WRITING PROMPT: In this unit, you studied the challenges and benefits of 90
living in the twenty-first century. What are some of the challenges and
benefits of living in a global society? Do you think there are more
advantages or disadvantages to modern life as compared to life a
century ago? Why? (Answer must be 3 paragraphs long)


Answer 1
Living in a global society means many things, children grow up faster and with new technology coming out every year it seems like even kids 10 years apart are immensely different. People have different opinions on if that is a bad thing or a good thing on one hand kids are introduced to inappropriate behavior sooner then past generations were , there’s no way to prove someone’s age on the internet and when we have sites with age requirements what’s to say people don’t just lie. Children are 14 looking 25 because they grew up with makeup tutorials and clothing trends. Due the living in the modern world there’s is no “preteen phase”.

I think it is both an advantage and a dis vantage, kids grow up faster and become independent sooner but at what cost? They become exposed to beauty trends and fake body’s, most kids these days have self esteem issues or some type of mental health problem. At least 100 years ago kids would be kids not kids acting like adults or adults acting like kids.

Answer 2


One century ago, Western fundamental laws were much easier to enforce and US national security was not much of a concern. With the introduction of advanced technology becoming widely available to the average person as well as it being used by a wide majority of people, they experience less freedom. Misinformation is rampant and it's nearly impossible to tell what is true and what isn't. A century ago the United States was an isolationist country and we were resistant to foreign intervention, but now that the United States seeks a globalist stance we are a prime target of it, and a reliance on technology makes it ridiculously easy for foreign agents to make you believe whatever they wish.


Related Questions

Why were many Russians upset that the Bolsheviks signed a treaty with
Germany to allow Russia to withdraw from World War I?



I am not sure but my best guess would be B??


"The treaty was signed at Brest-Litovsk after two months of negotiations and was forced on the Bolshevik government by the threat of further advances by German and Austrian forces. According to the treaty, Soviet Russia defaulted on all of Imperial Russia's commitments to the Triple Entente alliance."

Question 9 of 20
What results from the federal system of government in the United States?
A. Only powers specifically given to the government are legal.
B. State governments have some powers that the federal
government does not have.
C. The powers of the national government are limited by law.
D. Citizens vote on some issues directly rather than through


Freedom to petition the government and freedom to disobey traffic laws. ... d. No one can practice a religion. Correct Answer: c. You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion. ... Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. ... 9. 20. When is the last day you can send in your federal income tax forms

What do you think are the qualities of Philippine art?



The qualities of Philippine art are :-

the traditional arts in the Philippines encompass folk architecture, maritime transport, weaving, carving, folk performing arts, folk (oral) literature, folk graphic and plastic arts, ornament, textile, fiber art, pottery, and other artistic expressions of traditional culture.

hope it is helpful to you ☺️

which of the following could indicate that alcohol abuse has become an addiction



Alcoholism, now known as alcohol use disorder, is a condition in which a person has a desire or physical need to consume alcohol, even though it has a negative impact on their life.


Who were Exodusters and Buffalo soldiers? Explain what each did.



Two groups, the Exodusters and the Buffalo soldiers, mainly comprised the movement in the west. The Exodusters were Afro-American families that traveled in the West to take advantage of the opportunity to escape racial discrimination and slavery in the South.


Buffalo soldiers were federal troops stationed in the West, fighting the Indians and protecting white settlers.

This western move gave the people of Africa an opportunity to start a new life and support a promising and hopeful future.

African Americans were Exodusters who migrated from the South to the West (mostly Kansas) during the 1879 Exodus.

After reconstruction, the movement took place. For southern Blacks, post-reconstruction was a difficult time because of lack of economic opportunities, civil rights loss, and increasing violence against races.

After Congress passed legislation in 1866 to allow African Americans to join the regular military for peacetime, the buffalo soldiers joined all-black cavalry, the 9th and 10th.

Between 1867 and 1900, the Buffalo soldiers were American soldiers in the West.

The Native Americans at the Texas Frontier named them "Buffalo Soldiers."

"From former slaves and free men, trained and illiterate craftsmen, unskilled workmen, farmers and villages" included Buffalo soldiers.

How would you describe our current congress?



Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government that represents the American people and makes the nation's laws. It shares power with the executive branch, led by the president, and the judicial branch, whose highest body is the Supreme Court of the United States. ... Congress has the power to: Make laws.


What has the necessary and proper clause of the Constitution been used to do?
A. expand the power of the federal government
B. stop highway construction
C. expand the power of the states
D. limit the power of the federal government



expand the power of the federal government

The answer to the question is a

The history of our nation was under the different

colonizers and their cultures have greatly

influenced and blended well into our folk dances. Do you agree or disagree?​



I agree.


As we know our country was established by the colonization of different cultures from different countries. This made us a very diverse nation with a very rich and diverse culture, because we don't have a specific culture, but a culture formed by the junction of the cultures of all our colonizers, who came from different places in the world and literally built the country that We know.

In the eleventh century, Arabs set up an empire which was known as the Sultanate of Delhi. *true or false





Yes the sychztftsu

In the eleventh century, Arabs set up an empire which was known as the Sultanate of Delhi

Question 37... In addition to lost jobs and poverty, what was another effect of the Great Depression on American lives?

a rise in unemployment insurance claims

a decline in the number of radio listeners

a drop in marriage and birth rates

an increase in people defaulting on taxes



Option B


Please Mark me brainliest

A decline in the number of radio listeners was another effect of the Great Depression on American lives. Hence, option B is correct.

How did the Great Depression affect American lives?

Early in the 1930s, business failures and unemployment spiked sharply as stocks kept falling. One out of every four workers did not have a job by 1932. Many Americans became destitute as a result of bank failures and the loss of life savings. Many Americans lost their homes because they had no employment and no funds.

Families adopted a higher standard of daily frugal living. They secretly fought to keep possession of a home or car, maintaining kitchen gardens, mending torn clothing, and forgoing excursions to the cinema. The norm was "thrift gardens" and potlucks.

It was characterized by rapid rises in the rates of poverty and homelessness, mass unemployment, and pricing and industrial production decreases.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about Great Depression on American lives, click here:


Question 7 (4 points)
_Trail ran through the Sioux tribe's hunting grounds in the Bighorn
1) Santa Fe
2) Mormon
3) Bozeman
4) Oregon



3) Bozeman


the Bozeman Trail ran through the Sioux tribe's hunting grounds in the Bighorn.

This question is designed as a way for the student to think about the checks on the Supreme Court. Because the Supreme Court must make decisions based on the Constitution, AND, the Constitution determines how the Supreme Court justices get their jobs and for how long, AND, which cases it can hear and how the cases get to the Supreme Court through the appeals process. It should also be noted that the Supreme Court is limited in when and how it's decisions are made. These are 'checks' on the Supreme Court. How do each of these work and how are they used as 'checks'? Reread your definitions and notes and then explain what can happen in each of the items above to 'check' the Court's actions. (For example, what can happen to the Constitution?) Also, include why keeping their job 'during good behavior' can act as a 'balance' to the Court in relation to the other branches.



Article III of the Constitution establishes the federal judiciary. Article III, Section I states that "The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish." Although the Constitution establishes the Supreme Court, it permits Congress to decide how to organize it. Congress first exercised this power in the Judiciary Act of 1789. This Act created a Supreme Court with six justices. It also established the lower federal court system.

Over the years, various Acts of Congress have altered the number of seats on the Supreme Court, from a low of five to a high of 10. Shortly after the Civil War, the number of seats on the Court was fixed at nine. Today, there is one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices of the United States Supreme Court. Like all federal judges, justices are appointed by the President and are confirmed by the Senate. They, typically, hold office for life. The salaries of the justices cannot be decreased during their term of office. These restrictions are meant to protect the independence of the judiciary from the political branches of government.

Article III, Section II of the Constitution establishes the jurisdiction (legal ability to hear a case) of the Supreme Court. The Court has original jurisdiction (a case is tried before the Court) over certain cases, e.g., suits between two or more states and/or cases involving ambassadors and other public ministers. The Court has appellate jurisdiction (the Court can hear the case on appeal) on almost any other case that involves a point of constitutional and/or federal law. Some examples include cases to which the United States is a party, cases involving Treaties, and cases involving ships on the high seas and navigable waterways (admiralty cases).

I hope this is what you are looking for.

Which factor most contributed to the United States' decision to enter World
War I?


Answer: German attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917.


what were the 2 causes of the industrial revolution in Britain? Explain


Effort to fine coals

effects of the agricultural revolution

Historians have identified several causes for the Industrial Revolution, including: the emergence of capitalism, European imperialism, efforts to mine coal, and the effects of the Agricultural Revolution. Capitalism was a central component necessary for the rise of industrialization The Industrial Revolution was spurred by 3 main factors: the Agricultural Revolution, rise in population, and Great Britain's advantages. The Industrial Revolution deems a pivotal era of time due to improved farming techniques, growth of population, and Great Britain's advantages which influenced nations worldwide.

Which statement best describes the likelihood of presidential candidates keeping their promises once elected to​ office?



a. More often than not, presidents make progress on their promises.


how did rock 'n roll and television influence american culture throughout the 1950s? provide examples to support your answer.



I don’t know


Ayúdenme con la siguiente tarea:

Describir las características fundamentales de América del Norte, América Central y América del Sur: relieves, hidrografía, climas, demografía y principales indicadores de calidad de vida.

Comparar la extensión y características generales de los continentes desde perspectivas geográficas, demográficas, económicas, etc

Comparar algunos rasgos geográficos relevantes entre las Américas, especialmente relacionados con la economía, la demografía y la calidad de vida.



Características de América del Sur América del Sur o también denominada Sudamérica es el subcontinente austral de América, la línea ecuatorial la atraviesa por la zona norte, con lo que la mayor parte queda en el Hemisferio Sur. Sudamérica se encuentra entre dos océanos, el Pacífico y el Atlántico, con una extensión de 17,8 millones de km² y una población del 6% de todos los habitantes del mundo

La colonización dio comienzo a una combinación racial e identificación cultural que agrupa elementos amerindios, africanos y europeos, y esa diversidad se refleja en la forma de vida del subcontinente.

Características de América del Norte América del Norte se caracteriza por: El predominio de la lengua inglesa. Le sigue el español que se habla en la parte sur de Norteamérica y, en menor medida, el francés que se habla en diversas regiones de Canadá.

América Central es un subcontinente que forma parte de América. Su territorio de 522.760 Km2 comprende la franja que se encuentra entre América del Norte y América del Sur, desde Tenhuantepec hasta Colombia.

América del Sur, Sudamérica o Suramérica[10] (también llamada América Meridional, América del Mediodía, América Austral o Continente Meridional) es el subcontinente austral de América, o también considerado por muchos uno de los continentes que conforman el supercontinente América.[11] Está atravesada por la línea ecuatorial en su extremo norte, quedando así con la mayor parte de su territorio comprendida dentro del hemisferio sur.

América del Sur

Gentilicio: sudamericano, -na[1]

suramericano, -na[2]

South America (orthographic projection).svg


18 200 000 km²


442 000 000 hab.


22,1 hab./km²


Bandera de Argentina Argentina

Flag of Bolivia.svg Bolivia

Flag of Brazil.svg Brasil

Flag of Chile.svg Chile

Flag of Colombia.svg Colombia

Flag of Ecuador.svg Ecuador

Bandera de Francia Francia[3]

Bandera de Guyana Guyana

Flag of Paraguay.svg Paraguay

Flag of Peru.svg Perú

Bandera de Trinidad y Tobago Trinidad y Tobago[4]

Bandera de Surinam Surinam

Flag of Uruguay.svg Uruguay

Flag of Venezuela.svg Venezuela


Bandera de Islas Malvinas Islas Malvinas[5]

Flag of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.svg Islas Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur[6]

Bandera de Aruba Aruba

Bandera de Curazao Curazao

Bandera de Bonaire Bonaire

Idiomas regionales


español, portugués, francés, inglés, neerlandés, quechua, guaraní, aimara

Está situada entre el océano Atlántico y el océano Pacífico quienes delimitan los extremos Este y Oeste respectivamente, mientras que el mar Caribe delimita por el norte y el océano Antártico su extremo sur. Está conectada con América del Norte por el estrecho puente territorial que representa América Central. América del Sur es la zona terrestre más próxima a la Antártida a través del pasaje de Drake al sur. Ocupa una superficie de 18,2 millones de km², lo que representa un 42,9 % del continente americano y un 13,0 % de las tierras emergidas,[12] y está habitada por el 6,5 % de la población mundial.[13]

How did Greyhound respond to the competition from the new bus lines? Did the intensified
competition ultimately hurt or help Greyhound?


Hello. You have not introduced the text this question refers to. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

It is only possible to know the exact answers to your questions if the text related to them is read. So, to answer them, you will need to read this text. However, companies respond to competition by lowering the price of their products and services, or by increasing the quality of these products and services, making them have a differential that can attract consumers. It is likely that Greyhound has taken one of these two approaches. This competition helped Greyhound if it managed to have more customers and a higher profit, however, if it lost customers and its profit rate decreased, it means it was hurt by the competition.

4. Evaluate the major arguments of the Anti-Federalists and Federalists during the debate on ratification of the Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and the roles of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

During the Constitutional Convention held in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1787, delegates met to discuss the new form of government for the United States. Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, supported a central government as the new form to rule the United States.

However, many Antifederalists concluded that the United States needed a free republic as a model for the new government after they studied ancient Greek and Roman republics.

Antifederalists did not agree on the idea of having a strong central government as the Federalists proposed. Antifederalists argued that a strong federal government could turn into tyranny, as was the case of the English monarchy. So during the Constitutional Convention in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton and John Jay, debated and argued with Antifederalists who supported a simpler form of government that included rights for their citizens.

When it came the time to ratify the Constitution by the states, Federalists wrote the Federalists Papers under pseudonyms. Antifederalists did something similar.

However, it was until James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights, that the Constitution was ratifed. The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United Sy¿tates Constitution.

What cause he fiords in Scandinavia?


the answer is glaciers

Which woman was a spy during the Civil War?
A.) Rose O'Neal Greenhow
B.) Lucy Stone
C.) Clara Barton


Answer: Rose O’Neal Greenhow

what were the causes of the Luba Linda migration?​



The Luba and Lunda peoples of Central Africa are Bantu-speaking peoples who settled in Katanga around 15th century. They founded a centralized state during the 17th century however political and social problems occurred which compelled the Luba-Lunda peoples to migrate to Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Zaire.

Which was a major achievement of both the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor during the late 1800s and early 1900s?
an end to labor strikes across the country
the expansion of the labor force to include immigrants
the reduction of the workday from ten to eight hours
the hiring of skilled labor in factories



more info


Answer: option (C) the reduction of the workday from ten to eight hours


When revising an argumentative essay, authors must ensure that they have



supported arguments with evidence.


Considering this is an argumentative essay, its most important thing is in its own name: "argumentative". An argumentative Essay must be filled with good arguments and arguments demand evidence to support them.

You need to support your claims with facts so your arguments are considered solid and valid.

Cuales son las implicaciones éticas y sociales de una guerra ideológica



sorry snnsjksnnjnsbzjJZBXbznz

The double-jeopardy rule in the Bill of Rights forbids which of the following:

Select one:

Suing someone for damages for an act the person was not found guilty of.

Prosecuting individuals more than once for a criminal act.

Prosecuting someone in a state court for a criminal act he or she had been acquitted of in federal court.

Prosecuting someone in federal court for a criminal act he or she had been acquitted of in a state court.





The Double Jeopardy Clause in the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same crime. The relevant part of the Fifth Amendment states, "No person shall . . . be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb

The double jeopardy rule in the Bill of Rights forbids b. prosecuting individuals more than once for a criminal act.

The Bill of Rights is the list of civil rights and liberties that an individual has the right to. This bill presents the due process of law that the people of the United States can take or make use of.

The Double Jeopardy rule, a part of the Fifth Amendment, is a criminal law that prevents an individual from being prosecuted more than once for the same crime. This means that once an individual has been prosecuted, then the accused cannot be tried again for the same offense. This was done primarily to prevent double punishment or any unwanted harassment from the other party. This also prevents unnecessary intrusion in the rights of individuals, and its repeated use.

The double jeopardy rule prevents an individual from facing any criminal charge more than once for the same crime. This means that it forbids an individual from being persecuted more than once for a crime. Thus, the correct answer is option b.

Learn more about "double jeopardy rule" here:

Which Greek city state had the most powerful army



The Spartans were widely considered to have the strongest army and the best soldiers of any city-state in Ancient Greece. All Spartan men trained to become warriors from the day they were born. The Spartan Army fought in a Phalanx formation.

Conflict: Battle of Thermopylae; Greco-Persian Wars...

Combatants: Athens


the spartans


the spartans were considered the most powerful army

Which of the following countries was created as a result of the American Revolution?



Great Britain was created during the American revolution

tại sao trong xã hội xuất hiện đấu tranh giai cấp?



Vì sự xung đột gay gắt giữa tầng lớp giàu và nghèo, bên nghèo muốn đòi lại quyền lợi bản thân nên có còn bên giàu thì sở hữu quá nhiều tiền bạc nhưng lại tiếp tục bóc lột bên nghèo


Lúc con người mới tiến hóa và trong thời kì thô sơ nhất thì chưa có phân hóa giai cấp, con người cùng nhau hỗ trợ nhau, tạo thành nhiều nhóm để đảm nhiệm nhiều chức vụ khác nhau để sống sót  

Khi đó chưa có đủ đồ ăn để duy trì sự sống nên mọi người ai cũng chú tâm vào kiếm ăn thôi, có lẽ đó là thời kì duy nhất không có giai cấp, giành giật, đố kị nhau. Nhưng sau khi xuất hiện vật dụng được gọt đẽo để giúp ích cho việc làm hàng ngày như lưỡi cày, rìu,...thì thức ăn ngày càng dồi dào và đến mức dư thừa.  

Lúc đó mọi người mới bắt đầu tham lam, muốn chiếm thêm thức ăn cho bản thân và bắt đầu lừa lọc, bắt đầu phân cấp ai có nhiều đồ ăn, hay thứ có thể trao đổi như tiền hơn, và bắt đầu phân hóa giai cấp. Cũng từ đó mà khi con người tiến hóa qua nhiều thời kì khác nhau thì vẫn tồn tại giai cấp,   và giai cấp tượng trưng cho tiền bạc, quyền lực hay ngay cả hạnh phúc. Vì thế, nhiều người cho rằng giai cấp là thứ đáng mơ ước của mọi người. Phần này là phần nhỏ thôi. Chủ yếu do xung đột với bên giàu á

Ý thì thế thôi, bạn tự viết nhé. Chứ môn văn mình được có 6 điểm à (*´∀`)

Explain one similarity between the policies of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping




The one similarity between the rules of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping is that they abolished communes.

Who were Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping?

Deng Xiaoping additionally acknowledged with the aid of his courtesy call Xixian,army commander, and statesman who served as the paramount chief of the People's Republic of China (PRC).After Mao Zedong's loss of life in 1976, Deng regularly rose to the very best electricity and led China via a sequence of far-attaining market-economic system reforms that earned him recognition as the "Architect of Modern China".On returning to China, Deng travelled to Moscow to have a look at Communist doctrines and became a political commissar for the Red Army upon returning to China.Mao Zedong additionally referred to as Chairman Mao, became a Chinese communist modern who became the founding father of the People's Republic of China (PRC).Which he dominated as the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from the establishment of the PRC in 1949 till his loss of life in 1976.Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist, his theories, army strategies, and political rules are together referred to as "Maoism."Mao became the son of a wealthy peasant in Shaoshan, Hunan. He supported Chinese nationalism and had an anti-imperialist outlook early in his life and became in particular motivated with the aid of the activities of the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 and the May Fourth Movement of 1919.

Learn more about Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, refer to:


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