Read the excerpt from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. "I can't pretend that I shall ever like him," said the lawyer. "I don't ask that," pleaded Jekyll, laying his hand upon the other's arm; "I only ask for justice; I only ask you to help him for my sake, when I am no longer here." Utterson heaved an irrepressible sigh. "Well," said he, "I promise." Which type of conflict is most suggested by the line "Utterson heaved an irrepressible sigh"? character vs. Nature character vs. Society character vs. Self character vs. Character


Answer 1


Character vs. Self.


A conflict is when a character's development or success is obstructed by some force, sidetracking the character. In other words, a conflict is when an obstacle poses a threat to the development or success of the character.

In the given excerpt from Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", Dr. Jekyll asked his friend and lawyer Mr. Utterson to "help [Hyde] for my sake, when I am no longer here." And although Mr. Utterson dislikes Mr. Hyde, he decided to 'comply' with his friend's request, with "an irrepressible sigh." This is a conflict of the character and his self. The conflict is within the character of Mr. Utterson only, an inner conflict.

Thus, the correct answer is character vs. self.

Answer 2




character vs. self

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Read the excerpt from "What the Black Man Wants." I am for the "immediate, unconditional, and universal" enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself. How does the repetition of the phrase "without this" support the paragraph’s argument?


I am for the "immediate, unconditional, and universal" enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself. How does the repetition of the phrase “without this” support the paragraph’s argument? It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke. It suggests that a free society is possible, with or without equal rights for all people. It indicates that Douglass would be content without material possessions or status. It proposes that slavery will not be abolished in the US without the support of all citizens.


It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke.



its a for those of you that didnt want to read all of that stuff up above


It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke.

What are the criteria of an effective informative essay?



The informative essay includes information that educates and informs readers about a certain event, person or idea. It consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion. Choose first the major ideas to describe. Proper structure of informative essay brings reader's attention and makes it interesting for a wide audience.

What is a conflict in a story



In literature, a conflict is a literary device characterized by a struggle between two opposing forces. Conflict provides crucial tension in any story and is used to drive the narrative forward.

Answer: either a character struggling with something or struggling with an outside force.





i think its after an explosion on apollo 13, the astronauts took shelter in the lunar module

if its not right so advance sorry :)

The explosion occurred on apalo 13

______ 1. Where did the Olympics originate some 3400 years ago? a) United Kingdom b) Greece c) China d) Turkey



Where did the Olympics originate some 3400 years ago?

B. Greece.

Why is it useful to create a small column and a large column on your note book paper ?


Helps organize and keeps things in order

Many consider terminal illnesses to be a kind of

moral evil
supernatural evil
physical evil
neutral evil


Answer: physical evil

Explanation: terminal illnesses are when someone is physically sick, so some people consider it to be physical evil :)


Yes, they ARE illnesses, so it would be physical evil. They are not neutral, moral, or supernatural.


From Emperor to Citizen is a biography of the last emperor of China.






It is an autobiography, since the person who wrote the book, wrote about themselves.

"From Emperor to Citizen" is not a biography of the last emperor of China, hence the given statement is false.

Actually, Pu Yi, the final emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the last emperor of China, wrote an autobiography.

Pu Yi describes his life experiences in the book, including his reign as emperor and his subsequent transition to a civilian life following the collapse of the Qing Dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China.

A biography is a narrative or written account of a person's life. It gives a general account of the person's background, experiences, accomplishments, difficulties, and noteworthy occasions.

Learn more about biography here:


As described in the selection from Silent Spring, what is the town like before everything begins to change


This question is missing the excerpt and the answer choices. I was able to find them online. They are the following:

Excerpt from "Silent Spring":

There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings. The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous farms, with fields of grain and hillsides of orchards where, in spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. The foxes barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields, half hidden in the mists of fall mornings.

As described in the selection from "Silent Spring," what is the town like before everything begins to change? Choose two options

A. prosperous

B. unhappy

C. beautiful

D. crowded

E. troubled


The town is:

A. prosperous

C. beautiful


"Silent Spring" is a book first published in 1962 which discusses the harmful effects of pesticides over nature. The book raised important questions concerning the future of our planet. The book's author was Rachel Carson (1907-1964), a marine biologist from Pennsylvania.

In the excerpt we are analyzing here, the word "prosperous" appears explicitly when the author describes the farms around the city. However, the adjective "beautiful" is not explicitly mentioned. Nonetheless, we can easily choose it because of the detailed description Carson gives. The town and its surroundings are nothing short of a paradise. Green fields, white clouds, peaceful animals, colorful trees - a true description of a scenery almost everyone would consider beautiful. Therefore, the best options are letters A and C, prosperous and beautiful, respectively.

Which of the following lines best summarizes a theme of the story? In Sunny Days and Sunny Nights


The answer to your question is c

What ideas are Ben pushing on Willy? Death of a sales man



According to Willy, Ben was an explorer and adventurer who found diamonds in Africa and timberland in Alaska. Ben never appears in the reality of the play, but is revealed through Willy's thoughts. Ben is everything Willy wanted to be, and everything he wants his sons to be.

Do you think we should live in space?
(write 4-5 paragraphs)
ill give brainliest <3


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Do you think we should live in space?

Yes, I think we should live in space.

That is why the governments of many countries in the world are investing a lot of money in space exploration. That is the case with the United States, Russia, and China.

The idea of living in space is so exciting that private investors and corporations are developing space programs aimed to live in space. That is the case of English businessman Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Co.

Several conditions have to be met in order for to humans can adapt to the difficult conditions of space. The first issue, lack of oxygen so we can breathe.

The other, how humans will be able to grow crops and produce food out there, under different conditions?

Never mind, the idea of living in space will always be exciting.

What is the purpose of ‘Nightmare in yellow’ by Fredric Brown

- Need urgent, Thanks.



Nightmare in Yellow is a good title because... The antagonist turns on the yellow light and is caught in the middle of his crime. The antagonist is a coward and yellow is associated with cowards. It is set on a distant planet that is yellow.

PLEASE I NEED HELP ASAP!!!!Read the following excerpt from Joseph Chamberlain's "The True Conception of Empire":
You can not have omelettes without breaking eggs, you
can not destroy the practises of barbarism, of slavery, of
superstition, which for centuries have desolated the
interior of Africa, without the use of force; but if you will
fairly contrast the gain to humanity with the price which
we are bound to pay for it, I think you may well rejoice in
the result of such expeditions as those which haver
recently been conducted with such signal success in
Nyassaland, Ashanti, Benin, and Nupé - expeditions
which may have, and indeed have, cost valuable lives, but
as to which we may rest assured that for one life lost a
hundred will be gained, and the cause of civilization and
the prosperity of the people will in the long run be
eminently advanced. But no doubt such a state of things,
such a mission as I have described, involves heavy
responsibility. In the wide dominions of the queen the
doors of the temple of Janus are never closed, and it is a
gigantic task that we have undertaken when we have
determined to wield the scepter of empire. Great is the
task, great is the responsibility, but great is the honor, and
I am convinced that the conscience and the spirit of the
country will rise to the height of its obligations, and that
we shall have the strength to fulfil the mission which our
history and our national character have imposed upon us.
Analyze the author's word choices and use of language in this excerpt. How do they suggest that speaker holds an imperialistic attitude? Be sure to include specific examples from the excerpt to support your answer.



Imperialism is often associated with exerting control over people and territories. It is directly related to the use of force, be it military or not - maybe some sort of financial and cultural control.

We can see those characteristics in this excerpt. It is typical of imperialist minds and the propaganda they spread to claim that it is all done for a greater good. Even death. It is only another step on the way up. That can be clearly seen in the following sentences: "you can not destroy practises of barbarism, of slavery, superstition, which for centuries have desolated in the interior Africa, without the use of force" and " we may rest assured that for one life lost a hundred will be gained, and the cause of civilization and the prosperity of the people will in the long run be eminently advanced."


The analysis of the word choice of the author is that he uses descriptive language to show the evils of imperialism.

What is Imperialism?

This refers to the political and economic activity that is taken when one country seizes the country of another country and governs them, usually by force.

Hence, we can see that the diction of the speaker suggests that he has an imperialistic attitude because he states that the actions of the government were done for the greater good.

An example is given thus: "you can not destroy practises of barbarism, of slavery, superstition, which for centuries have desolated in the interior Africa, without the use of force"

Read more about imperialism here:


which one is wrong





Spended is the wrong format. It's v3 is spent.

What is the corresponding symbol for each weather condition? Write the right combination of letters-numbers. A Sunny B stormy C snowy D windy E rainnyF cloudy I - II - III - IV - V- VI- *


Answer:A. Sunny ☀️

B. Windy


Snowy ☃️

Cloudy ☁️


Which visual aid best pinpoints precise amounts



The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "line graph." The visual aid that best pinpoints precise amounts is the line graph. Line graph is very useful in displaying data or information that changes continuously over time and including precise values.


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which word or group of words best helps to clarify the meaning of block printing in the last paragraph?
from "The Printing Press"
in Great Inventions and Discoveries by Willis Duff Piercy

1 "Except a living man," says Charles Kingsley, "there is nothing more wonderful than a book—a message to us from the dead—from human souls whom we never saw, who lived perhaps thousands of miles away; and yet these, on those little sheets of paper, speak to us, amuse us, vivify us, teach us, comfort us, open their hearts to us as brothers. We ought to reverence books, to look at them as useful and mighty things." Milton calls a good book "the precious life blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life." Cicero likens a room without books to a body without a soul. Ruskin says, "Bread of flour is good; but there is bread, sweet as honey, if we would eat it, in a good book." And Thomas Carlyle exclaims: "Wondrous, indeed, is the virtue of a true book! O thou who art able to write a book, which once in two centuries or oftener there is a man gifted to do, envy not him whom they name city-builder, and inexpressibly pity him whom they name conqueror or city-burner!"
2 For centuries the traditions, stories, and songs of men were handed down orally from father to son and were preserved only in the memory. The poems of Homer, the great Greek bard, were recited by readers to large audiences, some of them numbering probably twenty thousand. By and by men felt the need of perpetuating their thoughts in some more permanent way than by memory, and there grew up a rude system of writing.
3 The early Greeks and Romans used for their books tablets of ivory or metal or, more commonly, tablets of wood taken from the beech or fir tree which was then followed by a material called parchment. This was made from the skins of animals, particularly sheep or lambs. About the end of the ninth century or the beginning of the tenth, after Christ, parchment and vellum as material for books gave way to paper. Initially paper produced, was made of cotton, but during the twelfth century it was produced from linen. It is not known who invented linen paper, but its introduction was the first great catalyst to book making. About the beginning of the fifteenth century after Christ, there came over the world an enormous wave of intellectual awakening.
4 The human intellect began to awake, to stretch itself, to go forth and conquer, which hence brought about the invention of printing. Before this time, ever since man began to record his thoughts, whether on plank, stone, or papyrus, on bark of tree, skin of animal, or tablet of wax or paper, every letter was made by hand. The process was necessarily slow, books were rare and costly, and only the few could have them. But with the advent of a process that would multiply books andmake them cheap, learning wasmade accessibleto the legion. Before theinventionof printing with movable, metal types, a kind of block printing was used. The words or letters were carved on a block of wood; the block was applied to paper, silk, cloth, or vellum, and thusimpressionswere made.



I believe it would be impressions. Sorry if its not.


makes the most sense

which is pure form wise intelligent unclemad​



Timothy Grimes, better known by his stage name Wise Intelligent, is an American hip hop musician from Trenton, New Jersey. He is a member of Poor Righteous Teachers.[3] He released The Talented Timothy Taylor in 2007.[4] His third solo studio album, The Unconkable Djezuz Djonez, was released in 2011.[5] In 2012, Complex included him on the "50 Most Slept-On Rappers of All Time" list.[6] In 2017, he released a collaborative album with Gensu Dean, titled Game of Death.



same answer of the above

Which of the following statements from Nelson Mandela’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech is an example of an oxymoron?

“sue for a speedy end”
“an injury to one is an injury to all”
“dared to rise up“
“the peaceful struggle”


Answer: “The peaceful struggle”

Explanation: The phrase “peaceful struggle” is an oxymoron because the meanings of the words contradict each other. Something that is peaceful is something that is rid of any complication or worry, and to struggle is to face a conflict (or forcefully attempt to break away from one). Because of this, the figure of speech used in this sentence is an oxymoron.

Hope this helps! Comment below for more questions.
The answer is D) “the peaceful struggle.”

Complete the following sentence.

A _____ may be added to a main verb to make a verb phrase.



comma i think



A helping verb may be added to a main verb to make a verb phrase.


Helping verbs accompany main verbs in order to add a particular meaning to a sentence. Furthermore, two types of helping verbs are auxiliary verbs and modal verbs.


Hope this is helpful.

Which savings instrument is guaranteed to provide a
return of $22 in interest on $1,000 after 12 months
Which options provide the greatest liquidity for
someone who may want to withdraw funds within the
first year?
Which account is likely to earn the most interest in the
course of one year?
Which accounts do not charge additional fees for
excessive withdrawals?



1-year cd

savings accont and mma


1-year cd and series ee savings bond


look at the picture I took got it right on edge

1 - Replace the letter with the appropriate tense of the verbs in parentheses to complete the sentences
about the history of the radio.
James Clerk Maxwell A ________________ (not/create) the first radio.
He B________________ (develop) the first radio-wave mathematical formula.
In 1888, Heinrich Hertz C________________ (test) Maxwell’s assumption.
The radio D ________________ (be) a subdivision of telecommunication.
“When E ________________Oliver Lodge F ________________ (name) the coherer?” “In 1894.”
In 1888, Temistocle Calzecchi-Onesti G ________________ (demonstrate) that a tube with iron filings
conducted an electrical current.
Radio communication H ________________ (involve) the transmission of electromagnetic waves.
Before the 19th century, many scientists I ________________ (try) to invent something like the radio.
Marconi J ________________ (notice) that electromagnetic waves K ________________ (travel) between
two points separated by an obstacle.


A-created, B-developed, C-tested D-became, F-named G-demonstrated, H-involved, I-tried,J-noticed K-travelled

Select all the correct answers. What are three strategies for identifying fake news? A. Read customer reviews available on the website. B. Take note of charged or absolute language. C. Check the date of publication. D. Investigate the author to ensure that he or she is real. E. Register to access more information about website contributors.



C. D. and E.


From the options listed, the best ways to identify fake news would be Investigate the author to ensure that he or she is real, Check the date of publication, Register to access more information about website contributors. These are all strategies that help focus on the details of the information to uncover inconsistencies. Knowing who the author is allows you to see if they are credible or if they have reported fake news in the past. The date of publication allows you to see if the information is outdated or even if it does not match with the dates in the information. Finally, knowing more about the websites contributors helps you know if the website allows anyone to post information to their site or only allows credible contributors with vetted contributions, all of which helps distinguish fake news from real credible news.

Who is the author of the story The Neklace?

A. HG Wells
B. Robert W. Peterson
C. Guy De Maupassant
D. None of the above ​



C. Guy De Maupassant

im pretty sure thats it


C. Guy De Maupassant


Question 1-10: Insert a suitable word in each blank (the first letter is given to guide you)
1. Although the weather is not so good, the match will go a______.
2. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a r______ day.
3. We're in good time; there's no n__________ to hurry
4. True gender e____________can be achieved when both men and women reach a balance between work and family
5. If they are not careful with their accounts, their business will go b_______.
6.It is t____believed that you are healthy when there is a balance between yin and yang
7. The first episode of the film is going to be a___ next Sunday
8. There are important things to do to develop a country. Most people agree that the first p___________is revolutionizing









Which statements are true for the functions g(x) = x2 and h(x) = –x2 ? Check all that apply.

For any value of x, g(x) will always be greater than h(x).
For any value of x, h(x) will always be greater than g(x).
g(x) > h(x) for x = -1.
g(x) < h(x) for x = 3.
For positive values of x, g(x) > h(x).
For negative values of x, g(x) > h(x).


If x=0 then they have same value

1st and 2nd options are out

for x=-1



3rd is true



for all values except zero, g(x)>h(x)

correct ones are

g(x) > h(x) for x = -1.

For positive values of x, g(x) > h(x).

For negative values of x, g(x) > h(x).

I hope this helps!


c, e, f


did it on edge

Which phrase describes a character trait that Miyax demonstrates at the beginning of Julie and the Wolves?


Answer: patience


Miyax, is a 13 years old Eskimo girl who ran away from home and was heading to meet her friend in San Fransisco but eventually lost in Alaska.

She couldn't get food and was patient until she became a member of a pack of wolves, and thereby got access to food. Therefore, the phrase describes a character trait that Miyax demonstrates at the beginning of Julie and the Wolves is patience.


belief in herself


got it right on a quiz

Other Questions
Im begging you too pls pls pls pls help! Id appreciate it so much. This is independent work and I have no clue of what this means so pls comment as fast as u can because according to my teacher this was supposed to be due yesterday and Im just doing it today. Pls help thank you so so so much! Pls dont waste time thanks again! What materials do you need to draw realistics drawings. Please help. Will mark brainliest and no links Solve the equation below for x. cx - 4 = 7 Trevor heard a burglar entering through a living room window.He grinned as he picked up his gun. Crouching behind the sofa in his darkened home,he ambushed and killed the intruder with several well placed shots.He then added another notch in his trusty side-arm.Trevor most probably:____________ a. has exercised his constitutional right of self-defense. b. has acted legally,because the shooting took place inside his home. c. has acted legally if,but only if,the burglar was armed with a gun. d. is guilty of a homicide,or at least voluntary manslaughter. 21(2-y)+12y=44 find y If I spend 3/4 of themoney in my pocket and then 1/2 of what is left.What fraction of the sum remains?Please hurry ways to avoid cold war The following information was available for the year ended December 31, 2016Sales $260,000 Net income 38,340 Average total assets 560,000 Average total stockholders' equity 315,000 Dividends per share 1.23 Earnings per share 3.00 Market price per share at year-end 24.60Required: a. Calculate margin, turnover, and ROl for the year ended December 31, 2016.b. Calculate ROE for the year ended December 31, 2016. Which of the following is an example of logos?A. List of FactsB. An emotional narrativeC. A funny storyD. An insult to the reader what are objectives of gender based violence? What are the types of model risk According to records, the amount of precipitation in a certain city on a November day has a mean of inches, with a standard deviation of inches. What is the probability that the mean daily precipitation will be inches or less for a random sample of November days (taken over many years) Goodwill arises when one firm acquires the net assets of another firm and pays more for those net assets than their current fair value. Suppose that Target Co. had operating income of $1,215,000 and net assets with a fair value of $5,400,000. Takeover Co. pays $8,100,000 for Target Co.s net assets and business activities.Required:a. How much goodwill will result from this transaction?b. Calculate the ROI for Target Co. based on its present operating income and the fair value of its net assets.c. Calculate the ROI that Takeover Co. will earn if the operating income of the acquired net assets continues to be $180,000.d. What reasons can you think of to explain why Takeover Co. is willing to pay $300,000 more than fair value for the net assets acquired from Target Co.? ONE FOOD CHAIN that was affected by the introduction of wolves and model it A cyclist travels 3 miles in 15 minutes and then a further 7 miles in 25 minutes without stopping.Calculate the cyclist's average speed in mph. Define the term creativity A jet travels 5192 miles against a jetstream in 8 hours and 6072 miles with the jetstream in the same amount of time. Whatis the rate of the jet in still air and what is the rate of the jetstream? Factor this trinomial completely.2x2 + 10x + 8A. 2(x+4)(x + 1)B. 2(x + 4)(x - 1)C. 2(x - 4)(x - 1)D. 2(x 7,4)(x + 1) help with algebra 1 equation pls help How much is 13,200 feet in miles