is a legal system which is based on a detailed set of written rules and statutes that constitute a legal code.


Answer 1

The legal system which is based on a detailed set of written rules and statutes that constitute a legal code is known as a codified legal system.

A legal system is a set of laws, rules, and regulations that govern a particular region, community, or country. A legal system assists in the prevention of anarchy in a country or region. A legal system aids in the prevention of social disorder by governing the activities and behavior of individuals and organizations.A codified legal system is one in which legal rules and regulations are set out in a written legal code. A codified legal system is used in countries such as France, Germany, Japan, and India.A legal code is a comprehensive list of all the laws and regulations governing a particular country or region. A codified legal system ensures that the law is easily accessible to everyone in the country or region.There are several benefits to using a codified legal system. The use of a codified legal system makes it easier for judges and legal practitioners to interpret and apply the law. Codification simplifies the legal system, making it easier for citizens to understand and comply with the law. A codified legal system also makes the law more predictable, consistent, and uniform.Legal codes are a collection of laws and regulations that govern a particular country or region. The legal code of a country is a complete list of all the laws and regulations that are in force in that country. The legal code is a useful tool for judges, lawyers, and citizens because it provides a clear understanding of the law. The legal code also ensures that the law is accessible to everyone in the country or region.

Learn more about legal system:


Related Questions

fill in the blank. poverty and unemployment are likely to be explained in terms of___by political liberals and in terms of__by political conservatives.


poverty and unemployment are likely to be explained in terms of personal dispositions by political liberals and in terms of situational influences by political conservatives.

The situationist influences holds that our actions and behavior are influenced by our surroundings and immediate environment.  Personal Dispositions, in contrast, asserts that our actions are influenced by internal factors (Heider, 1958).

People infer that an event or a person's behavior is caused by personal factors like traits, abilities, or feelings when they attribute something internally, or dispositionally. People infer that a person's behavior is caused by situational factors when they use an external, or situational, attribution.

Success is frequently attributed to dispositional factors ("I passed the test because I am smart," "I worked hard for that grade," etc.), while failure is frequently attributed to environmental factors ("The test wasn't fair," "The teacher doesn't like me," etc.).

Learn more about personal dispositions at:


____: the process by which one party supplants another as the dominant party in a two-party political system.


A political realignment is the process by which one party supplants another as the dominant party in a two-party political system.

In American politics, the term "realignment" refers to the process in which a party's electoral support base undergoes a fundamental shift, resulting in long-term changes in the balance of power between the two major political parties. The electoral realignment can be attributed to a variety of factors, including demographic shifts, significant events or policy decisions, changes in political culture, and changes in party organizations' strategies.

A realignment occurs when a political party undergoes a major shift ins its political ideology and agenda, resulting in significant changes in its base of support. This shift may result in the creation of a new electoral majority, or it may result in a significant weakening or even the complete collapse of a party's former electoral coalition. As a result, the opposing party may rise to power, and a new era of political dominance may emerge.

For more such questions on realignment


acts as leader of departments within the executive branch called by?


Acts as leader of departments within the executive branch called by Cabinet Secretaries.

The heads of departments within the executive branch are generally called as the cabinet secretaries or simply secretaries. These individuals are appointed by the President of the United States and are responsible for overseeing and managing their respective departments, which include agencies, bureaus, and other offices that are part of the federal government. There are currently 15 Cabinet-level departments in the United States government, each led by a Secretary who is responsible for implementing the policies and programs of the President and Congress within their specific area of responsibility.

Therefore, the cabinet secretaries or simply secretaries are the people who leads the departments within the executive branch.

Learn more about Cabinet Secretaries :


FILL IN THE BLANK. In the party's _______convention, the presidential candidate who wins the most________ wins the nomination.


In the party's primary convention, the presidential candidate who wins the most delegates wins the nomination.

Delegates are individuals who are elected by voters in each state to represent that state's interests at the national convention. The number of delegates allocated to each state is based on a formula that takes into account the state's population and its history of supporting the party in past elections. The primary and caucus elections held in each state are used to determine which candidate will receive the state's delegates. The candidate who receives a majority of the delegates at the national convention will be nominated as the party's candidate for president.

To learn more about presidential candidate visit;


In 100 words or more, discuss what the different options are for sketch perspectives and what the forensic lab plays within crime scene investigation.


Sketch perspectives are an essential part of crime scene investigation, as they provide a visual representation of the scene and help investigators to accurately document and interpret the evidence collected. There are different options for sketch perspectives, including hand-drawn sketches, computer-generated sketches, and 3D modeling.

What is investigation?

Investigation refers to the process of gathering information or evidence to establish facts and solve problems. It involves systematic and thorough inquiry or examination of a particular issue or event.

Forensic labs play an important role in crime scene investigation as they analyze and interpret the evidence collected by investigators. Forensic lab technicians use specialized equipment and techniques to analyze physical evidence, such as fingerprints, DNA, and ballistics, to identify suspects and provide evidence for criminal cases.

They work closely with investigators to provide accurate and timely results, which can help to solve crimes and bring perpetrators to justice. The forensic lab is a crucial component of the criminal justice system and plays an essential role in the investigation and prosecution of crimes.

Learn more about investigation on


The Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment protected freedom of speech from state
infringement in the _________ case.
a. Schenk v. United States
b. McCulloch v. Maryland
c. Gibbons v. Ogden
d. Gitlow v. New York


The Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment protected freedom of speech from state infringement in the d. Gitlow v. New York case.

What is Gitlow v. New York case?

Gitlow v. New York is a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, decided on June 8, 1925, which upheld the constitutionality of the Espionage Act of 1917, which made it illegal to advocate the overthrow of the United States government by force or violence.

The majority of the justices ruled that the First Amendment didn't prohibit states from suppressing or punishing speech that posed a serious danger to national security, even if it didn't immediately incite an illegal act.

What is the Fourteenth Amendment?

The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed by Congress on June 13, 1866, and ratified by the states on July 9, 1868. It granted citizenship to all individuals born or naturalized in the United States and prohibited states from denying any person "life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.

The correct option is option d.

To know more about Fourteenth Amendment refer here :


What did the 13th 14th and 15th amendments do during reconstruction?


The Reconstruction Amendments, sometimes known as the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, played a significant role in granting African Americans citizenship rights and protections.

Slavery was officially abolished by the 13th Amendment. African Americans were made equal citizens of the United States via the 14th Amendment.

The Dred Scott v. Sanford ruling, in which Chief Justice Roger B. Taney of the Supreme Court stated that black Americans were not citizens and as a result had "no rights which the white man was bound to respect," was reversed by this amendment.

Black American men now have the right to vote thanks to the 15th Amendment. Northern African Americans were steadfast supporters of these amendments, pushing for equality on behalf of both themselves and their recently freed colleagues.

Democrats in Pennsylvania's neighboring state of New Jersey resisted ratification, despite the fact that Pennsylvania was one of the first states to do so in February 1865.

To know more about reconstruction:


taken together, the two sources best illustrate which of the following aspects of political authority in the period circa 600 bce to 600 ce


Taken together, the two sources best illustrate in order to administer the affairs of distant regions, rulers used local administrative institutions of the following aspects of political authority in the period circa 600 bce to 600 ce. The correct option is B.

Some of the most important world belief systems emerged between 600 BCE and 600 CE. Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism were just a few of the influential philosophical movements that emerged in ancient China during the Era of Warring States. As some of the rulers (some of whom were regarded as divine) used religion, along with military and legal institutions, to justify their rule and ensure its continuation, religious and political authority frequently merged.

The Jewish-Babylonian War between the Kingdom of Judah and Babylonia starts in 601 BC. The Greco-Punic Wars begin in 600 BC when Greeks from Phocaea establish Marseille after defeating the Carthaginians in a naval conflict. The Satrapy of Armenia is established in 600 BC. Capua is founded in 600 BC. The correct option is B.

The question is incomplete, complete question will be "Taken together, the two sources best illustrate which of the following aspects of political authority in the period circa 600 B.C.E.-600 C.E.?

(A)Rulers claimed to rule by virtue of having the approval and support of the gods.

(B) Rulers used local administrative institutions to manage the affairs of far-flung regions.

(C) Rulers relied on the consent of the governed to prevent religious conflicts.

(D)Rulers’ ability to set policies and resolve conflicts was limited by existing legal codes and precedents."

Learn more about political authority at:


Although every crime scene is unique, discuss the components of and things to be considered when conducting a scene assessment.



When conducting a scene assessment, several important components and considerations should be taken into account, including safety, preservation of evidence, documentation, interviews, reconstruction, analysis, and collaboration. Thorough attention to detail, effective communication, and a commitment to preserving evidence and reconstructing the events that occurred are essential for a successful investigation.


When conducting a scene assessment, there are several components to consider in order to ensure a thorough and accurate investigation. Although every crime scene is unique, the following are some of the most important components and considerations:

Safety: The safety of all individuals involved in the investigation should be the top priority. This includes law enforcement officers, first responders, and any potential witnesses. The scene should be secured, and any potential hazards should be identified and addressed.

Preservation of evidence: All potential evidence should be identified and preserved. This includes physical evidence such as fingerprints, DNA, and trace evidence, as well as any potential digital evidence such as surveillance footage or electronic communication records.

Documentation: Detailed documentation of the scene is essential in order to accurately reconstruct the events that occurred. This includes taking photographs, sketching the layout of the scene, and taking detailed notes.

Interviews: Any potential witnesses or individuals with information related to the crime should be interviewed. This can help to provide additional information and context to the investigation.

Reconstruction: The scene should be reconstructed in order to determine how the crime occurred. This can involve examining the physical evidence and interviewing witnesses in order to develop a clear timeline of events.

Analysis: All evidence and information gathered at the scene should be analyzed in order to determine potential suspects and motives. This can involve reviewing surveillance footage, conducting background checks on potential suspects, and collaborating with other law enforcement agencies.

Collaboration: Effective collaboration between all parties involved in the investigation is essential in order to ensure a thorough and accurate investigation. This can involve working with other law enforcement agencies, forensic specialists, and prosecutors.

Overall, conducting a thorough scene assessment involves careful attention to detail, effective communication and collaboration, and a commitment to preserving evidence and reconstructing the events that occurred.

Final answer:

A successful scene assessment at a crime scene is fundamentally based on three components - preservation of the scene, documentation, and evidence collection. Other factors like type of crime, time, location, witnesses, and environmental conditions are also considered. Every crime scene is unique requiring a distinctive assessment approach, albeit the basic components stay consistent.


Conducting a scene assessment at a crime scene is a meticulous and deliberate process that requires a systematic approach. The primary components considered when doing a scene assessment include the preservation of the crime scene, thorough documentation, and evidence collection.

Preservation of the crime scene is crucial to avoid contamination or loss of evidence. This may involve cordoning off the area and controlling who has access to the crime scene. Documentation plays a central role in a scene assessment. This can include photographs, sketches, and detailed notes about the condition of the scene and the positions of evidence. Evidence collection involves identifying, recording, marking, packaging, and transporting evidence to preserve its integrity for lab analysis and possibly, use in court proceedings.

Apart from these core components, a scene assessment also takes into account other factors such as the time of the crime, location, any witnesses, type of crime committed, and environmental conditions. Each crime scene is unique, and as such, requires a unique approach for its assessment, but the components remain fundamentally consistent across all investigations.

Learn more about Scene Assessment here:


Hi, I want to record my mother mentally abuses my father, but I worry she could claim that I only record the moments that she behaves badly towards my father and I don't record the moments my father behave badly towards her (which actually doesn't exist). Please help me solve this situation. Thank you



It's understandable that you are concerned about your mother making false claims about your recordings. One way to avoid this situation is to keep a detailed record of any instances of your mother's abusive behavior towards your father, including the date, time, location, and any specific details of what was said or done. This way, you can demonstrate that you are keeping an accurate record of what is happening.

Additionally, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with both your parents about your concerns. Let them know that you are recording the instances of your mother's abusive behavior not to create problems, but to seek help for the situation. Encourage them to seek therapy or counseling, or to consider other resources available for families experiencing abuse.

If you feel uncomfortable discussing the situation with your parents directly, you may want to consider reaching out to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, counselor, or family member, who can provide support and guidance on how to handle the situation. They may also be able to connect you and your family with resources for addressing domestic abuse.

according to the 14th amendment, citizenship is conferred on the basis of place of birth and the process of naturalization. therefore, an individual born in canada to american parents is automatically a u.s. citizen. true or false?


The given statement "according to the 14th amendment, citizenship is conferred on the basis of place of birth and the process of naturalization. therefore, an individual born in canada to american parents is automatically a us. citizen" is True  because  According to the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, all individuals born in the United States or "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" are granted US citizenship. This applies to persons born in the US, regardless of their parents' nationality or citizenship status. Therefore, an individual born in Canada to American parents is automatically a US citizen.

The 14th Amendment was passed in 1868 in the aftermath of the Civil War to protect the rights of the newly freed African American slaves. Section 1 of the Amendment specifically states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” In essence, this means that any person born in the US or under US jurisdiction is automatically granted citizenship.

This includes persons born to American citizens outside the US. As long as the parent or parents of the individual were US citizens at the time of their birth, the individual is a US citizen by birth. Therefore, an individual born in Canada to American parents is automatically a US citizen.

Know more about Jurisdiction here:


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the president's formal and informal powers?
Formal powers - Informal powers
A. Nominating federal judges - Issuing executive orders
B. Negotiating executive agreements - Granting pardons
C. Making treaties - Vetoing legislation
D. Creating a budget - Issuing signing statements


The correct answer for the given question is (A) Nominating federal judges - Issuing executive orders

Formal powers are those explicitly granted to the President by the Constitution or laws passed by Congress. Examples of formal powers include nominating federal judges, making treaties, and vetoing legislation. On the other hand, informal powers are not explicitly granted by the Constitution or laws, but are derived from the President's role as a leader and commander-in-chief. Examples of informal powers include issuing executive orders and using the media to shape public opinion. In this comparison, nominating federal judges is a formal power, while issuing executive orders is an informal power. Both types of powers are important in shaping the President's agenda and carrying out the duties of the office.

Learn more about legislation :


t/f prisons are violent mainly because they house large numbers of people who disobey social norms.


The given statement "prisons are violent mainly because they house large numbers of people who disobey social norms." is true because of diversity of inmates with varied criminal backgrounds in penitentiaries.

Due to the diversity of inmates with different criminal histories in prisons, prison violence occurs frequently. Inmate on inmate, inmate on guard (and vice versa), and self-inflicted are the three distinct types of attacks.

These carveouts undermine the impact of otherwise well-designed policies because more than 40% of those incarcerated and detained are there for "violent" offenses. Physical violence is the most prevalent type of violence in the prison system. Sexual violence is another prevalent type of violence in this setting.

In addition to adding to their trauma and exposure to violence, it also reinforces their disadvantage and fuels more crime and social harm. Additionally, the prison does very little to address the root causes of crime in communities.

Learn more about prison system at:


List and explain three reasons for the tremendous growth in the number of crime laboratories in the United States.


The population has grown every decade the police departments need their own processing centers the colleges need training labs the number of of crimes is on the constant increase the government needs the police departments to help them get to the bottom of the problems and they need a better system of monitoring for the police department and the need is greater the methods for crime solving is extremely complex and has gained measurable results and methods are greater than ever

TRUE/FALSE. A contract comes to an end when both parties fulfill their respective duties by performing the acts they have promised.


A contract comes to an end when both parties fulfill their respective duties by performing the acts they have promised. That is true.

An executed contract is one that has been fully carried out by all parties; an executory contract is one that has not been entirely carried out.

In most contracts, assurances of performance are not expressly conditioned or qualified. The stated wording of an agreement contains implied conditions, which are not considered to be a part of the agreement. A subsequent condition is one that needs to be satisfied before a party's performance can be demanded.

An agreement must contain positive aspects in order to be valid and recognised through the use of common law, including provide attractiveness, attention, the desire to build a legal family, authority and potential, and truth. A contract may not always be enforceable through the courts if those conditions aren't met.

A settlement that the law acknowledges as altering the legal rights and obligations of parties may be referred to as a contract. For this reason, Tobi JCA gave the following definition of settlement: "A settlement between or extra events which generates reciprocal legal obligations to do or not to do particular matters."

To know more about contract , click the below link


fill in the blank. the texas governor only has the___on appropriations bills. group of answer choices line-item veto pocket veto threat of a veto post veto


The Texas governor only has the line-item veto on appropriations bills.

The Governor of Texas has a line-item veto over appropriation bills passed by the Legislature, according to the Texas Constitution.

A legislature-passed appropriations bill in Texas is subject to the governor's veto under the state constitution. The Texas governor may also block a item of a spending bill, which is called a line-item veto. The governor has the power to veto specific line items on the budget bill after receiving the appropriations bill from the Legislature. A two-thirds majority vote in each house is required to override the governor's vetoes if the legislature is still in session when that power is used.

Learn more about line-item veto at:


Even without discriminating, the criminal justice system can exacerbate problems faced by minorities when it
a. does not allow people convicted of felonies to vote
b. gives sentences in the same way regardless of race
c. penalizes those who have fewer resources
d. does not account for the overrepresentation of minorities in jail


The criminal justice system can exacerbate problems faced by minorities when it "does not account for the overrepresentation of minorities in jail". Thus, Option D is correct.

Minorities, particularly Black and Latinx individuals, are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. When the system fails to account for this overrepresentation, it perpetuates systemic inequalities and further disadvantages these groups. For example, sentencing guidelines that do not consider the systemic biases that lead to overrepresentation can result in harsher sentences for minorities.

Additionally, policies such as felon disenfranchisement, which prevent those with criminal records from voting, further disenfranchise minority communities who are already underrepresented in the political process. It is important for the criminal justice system to acknowledge and address these issues to promote a fair and just society.

Learn more about criminal justice system


FILL IN THE BLANK. The majority of correctional activity takes place at the ________ level.


The majority of correctional activity takes place at the state level.

Involuntary commitment, parole, and probation are all considered to be under "correctional control," as are federal prisons, state prisons, local jails, youth detention centers, and Indian Country jails. The most common type of correctional control, probation, allows offenders to live in the community while being closely monitored by a probation office, ostensibly as an alternative to incarceration.

In US academia, terminology changed from "penology" to "corrections" in the 1950s and 1960s as a result of a shift in emphasis toward rehabilitation. It was accompanied by actual changes made in some prisons, such as granting inmates more privileges and making an effort to foster a more communal environment.

Learn more about Involuntary commitment at:


TRUE/FALSE.Authority often provides both the permission to do something as well as providing guidance and limitations on how it should be done.


Authority often provides both permission to do something as well as providing guidance and limitations on how it should be done. - True

The power that is acknowledged as legitimate is called authority. The authority to issue and carry out commands. The faculty is in charge of making choices and carrying them out. Those who have earned the right to do so may exercise authority. Authority may give both approval and direction over what should be done.

Individuals or organizations frequently get permission to carry out certain duties or make specific choices, but they are also required to abide by specific rules or restrictions when doing so. Any principal who is a party to the transaction papers has the necessary power and authority to execute and deliver them, as well as to carry out the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby to be carried out by that principle.

Read more about Authority on:


true or false. arbitration is the process in which a neutral third party listens to both sides in a dispute, makes suggestions, and encourages them to agree on a solution.


Arbitration is a process in which a neutral third party listens to both sides in a dispute, makes suggestions, and encourages them to agree on a solution. This statement is true.

It is a method of dispute resolution in which the parties involved in a dispute, instead of going to court, choose to settle their differences through a neutral third party. Arbitration is used in both domestic and international settings, and it is a less formal and more private method of resolving disputes.

A dispute resolution practitioner, called an arbitrator, is chosen by the parties to preside over the hearing. During the hearing, the parties present their case, which is followed by the arbitrator's decision. The decision is legally binding and is enforceable in court.

It is a quicker and less costly way to resolve disputes, and it is typically used when the parties wish to keep their dispute confidential. The parties have more control over the process, including the rules of evidence and procedure, than they would if they went to court. Arbitration is an efficient, low-cost, and practical method of resolving disputes, making it a popular choice for many organizations.

To learn more about Arbitration :


which of the following is closest to the average annual growth rates in the united states from the 1950's to 2019?


The average annual growth rate in the United States from the 1950s to 2019 is closest to 2%.

The average annual growth rate in the United States from the 1950s to 2019 can be calculated by taking the average of the annual GDP growth rates over this period. According to the World Bank, the United States' average annual GDP growth rate from 1950 to 2019 was approximately 2.6%. Therefore, option A) 2% is the closest to the average annual growth rate during this period.

It is important to note that the United States' GDP growth rate has fluctuated over time due to various economic factors, such as recessions, booms, and changes in economic policies. For instance, the United States experienced a period of high economic growth during the 1960s, with an average annual GDP growth rate of around 4.4%. In contrast, the country experienced a recession in the early 1980s, which led to an average annual GDP growth rate of only 1.8% during that decade.

To learn more about annual growth rates visit;


Correct question:

Which of the following options is closest to the average annual growth rates in the United States from the 1950s to 2019?

A. 1%

B. 2%

C. 3%

D. 4%

Youth sport dropout is a cause for concern. Of the following reasons, which is NOT considered a major cause of dropout?
A. early specialization
B. burnout
C. injury experience
D. substance abuse


D. Substance abuse is not considered a major cause of youth sport dropout.

The other three options (early specialization, burnout, and injury experience) are widely recognized as major contributors to youth sport dropout. Early specialization, or the pressure to specialize in a single sport at a young age, can lead to burnout and a lack of enjoyment in the sport. Burnout, in turn, can cause athletes to leave the sport altogether. Injury experience can also be a major factor in youth sport dropout, especially if the injury is serious or recurring. Substance abuse is not typically cited as a primary reason for youth sport dropout, although it may be a concern for some athletes and families.

To learn more about substance abuse visit;


which of the following suggests that the indus valley people had a strong system of central government? 1. Their priests conducted many religious ceremonies
2. They had a system of weights and measurements
3.their jewelers used precious stones to make jewelry
4.They had elaborate tombs with their Kings


The correct answer is 2. They had a system of weights and measurements.

The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, was one of the earliest civilizations in the world. While it is believed that they had a centralized government, there is still much debate among scholars about the nature of their political system.

However, the fact that they had a system of weights and measurements suggests that there was some form of central authority responsible for regulating trade and commerce. This is because a standardized system of weights and measurements is typically established and maintained by a central government to ensure fairness and accuracy in trade transactions.

The other options given - conducting religious ceremonies, making jewelry, and building elaborate tombs for their kings - do not necessarily suggest the presence of a strong central government. They may indicate aspects of their culture, religion, and social structure, but not necessarily their political organization.

learn more about system of weights here


how did the populist movement change the role of the federal government in american society?


The Populist movement of the late 19th century changed the role of the federal government in American society by pushing for reforms to support farmers and laborers.

This included advocating for an expansion of federal powers to regulate interstate commerce and labor. Populists believed that government intervention was needed to create an economic environment that would benefit small producers, laborers, and consumers. The Populist platform was based on their belief that the federal government had a responsibility to protect the welfare of all citizens and to reduce inequality. To achieve this goal, they proposed a number of reforms, including the direct election of U.S. Senators, the establishment of a graduated income tax, the creation of a federal currency, the regulation of railroads, and the creation of public ownership of natural resources.

The Populist movement was ultimately unsuccessful in achieving most of its goals, they proposed several important changes. It established a precedent for greater federal intervention in the economy and the protection of labor rights. The Populist platform also created the framework for the progressive movement of the early 20th century, which would ultimately lead to the creation of the modern welfare state in the United States.

Know more about  economy  here:



a capacitor is made of three parallel conducting plates of area and non-zero but negligible thickness, with the two outer plates on the left and the right connected together by a conducting wire. the outer plates are separated by a distance . the distance from the middle plate to the left plate is . the distance from the inner plate to the right plate is . you may assume all three plates are very thin compared to the distances and . neglect edge effects.


A capacitor is formed by three parallel conducting plates of area, separated by a distance and .

The two outer plates are connected together by a conducting wire, and the distance from the middle plate to the left plate is , and from the inner plate to the right plate is . The plates are very thin compared to the distances, so edge effects can be neglected.

The area of the plates is a key component of the capacitor, as it determines how much charge can be stored. The separation of the plates is also important, as it is related to the capacitance.

The distance from the middle plate to the left plate, and from the inner plate to the right plate are important, as they are related to the electric field between the plates.

The thinness of the plates allows us to ignore edge effects. All of these factors together determine the capacitance of the capacitor.

To know more about capacitance click on below link:


FILL IN THE BLANK. Intentionally touching another in a harmful or offensive way without legal justification or the consent of that person is a __.


A battery occurs when someone intentionally causes hurt or offence to another person without authorization from that person or a valid legal reason.

What is a battery?

The intentional physical contact of one person by another without that person's consent constitutes battery, a crime. Direct or indirect harm may be caused, such as when someone is pushed into another person or something is thrown at them.

What does the word "battery" mean?

The Latin word battere, which means "to strike," is where the word battery comes from. It happens when someone purposefully makes an insulting, harmful, or hurtful physical contact with another person without that person's consent. Battery can involve anything from a small touch—like a gentle push—to a serious assault—like beating someone with a weapon.

Intentionally harming or offensively touching someone else without their permission or legal basis constitutes battery. In addition to being unpleasant, it also includes touching that is damaging or violates the person. The bulk of battery offences are prosecuted as misdemeanours. However, more serious battery offences that cause substantial harm or involve deadly weapons may be prosecuted as felonies.

To know more about intentionally , click the below link


later, cad has second thoughts and files a lawsuit against zed to recover his car. a court would likely:


Later, Cad has second thoughts and files a lawsuit against Zed to recover his car. A court would likely direct Cad to request equitable relief when the law is unable to provide a monetary judgment.

A lawsuit is a legal action in which a person sues another person or entity to resolve a dispute. When one person files a lawsuit against another, it means that they believe they have been harmed by that person, and they are seeking legal remedies to hold the other person responsible for the damages.

This usually takes the form of a monetary award. The following are the most frequent forms of relief sought in civil litigation: Compensatory damages are damages awarded to the plaintiff to reimburse them for the actual financial loss incurred as a result of the defendant's misconduct. The main goal is to compensate the victim and restore them to the same position they were in before the wrongdoing occurred.

Punitive damages are monetary awards paid by a defendant to a plaintiff to punish them for outrageous or harmful behavior. They are not awarded in every case and are used to deter future similar behavior.  Equitable relief: A court directs a person to do something, refrain from doing something, or change the way they are behaving.

This type of relief is normally used when the law is unable to provide a monetary judgment, and a court directs a party to seek equitable relief. Therefore, in the given case, A court would likely direct Cad to request equitable relief when the law is unable to provide a monetary judgment.

To know more about lawsuit refer here:


The policies passed in response to the Great Depression contributed to a change in which of the following earlier popular beliefs?
A. Big business should have significant influence over federal legislation.
B. Labor unions should have the sole power to negotiate with corporations.
C. Government should be noninterventionist during economic downturns.
D. Federal programs should contribute to the welfare of older Americans


The correct option is C) Government should be noninterventionist during economic downturns.

The Great Depression led to a shift in attitudes and beliefs about government intervention. The federal government passed a series of legislation, with the Social Security Act, that provided financial assistance to older Americans in 1930s. These programs were designed to protect the elderly from poverty and provide them with a financial safety net. Hence this shift in policy marked a major change from the earlier popular belief that government should remain noninterventionist during economic downturns. This marked a departure from the earlier popular belief that government should be noninterventionist during economic downturns.

To learn more about policy click here


This purpose of joint operations is to defend national interests, not only in conflict but throughpreventative measures to deter potential adversaries who could threaten the vital interests of theU.S. or its partners.
Project power despite anti-access/area denial challenges
Deter and defeat aggression
Maintain a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent


The purpose of joint operations is to defend national interests, not only in conflict but through preventative measures to deter and defeat aggression that could threaten the vital interests of the U.S. or its partners. Therefore, the correct answer is the second option.

Joint operations are military operations in which two or more armed services from a single country participate. The aim of joint operations is to accomplish a specific objective while using the strengths and advantages of each service in a synergistic way. Joint operations usually include the planning and execution of strategies and tactics, as well as the management of resources across military departments to achieve a common objective.

The primary goal of joint operations is to defend national interests, not only in conflict but also through preventative measures to deter potential adversaries who could threaten the vital interests of the U.S. or its partners.

Learn more about joint operation at


Which of the following are the goals of corrections? (Select all that apply.)
treating offenders the way they were treated
executing offenders
protecting the rights of individuals
enabling offenders to function better in society


Protecting the rights of individuals and enabling offenders to function better in society are the goals of corrections.

The goals of corrections are multifaceted and can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the individual offender. One primary goal is to protect the rights of individuals, including those of the offender and the victim. Another goal is to enable offenders to function better in society through rehabilitation and education programs. This includes addressing the underlying issues that led to the criminal behavior, such as substance abuse or mental health problems. In some cases, the goal may be to provide punishment or retribution for the crime committed, but execution is not a common goal in most modern correctional systems. The goal is to create a safer and more just society by addressing the root causes of criminal behavior and preventing recidivism.

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