One of the main themes in “The Interlopers” is nature’s indifference to man. Give two pieces of text evidence to support this theme.


Answer 1

text evidence to support the theme;

•futility of human violence. The long-standing family feud takes on a life of its own, and Ulrich and Georg live out a hatred that is not theirs to begin with.

•as Ulrich and Georg feud over who owns a part of the forest but, in the end, their reconciliation doesn't matter to a pack of hungry wolves.

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give me a description of circe's island in the Odyssey



Circe lived on the island of Eea. According to Homer, his residence was formed by a stone mansion in the middle of a forest, surrounded by wild animals, such as lions and wolves, who were nothing more than his transformed victims, therefore, they were not dangerous.

Please forgive me, I've got demons in my head.

People tell me the demons aren't as bad as I say. "You're letting them control you!" they say. "They aren't that bad! You're making it up for attention!"

Addie and Ziah dig their claws in a little deeper every time they hear that.

When I tell people about Addie and Ziah, how they hurt me, they tell me to just try not to listen. "Don't listen to them! Be happy! If you think positively, they'll go away."

They've taken all my happy thoughts. Ziah feeds on them, spitting them back out as poison that Addie then spreads like a disease until there's nothing left.

Ziah whispers in my ear, telling me how terrifying the world is, how everyone hates me, how everyone judges me, how I'm messing up, how I'm a waste of space and air, how I should just give up. She reminds me of how fragile I am, how easy it would be to draw blood, how easy it would be to give up.

Addie is less subtle, choosing to scream rather than whisper.

She isn't as nice, either. Ziah is only telling the truth, but Addie tells me anything she thinks of.

What if you put your finger in an electric socket? she screams. What if you chewed your fingers until they bled? What if you went a little too far while wrestling with your siblings? What if you threw something across the room?

What if you died?

Sometimes they work in harmony, screaming and whispering at the same time, telling me I'm not enough so I should hit something, telling me I'm worthless so I should distance myself from everyone, telling me I should just... stop.

Addie doesn't stop at screaming in my ear, though. She's in my whole body, in my legs to make them constantly bounce and annoy people (Ziah loves that, she tells me everyone hates me because I'm constantly moving). She's in my chest, squeezing my heart and lungs and filling them with electricity until I feel like I have to burst (Ziah does this too, except when she does it hurts more). She's in my brain, stealing my memories and thoughts and setting fire to my emotions.

Fire. That's a good way to describe what Addie does to me. She sets fire to my skin, making it crawl with energy until I feel like it's going to break through and I'm going to die. She sets fire to my thoughts and memories until they burn up and I can't find them anymore. She sets fire to my emotions, making them burn too brightly and too hot until I burn other people with them.

Full would be another good way. I'm full of energy and emotion and it makes me feel sick and pressured and I need to do something, anything to release the pressure, and sometimes I feel as though knives are the only option~

They aren't, though. Haven't been for almost a year now. Addie and Ziah have given me that much.

Nobody blames the demons, though. They blame me.

"Why can't you sit still? Why can't you be quiet? Why can't you remember? Why can't you pay attention? Why are you so annoying?

It's the demons!
I need a review of Don't listen
"Don't listen to them, then!"

I have no thoughts of my own to listen to instead. I have no name. I have nothing of myself. There are only the demons.

Please forgive me, I've got demons in my head.



Woah, I totally get it. I feel it in my bones. You know how to preach.


In a group discussion


Is there any question you would like me to help you with?

Can Anybody Help Me With This PLZ!!!

Which sentence contains a proper noun?

The Internet is a communication network that gained popularity in the 1990s.

Users of electronic databases can check a library’s catalog to see which books are available.

Using computers, people can obtain goods directly from manufacturers in other countries.

With the capabilities provided by the computer, users can research products, services, and companies online.


Answer: The first one

Explanation: The Internet would be a proper noun as it is capitalized, and proper nouns are nouns that are usually found with a capital letter.


first one


Internet is the main thing they are talking about, its specific and also capitalized

Write a research-based argumentative essay for or against health care for everyone.




Health care should be free for everyone. Not everybody can afford this and because of that, not only individuals, but families as a whole suffer. If health care was free and accessible to everybody, there would be a decline in the spread of diseases as more treatment would be available.

Some people might say that health care should not be free for everyone, seeing as that could potentially bring down our economy. However, the opposition against free health care is not a valid fear because many European counties have free health care and their economy functions fine.

In conclusion, free healthcare would benefit and protect many citizens. It helps the majority of people and is the best


Universal healthcare, or health care for everyone, has been a hotly debated topic in the United States for decades. While some argue that everyone should have access to affordable and quality healthcare, others argue that it would be too expensive and would result in lower quality care.

What are the current status of health care for everyone ?

Universal healthcare, or health care for everyone, has been a hotly debated topic in the United States for decades. While some argue that everyone should have access to affordable and quality healthcare, others argue that it would be too expensive and would result in lower quality care.

In this essay, I will argue in favor of universal healthcare, citing research and evidence to support my position. Firstly, one of the main arguments in favor of universal healthcare is that it would help to reduce healthcare disparities and ensure that everyone has access to necessary medical treatment.

According to a 2019 report by the Commonwealth Fund, approximately 28 million people in the United States are uninsured, and many more are underinsured or face significant out-of-pocket costs for medical care.

This lack of access to healthcare can lead to poorer health outcomes and lower life expectancies, particularly for low-income individuals and communities of color.

By implementing universal healthcare, we can ensure that everyone has access to preventive and necessary medical care, regardless of their income or insurance status.

Find more on argumentative essay :


Questions on The Many Faces of Nigerian Food. 1. How does the author use the title of the selection to introduce us to Nigeria's diversity? 2. Besides the food, what else about Nigeria is very diverse? What types of supporting details does the author use to support the main idea of the 1st paragraph: facts, examples, reasons, cause/effect, other information. Explain you answer 4. How does the author explain the different ingredients used to make jolof rice? 5. What is a common practice in Nigeria about leftover foods? 6. What are the primary ingredients in the soup/stew Nigerians make? 7. How may the ingredients of a popular dish in Nigeria change from one area to another?



1.) the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.

"equality and diversity should be supported for their own sake"

2.) The people.

3.) Facts that Nigeria is on western coast of Africa, that there are people there of different ethnics . send all the Nigeria people looks different none of them look the same . the author in the first paragraph is trying to explain that besides the food the Nigeria people all look different and then look the same that is a cause and effect .

4.) he explains them by the variations of the differences of items that go into rice.

5.) the common practice is when they eat and they don't finish their meal they keep it and save it for the next day to eat it they do not throw it away. If they have it for dinner and don't finish it they will eat it for breakfast.

6.) peanuts, tomatoes, and onions are the main ingredients but if they have goat and lamb there were using gredients from them and also beans , grains and vegetables can also be used and also peppers are played in a large role in to the soup.

7.) there are dozens of dishes that Nigerians and the landscape .

1. What is this passage mostly about?
a. Christopher Columbus
b. a land bridge
c. the Vikings
d. discovering America
2.How did the first humans get to America?
a. By boat
b. By foot
c. By car
d. By swimming
3. According to the passage, who really discovered America?
a. Christopher Columbus who sailed to America
b. The Vikings from Norway
c. Ancient travelers that crossed a land bridge
d. Many European explorers
4. The author writes “But was America really a new land?” because
a. other European explorers had actually already found America
b. there were already people living here before the explorers
c. the explorers came from Spain, Portugal, and England
d. there was not enough food for everyone to live here
5. According to the passage, what connected Asia and North America? _____________________________________________________________________________.
6. Who discovered America? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. _____________________________________________________________________________



1. d. discovering America

2. b. By foot

3. c. Ancient travelers that crossed a land bridge.

4. b. there were already people living here before the explorers.

5. What connected Asia and North America is the land bridge called Beringia.

6. According to this passage, America was ancient travelers that crossed Beringia, a land bridge. This is true because from the passage, we discover that the ancient travelers settled down in America long before the European explorers. An evidence from the passage is: "I read that there were people living in America long before the European explorers were even born...once they arrived, they slowly spread out. Eventually, they settled all over North and South America".


From the passage, we see that the main idea centers on the discovery of America. The passage reveals that there were ancient travelers that lived in America long before European explorers arrived. The ancient travelers were known have crossed the land bridge, Beringia. This land bridge is known to have connected Asia and America.

The ancient travelers that settled in America are known to have crossed the the land bridge on foot.


For the original story of "Pinocchio" (the one where his kills jimmy cricket)

Analogy of literary characteristics which makes it that particular genre

Explanation of the theme or moral of the story, as well as its contemporary connections


Answer:The answer here is C, A type of story that contains facts about real people, places, and events, but  also contains fictional elements that add dramatic interest to the story.


Historical fiction uses history as a way to make interesting fictional stories. To be considered historical fiction it has to include some type of real history, whether it be a place, person, or thing, and it has to have some sort of fiction in it.

anyone good at English will give brainliest ​



2) covers the ground

3) says it was an accident

4) went too far

5) believes Tomas


Glass covers the ground

Tomas says it was a accident

The ball went to far

Ms.Guzman  Believes Tomas


What does Sal’s tendency to flinch when someone touches her suggest about her character?



Sal isn't used to people touching her anymore

write a diologue between students father and teacher talking about the result ?​



Teacher: hello sir.

Father: hello mam.

Ram: good afternoon mam

Teacher : do u know his result sir?

Father: No I don't . what's his score?

Ram : sorry dad i forgot to show u my result .

Teacher : he got 96 %

Father: really?

Ram: yes dad

Father: I'm proud of u my son.

Teacher: we are also proud of u ram.

Ram: thank you .....

What is the subject in this sentence? ---At the front of the room jumped
the frog. *
O jumped


Answer: The frog is the subject of the sentence.


Answer: frog

Explanation: the frog is what you are talking about so it is the subject.

which is better ravishing or gorgeous


Answer: gorgeous


Identify the rhyming scheme
The shades of night were falling fast,
As through an Alpine village passed
A youth, who bore, 'mid snow and ice,
A banner with the strange device,





Read the poem; then answer the question that follows.

"Rain in the Summer"
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

How beautiful is the rain!
After the dust and heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane,

How beautiful is the rain!
How it clatters along the roofs,
Like the tramp of hoofs
How it gushes and struggles out
From the throat of the overflowing spout!

2) Fill in the blank.
What is the rhyme scheme of the first stanza? ________

it doesnt come with options you have to make it up



1.the rhyming scheme is ;a b b a

Which of the following sentences has
a Nonessential clause?
A. Every student who passed the test can go to recess.
B. All runners who are eligible for this race line up
C. New reporters, which are actually quite a few,
should report to the registration desk.
D. The swimmer who won the Olympic Gold Medal was
Michael Phelps.



i think the answer is C


(actually i'm not sure about the answer)

help me for this page please <3​



on countable side put meat,apple,cake, fish,orange, tomatoes, chips,popcorn,donuts,potato,peas,cookies,chocolate, pickles, pie,pizza then on uncountable you put the left over words.because u can't count liquid and the bottom just make a sentence

I have to write an essay about whales. But I need help with the introduction, so could someone pleaseeeee help me?


Answer:What I know about whales is that———————-

Explanation:You always start off that way to let them know you know

Starting off an essay you can always ask a rhetorical question but you can also say eg: I know. You need them to know that you know and understand but also need to add different amount of information through using writing structures. If you need any help starting it off just let me know :)

elie and his father choosing to evacuate and leave the infirmary two days before the liberation is an example of what?



and find homework help for other Night questions at eNotes. ... Elie's hospital neighbor is certain that all those left behind will be thrown into the furnaces. Elie thinks of his father, who is not hospitalized, and can't stand the thought of being ... well, were simply liberated by the Russians two days after the camp was evacuated.


Which of the following is NOT true about message sensitivity options?

Messages can be marked private.

Messages marked as private or confidential cannot be shared with others.

Recipients of messages do not have to respect your requests for privacy.

Not all email services provide options for email sensitivity.​



Pretty sure its D :']


This is my 4th time asking, please I give up on Brainly if this isn't answered. I work hard on earning my points, I ask a question and people who can't answer, answer it with something foolish, Can someone PLZ actually ANSWER ME!!! IS brainly even useful anymore!!!! Answer if you know only PLZ!!!!!! I really Need help here.

From Wordsworth's poem, "Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey"
Discuss at least three organizational patterns in Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey that either contribute or detract from the tone

If you have a question plz ask it in the question box!!!! I need answers AHHHH.


Answer: I think that the overall pattern of organization that Wordsworth is presenting proves to be effective in achieving the desired tone in the poem.  It is evident that Wordsworth wants to create a tone of reflection that understands the present through the past and can catapult these recollections to help form some vision of the future.  Wordsworth's tone is indicative of the idea that "the child is the father of the man," and this is brought out in the structure of the poem.  The first part reflects on how time has passed since Wordsworth visited the location.  In his reflection of the present, Wordsworth then structures the poem to go over his past and understand what the past represented in describing the location and his interaction with it.  In the midst of discussing the impact of the landscape and his persona within it to the person he is today, thereby again linking past and present together.  After a section in which the present is discussed and then the past, Wordsworth now structures the poem to combine both together. The final two parts of the poem deal with Dorothy, and the hope that Wordsworth places in her being.  In discussing Dorothy, Wordsworth again visits the structure of being able to link past and present together, but the final part of the poem offers a prayer for Dorothy.  In doing so, Wordsworth is able to take past and present and project them into the future.  The structure of the poem becomes critical in establishing the tone of being able to revere the past in the construction of who we are and who we hope to be.


please urgent please beg



question 4:

1 and b

2 and a

3 and c

4 and f

5 and d

6 and e

question 5:

1. (u already did)

2. The magazines are ours.

3. The sunglasses are hers.

4.  The video camera is yours.

5. The passport is his.

6. The shoes are theirs.


I don´t really know how to explain this but I´ll try...

Instead of...

my = mine

our = ours

her = hers

your = yours

his = his

their = theirs

what kind of figurative language is “ this week went by so fast “





truely  easy

1. Which statement is a theme in Antigone?

A. Great leaders listen to the advice from others.

B. It is wise to speak before taking action.

C. One can both feel afraid and act bravely.

D. At times, one must hide the truth to do what is right.

2. How does Sophocles characterize Teiresias in Antigone?

A. He shows him as angry in many scenes.

B. He portrays him as wise.

C. He shows him as indecisive in many scenes.

D. He portrays him as foolish.

3. Which statement describes the viewpoint of Teiresias in Antigone?

A. Only Haimon knows what justice is.

B. Antigone is stubborn and foolish.

C. Creon's advisers are too old to do their jobs.

D. Creon's actions are unjust and cruel.

4. Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in person?

A. Bob went outside to his car.

B. She put on her shoes.

C. Sam put on his or her socks.

D. The boys waited until the bus reached their stop.



It's D



1.d 2. 3. 4.c


Which sentence best describes why paragraphs 1 and 3 are important to the plot? Please do not write a false answer just for the points, you will be reported.

A) They tell about large waves at sea.
B) They foreshadow events to come.
C) They suggest the dangers of sailing.



B) They foreshadow events to come.


Please help me! I'm usually really good at grammar, but I'm suffering hardcore right now.

How do I phrase and use the correct grammar for this sentence?
The rainforest is one of if not the most important place(s) on the planet.

Also, is "place" plural or not in this sentence?


The rainforest is one of, if not the most important place on the planet.

help me, its easy

write a sentence in figurative language on how gummy bears feel like.

(dnt use g0ogle because my teachers check)



Holding a gummy bear is like holding a tiny cloud in the palm of your hand.


I hope this helps, I know it's probably not the best.

Which would qualify as a euphemism for the main topic of this passage, the spread of MDR-TB? A) the global pandemic B) the uncomfortable situation C) the potential health disaster Eliminate D) the dangerous global health threat





Euphemism is a statement that decreases the moral sadness so its B

The parts of the rhetorical triangle are in a ______________ relationship.

A. static

B. adversarial

C. dynamic

D. fixed





Aristotle taught that a speaker's ability to persuade an audience is based on how well the speaker appeals to that audience in three different areas: logos, ethos, and pathos. Considered together, these appeals form what later rhetoricians have called the rhetorical triangle. Logos appeals to reason

help me plz in advantages and disadvantages of shopping via internet




Better Prices

More variety

More control

No crowds

No sale pressure

Privacy for discrete purchases


Shipping Problems and Delays

Risk of Fraud

Less Contact With Your Community

You Don't Know Exactly What You're Getting

Spending Too Much Time Online

No Sales Assistance

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