Provide ONE example of how using figurative language can improve communication when talking to a friend or family member and ONE way it can hinder communication. Explain your reasoning.



Answer 1


One example of how using figurative language can improve communication when talking to a friend or family member is by using a metaphor to help them understand a complex idea or concept. For instance, when explaining a difficult situation, one could say "It felt like I was walking through a maze with no exit," which helps the listener to visualize and empathize with the feeling of being lost and uncertain.

On the other hand, figurative language can hinder communication when it is unclear or misinterpreted by the listener. For instance, if one says "I'm feeling blue," the listener might misunderstand and think that they are referring to the color blue instead of feeling sad. This confusion can lead to miscommunication and frustration.

Therefore, it's essential to use figurative language appropriately, and when in doubt, it's better to use clear and straightforward language to avoid misunderstandings.

not really good at reasoning but yeah here you go

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a speech about why it is important to always remain humble in life, treat people with equal respect and to give back to family and friends around you in life.


Humble people are willing to see themselves honestly and value criticism. Those that are humble respect their own learning and the information that mistakes can teach them.

How does someone who is humble treat other people?

The capacity to regard people as equals is humility. Never undervalue or mock another person in any way if you want to be humble. Insecurity and the desire to be superior to others are both indications of jealousy. Humble people do not feel this way; rather, they respect others' efforts. Humble people appreciate others by realizing that they may benefit from others' successes and learn from them without having it affect their own well-being.

To know more about Humble people visit:


It gives me pleasure to announce to Congress that benevolent policy of the Government,steadily pursued for nearly thirty years,in relation to the removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements is approaching to a happy consummation. Two important tribes have the provision made for their removal the last session of Congress,and it is believed that their example induce the remaining to seek the same obvious advantages.

What tone does this passage most convey?

A. Disappointed

B. Casual

C. Angry

D. Professional


This passage most convey Professional tone. So the option D is correct.

Tone is the attitude of the author toward the subject of the passage. Different tones can include humorous, serious, ironic, sad, angry, sarcastic, and optimistic. Depending on the context of the passage, the author may use a variety of tones to convey different messages.

For example, a passage discussing a difficult topic may use a serious tone to emphasize the importance of the issue, while a passage discussing a humorous situation may use a humorous tone to convey the absurdity of the situation.

Professional tone is the way in which professionals communicate with each other in a formal setting. It involves using language and communication methods that are appropriate for the situation and that are respectful and courteous. So the option D is correct.

To learn more about Professional tone link is here


This method simulates students taking their seats in the Kindergarten classroom. Assume that the students are currently in studentsinLine and that there enough available seats to seat all students in the line. - This method will populate the 2D array studentsSitting. - Students will be seated starting at the first row, first seat (studentsSitting[0][0] if a seat is present at that location). Once the first row is filled, continues into the next row. - It uses the seatingLocations array to determine if a seat exists at a location. - A student can sit at seat studentsSitting[i][i] only if seatingLocations[i][i] is true (seat exists). - Then seat the first student in studentsinLine and moves on to the second, third and so on. NOTES - A student is only in one place (musical chairs, seating chairs, or in line) at a time. At the end of this method studentsinLine is empty. - This method depends on enterClassroom and setupSeats. Test those individually on the driver prior to testing this method.


This method simulates students taking their seats in the Kindergarten classroom. It utilizes a 2D array, 'students Sitting', and a boolean array, 'seating Locations', to keep track of the student seating.

To start, the method will populate the 2D array 'students Sitting'. Students will be seated starting at the first row, first seat (students Sitting[0][0]) if a seat is present at that location (as determined by the Boolean array 'seating Locations'). Once the first row is filled, it continues into the next row.

For each seat, the method checks whether a seat exists at the location students Sitting[i][i] by using the Boolean array 'seating Locations'. If there is a seat, the first student in 'students In Line' is seated and the process moves on to the second student, third student, and so on.

At the end of this method, 'students In Line' is empty. Note that this method depends on 'enter Classroom' and 'setup Seats', which should be tested individually on the driver prior to testing this method.

Learn more about Boolean array, 2D array and seating locations at :


According to the Introduction from The Way to Rainy Mountain, where did the Kiowas live during the height of their power?


The Way to Rainy Mountain, where did the Kiowas live during the height of their power: They lived in tipis.

During the pre-reservation period of the early and mid-nineteenth 100 years, the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache collusion overwhelmed the southwestern fields. The Comanche controlled the Marked Fields of the Texas Beg, and toward the north, the Kiowa and Fields Apache occupied the Arkansas Waterway district.

Completely changed into southwestern fields equestrian tracker gatherers, the Kiowa caught horses in the Marked Fields and afterward prepared them for explicit purposes in hunting, fighting, and transportation. Furthermore, closeness to the Spanish settlements south of the Red Waterway in Texas and Mexico was helpful for the improvement of a striking economy and social separation in light of the securing of loot, prisoners, and ponies. Consolidated Kiowa-Comanche assaulting parties traveling south habitually skirmished with Mexican and Texan adversaries, though Kiowa war parties voyaging west battled against the Ute and Navajo, as a rule halting to exchange with the easternmost Pueblo people groups in New Mexico.

to know more about explicit click here:


Use context to determine the meaning of the word unabated as it is used in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Write your definition of unabated here and tell how you found it.


The word "unabated" means without any reduction in intensity or strength, continuing at full force. Its synonyms include unrelenting, persistent, relentless, incessant, and constant.

Who was Frederick Douglass?

Frederick Douglass (1818–1895) was an American social reformer, abolitionist, public speaker, author, and politician. Born into slavery in Maryland, he escaped to freedom in 1838 and went on to become a leading voice in the movement to abolish slavery in the United States. He wrote several autobiographies, including "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave," which became a bestseller and helped to galvanize the anti-slavery movement. He also travelled extensively, giving speeches and lectures on abolitionism and other social issues, and was a firm believer in the power of education to bring about social change. After the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, he continued to be active in politics and social reform, serving in several government positions and advocating for the rights of African Americans and other marginalized groups. Today, he is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in American history.

To find out more about Frederick Douglass, visit:


someone pls help me to complete this. "Write a story about a surprising meeting in 180-200 words. Begin the story with the line: I was just about to switch off the TV and start getting ready for bed when the doorbell rang. I wondered who it could be..."​



I was just about to switch off the TV and start getting ready for bed when the doorbell rang. I wondered who it could be at this hour. As I opened the door, I found myself staring at a stranger, a man with a kind face and warm smile.

"Good evening," he said. "My name is Thomas. I am sorry for dropping by so late. I was looking for a place to stay, and I saw the light on in your home. Can you help me out?"

Despite my initial hesitation, I decided to let him in. I offered him a cup of tea and listened to his story. He was a sailor who had been stranded ashore for a few days and had no money left. I could sense his desperation.

I felt compelled to help him, and I offered him my couch for the night. As he settled in, he began to tell me his incredible tale of adventure and danger on the high seas. He had traveled to every corner of the world and had seen things that I could only dream of.

I listened in amazement as he recounted his experiences, and I realized that this unexpected encounter was a blessing in disguise. Sometimes, the most surprising meetings can lead to the most unforgettable experiences.


Identify and explain the figure of speech
1. No tear could melt his stony heart
2. Yet oft a sigh prevails, and sorrows fall
3. The prisoner was bound in iron
4. Beware the fury of a patient man.
5. He delighted in the friendly act of insulting me​


No tear could melt his stony heart: Personification – this is the figurative language of attributing human characteristics to non-human entities or abstract concepts.

Here, the phrase personifies the heart as something that can be melted, which is not possible in reality.

Yet oft a sigh prevails, and sorrows fall: Alliteration – this is the repetition of a particular sound in a sequence of words. Here, the repeated “s” sound creates an effect that gives the line an emotional resonance. The prisoner was bound in iron: Metaphor – this is the figurative language of making an implied comparison between two objects that are not actually related. Here, the phrase compares the prisoner to an object that is held in place by iron.

Beware the fury of a patient man: Paradox – this is the figurative language of combining two opposing ideas to form a comparison. Here, the phrase combines two seemingly incompatible qualities – patience and fury – to suggest the power of the man’s anger. He delighted in the friendly act of insulting me: Irony – this is the figurative language of conveying a meaning opposite to the literal one. Here, the phrase suggests that the act was actually not friendly, but was intended as an insult.

To learn more about Personification :


Read the following passage, identify the errors and correct them.
My little sister Lisa was practising how to riding a bicycle yesterday. Suddenly I hear a loud crash and ran to see what had happened. I saw that she was lying in the ground. I quickly pulled her up and bought her home. She was crying out loud. I quickly go inside the house and brought the first aid box. After cleaning the wound, I apply antiseptic to the wound. Lisa has scratches on her hand and knee. To calm her down, I took her to the nearby shop and brought her a big chocolate. Seeing her favourite chocolate, she immediately stop crying. Within two day, her wounds healed, and she went to play again.


The passage contains the following errors:

The verb "riding" should be in the past tense, "ridden".The phrase "pulled her up" should be "picked her up".The verb "go" should be "went".The phrase "apply antiseptic to the wound" should be "applied an antiseptic to the wound".The verb "stop" should be in the past tense, "stopped".The verb "healed" should be in the past tense, "healed".

The corrected passage should read:

My little sister Lisa was practicing how to ride a bicycle yesterday. Suddenly I heard a loud crash and ran to see what had happened. I saw that she was lying on the ground. I quickly picked her up and brought her home. She was crying out loud.

I quickly went inside the house and brought the first aid box. After cleaning the wound, I applied an antiseptic to the wound. Lisa had scratches on her hand and knee.

To calm her down, I took her to the nearby shop and brought her big chocolate. Seeing her favorite chocolate, she immediately stopped crying. Within two days, her wounds healed, and she went to play again.

To learn more about verbs :


how to remove specifically line breaks if the sentence is incomplete and leave line breaks after complete sentences


To remove line breaks only from incomplete sentences and leave line breaks after complete sentences, you can use regular expressions in HTML.

Here is an example of how to do this:HTML:```
This is a complete sentence.```CSS:```p {  white-space: pre-line;}``In the above code, `white-space: pre-line;` is used to preserve line breaks only after complete sentences. This will remove line breaks from incomplete sentences while leaving line breaks after complete sentences.What are line breaks?

A line break is a typographical device used to separate text into separate lines when formatting text. Line breaks are used in web design to separate text into different paragraphs or sections of a web page. Line breaks are created by pressing the enter key on a keyboard or by using the `tag HTML.

Learn more about line breaks here:



paragraph that explains the theme of this poem, as well as what poetic elements
used to emphasize this theme.

















paragraph that explains the theme of this poem, as well as what poetic elements

used to emphasize this theme.


The theme of this poem is the destructive nature of anger and the potential for it to lead to revenge and violence. The use of imagery, repetition, and personification emphasizes this theme. The imagery of the angry owner pacing and shaking the bird, as well as the mention of distant waves and birds awakening, creates a sense of tension and unease. The repetition of the word "mistake" highlights the severity of the situation and the owner's regret for her actions. The personification of the bird as "friendly, silly and deep" emphasizes the innocence and vulnerability of the bird, making the owner's anger and potential for violence even more unsettling. The use of alliteration with the repeated "s" sound in "She was cross like a dark potato" adds to the ominous tone of the poem. Overall, the poem serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of anger and the importance of controlling one's emotions to prevent destructive behavior.

Throughout the poem morning in the burned house the speaker uses fire as a motif. What does this motif most likely represent


in the poem?

The speaker describes fire she sees in a dream, prompted by a memory from her

childhood when her house burned down.

b. Fire conveys the violence and trauma that marked the speaker's childhood and that she is

relieved to have escaped.

Fire is both an element of destruction and rebirth, and it represents the passage of time,

which creates and destroys as it goes.

d. Fire represents the speaker's all-consuming grief over the loss of her family, who

perished in a fire.


Option D is the correct answer i.e., Fire represents the speaker's all-consuming grief over the loss of her family, who perished in a fire.

What's the subject of the poem Dawn in the Burned House?

In "Dawn in the Burned House," Margaret Atwood makes the argument that because people have a predisposition to prefer dwelling in the past to living in the present, truth must be reinforced and advancement must continue by means of destruction.

When the speaker declares, "In the burning house I am having breakfast," the poem's opening verse recalls a serene mood. Yet, the sentences that cause a sense of loss immediately after are "... there is no house, there is no meal."

Learn more about Burned House,


The outsiders

Ponyboy shivered as he recalled the Socs jumping him and asking if he.

a. Thought he was tuff

b. Had one brother or two

c. Wanted to take a ride in the Corvair

d. Needed a haircut


Ponyboy shivered as he recalled the Socs jumping him and asking if he "b. had one brother or two." This question is significant because it highlights the rivalry and tension between the Greasers and the Socs, two opposing groups from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

Ponyboy's response, "I had two," further aggravates the Socs and leads to a violent attack. This event is a turning point in the story and sets up the conflict between the Greasers and the Socs that drives the plot forward.

The question also touches on the theme of family, which is central to the story, as Ponyboy's relationships with his brothers are a major source of support and stability in his life.

Hence the correct answer is option B.

To learn more about Ponyboy shivered here:


The questions have to be about the book “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie.


1.  Our communities often expect us to conform to the social norms that might not be in our best interest.

2. We rise above these expectations by pursuing our dream whole  heartedly.

3. Native American people face numerous challenges in attaining hope and the American dream, including poverty, racism, and lack of access to education and resources.

4. Education provides access to opportunities and resources that can help individuals break the cycle of poverty and achieve their dreams.

What examples do we find in the book “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie that helps us answer the questions about native americans and the american dream?

1. In the book, the protagonist Junior faces a lot of expectations from his community. His family and friends expect him to conform to the social norms of the Spokane Indian Reservation, and not pursue his dream of going to school off the reservation. Similarly, the reservation community expects Junior to maintain a certain level of poverty and not to strive for success.

2. Junior rises above these expectations by pursuing his dream of attending a school outside the reservation. He recognizes that staying on the reservation would only perpetuate the cycle of poverty and despair, and so he takes the risk of leaving his community behind to seek a better life.

3. Many Native American communities are still grappling with the intergenerational trauma of colonization and forced assimilation, which has led to poverty, substance abuse, and other social problems.

4. Education plays a crucial role in the American dream, and this is especially true for marginalized communities like Native Americans. In the book, Junior's pursuit of education is a central theme, as he recognizes that education is the key to unlocking his potential and escaping the limitations imposed by his community.

The above answers are in respect to the full questions below;

The questions have to be about the book “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie.

1. What are the expectations placed on us by our communities?

2. How do we rise above others expectations in order to live the life we want to live?

3. What challanges do native american people face in trying to attain hope and the American dream

4. What role do education play in the American dream?

Find more exercises on the American dream;


Jem and scout learned atticus was an expert marksman


Jem and Scout discover their father's shooting skills when Atticus shoots a rabid dog in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, revealing a new side to his character.

After Atticus Finch shoots a rabid dog in their town, Jem and Scout in Harper Lee's book "To Kill a Mockingbird" discover that their father is a skilled marksman. Jem and Scout were unaware of their father's shooting prowess before this incident, so they are shocked to find that he was able to shoot the dog so precisely. The children's perception of their father as a complicated and multidimensional person—rather than just a polite lawyer—grows as a result of this discovery. When Jem and Scout's ideas about their father are tested and altered, it also emphasizes the novel's subject of the unexpected.

learn more about To Kill a Mockingbird here:


Single sourcing is ______. a sourcing strategy in which the buying firm depends on a single company for all or nearly all of a particular item or service.


Single sourcing is direct procurement.

In other words, single sourcing is when a firm chooses to buy from only one supplier, rather than multiple suppliers. Single sourcing is used by organizations to maintain supplier quality and build relationships with suppliers. By doing so, the buying firm can obtain more favorable pricing, delivery, and contractual terms.

However, this strategy also comes with risks. If the sole supplier goes out of business or experiences problems with its product/service, the buying firm may face significant disruptions and negative impacts on its operations.

Therefore, it is important for organizations to weigh the pros and cons of single sourcing before deciding to implement this sourcing strategy.

Learn more about "sourcing strategy" at:


Introduce and cite the following quote Passage 1 "An Overview of the Great Depression" by Jessica McBirney. "Without steady income, many families were forced out of their homes. " From Page 1


The quote "Without steady income, many families were forced out of their homes" is from the article "An Overview of the Great Depression" written by Jessica McBirney.

An overview of the Great Depression and its effects on the United States is given in this article. It explains how the financial crisis caused a significant rise in unemployment and a drop in personal income, making it challenging for families to make their mortgage or rent payments.

Many families were compelled to leave their homes as a result, leading to homelessness. The quote emphasizes how severely the Great Depression affected common people's lives and means of subsistence.

This article was posted on the website education dot com, which offers teachers and students access to educational materials.

Learn more about the Great Depression:


How do you make chicken napoleon page 145 give him chicken


The recipe for Chicken Napoleon involves dredging chicken breasts in flour, egg, and breadcrumbs, then cooking them in a skillet and baking in the oven until cooked through.

What is chicken?
Chicken is a common type of poultry that is widely consumed around the world. It is a domesticated bird that belongs to the family of Phasianidae and is typically raised for its meat and eggs. Chicken meat is high in protein, low in fat, and versatile in cooking, making it a popular ingredient in a variety of cuisines. Chicken is also a good source of essential nutrients such as vitamins B6 and B12, niacin, and selenium.

However, here is a general recipe for Chicken Napoleon that you can try:


4 boneless, skinless chicken breastsSalt and pepper1 cup all-purpose flour2 eggs, beaten2 cups seasoned breadcrumbs1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese1/4 cup olive oil


Preheat the oven to 400°F.Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper.Place the flour in a shallow dish.In another shallow dish, beat the eggs.In a third shallow dish, mix the breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese.Dredge each chicken breast in the flour, shaking off any excess.Dip each chicken breast in the beaten eggs, then coat with the breadcrumb mixture.Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.Cook the chicken breasts in the skillet for about 3-4 minutes per side, or until golden brown.Transfer the chicken breasts to a baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes, or until cooked through.

Serve the chicken Napoleon hot, garnished with your choice of toppings, such as tomato sauce or pesto.

To know more about cuisines visit:

Read the following sentences from the passage.

I guess that's one of the benefits of having to go first, she thought. Everyone is so worried about speaking in front of the class that no one is really listening.

What does this quote from the passage mean?


Ms. Richardson is making all of Hope's classmates sit up straight and listen.


Hope's classmates are afraid they will be called on to go first in her place.


All of the students in Hope's class are equally afraid of giving their book reports.


All of the students in Hope's class are listening because they love the book, too.



C. All of the students in Hope's class are equally afraid of giving their book reports.


frustrated freight may never reach the intended recipienttruefalse


The sentence "Frustrated freight may never reach the intended recipient." is True.

Disappointed freight may never reach the intended receiver. This can occur when the freight is damaged in transit, is misdirected, or is otherwise delayed.

If the freight is lost, the sender and recipient may have to work together to file an insurance claim with the shipping company to try to recover the lost items.

Depending on the insurance coverage, the shipping company may either reimburse the sender or recipient for the lost items or provide a replacement shipment. If the insurance claim is denied, the sender and recipient may need to resolve the issue through legal action.

To learn more about freight link is here


The complete question is:

Frustrated freight may never reach the intended recipient. True/False

The local board of education wants to prohibit students from bringing cell phones to school. What new evidence might be submitted to the board to make them rethink their position?


One evidence that can be submitted to the board to make them rethink their position on prohibiting students from bringing cell phones to school is the use of cell phones for educational purposes.

Schools can take advantage of the technology and use it to their advantage. Here are some reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school:1. Emergency situationsCell phones can be beneficial in emergency situations. For instance, if a student has a medical condition, the teacher can easily contact the parent, guardian, or healthcare provider.2. Educational purposesCell phones can be used as a source of information. They can help students conduct research, complete assignments, and learn.3. CommunicationCell phones can be used to communicate with teachers and other students.

They can be used to ask questions, clarify information, and collaborate with other students.4. Parental supervisionCell phones can be used by parents to monitor their children. They can use apps to check their children's location and make sure they are safe.5. ProfessionalismCell phones can teach students how to be professional.

Learn more about potential evidence here:


As the local board of education wants to prohibit students from bringing cell phones to school, the new evidence that might be submitted to the board to make them rethink their position is students who have cell phones at school are more likely to be picked up on time from after-school events. Therefore, the correct option is D

The option D is the most useful evidence that could make board of education rethink their decision prohibiting students from bring cell phones to school. This is because it presents a benefit of having cell phones in school. If students are more likely to be picked up on time from after-school events, it can alleviate some stress on the school's resources and help ensure students' safety.

However, it is important to note that if the school has valid reasons for prohibiting cell phones, such as avoiding distractions during classes or preventing cheating, then it may not be appropriate to allow them based solely on the fact that it can help with after-school events. Ultimately, it would depend on the specific circumstances and the school's policies.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: The local board of education wants to prohibit students from bringing cell phones to school. What new evidence might be submitted to the board to make them rethink their position? (A) Students rely on their cell phones too much to leave them at home. (B) Students depend on their phones to stay up-to-date on current events. (C) Students who bring cell phones to school use them to secretly communicate with each other (D) Students who have cell phones at school are more likely to be picked up on time from after-school events.

Learn more about Board of education:


On the Feast of Lupercal, Caesar goes to watch the races, but Brutus stays behind. Select one: O True O False​



Summary of Julius Caesar

Jealous conspirators persuade Caesar's friend Brutus to join their assassination plot. On the Ides of March, Brutus and the conspirators assassinate Caesar in order to prevent him from gaining too much power. Mark Antony drives the conspirators from Rome and engages them in combat. Brutus and his friend Cassius are defeated and killed, leaving Antony to rule in Rome. The tribunes of Rome, Marullus and Flavius, disperse a crowd of citizens gathered to commemorate Julius Caesar's triumphant return from war. The victory is celebrated with public games in which Caesar's protégé, Mark Antony, participates. On his way to the arena, Caesar is stopped by a stranger who warns him, 'Beware the Ides [15th] of March. Cassius, Casca, and their allies forge false documents in order to entice Brutus to join their campaign to depose Caesar. After that, they go to Brutus' home at night to persuade him of their point of view. They plot Caesar's demise there. Brutus is troubled, but he refuses to confide in Portia, his devoted wife. Calpurnia, Caesar's wife, urges him not to go to the Senate on March 15. She's had visionary dreams and is terrified of the overnight storms.

To know more about Caesar, click on the link :


1. What is the passage about? Why are they called as gentle giants?

2. How are dugongs classified as herbivorous? Support your answer.

3. Why are dugongs closely relative to elephants than other marine mammals like dolphins, whales and seals? What statements in the passage support your answer?

4. What do you think are the reasons why dugongs become endangered?

5. What can we do to prevent the extinction of these animals?


The passage is about dugongs;  Dugongs are classified as herbivorous; Dugongs are more closely related to elephants than other marine mammals; There are several ways to prevent the extinction of dugongs.

1. The passage is about dugongs, which are marine mammals that are called "gentle giants" due to their slow nature and herbivorous diet.

2. Dugongs are classified as herbivorous because they feed mainly on seagrass, which is a type of marine vegetation.

3. Dugongs are more closely related to elephants than other marine mammals because they share a common ancestor. The passage mentions that dugongs and manatees are the only herbivorous marine mammals, and their closest relative on land is the elephant.

4. There are several reasons why dugongs have become endangered. Some of these include hunting for their meat and oil, habitat destruction, and pollution.

5. There are several ways to prevent the extinction of dugongs. These include reducing pollution, protecting their habitat, and implementing conservation measures to reduce hunting and other human impacts on the species.

For more such questions on mammals, click on:


Both Ancient Greek and Roman writings discuss the use of primitive toothpicks to help keep the mouth and teeth clean. What is the meaning of the root prim- as used in the word primitive?

A mostmost

B bestbest

C firstfirst

D odd


Prim, a word with Latin roots that means "first," has made a significant contribution to the English language. So option A First would be the correct answer.

The English language uses the Latin word prim, which means "first," as one of its important root words. Here is a fantastic primer to show you what prim means in its basic sense!

The first thing we must do is introduce English derivatives that derive from the word prim, which means "first." Students go to primary school, which is considered their "first" school. Similar to how a reading primer is applied "first" to a wall to prepare it for the main paint, a paint primer is frequently used there to teach the "first" key aspects of reading. Of course, during election season, primaries such as the ones in New Hampshire and Iowa take place "first" before the general election to select the candidates for each party's primary.

Visit here to learn more about the Latin words:


5 paragraphs about child abuse​


Child abuse can take many forms, including physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. Physical abuse is characterized by non-accidental harm inflicted upon a child, such as hitting, slapping, or shaking. Emotional abuse may involve verbal attacks, neglect, or isolation. Psychological abuse refers to a range of behaviors that may include gaslighting, intimidation, or threats.

Child neglect is also a form of abuse, which occurs when a child's basic needs, such as food, shelter, or medical attention, are not adequately provided for. Neglect can have severe consequences on a child's physical and psychological well-being and development.

Child labor is another form of abuse, where children are made to work in hazardous and exploitative conditions. This may include working long hours, being paid very little or nothing at all, and being subjected to physical or verbal abuse.

Child trafficking is yet another form of child abuse where children are bought, sold, or traded for the purpose of exploitation. Children who are trafficked may be subjected to forced labor, sexual exploitation, or forced marriage.

It is crucial to recognize the signs of child abuse and take action to prevent it. This may involve reporting suspected abuse to the appropriate authorities, providing support and resources to families in need, or advocating for policy changes to protect children from abuse and neglect. By working together, we can help create a safe and nurturing environment for all children to grow and thrive.

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why did Nisha have a spark in her eyes - understanding literat texts about mistaskes - level g iready



she thought of a new way to follow the dress code


is a phrase in which the words together mean something different
than the words by themselves.
A. imagination
B. context
C. idiom
D. figurative language


C. idiom

An idiom is a kind of figurative language that forms a sentence that doesn't mean exactly what it says, e.g., "The test was a piece of cake".

What happens in chapter 2 of claudette colvin


The protagonist Claudette begins to notice and observe the inequalities in her everyday life.

The protagonist is the main character in a story, play, or movie. The plot typically revolves around the protagonist's experiences, actions, and conflicts as they strive to achieve their goals or overcome obstacles. In many cases, the protagonist is the hero or heroine of the story, but this is not always the case. The protagonist can also be an anti-hero or a flawed character who undergoes a transformation throughout the story. The importance of the protagonist cannot be overstated, as their journey is often what drives the plot and keeps the audience engaged.

Learn more about Protagonist :


Help im confused on this question.

How does Thoreau’s style contribute to the meaning of the text?

Select the two correct answers.

A) The metaphor “the intellect is a cleaver” emphasizes the strength and force of the mind as a powerful tool.

B) The metaphor “the intellect is a cleaver” emphasizes the strength and force of the mind as a powerful tool.

C) Thoreau’s comparison of time to “the stream I go a-fishing in” conveys the idea that most people go through life waiting for something to happen.

D) Thoreau’s comparison of time to “the stream I go a-fishing in” conveys the idea that most people go through life waiting for something to happen.

E) The words “my head is an organ for burrowing, as some creatures use their snout and fore paws” show that both people and animals act mostly on instinct.

F) The words “my head is an organ for burrowing, as some creatures use their snout and fore paws” show that both people and animals act mostly on instinct.

G) Thoreau’s comparison of his head to his “hands and feet” develops the idea that people’s thoughts drive their actions and take them where they want to be.


We can see here that Thoreau’s style contribute to the meaning of the text in the following ways:

A) The metaphor “the intellect is a cleaver” emphasizes the strength and force of the mind as a powerful tool.

G) Thoreau’s comparison of his head to his “hands and feet” develops the idea that people’s thoughts drive their actions and take them where they want to be.

Who is Thoreau?

Henry David Thoreau was an American author, philosopher, and naturalist who lived from 1817 to 1862. He is perhaps best known for his book "Walden," which is a reflection on simple living in natural surroundings.

Thoreau was a leading figure in the transcendentalist movement, which emphasized individualism, self-reliance, and the importance of nature. He was also an advocate for social and political reform, and his writings on civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance have influenced many activists and social justice movements.

Thoreau's work continues to be widely read and studied today, and he is considered one of the most important figures in American literature and philosophy.

Learn more about Thoreau on


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Hello!! You have to learn from the movie. And write the answers. So you summarize and take the answers from the movie! Although it isn’t clear. Try!
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