president herbert hoover believed that the great depression could be ended by doing all of the following except


Answer 1

President Herbert Hoover believed that the Great Depression could be ended by doing all of the following except supporting public works, which was an action he refused to undertake.

President Herbert Hoover believed that the Great Depression could be ended by doing all of the following except supporting public works, which was an action he refused to undertake. In Hoover's opinion, public works would only offer temporary relief and create more significant economic problems in the future.

He didn't want the government to become overly involved in the economic affairs of the nation. To address the Great Depression, Hoover employed a variety of tactics. He urged businesses to avoid layoffs and instead trim workers' hours while keeping salaries steady.

He asked charities to help the millions of people who were starving and homeless. Hoover was one of the most controversial Presidents of the United States. Hoover was a self-made millionaire and a respected mining engineer who had traveled the globe.

However, his presidency began less than a year before the stock market crashed, which sparked the Great Depression, and his subsequent responses to the economic catastrophe were considered to be insufficient by many.

For such more question on Great Depression:


The following question may be like this:

What did the president Herbert hoover believed that the great depression could be ended by doing?

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What is a tyrannical government ?



Definition of tyrannical in the dictionary. Meaning of tyrannical. What does tyrannical mean? ... regime"; "autocratic government"; "despotic rulers"; "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war"; "a tyrannical government" Wiktionary


the house of burguesses was the reprensentive body of



Virginia General Assembly


I remember learning this in History class. The House of Burgesses was formed in 1642. It is a representative body of the Virginia General Assembly.


Virginia General Assembly


The Virginia General Assembly

The House of Burgesses /ˈbɜːrdʒəsɪz/ was the elected representative element of the Virginia General Assembly, the legislative body of the Colony of Virginia. With the creation of the House of Burgesses in 1642, the General Assembly, which had been established in 1619, became a bicameral institution.

Hope it helped! :)

“Incarceration Nation”: Watch this video and write 750 words summarizing in detail the argument made by Michelle Alexander and what you think should be done.


Michelle Alexander, a civil rights lawyer-

Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, argues in the video “Incarceration Nation” that the United States has become a prison state, with over two million people incarcerated and millions more under criminal supervision.

She contends that the War on Drugs and tough-on-crime policies have led to a massive expansion of the criminal justice system, and that this system is racially biased and perpetuates social inequality.

Alexander argues that the criminal justice system perpetuates social inequality by creating a permanent underclass of ex-offenders, who face discrimination in employment, housing, and voting rights.

Ultimately, I agree with Alexander that we need to shift from a punitive to a restorative justice model, one that emphasizes healing and reconciliation rather than punishment and revenge. This will require a major shift in our values and priorities, but I think it is necessary if we want to create a more just and humane society.

Fundamental definition of civil rights?

Civil rights are individual rights that are sure and safe by the United States Constitution and federal legislation passed by Congress, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

What do civil rights kinds mean?

The right to personal security, which includes safe for those who have been accused, and the prohibition of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, and gender are among the most frequent civil rights.

To know more about Civil Rights visit:


In a paragraph, identify and analyze the causes and effects of the space and
arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. In your response,
provide at least ONE cause and effect on the space and arms race between the
two countries.



The Space and Arms race was caused by the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the US. The US invented a nuclear weapon, which would have caused them to lead the war, but then the Soviet Union started to make nuclear weapons. Each time the Soviet Union made one weapon, the US made 2, and then the Soviet Union made 5.

The Space Race started when the Soviet Union sent Sputnik, which was the first artificial satellite. A few weeks later, the US sent the first American Rocket to space.

explain the history of "old imperialism" in Guyana and Venezuela


Guyana and Venezuela were both colonized during the period of "old imperialism" in the Americas. Christopher Columbus claimed Guyana for Spain in 1498, and the Spanish established settlements in the region, but were ultimately unsuccessful in maintaining a permanent presence. The Dutch established a colony in Guyana in the 17th century, which they called Essequibo, and the British also established colonies in the 18th century. Guyana remained a British colony until it gained independence in 1966. Venezuela was also colonized by the Spanish in the 16th century, with a focus on mining gold and silver, but they also established plantations and imported enslaved Africans to work on them. In the early 19th century, Venezuela gained independence from Spain, but struggled with political instability and economic challenges. The histories of both countries reflect the impact of "old imperialism" on these territories, including the exploitation of indigenous peoples, the importation of enslaved Africans, and the establishment of colonial economies based on plantation agriculture. These legacies continue to shape the social, economic, and political landscapes of both countries.

List 4 battles in the American Revolution but in order.

Bunker Hill
Fort Ticonderoga


Answer: Boston


Bunker Hill

Fort Ticonderoga

History is my specialty (:


boston is the answer

Are political parties becoming less popular and less important in the United States and other Western
democracies? What is the evidence on both sides of that question?



Political parties in the United States and other Western democracies may be becoming less popular and less important. Evidence suggests that there is a decline in party identification and an increase in political polarization, which may lead to a sense of political disengagement and a rise in non-traditional political movements and candidates. However, parties remain important in shaping the political landscape through organizing elections, mobilizing voters, providing a platform for political representation, and shaping political identities and ideologies. While party identification may be declining, people continue to hold strong ideological and policy preferences, which suggests that parties still play a role in shaping political preferences and values.

The future role of political parties remains uncertain and will likely depend on a range of factors, including demographic trends, technological developments, and evolving political and social norms. Nonetheless, parties are likely to continue to play a significant role in the political process, albeit in different ways than in the past.


A. Judaism is the most important influence on Christianity. How does Christianity build on the basis of Judaism? Or utilize another influence on Christianity and explain its influence.
B. Virgil's Aeneid reflects the history of Rome, but the major structural elements of the narrative are from Homer's work. Does this matter?
C. What was the primary cause of the fall of the Roman Empire in your opinion?
D. Explain the development of Islam and its interaction with the West.


A. We can see here that Christianity builds on the basis of Judaism by sharing many of the same fundamental beliefs, including the belief in one God and the importance of the Ten Commandments.

What is Judaism?

Judaism is a monotheistic religion and the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, which also include Christianity and Islam. It is based on the belief in one God, who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets.

Jesus Christ, who is at the center of the Christian faith, was himself Jewish and his teachings and life were heavily influenced by Judaism.

B. The fact that Virgil's Aeneid uses major structural elements from Homer's works does matter, as it shows the continuity and evolution of literary traditions over time. Virgil was consciously emulating and building on the epic tradition established by Homer, while also adapting it to suit the needs and values of Roman society.

C. The primary cause of the fall of the Roman Empire is a complex and debated topic among historians. Some of the main factors that contributed to the decline and eventual collapse of the Roman Empire include political instability, economic problems, military overexpansion, and the arrival of invading barbarian tribes.

D. Islam developed in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century AD, when the Prophet Muhammad received divine revelations that formed the basis of the Islamic faith. The religion spread quickly throughout the Arabian Peninsula and beyond, eventually becoming a major world religion with significant cultural and political influence.

Learn more about Judaism on


which of the following statements about mischel's experiments on the self control of children at stanford in the 1960s is true?


Mischel's experiments on the self-control of children at Stanford in the 1960s provided a significant contribution to the understanding of the human psyche.

These experiments were conducted on preschool-age, and the research findings were later published in a book named "Cognitive and attentional mechanisms in delay of gratification."In Mischel's experiments, the preschoolers were offered the choice of a small reward immediately or a more significant reward if they waited for some time. The small reward was presented immediately, whereas the more significant award was presented if they could delay their gratification. The children were observed to determine their capacity for self-control in delaying gratification.Over time, the study concluded that children who could resist the temptation of small rewards were more likely to be successful in life. These children demonstrated better academic performance, better stress management, and improved emotional intelligence. The ability to delay gratification has a crucial role in a person's life, and it is considered an essential characteristic of successful individuals.Mischel's experiment on the self-control of children has become a cornerstone in the field of psychology, and it provided a more in-depth understanding of the human psyche. The study concluded that self-control is not an inherent trait but is a learned skill that can be improved over time. Therefore, individuals can train themselves to develop better self-control skills to become more successful.

for more such question preschool-age


Which Founding Father was present at all 5 "founding moments?"


The nation's favourite Founding Father is George Washington, who is known as the "father of the country" and the first president of the United States. Of the individuals usually regarded as America's founding fathers, 39% of Americans rank Washington first.

Who were the founding fathers?

The main founding fathers were these seven men: James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. Although there were many more that helped in the establishment of the United States, most people regard these seven to be the Founding Fathers.

Why are the founding fathers referred to as such?

The Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of Independence were only two of the numerous writings that the U.S. Constitution combined into one magnificent text.

To know more about Founding Father visit:


FILL IN THE BLANK ____ is defined as a dimension of justice that reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making processes.


Procedural justice is defined as a dimension of justice that reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making processes.

Procedural justice refers to the justice that governs the procedures used by the government and the judicial system to enforce laws and ensure the protection of human rights. It refers to the procedural dimension of fairness, where the decision-making process is fair, impartial, and free of bias.

Procedural justice is based on the principle of fairness in the decision-making process, which is characterized by neutrality, transparency, and accountability. It is concerned with the impartiality and consistency of the procedures used to make decisions.In addition, procedural justice is a fundamental concept in the rule of law and the administration of justice. It is a critical aspect of a democratic society because it ensures that the law is applied fairly and impartially to all citizens, regardless of their race, gender, or social status.

For more such questions on Procedural justice , Visit:


Is it true or false?





A millennium =  1,000 years

What is the difference between historical drama and historical documentary as varieties (or genres) of historical film



Documentary is actual evets that happened, Drama is a made up story that could have happened during that historical time. The documentary is a record of factual events. It is the story of 'something' or the process of 'something'. On the other hand, drama is the imitation of life—a contrived story.


In a documentary, the truth is the story. A historical drama may take a nuanced approach to the truth. It might use a historical period as a backdrop for a story in which historical characters appear and act out fictionalized events.

Answer: Dramas often overexaggerate the facts

while documentaries include all the true and full facts without taking sides


A documentary says it how it is.

Will give a 5 star rating and brainliest. Be specific.

What does the three fifths compromise has to do with the constitution and what is one way we can improve the constitution for that?


it determining a states' population in the distribution of seats in the House of Representatives to gain Southern support for the Constitution.

slavery should had been given a new life,a political life.

Which of the following people called on all Christian warriors to fight against the Muslims in order to reclaim the Holy Land?





The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated, supported, and sometimes directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period. The best known of these military expeditions are those to the Holy Land in the period between 1095 and 1291 that were intended to conquer Jerusalem and its surrounding area from Muslim rule.

How did the adoption of Shia Islam by the Safavid Empire affect the history of Persia?

Military expansions by the Safavid armies opened new trade routes to the west.Military expansions by the Safavid armies opened new trade routes to the west.

To encourage study of the Koran, the Safavids introduced the art of printing to Iran.To encourage study of the Koran, the Safavids introduced the art of printing to Iran.

The empire’s attempts to expand Shia territory triggered military attacks from the Ottomans, who were Sunni.The empire’s attempts to expand Shia territory triggered military attacks from the Ottomans, who were Sunni.

The imperial court and religious leaders set up two opposing bureaucracies.The imperial court and religious leaders set up two opposing bureaucracies.




It was a process that engendered antagonism among Iran's Sunni neighbors, most notably the Ottoman Empire. The conversion also secured the Twelver sect's supremacy within Shi.ism over the Zaidiyyah and Isma'ilism sects, each of which had previously had eras of power within Shi'ism.


Brainliest pls

swing music did not include which of the following: walking bass call and response large instrumentation collective improvisation


Swing music did not include large instrumentation. It was characterized by a walking bass, call and response between musicians, and collective improvisation.

Swing music is a form of popular jazz that originated in the United States in the 1930s and became a dominant musical style during the 1930s and 1940s, characterized by a strong rhythm section and improvisation in a jazz band that plays dance music. It was particularly popular in the big band era when it was the main form of American music for dance events such as ballrooms and nightclubs.

During this era, jazz bands were primarily led by big bands, which featured a larger number of musicians, sometimes including more than twenty players, in contrast to smaller jazz combos. The larger ensembles were required to provide rhythmic and harmonic support for dancing couples, and they were characterized by a powerful rhythm section consisting of drums, bass, and piano or guitar that maintained a solid beat while soloists took turns improvising. Collectively, they made swing music unique and stand out.

For more such questions on Swing music  , Visit:


What are three advantages and disadvantages of “reasoning from race” by mayeri? And how “reason from race”approach can be controversial?


Advantages of "reasoning from race" by Mayeri include:

Acknowledgment of the importance of race:

The approach recognizes that race is a significant factor in shaping societal structures and experiences, and therefore, it is essential to take it into account in legal decision-making.

Potential to identify and challenge racial bias:

By explicitly considering race, the approach can help identify and challenge implicit or explicit racial bias in legal decision-making.

Highlighting the impact of laws and policies on marginalized communities:

The approach can highlight the impact of laws and policies on marginalized communities, particularly communities of color, and expose the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities.

Disadvantages of "reasoning from race" by Mayeri include:

Risk of perpetuating stereotypes:

Reasoning from race can perpetuate stereotypes and essentialize racial identities, which can further marginalize and stereotype individuals and communities.

Limiting intersectionality:

By solely focusing on race, the approach can overlook the intersectional nature of identities and marginalization.

Potential to be misinterpreted or misused:

The approach can be misinterpreted or misused, particularly in the context of identity politics, where the focus on race can be seen as divisive or exclusionary.

The "reason from race" approach can be controversial because it challenges the idea of colorblindness, which suggests that race should not be taken into account in decision-making. Additionally, some may argue that it creates a hierarchy of victimhood, where individuals or communities that experience racial discrimination are seen as more deserving of legal protection than those who experience discrimination based on other factors. Finally, some may argue that it can be divisive and contribute to a "politics of resentment" that fuels tensions between different racial and ethnic groups.

To know more about "reason from race" , visit :


mexican revolutionary whose assaults on american citizens and territory provoked a u.s. expedition into mexico


The Mexican revolutionary whose assaults on American citizens and territory provoked a U.S. expedition into Mexico is Pancho Villa.

Francisco "Pancho" Villa was a Mexican revolutionary leader who was known for his military skill and tactics during the Mexican Revolution. Villa was born in 1878 and became a bandit in his early life, robbing and killing wealthy landowners to support the poor. He joined the revolutionary movement in 1910 and became a key figure in the fight against the government of President Porfirio Diaz. However, after the revolution, Villa's relationship with the US deteriorated.

In 1916, Villa led a raid on Columbus, New Mexico, killing 18 Americans. This led to a retaliatory expedition by the US Army under General John Pershing, who pursued Villa into Mexico. The expedition was ultimately unsuccessful in capturing Villa, and the US withdrew from Mexico in 1917. Villa continued to play a role in Mexican politics until his assassination in 1923.

Learn more about mexican revolutionary


The Mediterranean region gave rise to a new form of slavery, called chattel slavery. Which of the following situations describes chattel slavery?
a wealthy merchant invests in 15 slaves at the local market, then rents them out to a copper mine fifty miles away and uses the income to help support his other business ventures


The situation that describes chattel slavery is: a wealthy merchant invests in 15 slaves at the local market, then rents them out to a copper mine fifty miles away and uses the income to help support his other business ventures.

Chattel slavery is a system of slavery in which an individual is recognized as a personal possession, chattel, or an article of trade or commerce. It is characterized by the legal right of the slave owner to possess, buy, sell, and otherwise dispose of a person as they would any other property.

In chattel slavery, the enslaved person is treated like personal property, with no rights, privileges, or protections. They are born, sold, and owned as property, and can be sold, inherited, or exchanged at any time, much like any other object.

In the given situation, a wealthy merchant invests in 15 slaves at the local market, then rents them out to a copper mine fifty miles away and uses the income to help support his other business ventures. This situation describes chattel slavery.

For such more question on business:


The Jim Crow Laws had a huge impact on the Civil Rights movement because??



The Jim Crow Laws were state and local laws in the United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans from the late 1800s until the mid-1960s. These laws had a significant impact on the Civil Rights movement for several reasons:

Legalized segregation: The Jim Crow Laws legalized segregation in all aspects of public life, including schools, public transportation, restaurants, and even restrooms. This created a separate and unequal society, where African Americans were denied basic human rights and opportunities.

Limited political power: The Jim Crow Laws limited the political power of African Americans by implementing poll taxes, literacy tests, and other barriers that prevented them from voting. This effectively silenced their voices and prevented them from advocating for their rights.

Sparked resistance: The Jim Crow Laws sparked resistance and protests from the African American community and their allies. Civil rights activists such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and many others organized boycotts, sit-ins, and other nonviolent demonstrations to challenge these discriminatory laws and demand equal rights.

Led to federal intervention: The Civil Rights movement, fueled by the injustices of the Jim Crow Laws, eventually led to federal intervention. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were landmark pieces of legislation that prohibited discrimination on the basis of race and removed many of the barriers that prevented African Americans from voting.

Overall, the Jim Crow Laws played a significant role in the Civil Rights movement by sparking resistance, highlighting the injustices faced by African Americans, and ultimately leading to significant legislative and social change.


#trust me bro #never wrong #warstep8 i need ur help bro

The Jim Crow Laws were state and local statues that legalized racial segregation and impacted the Civil Rights movement due to African Americans wanting inalienable rights.

FILL IN THE BLANK.In the Renaissance painters were often commissioned to ______ tapestries.


In the Renaissance, painters were often commissioned to design tapestries.

During the Renaissance, tapestries were a popular form of decorative art and were often used to adorn the walls of wealthy individuals and institutions such as churches and palaces.

While tapestries were traditionally woven, Renaissance painters were often called upon to design the original cartoon or full-scale drawing, that would serve as a guide for the weavers.

This was because painters were considered experts in composition, color, and narrative, and their designs could transform a tapestry from a mere decorative object into a work of art. Some of the most famous Renaissance painters who designed tapestries include Raphael, Michelangelo, and Pieter, Paul Rubens.

Learn more about the Renaissance Painters at


what was the economic and employment situation like after 1865



Image result for what was the economic and employment situation like after 1865

The aftermath of the war left portions of the Confederacy in ruins, and with little or no money to rebuild. State governments were mired in debt, and white planters, who had most of their capital tied up in slaves, lost most of their wealth.



United States:

After the end of the American Civil War in 1865, the country experienced a period of rapid industrialization and economic growth known as the Gilded Age.

The expansion of railroads, mining, and manufacturing led to job growth and increased demand for labor.

However, this period was also marked by income inequality, as the benefits of economic growth were not evenly distributed and many workers faced low wages and poor working conditions.


After the Napoleonic Wars ended in 1815, Europe experienced a period of relative stability and economic growth known as the "long 19th century."

The period from 1865 to 1914 saw continued economic growth, with advances in technology and transportation leading to increased trade and industrialization.

However, this period was also marked by social and economic inequality, with many workers facing poor living conditions and low wages.


In Japan, the period after 1865 saw the Meiji Restoration, a series of reforms that led to rapid modernization and economic growth.

In China, the Qing dynasty was struggling to maintain power and faced economic and social challenges, including the impact of foreign trade and the Opium Wars.

In India, the British Raj continued to exert economic and political control over the country, leading to widespread poverty and economic inequality.

Overall, the period after 1865 saw significant changes in the global economy, with some regions experiencing rapid growth and others facing significant challenges.


Essay on how cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories challenge eurocentrism​


There are several steps to follow when writing an essay on how cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories challenge eurocentrism.

How to write the essay ?

Here are the steps you can follow to write the essay on how cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories challenge eurocentrism:

Introduction: Begin your essay with a brief explanation of what eurocentrism is and how it affects our understanding of history. Then, introduce the idea that cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories can challenge eurocentrism by highlighting the contributions of non-European cultures to global knowledge.Historical Context: Provide some background information on the Mongol Islamic territories and the period of history you will be discussing.Scientific Exchanges: Discuss the scientific achievements of the Mongol Islamic territories and their contributions to global knowledge.Cultural Exchanges: Discuss the cultural exchanges that took place in the Mongol Islamic territories and their impact on global culture. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reiterate how cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories challenge eurocentrism. References: Make sure to provide references for any sources you used in your essay to support your arguments.

I cannot write the essay for you as this could be considered academic dishonesty. But I believe these guidleines will be helpful.

Find out more one essays at


Explain ONE economic motivation for developing navigational technology.



Explain ONE economic motivation for developing navigational technology.


One economic motivation for developing navigational technology is to improve transportation and trade routes, which can lead to increased economic growth and prosperity. Before the development of navigational technology, travel by sea was often dangerous and time-consuming, limiting the amount and speed of trade. With improved navigational tools, ships were able to travel further and more efficiently, leading to the expansion of trade routes and the growth of industries such as shipping, fishing, and international trade. Additionally, navigational technology allowed for more accurate maps, making it easier to identify and access new resources and markets. Overall, the development of navigational technology played a significant role in facilitating global economic growth and development.

How did the Civil War and Reconstruction affect the rights of Blacks in the United States? Complete the following statement.
After the Civil War, three amendments to the Constitution __________ civil rights for African Americans. Once Reconstruction ended, however ______________ severely restricted the rights of African Americans, with ______________ states taking the lead in segregating many public facilities.


After the Civil War ended in 1865, some states enacted black laws that severely restricted black rights. Many blacks were enslaved. These codes limited the jobs African Americans could hold and their ability to quit a job once hired.

In some states, they also restricted the types of property blacks could own. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 weakened the Black Code by requiring all states to maintain equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment, especially by allowing black men to vote. (U.S. law prohibited women of all races from voting in federal elections until 1920.)

During Reconstruction, many black men entered politics by voting for public office. Reconstruction officially ended in 1877, after which Southern states enacted even more discriminatory laws. Efforts to enforce white supremacy through law increased, and African Americans sought to assert their rights through legal challenge.

But these efforts led to disappointing results in 1896, when the Supreme Court ruled in his Plessy v. Ferguson case that so-called "separate but equal" establishments, including public transportation and schools, were constitutional made a judgment. From that time he said until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, discrimination and segregation were legal and enforceable.  

Know more about Civil War here:


Question 4
20 pts
How enthusiastic were some Protestants in removing what they saw as idols in
Very. Many art works were smashed, destroyed, or shattered
O Not very. They carefully removed the art works and returned them to the Catholics



Very. Many art works were smashed, destroyed, or shattered.


The Protestant Reformation during the 16th century in Europe almost entirely rejected the existing tradition of Catholic art, and very often destroyed as much of it as it could reach.

analyze the ways in which two of the following groups challenged british liberalism between 1880 and 1914: feminists; irish nationalists; socialists


Between 1880 and 1914, both feminists and Irish nationalists challenged British liberalism in significant ways.  (Options 1 and 2)

Feminists advocated for women's suffrage and other rights and used various tactics such as protests, civil disobedience, and legal challenges to push for change. Irish nationalists, on the other hand, sought independence from British rule and used a range of tactics such as political organizing, protests, and violence to achieve their goals. Socialists also challenged British liberalism during this period by advocating for workers' rights and pushing for economic reforms.

They used tactics such as strikes, protests, and political organizing to bring attention to issues of social and economic inequality. These groups all challenged the existing power structures and pushed for change in different ways, ultimately contributing to the evolution of British liberalism.

Learn more about liberalism


do you think the united states did the right thing by drawing a firm line against japanese aggression? explain


Yes, the United States did the right thing by drawing a firm line against Japanese aggression. Japan's expansionist policies threatened regional stability and had devastating consequences for millions of people. The U.S. decision to respond with force helped bring an end to the war and ultimately saved lives. Although the decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been the subject of much debate and criticism, it can be argued that it was necessary to bring the war to a swift conclusion and prevent further loss of life. Overall, the U.S. decision to stand up to Japanese aggression played a significant role in shaping the outcome of World War II and the post-war world order.

Please help will give brainliest!!!!

Envision that you have the opportunity to talk to James Madison, who was one of the main writers of the US Constitution. Based on what you learned about the articles of the Constitution, what questions would you have for him? For this question, you should write a few questions (2-3) that you would ask and then EXPLAIN why you would ask those questions. In your explanation, you should make specific references to what is in the articles of the Constitution to show your understanding of them.




If I had the opportunity to talk to James Madison, I would ask him the following questions:

Why did the Founding Fathers create the Electoral College? How does it work, and why is it important for presidential elections?

I would ask this question because it pertains to Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, which outlines the process for electing the President of the United States. The Electoral College is a controversial topic, and I would be interested to hear Madison's thoughts on why it was included in the Constitution and how it functions.

What was the reasoning behind the division of power between the federal and state governments? Why is this balance of power important for the functioning of our democracy?

This question relates to the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution, which reserves powers not delegated to the federal government for the states. It also touches on the concept of federalism, which was a crucial component of the Constitution. Understanding why the Founding Fathers established this division of power is essential for comprehending how our government functions and why certain decisions are made at the federal versus state level.

How do the checks and balances outlined in the Constitution ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful? Can you provide examples of how these checks and balances have played out in practice?

This question pertains to the separation of powers outlined in Articles I, II, and III of the Constitution. The Founding Fathers established this system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch of government from dominating the others. I would be interested to hear Madison's thoughts on how effective this system has been in practice, as well as any examples he could provide of times when one branch of government checked the power of another.

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The lab activity will keep count of your data on the right, and you can record this into the data table.Title: Objective(s): Hypothesis:Variables:Data:Record the number of cells you observed in the lab activity.StagesNumber of CellsInterphaseProphaseMetaphaseAnaphaseTelophaseCytokinesisObservations:Record any observations about the cells you observed. What does the cell look like for each stage? What is a distinguishing visible feature of each stage of the cell cycle?StagesDescription of CellInterphaseProphaseMetaphaseAnaphaseTelophaseCytokinesisData Analysis:Part 1: Calculate the percentage of the cell cycle spent in each stage. 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Give a brief explanation of why these stages may have that time period.Rationale for the support or rejection of the hypothesisQuestions:Using what you have learned in the lesson and the virtual lab activity, answer the following questions in complete sentences.What differences can you see when you compare the nucleus of a dividing cell with that of a non-dividing cell?If your observation had not been restricted to the tip of the onion root, how would the results be different? Ella no baila, ______ tocar el violn. A. prefiere B. preferir C. prefiero D. prefieran Martin makes b bags of snack mix. Each bag contains 1.5 lb of nuts and 0.75 lb of dried fruit. What does the expression 1.5b + 0.75b represent? Pls explain why Task 1: Identifying Life-Changing Events That Deter Criminal BehaviorPut together a timeline in a slideshow presentation that outlines the four stages of life-changing events for an individual. For each stage, provide a written description of how, inyour opinion, it functions as a deterrent to criminal behavior. Type your response here:This is for CRIMINOLOGY CLASS! I NEED THE ANSWER ASAPPLEASSEEEEIM BEGGING Penelope and Artemis worked a total of 70 hours this week. Penelope worked 2 hours less than twice what Artemis worked.1) Let P= hours Penelope worked and A= hours Artemis worked. Write a system of equations for this scenario. 2) Determine how many hours Penelope and Artemis worked. How did america justify going to war with mexico? With Evidence and Explanation. Lee buys 12 notebooks for 1. 29 each. How much money does lee spend on the 12 notebooks "Which terminal taxon is B more closely related to, A or C? Explain how you know. " for which of the following was lewis carroll not known? group of answer choices being a scholar of math and logic being a photographer being a deacon in the anglican church being a politician being a novelist being a poet AbInstructionsClick the links to open the resources below. These resources will help you complete the assignment. Once you have created yare ready to upload your assignment, click the Add Files button below and select each file from your desktop or network foldefile separately.Your work will not be submitted to your teacher until you click Submit.DocumentsStudent GuideDebate EvaluationFile Upload From a macroeconomic point of view, which of the following is a source of demand for financial capital?A. savings by households and firmsB. foreign financial investmentC. domestic household private savingsD. government borrowing You and your siblings decided to make 10 pies for a bake sale. There were 8 slices in each apple pie and 10 slices in each shoo-fly pie. At the sale, there were 84 slices available. How many of each pie were made? Can you help me with this? how man properties can i own and manage before i have to turn it over to a property management company in savannah ga. 1. In rare situations, a court may impose an __________ or __________ contract when necessary to prevent unjust enrichment.a. implied-in-fact; quasi-b. implied-in-law; bilateralc. implied-in-fact; unilateraldd. implied-in-law; quasi- according to kohlberg, when a child moves from the conventional stage to the postconventional stage of moral development, the child moves from