Uniform Resource Locator, or URL, is an Internet resource address and a reference to that resource.
A URL has two main components:
Protocol identifier: For the URL http://example.c0m, the protocol identifier is http.Resource name: For the URL http://example.c0m, the resource name is example.com.The resource name and the protocol identification are separated from one another by a colon and two forward slashes. The name of the protocol to be used to get the resource is indicated by the protocol identifier. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is frequently used to serve up hypertext content, is utilized in the sample. One of the many different protocols used to access various kinds of online content is HTTP. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Gopher, File, and News are further protocols.
The full address to the resource is contained in the resource name. However, for many protocols, including HTTP, the resource name comprises one or more of the following elements. The structure of the resource name totally depends on the protocol being used.
Host Name: The name of the computer that houses the resource.
Filename: The computer's pathname for the file.
the port number to which you should connect (typically optional).
Referencing a named anchor inside a resource that often designates a particular spot within a file (typically optional).
Many protocols only need the host name and filename, while others allow for the port number and reference. For instance, the resource name for an HTTP URL must include the host name of the network server, the filename of the content on that server, a port number, and a reference.
what are the cleaning solutions used in cleaning gas stove, refrigerator and kitchen premises?
Detergents. Soaps, liquid or paste. Solvent cleaners. Acid cleaners. Abrasive cleaners. Applying heat. Exposing to radiant energy. Chemical sanitizers. Natural cleaning materials.
Write a program that asks the user to enter five test scores. The program should display a letter grade for each score and the average test score. Write the following methods in the program: calcAverage: This method should accept five test scores as arguments and return the average of the scores. determineGrade: This method should accept a test score as an argument and return a letter grade for the score, based on the following grading scale:
See comment for complete question
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double calc_Average(double sc1, double sc2, double sc3, double sc4, double sc5){
return (sc1 + sc2 + sc3 + sc4 + sc5)/5;
char determine_Grade(double score){
char grade;
if(score >= 90 && score <=100){
grade = 'A';}
else if(score >= 80 && score <90){
grade = 'B';}
else if(score >= 70 && score <80){
grade = 'C';}
else if(score >= 60 && score <70){
grade = 'D';}
else if(score <60){
grade = 'F';}
return grade;
int main(){
double sc1,sc2, sc3, sc4, sc5;
cout<<"Enter 5 scores: ";
cout<<"Score: "<<sc1<<" Grade: "<<determine_Grade(sc1)<<endl;
cout<<"Score: "<<sc2<<" Grade: "<<determine_Grade(sc2)<<endl;
cout<<"Score: "<<sc3<<" Grade: "<<determine_Grade(sc3)<<endl;
cout<<"Score: "<<sc4<<" Grade: "<<determine_Grade(sc4)<<endl;
cout<<"Score: "<<sc5<<" Grade: "<<determine_Grade(sc5)<<endl;
double Ave = calc_Average(sc1,sc2,sc3,sc4,sc5);
cout<<"Average: "<<Ave<<" Grade: "<<determine_Grade(Ave)<<endl;
return 0;
The program was written in C++. Because of the length of the explanation, I've added the explanation as an attachment where I used comments to explain the lines of the code.
3. Given the following total revenue functions, find the corresponding demand functions:
a) TR = 50Q-4Q²
b) TR = 10
a)TR=50Q4Q2 I hope.this helps
A) The demand function for the total revenue function TR = 50Q - 4Q² is;
P = 50 - 4Q
B) The demand function for the total revenue function TR = 10 is; 10/Q
We are given total revenue functions as;
TR = 50Q - 4Q²
TR = 10
A) TR = 50Q - 4Q²
Formula for revenue function if Q represents the units demanded is;
TR = P × Q
Where P is the demand function
50Q - 4Q² = PQ
Divide both sides by Q to get the demand function;
P = 50 - 4Q
B) TR = 10
Formula for revenue function if Q represents the units demanded is;
TR = P × Q
Where P is the demand function
10 = P × Q
Divide both sides by Q to get the demand function;
P = 10/Q
Read more at;https://brainly.com/question/13701068
You are given the following segment of code:Line 1: PROCEDURE printScorePairs()Line 2: {Line 3: count <-- 0Line 4: sum <-- 0Line 5: i <-- 1Line 6: scores <-- [73, 85, 100, 90, 64, 55]Line 7: REPEAT UNTIL ( i > LENGTH (scores) )Line 8: {Line 9: sum <-- scores[i] scores[i 1]Line 10: DISPLAY ( sum )Line 11: i <-- i 2Line 12: }Line 13: }The ABC company is thrifty when it comes to purchasing memory (also known as RAM) for its computers. Therefore, memory is of the utmost importance and all programming code needs to be optimized to use the least amount of memory possible. What modifications could be made to reduce the memory requirements without changing the overall functionality of the code?
Move Line 10 to after line 12
Required: Modify the program
From the procedure above, the procedure prints the sum at each loop. Unless it is really necessary, or it is needed to test the program, it is not a good practice.
To optimize the program, simply remove the line at displays the sum (i.e. line 10) and place it at the end of the loop.
So, the end of the procedure looks like:
Line 10: i <-- i 2
Line 11: }
Line 12: DISPLAY ( sum )
Line 13:
can anyone teach me the basics of lua scripts 50 points
like how do i tell lua to move a object or send me a prompt asking me to do something
are you talking about about a game, or coding?
Write a program that asks the user to enter a date in MM/DD/YYYY format that is typical for the US, the Philippines, Palau, Canada, and Micronesia. For the convenience of users from other nations, the program computes and displays this date in an alternative DD.MM.YYYY format. Sample run of your program would look like this: Please enter date in MM/DD/YYYY format: 7/4/1776 Here is the formatted date: 04.07.1776 You can assume that the user will enter correctly formatted date, but do not count on having 0s in front of one-digit dates. Hint: you will need to use string addition (concatenation) here.
In Python:
txt = input("Date in MM/DD/YYYY format: ")
x = txt.split("/")
if not(x[1][0]=="0"):
if not(x[0][0]=="0"):
From the question, we understand that the input is in MM/DD/YYYY format and the output is in DD/MM/YYYY format/
The program explanation is as follows:
This prompts the user for date in MM/DD/YYYY format
txt = input("Date in MM/DD/YYYY format: ")
This splits the texts into units (MM, DD and YYYY)
x = txt.split("/")
This calculates the DD of the output
This checks if the DD is less than 10 (i..e 1 or 01 to 9 or 09)
If true, this checks if the first digit of DD is not 0.
if not(x[1][0]=="0"):
If true, the prefix 0 is added to DD
If otherwise, no 0 is added to DD
This checks if the MM is less than 10 (i..e 1 or 01 to 9 or 09)
If true, this checks if the first digit of MM is not 0.
if not(x[0][0]=="0"):
If true, the prefix 0 is added to MM and the full date is generated
If otherwise, no 0 is added to MM and the full date is generated
If MM is greater than 10, no operation is carried out before the date is generated
This prints the new date
1 #include
2 using namespace std;
4 int main() {
5 int userNum;
6 int userNumSquared;
8 cin >> userNum;
10 userNumSquared = userNum + userNum; // Bug here; fix it
12 cout << userNumSquared; // Output formatting issue |
14 return 0;
15 }
While the zyLab platform can be used without training, a bit of training may help some students avoid common issues.
The assignment is to get an integer from input, and output that integer squared, ending with newline. (Note: This assignment is configured to have students programming directly in the zyBook. Instructors may instead require students to upload a file). Below is a program that's been nearly completed for you.
Click "Run program". The output is wrong. Sometimes a program lacking input will produce wrong output (as in this case), or no output. Remember to always pre-enter needed input.
Type 2 in the input box, then click "Run program", and note the output is 4.
Type 3 in the input box instead, run, and note the output is 6.
When students are done developing their program, they can submit the program for automated grading.
Click the "Submit mode" tab
Click "Submit for grading".
The first test case failed (as did all test cases, but focus on the first test case first). The highlighted arrow symbol means an ending newline was expected but is missing from your program's output.
Matching output exactly, even whitespace, is often required. Change the program to output an ending newline.
Click on "Develop mode", and change the output statement to output a newline: cout << userNumSquared << endl;. Type 2 in the input box and run.
Click on "Submit mode", click "Submit for grading", and observe that now the first test case passes and 1 point was earned.
The last two test cases failed, due to a bug, yielding only 1 of 3 possible points. Fix that bug.
Click on "Develop mode", change the program to use * rather than +, and try running with input 2 (output is 4) and 3 (output is now 9, not 6 as before).
Click on "Submit mode" again, and click "Submit for grading". Observe that all test cases are passed, and you've earned 3 of 3 points.
Change line 10 to:
userNumSquared = userNum * userNum;
Change line 11 to:
cout << userNumSquared<<endl;
Though the question is a bit lengthy but the requirements are not clearly stated. However, I'm able to pick up the following points.
Print the square of the inputted numberPrint the squared number with a new lineTo do this, we simply modify the affected lines which are lines 10 and 11.
The plus sign on line 10 will be modified to multiplication
userNumSquared = userNum * userNum;
And line 11 will be modified to:
cout << userNumSquared<<endl;
Every other line of the program is okay and do not need to be modified
1, How can technology serve to promote or restrict human rights? [2 points]
Examples of how technology can be used as a powerful tool for human rights are ever expanding. Newer technologies such as artificial intelligence, automation, and blockchain have the potential to make significant positive contributions to the promotion and protection of human rights.
Write your own printArray() function found in Processing for the Arduino. For simplicity, you can limit printArray() to integer arrays and you will also pass the size of the array to your function. For example, given the following code:
int terps[5] = {7, 9, 12, 1, 46};
void printArray(int arrayToPrint[], int arraySize) { // YOUR CODE HERE }
void setup()
{ // put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
printArray(terps,sizeof(terps)/sizeof(int)); delay(1000);
You should repeatedly see the following in the serial monitor:
[0]: 7
[1]: 9
[2]: 12
[3]: 1
[4]: 46
Follows are the method definition to this question:
void printArray(int arrayToPrint[], int arraySize) //defining a method printArray that accepts two array in its parameters
for (int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++)//defining for loop print Serial numbers
Serial.print("[");//use print method to print square bracket
Serial.print(j);//use print method to print Serial numbers
Serial.print("]: ");//use print method to print square bracket
Serial.println(arrayToPrint[j]);//printing array value
In the above code, a method "printArray" is declared that holds two arrays "arrayToPrint and arraySize" as a parameter, and inside the method is used for loop to print the values.
In the loop, first, it uses the square bracket to print the serial number and in the last step, it prints array values.
The components of hardware include:
A) Monitor, CPU, Disk Drives, Printer, Keyboard/Mouse
B) Monitor, CPU, Disk Drives, Touch Screen, Keyboard/Mouse
C) Monitor, CPU, Software, Printer, Keyboard/Mouse
D) None of the above
Monitor, CPU, Disk Drives, Printer, Keyboard/mouse
B.monitor,cpu,disk drives,touch screen,keyboard/Mouse
the _ and _ services help us to keep in touch with our family and friends
Internet and communication technology
starting a computer or computer embedded devices is called
starting a computer is called booting. In addition restarting is known as rebooting.
A school has 100 lockers and 100 students. All lockers are closed on the first day of school. As the students enter, the first student, denoted S1, opens every locker. Then the second student, S2, begins with the second locker, denoted L2, and closes every other locker (i.e. every even numbered locker). Student S3 begins with the third locker and changes every third locker (closes it if it was open, and opens it if it was closed). Student S4 begins with locker L4 and changes every fourth locker. StudentS5 starts with L5 and changes every fifth locker, and so on, until student S100 changes L100.After all the students have passed through the building and changed the lockers, which lockers areopen? Write a program to find your answer.(Hint: Use an array of 100 boolean elements. each of which indicates whether a locker is open (true) or closed (false). Initially, all lockers are closed.)
Solution :
public class NewMain {
public_static void main_(String[] args) {
boolean[] _locker = new boolean_[101];
// to set all the locks to a false NOTE: first locker is the number 0. Last locker is the 99.
for (int_i=1;i<locker_length; i++)
locker[i] = false;
// first student opens all lockers.
for (int i=1;i<locker.length; i++) {
locker[i] = true;
for(int S=2; S<locker.length; S++)
for(int k=S; k<locker.length; k=k+S)
if(locker[k]==false) locker[k] = true;
else locker[k] = false;
for(int S=1; S<locker.length; S++)
if (locker[S] == true) {
System.out.println("Locker " + S + " Open");
/* else {
System.out.println("Locker " + S + " Close");
} */
Suppose you present a project and your supervisor comments that the graphics need to be a higher quality and suggests you replace a circuit board. To what circuit board is your supervisor referring?
graphics card
video card
sound card
system card
Answer:graphics card
graphics card
Which of the following algorithms is the same as the flowchart shown below?
mylum - RANDOM(1,10)
O Amylum - RANDOM (1, 19)
IF (byllum > 8)
OB. myllum - RANDOM(1, 18)
REPEAT UNTIL (byllum > 8)
myllum - RANDOM(1,18)
Octylum - RANDOM(1, 18)
IF (myllum < 8)
O D. myllum - RANDOM(1, 18)
REPEAT UNTIL (myNun > 8)
choice b
The algorithms are the same as the flowchart shown below is myllum - RANDOM(1, 18), REPEAT UNTIL (byllum > 8) { DISPLAY(myNum)myllum - RANDOM(1,18)} DISPLAY("Done"). The correct option is B.
What is an algorithm?The definition of algorithms in computer science. An algorithm is a list of instructions used in computer science to solve problems or carry out activities based on knowledge of potential solutions.
Think of a "black box," or a container where nobody can see what is occurring within. The box accepts our input and produces the output we require, but the process by which input is transformed into the intended output—and which we may need to understand—is an ALGORITHM.
Therefore, the correct option is B. myllum - RANDOM(1, 18)REPEAT UNTIL (byllum > 8){DISPLAY(myNum)myllum - RANDOM(1,18)}DISPLAY("Done").
To learn more about an algorithm, refer to the link:
What are the two choices for incorporating or removing changes when reviewing tracked changes made to a document?
Edit or Apply
Revise or Accept
Accept or Reject
Incorporate or Edit
Accept or Reject
The only way to get tracked changes out of the documents is to accept or reject.
So, the correct option is - Accept or Reject
C. Accept or reject
A customer comes into a computer parts and service store. The customer is looking for a device to provide secure access to the central server room using a retinal scan. What device should the store owner recommend to accomplish the required task?
The owner should recommend facial ID or retinal scanner
In comparison to other biometric methods like fingerprint or retinal scans, it is quicker and more practical. Comparing facial recognition to typing passwords or PINs, there are also fewer touchpoints. Multifactor authentication is supported for a second layer of security check.
What secure access to central server room, a retinal scan?The topic of facial recognition has always caused controversy. The technology, according to its proponents, is a useful tool for apprehending criminals and confirming our identities. Critics argue that it violates privacy, may be inaccurate and racially prejudiced, and may even lead to unjustified arrests.
Simpleness of use and implementation. Once put into practice, both approaches are simple to utilize. However, facial recognition is basically possible with any camera (although a higher quality camera will be more accurate). Iris scanning is impossible with a standard camera, and the technology can be very expensive.
Therefore, The owner should recommend facial ID or retinal scanner.
Learn more about scan here:
Define 'formatting'
Formatting refers to the appearance or presentation of your essay.
Most essays contain at least four different kinds of text: headings, ordinary paragraphs, quotations and bibliographic references.
In order to enhance the training experience and emphasize the core security goals and mission, it is recommended that the executives _______________________.
What are the three types of networks?
A) Internet, PowerPoint, Excel
B) Internet, LAD, WAN
C) Internet, WAN, LAN
D) None of the above
Local Area Network (LAN)
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
Wide area network (WAN)
(So C, I'm pretty sure.)
are the three types of networkComputers has done more harm than good
A local real estate company can have its 25 computers upgraded for $1000. If the company chooses only to upgrade 10 systems, how much will the upgrade cost if the same rate is used?
it is
400 dollars for 10 systems and 200 dollars for 5 systems
find the price of 1 system or computer which is done by dividing 1000 by 25
then multiple it by 10 =40 ×10=$400
You are working with an online tech service to fix a problem with installation of a program on your machine. You grant them remote access to your computer to enable them to act as you to fix situation. What type of must be installed on your machine to allow this type of action by another person
Single User OS.
An operating system is a system software pre-installed on a computing device to manage or control software application, computer hardware and user processes.
This ultimately implies that, an operating system acts as an interface or intermediary between the computer end user and the hardware portion of the computer system (computer hardware) in the processing and execution of instructions.
Some examples of an operating system on computers are QNX, Linux, OpenVMS, MacOS, Microsoft windows, IBM, Solaris, VM etc.
There are different types of operating systems (OS) used for specific purposes and these are;
1. Batch Operating System.
2. Multitasking/Time Sharing OS.
3. Multiprocessing OS.
4. Network OS.
5. Mobile OS.
6. Real Time OS .
7. Distributed OS.
8. Single User OS.
A Single User OS is a type of operating system that only allows one user to perform a task or use a system at any time.
In this scenario, you are working with an online tech service to fix a problem with installation of a program on your machine. You grant them remote access to your computer to enable them to act as you to fix situation. Therefore, the type of OS which must be installed on your machine to allow this type of action by another person is called a Single User OS.
when working with smart which tab would provide the ability to change the shape or size of the smart art shapes
B) Format
It is important to create a strong password because it will
let someone steal your personal information
allow your friends to easily guess it
keep your private information safe and secure
give your computer a virus
Hello! So I have been practising some coding, however, there seems to be an error in my code. I have been trying to figure out what is wrong, however, I just can't seem to find it. There is no syntax error but, there seems to be a problem with my input. I am currently using repl.it and I am making a calculator. I would input something like "multiply" however, the calculator would only square. I have tried changing the variables but it just keeps coming back to the first "if" statement. I would appreciate some help.
You OR expressions are wrong.
Rather than writing:
if method == "Square" or "square":
You should write:
if method == "Square" or method == "square":
The expression should evaluate to something that is true or false.
In the above case, the expression is method == "Square" or method == "square" which can are actually two sub-expressions with an or in between them:
subexpr1 or subexpr2
each of the sub-expressions should evaluate to true or false.
method == "Square" is one of those sub-expressions.
That is how an expression is broken down by the compiler.
TIP: If you would add method = method.lower() right after the input, you could simplify all the if statements by removing the uppercase variants.
Practice Question
What will be displayed after this
code segment is run?
REPEAT UNTIL (count = 3
count count + 1
"1 and 2 and 3"
"And 1 and 2 and 3"
"0 and 1 and 2"
"And 0 and 1 and 2"
Follows are the code to the given question:
#include <stdio.h>//header file
int main()//main method
int count=0;//defining an integer variable
for(count=0;count<3;count++)//use for loop to count values
printf("%d\n",count);//print count values
return 0;
In this code, it declares the integer variable "count" which has a value of "0" and in the next step declares a loop, using the count variable to regulate count values, which is less than 3, and increases the count value, and prints its values. This variable is the count value.
The count variable holds a value of 0, and use a for loop that checks its value is less than 3, and print its value, that's why it will print the value that is 0,1, and 2.
A data science experiment you are conducting has retrieved two historical observations for the price of Bitcoin(BTC) on December 2, 2017 of 11234 and 12475. Create a Python script that stores these two historicalobservations in a list variable namedbtcdec1.
In Python:
btcdec1 = []
btcdec1 = [11234, 12475]
First, create an empty list named btcdec1
btcdec1 = []
Next, insert the two data (11234 and 12475) into the list
btcdec1 = [11234, 12475]
Lastly, print the list
Consider the security of a mobile device you use
(a) Explain how transitive trust applies to your use of an operating system on a
mobile device (e.g. smartphone). Then, explain how an attacker can exploit this
transitive trust to violate the CIA properties of the software and data on your
keep it private
Write code to take two words from the user. The program should convert these to lower case, then compare them: printing a positive number if string1 appears after string2 alphabetically, a negative number if string1 appears before string2 alphabetically and zero if the two strings are identical. Make sure your program does not produce any additional numerical output other than this number or it may not be graded correctly.
Use compareTo.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class U2_L3_Activity_Three{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter first word: ");
String word1 = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter second word: ");
String word2 = scan.nextLine();
//I had to make the string all lowercase or all uppercase for when I did this
word1 = word1.toLowerCase();
word2 = word2.toLowerCase();
System.out.println("Result: " + word1.compareTo(word2));
Following are the program to converting string value into lowercase and compare with an input string value.
Program Explanation:
Import package.Defining a class Dat.Inside the class defining the main method, and in the method, two string variable "string1, string2" is declared.After input, the value a "toLowerCase" method is used that converts string value into lower case. After converting value into the lower case a "compareTo" method is used that compares value and prints its value.Program:
import java.util.*;//import package for input
public class Dat //defining a Dat
public static void main(String[] ax)//main method
String string1 ,string2; //defining String variable
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);//creating Scanner class object to input value
System.out.println("Enter values: ");//print message
string1= sc.next();//input value
string2= sc.next();//input value
string1= string1.toLowerCase();//convert string value into LowerCase
string2 = string2.toLowerCase();//convert string value into LowerCase
System.out.println("Result: " + string1.compareTo(string2));//using compareTo method
Please find the attached file.
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