected to fulfill traditional roles as wives and mothers, with limited opportunities for education and employment. African Americans were still enslaved in many parts of the country, and even in places where slavery was abolished, they faced systemic racism and discrimination. It was not until many years later, through continued activism and struggle, that significant progress was made in advancing the rights and equality of these groups in American society.

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In a 1500 or more word rhetorical analysis essay (typed, double spaced), analyze the use and effect of argument (persuasion/rhetorical strategies and devices) in the "Peter H. Coors-I’m the NRA" ad (posted on Canvas). In your essay, address the following through the analysis of rhetorical strategy and appeals—intent, audience, and central arguments/claims (sometimes these, as well as the intent, are not presented overtly or openly in the text and are implied and meant to be inferred by the target audience). We have already gone over one ad from the same NRA campaign. So use your experience with that text to inform your analysis of this one.Remember analyze for rhetorical strategies such as the Aristotelian appeals--ethos, pathos logos,. Also consider the specific use of these appeals-- to fear, guilt, freedom, choice, logic, charity, etc… Also note the use of fallacies and how they are used to insinuate a logical argument. You should also consider how other rhetorical devices work (like anaphora, loaded diction, myth—from Barthes--, simile, analogy, etc…) Remember to use specific examples from the ad and to support your claims about the persuasive aspects of the ad with complete explanations of how the rhetorical strategies/devices work to persuade.PETER H. COORS: President of the Brewing Division of Aldolph Coors Company, Husband, Father, Hunter, Life Member of the National Rifle Association."Lots of people have asked me why I like to hunt. I just feel something about being in the country. Getting up early when it’s cold and crisp, sitting in a duck bind watching the orange sun rise over the bulrush, swapping stories and drinking hot coffee. It’s like bowling or fishing or dirtbiking for other people. It’s part of our heritage and our freedom, And some of the most enjoyable times I’ve had with my kids have been in that environment. "But there is constant pressure from people who would like to take away the privilege of owning a gun. It’s always been difficult for me to understand why they want to restrict legitimate use of firearms. It’s not a social problem. The social problem is the illegitimate use of firearms, which should be taken care of by our courts and legal system."I support the NRA because it is the most effective way for individuals to join together in supporting the rights of legitimate users of firearms. Without those rights, the privilege and enjoyment of the hunting experience might be lost for me and my kids. We’d be missing a lot." I’m the NRA(In small print below the image)The NRA’s Hunter Services Division offers programs and publications for hunter safety and education, including the comprehensive "Basic Hunter’s Guide." If you would like more information about our publications or would like to join the NRA write to...(NRA address given)



The "Peter H. Coors-I'm the NRA" advertisement uses various rhetorical strategies to persuade the audience to support the National Rifle Association (NRA) and their fight for gun rights. The advertisement features Peter H. Coors, the President of the Brewing Division of Aldolph Coors Company, who is also a hunter, husband, father, and life member of the NRA. Coors begins the advertisement by talking about his love for hunting and how it is a part of his heritage and freedom. He uses personal anecdotes and emotional appeals to connect with the audience and establish his credibility as a hunter and gun owner. Throughout the advertisement, Coors employs various rhetorical devices to appeal to the audience's emotions, logic, and values, with the ultimate goal of persuading them to support the NRA.

One of the most effective rhetorical strategies used in the advertisement is pathos, or emotional appeals. Coors connects with the audience on an emotional level by sharing his personal experiences as a hunter and a father. He talks about the joy he feels when he is in the country, watching the sunrise, swapping stories, and drinking coffee. By describing these experiences in vivid detail, Coors evokes feelings of nostalgia, happiness, and connection with nature. He also appeals to the audience's sense of family values by mentioning the enjoyable times he has had with his children in the hunting environment. Coors uses these emotional appeals to create a sense of community and belonging among the audience and to convince them that supporting the NRA is not only a matter of gun rights but also a matter of preserving a way of life.

Another rhetorical strategy used in the advertisement is ethos, or credibility. Coors establishes his credibility as a hunter and gun owner by mentioning his personal involvement in these activities. He also positions himself as a responsible gun owner by stating that he supports the NRA because it is the most effective way for individuals to support the rights of legitimate gun owners. By using his personal experience and knowledge, Coors builds trust with the audience and convinces them that he is a credible source of information on gun rights issues. Coors also appeals to the audience's sense of patriotism and love for freedom by framing gun ownership as a part of American heritage and values. By doing so, he positions the NRA as an organization that fights to protect these values and, therefore, deserves the audience's support.

The advertisement also uses logos, or logical appeals, to support the argument for gun ownership. Coors argues that the problem with gun violence is not the legitimate use of firearms but rather their illegitimate use. He suggests that the solution to gun violence is not to restrict the rights of gun owners but to improve the court and legal system to ensure that firearms are only used in a legitimate and responsible manner. By framing the issue in this way, Coors appeals to the audience's sense of logic and reason and suggests that the NRA is fighting for a responsible and sensible approach to gun ownership.

However, the advertisement also uses some fallacies to insinuate a logical argument. One of them is the straw man fallacy. Coors sets up the argument as if those who want to restrict the use of guns want to take away the privilege of owning them. He oversimplifies the other side of the argument and sets up a false premise. Additionally, the advertisement uses loaded diction to create a sense of urgency and fear. Coors uses words such as "constant pressure" and "restrict" to suggest that gun owners are under attack and that their rights are in danger. By using these words, Coors evokes fear and creates a sense of urgency among the audience, which can lead them to support the NRA out of a fear of losing their gun rights.

Furthermore, the advertisement uses anaphora, or the repetition of a word or phrase, to create

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In 1865-77 what happened in reconstruction (in your own words )



In the aftermath of the Civil War, the US government embarked on a period of rebuilding and social integration known as Reconstruction. This spanned from 1865 to 1877 and was marked by the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the US Constitution. These amendments abolished slavery, granted citizenship and equal protection to African Americans, and provided voting rights for African American men.

During Reconstruction, the federal government introduced policies to help rebuild the South and promote economic and educational opportunities for African Americans. The Freedmen's Bureau was established to provide support to newly freed slaves, including education, clothing, food, and employment. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 divided the South into military districts and mandated states to grant African American men voting rights and ratify the 14th Amendment before they could rejoin the Union.

However, Reconstruction faced opposition from white southerners who were against integration of African Americans into society and resented the federal government's presence in the South. During this period, white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan emerged, perpetrating violence and intimidation to suppress the rights of African Americans.

The end of Reconstruction occurred in 1877 when the federal government removed its troops from the South, resulting in the termination of military occupation and the return of control to southern states. Unfortunately, this led to the rise of Jim Crow laws and other forms of segregation and discrimination against African Americans that persisted for decades.

What were the two main subjects painted by the Taos artists?



physical beauty and spiritual and cultural richness


please give 5 stars

In 1877-1964 what happened in Jim Crow ? (In your own words )


Answer: The Cost for Reparations (Jim Crow 1877-1964)

 “No taxation without representation” was the headliner stamped onto London’s magazine in 1768 depicting what would be deemed to be a worthy cause to fight for, the white man’s right to vote. A slogan used to defend the white man’s belief to exercise his right to participate in British politics by having the ability to vote for a representative of the people. However, white colonists argued that if the white man could not vote then he shall not pay his taxes. Less than 10 years later a revolt against British rule was formed, the American Revolution.

 Despite this revolutionary war being fought mainly for political independence, the Black man’s constitutional right to vote in the south during the age of Jim crow was stripped using Black codes and many other racially motivated violence to stop blacks from partaking in political processes. The denial of black Americans to participate in politics during the age of Jim Crow directly impacted black Americans' opportunity to build wealth and left them vulnerable to economic exploitation. Because of this, reparations for black American individuals have been called into question which if given compensation for the heinous crimes committed against America’s black citizens should atone for America’s racist past. In the article, The Case For Reparations, Ta-Nehisi Coates exclaims, “Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole”.

 Undoubtedly, black Americans should be allocated reparations, but more specifically blacks in Louisiana during the age of Jim Crow. In 1896, over three hundred thousand black Americans in Louisiana were registered to vote by 1904 only thirteen hundred blacks were registered to vote. Black voter registration diminished quickly due to heinous acts of violence perpetuated by white supremacy organizations such as the KKK conducting mass killings of over two hundred blacks risking their lives to aimlessly rush to the polls. After the Civil War, 40 acres and a mule, described as a promise to freed blacks by the federal government, was enacted to distribute land and resources to begin a new life of family farming. However, the failed attempt to protect newly freed black Americans laid the groundwork for the course of today’s inequities.

 Subsequently, black individuals residing in Louisiana should be compensated for being excluded from the political process during the Jim Crow era. Particularly, for their opportunity costs such as stolen land, limited job opportunities, limited education, and overpriced appraisal value on housing, all with interest to adjust to today’s rising inflation prices. Martin Luther King Jr. calculated that 40 acres and a mule alone ($20 a week since the late 1700s for 4 million slaves) would total $800 billion. In today’s America, $800 billion is equivalent to $6.4 trillion dollars. “They owe us a lot of money”- Dr. King. On average the median housing cost for a 3 bedroom is around $200,000+ multiply that by the number of black residents in Louisiana and it equates to $300 trillion dollars. In addition, the average salary for a master’s degree is about $78,000 annually multiply by the number of black residents in Louisiana which equates to $350 trillion dollars. Overall, black individuals in Louisiana should receive around $1.5 million (this includes interest) for being excluded from the political process during the Jim Crow era.

 In conclusion, slavery alongside Jim Crow not only excluded black Americans from creating generational wealth but reaping the benefits and opportunities afforded to white Americans. The negative impacts of our capitalist economy can be seen through the lens of black earnest attempts to build wealth the American way through property ownership which turned a profit to those willing to exploit and steal from black Americans. In the article, Black Peoples Land Was Stolen, writer Andrew Kahrl states, “If we ever hope to repair the damage racism has done to America and address the dividends it continues to pay to white Americans, we cannot simply open to black Americans previously closed doors of opportunity or merely provide some form of compensation for past injustices. We must also work to dismantle the laws and policies that sanction the continued extraction of property and resources from black communities”.

Hope it helped! :)

Brainliest? Please :)

identify the statements that are accurate with regard to the manhattan project.


The statements that are accurate with regard to the Manhattan project are:

Its purpose was to discover ways to access the potentially vast amounts of energy contained within the atom.As vice president, Harry Truman had no knowledge of the existence of atomic bombs.

What is Manhattan project?

The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. The project began in 1939 and was officially known as the Manhattan Engineer District, hence the name "Manhattan Project".

The project's goal was to create a nuclear weapon before Nazi Germany, which was known to be pursuing nuclear research at the time. The project was a massive undertaking, involving thousands of scientists, engineers, and support personnel.

It culminated in the successful test of the world's first atomic bomb in July 1945, and ultimately the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in August of the same year.

Learn more about Manhattan project on


what does this selection of the constitution allow the us congress to do




The Constitution assigned to Congress responsibility for organizing the executive and judicial branches, raising revenue, declaring war, and making all laws necessary for executing these powers.

what were two points made by chief justice roger taney in the dred scott v. sandford decision?


"The two points made by chief justice Roger Taney in the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision were - enslaved people were not citizens of the United States &, there-fore, could not expect any protect-ion from the federal govern-ment or the courts & Congress had no authority to ban slave-ry from a federal territory."

Taney became best kno-wn for writing the final major-ity opinion in Dred Scott v. Sand-ford, which said that all people of African descent, free or en-slaved, were not United States citizens & there-fore had no right to sue in federal court. Taney read the major-ity opinion of the Court.

To know more about Roger Taney click below:


Which of the following was NOT one of the three Axis Nations
Soviet Union



The Soviet Union was not one of the three Axis Nations. The Axis powers during World War II were Germany, Japan, and Italy.


The answer is B. Soviet Union

In a nation ruled by a totalitarian government, the main purpose of art and literature is to
1. allow individuals to freely express their own creativity
reinforce the political ideas of those in power
3. promote the development of opposing points of view
4. encourage international cultural exchanges


In a nation ruled by a totalitarian government, the main purpose of art and literature is to allow individuals to freely express their own creativity reinforce the political ideas of those in power.

What does a totalitarian regime serve to achieve?

Totalitarianism is a political system that seeks complete control over its citizens' lives. It is defined by a strict central government that uses force and repression to try and guide and control every element of a person's life.

What is a totalitarian state's three key characteristics?

Totalitarian states were characterized by aggressive nationalism, militarism, and expansionism.

What defined totalitarian governments as their key traits?

The primary features of totalitarian states included comprehensive control over the media, centralized authority, stringent cultural norms, constrained personal freedoms, planned economies, and widespread propaganda.

To Know more about government,


Summarize the story of Romulus and Remus in about 5 sentences:


Their father was the fierce Roman god of war, Mars. The king where the boys lived was scared that someday Romulus and Remus would overthrow him and take his throne. So he had the boys left in a basket on the Tiber River.


Explanation: Romulus and Remus were twin boys born to a princess named Rhea Silvia. Their father was the fierce Roman god of war, Mars. The king where the boys lived was scared that someday Romulus and Remus would overthrow him and take his throne. So he had the boys left in a basket on the Tiber River.

The FSLIC exhibited a policy of _____________ toward the many failing savings institutions during the 80s, leading to insolvency of the fund by 1989.


The FSLIC exhibited a policy of leniency toward the many failing savings institutions during the 80s, leading to insolvency of the fund by 1989.e FSLIC exhibited a policy of forbearance toward the many failing savings institutions during the 80s, leading to insolvency of the fund by 1989.
The FSLIC exhibited a policy of forbearance toward the many failing savings institutions during the 80s, leading to insolvency of the fund by 1989.What is forbearance?In a real estate context, forbearance refers to the action of delaying foreclosure or other legal action against a borrower who is in arrears. The ability to demonstrate leniency by taking a delay or a payment from a borrower is a critical attribute of a lender who wants to maintain a positive working relationship with their customers during challenging times. Forbearance can be beneficial in a number of ways, including extending the amount of time a borrower has to repay their debt, reducing the size of their monthly payment, or eliminating the amount they owe altogether.The above-mentioned paragraph implies that the FSLIC exhibited a policy of forbearance toward the many failing savings institutions during the 80s, leading to insolvency of the fund by 1989.

For more such questions on Fund


Question 4 of 15
The Gadsden Purchase allowed the United States to:
A. seize Mexican land south of the Rio Grande.
B. build a railroad to the Pacific coast.
C. establish mining communities in California.
D. slow down the spread of slavery in Texas.



E. purchase land from Mexico to complete the southern border of the United States.




4 key principles of the 3 branches system ( legislative, judicial, executive)



Separation of powers: The U.S. Constitution divides the government's powers between the legislative, the judicial, and the executive branches. This makes sure that no one branch has too much power and that each branch has its own set of tasks.Balances of power: Each branch can check the power of the other two branches. For example, the legislative branch can override a veto from the executive branch, and the judicial branch can say that a law passed by the legislative branch is against the Constitution.Limited government: The U.S. Constitution limits the power of the government by putting limits on what each part of the government can do. For instance, the legislative branch can't make "ex post facto" laws, which make illegal actions that were legal at the time they were done.Rule of law: The U.S. Constitution is the most important law in the country, and it must be followed by all parts of the government. This makes sure that no one is above the law, not even those in power.

the legends of magic mushrooms in china are thought to be derived from what neighboring country?


Magic mushrooms are believed to have originated in China, but the legends of these mushrooms are thought to have been derived from neighboring India.

The magical properties of these mushrooms were believed to have been brought to China by Buddhist monks, who would use them for spiritual enlightenment. The earliest known evidence of mushroom use in China dates back to around 1000 BCE. In India, the use of mushrooms can be traced back to the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts that discuss the use of mushrooms for spiritual growth and healing. As the practice of Buddhism spread to China, the use of mushrooms as a spiritual tool was also adopted by the Chinese, thus leading to the legends of magical mushrooms in the country.

For such more questions on Magic mushrooms:


Identify the united states and soviet aligned states of europe


Europe was split into two spheres of influence following World War II and during the duration of the Cold War. On the one hand, the vast majority of Western Europe supported American capitalism. Central and Eastern Europe, on the other side, supported the Soviet Union.

Political and economic factors in these regions were significantly diverse. The nations that practiced capitalism promoted a self-regulatory economy and supported the free market. Additionally, they promoted international trade and were, for the most part, democratic states.

Typically, authoritarian regimes ruled the former Soviet Union's nations. Also, they were in favor of a command economy where the government controlled every aspect of society.

To learn more about Cold War click here


according to raiders of the lost ark, in what third intermediate period city was the lost ark located?


Tanis, an ancient Egyptian city from the Third Intermediate Period, was where The Lost Ark was discovered (1070-664 BCE). It is now known as Sân el-Hagar.

During the Tanite monarchs' rule in the Third Intermediate period of Egyptian history, the site, located in the Nile Delta northeast of Cairo, served as the capital of the 21st and 22nd dynasties. After Thebes, Tanis was the second ancient capital of Egypt and is a real city in the Nile delta. Even though it has been conjectured that the Ark of the Covenant may indeed be interred there, it was never a lost city as depicted in the movie.

To know more about Egyptian cities refer to the link below :



Have your ideas about what happens to molecules in the liquid, solid, and gas phase changed? If so, how? What evidence supports your ideas? If your ideas have not changed, what evidence have you found that supports your initial ideas?


Many experimental observations and measurements, including the observation of phase shifts and the measurement of physical parameters like volume and compressibility, have been used to support the behavior of molecules in the solid, liquid, and gas phases.

Kinetic molecular theory can be used to explain how molecules behave in the solid, liquid, and gas phases. This hypothesis states that molecules have kinetic energy, which governs their behavior throughout the various phases, and are constantly in motion.

In the solid phase, molecules are locked in place and are closely packed. Since they lack the energy to move freely, they vibrate about their equilibrium location. The rigid structure of the molecules is maintained by the strong intermolecular forces. The observation that solids have a distinct structure and volume and cannot be easily squeezed is one piece of evidence that supports this theory.

Molecules are less closely packed and have greater energy in the liquid phase. Although they can pass one another, intermolecular interactions are still keeping them joined. Liquids can adopt the shape of their container due to the intermolecular forces in them being weaker. The fact that liquids have a set volume yet can change shape to fit their container and can be somewhat compressed provides evidence for this theory.

The most energetic and unrestricted motion of molecules occurs in the gas phase. They are not bound together in a rigid structure and have weak intermolecular interactions. They easily compress and take up the entire volume of their container. The fact that gases can be compressed easily and have no fixed shape or volume is one piece of evidence that supports this theory.

To know more about Kinetic molecular theory


why did the russian soldiers attacked the polish-lithuanian latvian prussian people if they were against hitler


The Russian soldiers attacked the Polish-Lithuanian-Latvian-Prussian people because they were opposed to Hitler's rule. At the time, Hitler and Stalin had a non-aggression pact, but it did not last long. In 1941, the German-Soviet war broke out, leading the Soviet forces to occupy the lands of the former Soviet Union. The Polish-Lithuanian-Latvian-Prussian people were caught in the middle of this conflict and were therefore targeted by the Soviets.

It is unclear which specific event or time period you are referring to, as the history of Russian-Polish-Lithuanian-Latvian-Prussian relations is long and complex. However, it is important to note that international conflicts and alliances are rarely black and white, and there are often multiple factors at play.In general, the Soviet Union (of which Russia was a part) had a complicated relationship with Nazi Germany during World War II. While they were initially allies, they later became enemies and fought against each other. However, the Soviet Union was also interested in expanding its own power and influence, and sometimes invaded neighboring countries in pursuit of this goal.In terms of specific conflicts involving Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, and Prussian people, there have been numerous historical events that have taken place over the centuries. Some of these conflicts may have been related to World War II and the Soviet Union's attempts to expand its sphere of influence, while others may have been entirely unrelated. Without more specific information, it is impossible to say why Russian soldiers may have attacked people from these regions if they were against Hitler.

For more such questions on Hitler


what do the u.s. interventions in mexico and cuba show?


US interventions in Mexico and Cuba show that Cuban independence is guaranteed.

On July 26, at the request of the Spanish government, Jules Cambon, French Ambassador to Washington, approached the McKinley administration to discuss peace terms, and an armistice was signed on August 12. The war officially ended after four months when the United States and Spanish governments signed the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898.

Spain also agreed to sell the Philippines to the US for her $20 million. The United States Senate ratified the treaty on February 6, 1899 with a majority of just one vote.

The McKinley administration also used the war as a pretext for annexing the Independent State of Hawaii. In 1893, a group of Hawaiian plantation owners and businessmen led a coup against Queen Liliuokalani and installed a new government. They immediately demanded annexation by the United States, but President Grover Cleveland rejected their demands. By 1898, however, President McKinley and the American people were more sympathetic to the acquisition of the islands. 

Know more about United States here:


Can anyone help me with the thought question on achieve 3000 New Quarters to honor woman


A thought question on this would be "If you had the opportunity to create 3,000 new quarters to honor women, which women would you choose and why?".

What should we know about American Women Quarters Program importance?

The American Women Quarters Program is a four-year program that honors the achievements and contributions of American women. Beginning in 2022 and continuing until 2025, the United States Mint will release up to five new reverse designs per year. The obverse of each coin will still feature a likeness of George Washington, but it will be different from the design used in the previous quarter program.

Contributions to the American Women Quarters may include, but are not limited to, suffrage, civil rights, abolition, government, humanities, science, space, and the arts. Women from various ethnic, racial, and geographical backgrounds will be honored.

Likely question "Generate a thought question on how to 3000 New Quarters to honor woman"

Read more about Quarters Program


Identify the statements that correctly describe the ways in which Latin American rebellions for independence from Spain in the 1810s and 1820s were similar to the North American movement for independence from Great Britain in the 1770s and 1780s.-Both the North American colonies and the Latin American colonies rebelled against their "mother countries" after periods of relative autonomy.-Latin American colonists resisted the high taxes from Spain the way American colonists had rejected taxation from Great Britain.-Both movements began as claims for greater local autonomy but evolved into full demands for independence.


The North American movement for independence from Great Britain in the 1770s and 1780s and the Latin American rebellions for independence from Spain in the 1810s and 1820s are comparable, as this statement accurately explains.

What was North American movement?

The North American development alludes to the development for autonomy from Incredible England by the 13 English settlements that would ultimately turn into the US of America. The movement began in the middle of the 1760s as a reaction to a series of British policies that were viewed as posing a threat to colonial liberties and self-government. By 1775, it had developed into a full-scale rebellion. After a long and bloody war, the North American colonies eventually gained independence from Great Britain in 1783.

To know more about Latin American rebellions, visit:


Who was Macuilxochitl and how does she describe herself?

She describes the Tenochtitlan (Aztec) conquest of Tlacotepec as “forays for flowers [and] butterflies.” What does this mean?

She writes that Axayacatl spared the Otomi warrior partly because he brought a piece of wood and deerskin to the ruler? What does this tell you?

How does the artist use art and design emphasize and demonstrate the importance of tribute?

How does this biography of Macuilxochitl support, extend, or challenge what you have learned about the state and economy in Mesoamerica in this period?


Answer: View answer in the explanation below.

Explanation: Macuilxochitl was a Nahua woman who lived in the 16th century in central Mexico. She was a noblewoman and a poet, known for her poetry that incorporated both Nahua and Spanish styles and language.

In her poetry, Macuilxochitl describes herself as a “woman warrior” and a “warrior of flowers.” She uses these titles to emphasize her connection to the natural world, particularly flowers and butterflies. This suggests that she saw herself as a defender of nature and may have been involved in the cultivation or preservation of plants.

When Macuilxochitl describes the Tenochtitlan (Aztec) conquest of Tlacotepec as “forays for flowers [and] butterflies,” she is using metaphors to describe the violence of the conquest. The metaphor of “forays for flowers” suggests that the conquest was motivated by a desire to capture and collect beautiful things, rather than a desire for territory or power. This reflects the Aztec view of war as a ritualized practice that could be used to acquire tribute and increase social status.

Macuilxochitl's account of Axayacatl sparing the Otomi warrior partly because he brought a piece of wood and deerskin to the ruler suggests that tribute played a significant role in Aztec society. Tribute was a system of payments and goods that subject peoples were required to provide to the Aztec rulers, and the ability to provide tribute was an important measure of status and power. By bringing a valuable item to the ruler, the Otomi warrior was able to demonstrate his worth and avoid being sacrificed.

In terms of how the artist uses art and design to emphasize the importance of tribute, Aztec art often depicted scenes of tribute being brought to the rulers. These scenes were highly stylized and often included intricate details and symbolism that emphasized the power and status of the rulers.

In terms of how this biography of Macuilxochitl supports, extends, or challenges what we have learned about the state and economy in Mesoamerica in this period, it provides a valuable perspective from a female poet and noblewoman. It also emphasizes the importance of tribute in Aztec society and highlights the connection between the Aztecs and the natural world. Overall, it supports what we have learned about the state and economy in Mesoamerica in this period, while also adding nuance and complexity to our understanding of these topics.

Final answer:

Macuilxochitl, an Aztec poet and daughter of king Axayacatl, used metaphors to poetically describe violent conquests. The sparing of the Otomi warrior due to a tribute reflects the significance of tribute in their society. The artist emphasized tribute's importance through art and design, and Macuilxochitl's biography reinforces how tribute integrated into Mesoamerican statecraft during this period.


Macuilxochitl was an Aztec poet and the youngest daughter of the king Axayacatl. The phrase ‘forays for flowers [and] butterflies’ is a poetic metaphor she used to describe the conquest of Tlacotepec, which compares the violent conquering of a city to a more benign search for beauty, likely used to lighten the harshness of the violent reality of the conquest.

The sparing of the Otomi warrior by Axayacatl, thanks to the offering of a piece of wood and deerskin, suggests the importance of tribute and gifts in their culture. It shows how gifts could serve not just as a token of respect to higher-ranking individuals, but also an act of submission. The offering can be seen as both literal (an actual gift) and symbolic (submission).

The artist emphasizes the importance of tribute through various mediums. One of them being the depictions of item exchanges on art pieces, which glorified diplomatic relationships and highlighted the value of proper tribute exchange. Such depictions also established the hierarchies of power.

For critical thinking, the biography of Macuilxochitl reinforces our understanding of how intricately tribute played into Mesoamerican statecraft during this period. It shows that tribute was not only an economic but also a political tool. It also helps us understand how socio-political relations and the economy coexisted and influenced each other in the Mesoamerican society.

Learn more about Macuilxochitl and Mesoamerican tribute system here:


spark for world war i was given when principal gavrilo was killed by


The spark that ignited World War I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife by Gavrilo Princip, a member of a Serbian nationalist organization.

The spark that ignited World War I can be traced back to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife by Gavrilo Princip, a member of a Serbian nationalist organization. This incident sparked a diplomatic crisis between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, and due to a complex network of alliances, ultimately resulted in the mobilization of millions of soldiers from all over Europe.

Princip's act of terrorism has been recognized as the key factor in the onset of World War I, an event that forever changed the history of the world.

To know more about assassination , click here.


which aspect of racial discrimination became the primary target of the naacp (national association for the advancement of colored people) in its first decades of existence?


The primary target of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in its first decades of existence was Legal/ Judicial aspect of racial discrimination.

What's NAACP

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909 by a diverse group of individuals, including W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Mary White Ovington, and Moorfield Storey, to fight racial discrimination against African Americans.

The primary focus of the NAACP in its first decades of existence was on the legal/judicial aspect of racial discrimination. It targeted segregation in schools and public spaces and sought to overturn laws that discriminated against African Americans.

As a result of its efforts, several landmark Supreme Court cases, including Brown v. Board of Education, have been decided in favor of civil rights.

Learn more about NAACP at


albert speer list 7 fast facts about his life and role during the holocaust. what is controversial about him?


Albert Speer was a German architect, politician, and senior Nazi official who played a significant role in the Nazi regime. Speer's legacy is controversial because of his involvement in the Holocaust, and many scholars have debated whether he was truly ignorant of the genocide or was simply trying to protect himself from prosecution.

Albert Speer was born on March 19, 1905, in Mannheim, Germany, and died on September 1, 1981.He was a talented architect and urban planner who designed several buildings for the Nazi regime, including the Reich Chancellery.He was appointed as Adolf Hitler's chief architect in 1933 and was later promoted to the position of Minister of Armaments and War Production in 1942.Speer was responsible for the construction of concentration camps, and his department employed forced laborers from concentration camps for the production of war materials during World War II.After World War II, he was convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946.Speer expressed remorse for his actions during the Holocaust and apologized for his role in the Nazi regime.Speer's legacy is controversial because of his involvement in the Holocaust, and many scholars have debated whether he was truly ignorant of the genocide or was simply trying to protect himself from prosecution.

for more such questions on  Nazi regime.


what policies, attitudes and political constituencies helped build ongoing connections between mexican families and the 19th century and early 21st century economies in the united states and mexico


In the late 19th century, the United States began to expand its business interests into Mexico, laying the groundwork for a long-term economic relationship between the two nations.

The policies, attitudes, and political constituencies that have helped build ongoing connections between Mexican families and the 19th-century and early 21st-century economies in the United States and Mexico include:

The free trade agreements between the US and Mexico, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which have opened up markets for both countries. It was one of the most significant factors in this ongoing relationship that created a regional economic zone that includes the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

The US immigration policies have allowed more Mexicans to migrate to the US and take advantage of job opportunities.

For more information on NAFTA, visit


Why are different countries constructing Bihars in lumbini Area. Present your logic in a sentence. ​


In order to uphold religious tolerance and establish their own reputations, various nations are building Bihars in the Lumbini region.

Siddhartha Gautama, popularly known as the Buddha, was born in Lumbini, which is well-known for this fact. Buddhists travel from all over the world to this significant pilgrimage site to pay their respects and learn more about the life and teachings of the Buddha. The Nepalese city of Lumbini has been named a UNESCO World Heritage site.

India's Gaya is well known for being a significant religious and cultural centre. In this location, while meditating beneath the Bodhi tree, the Buddha is supposed to have obtained enlightenment. Bodh Gaya is an important Buddhist pilgrimage place that draws travellers from all over the world. Gaya has a lengthy history and is thought to have been a significant hub of learning in antiquity. It also features a number of historical places worth visiting and is connected to a number of mythological tales.

To know more about Buddhist


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