the children prepared a juice drink for their food festival by dissolving powdered juice in water what kind of mixture did they form? a. colloid b. suspension c. solution d. saturated solution​


Answer 1
The answer is c Solution

Related Questions

For a type of pea plant, round seeds (R) are dominant to wrinkled seeds (r). A pea plant
with the genotype Rr is crossed with another pea plant with the genotype Rr. What
percent of the offspring are expected to have wrinkled seeds?
O 100%
O 75%
O 50%
O 25%


The answer is 25%
When you make a punnet square 1/4 boxes has rr which is the only one that is a wrinkled seed

Please answer this



im so so so sorry if this is wrong but im pretty sure its C.


all the others have things they dont

want C. has the best resonings and i definetly

think that   is the answer but i ould check just to be sure :D have a great day

The DNA during interphase is in _____ strands called _____


I think it’s Chromosome and sister chromatid
Sorry if I am wrong


1. What is a convection current?

2. How do thermometers work?



1.a current in a fluid that results from convection.

2.measures temperature through a glass tube sealed with mercury that expands or contracts as the temperature rises or falls.



1.A convection current is a process that involves the movement of energy from one place to another. It is also called convection heat transfer. What is the reason that makes you feel hotter when placing hands above a campfire or when sitting next to it? Or, why is the movement of liquid so rapid when water is boiled in a pot? These things happen as a result of the Convection Currents.


2. A thermometer measures temperature through a glass tube sealed with mercury that expands or contracts as the temperature rises or falls. ... As temperatures rise, the mercury-filled bulb expands into the capillary tube. Its rate of expansion is calibrated on the glass scale.

Which statement best explains the ideas of phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium?

A. Phyletic gradualism isn't supported by the fossil record, but punctuated equilibrium is
B. Phyletic gradualism states that many species evolve rapidly at specific points in time, and punctuated equilibrium states that speciation occurs constantly over time
C. Phyletic gradualism states that speciation occurs constantly over time, and punctuated equilibrium states that many species evolve rapidly at specific points in time
D. Phyletic gradualism is supported by the fossil record, but punctuated equilibrium isn't


A is the correct answer

A. Phyletic gradualism isn't supported by the fossil record, but punctuated equilibrium is

Punctuated equilibrium and phyletic gradualism are two opposing evolutionary tendencies that can be seen in the geological record. Species in punctuated equilibrium tend to demonstrate morphological stasis between rapid speciation episodes, whereas species in phyletic gradualism change more frequently. "Phyletic gradualism isn't supported by the fossil record, but punctuated equilibrium is," says the statement that best summarizes the ideas of phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.

For more information:

Which process releases the highest amount of energy?





In the process of glycolysis only 2 molecules of ATP are produced. Maximum energy is released, when the reduced coenzymes produced in the process of Krebs cycle are oxidised in the process of oxidative phosphorylation in electron transport chain.

Resting a pot on top of a hot
stove causes the pot to become
hot. What method of heat
transfer is happening here?






What happens to the process of succession after a volcanic irruption?



Lava from a volcanic eruption hardens into bare rock. Primary succession begins with soil formation. The first stage of succession involves pioneer species. In primary succession, pioneer plants are those that can grow without soil, such as lichens.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

Cystic fibrosis is inherited with the autosomal recessive allele c. Individuals with the autosomal dominant allele C do not have the disease. Jessica does not have cystic fibrosis but she has a brother with the disease. Her husband Jerry also does not have cystic fibrosis but has a sister with the disease. a. What is the probability that Jessica carries the c allele


Complete question:

Cystic fibrosis is inherited with the autosomal recessive allele c. Individuals with the autosomal dominant allele C do not have the disease. Jessica does not have cystic fibrosis but she has a brother with the disease. Her husband Jerry also does not have cystic fibrosis but has a sister with the disease.

A- What is the probability that Jessica carries the c allele?

B- What is the probability that Jerry carries the c allele?

C- What is the probability that Jessica and Jerry could have a child with cystic fibrosis?


A) The probability that Jessica carries the c allele equals 2/3.

B) The probability that Jerry carries the c allele equals 2/3.

C) The probability that Jessica and Jerry could have an affected child is 1/9


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete question, answer, and explanation in the attached files.

Select all that apply.
Which of the following qualities do responsible adults possess?


reliability, punctuality, patience
the answer is all of them.

The role of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) in RNA interference is to cleave tRNAs to slow the rate of translation. disrupt gene expression by cleaving mRNAs that are complementary to the guide strand of the RNA duplex that was introduced. cleave the introduced RNA duplex. disrupt gene expression by interfering with mRNA export to the cytoplasm. create a passenger strand to bind to the mRNA and keep the mRNA from being translated.



disrupt gene expression by cleaving mRNAs that are complementary to the guide strand of the RNA duplex that was introduced


The RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) is a ribonucleoprotein complex composed of proteins that associate with regulatory small non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs) such as, for example, microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in order to regulate gene expression by the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. These sncRNAs (around 18-30 nucleotides in length) are complementary or nearly complementary to messenger RNAs, thereby they can bind to target mRNA sequences in order to trigger RNAi via mRNA degradation, translational repression, etc. The core component of the RISC complex is an evolutionary conserved Argonaute (Ago) protein that cleaves target mRNAs.

help! If a virus has an incubation period of 12-24 months, then it is most likely --


my best guess would be LTBI (latent tuberculosis infection)

most incubation periods are in the range of 3 weeks to 3 months, though some cancer viruses have incubation periods of 10 years long. exc..

tuberculosis: 6-24 months

aids: 1-15 years

leukemia: 2–12 years

good luck!

Not sure if this is what you meant, but this is what I understoodit on what you said. Based on existing literature, the incubation period (the time from exposure to development of symptoms) of SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses (e.g. MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV) ranges from 2–14 days.

Which substance has a low albedo?
A. A black asphalt road
OB. A beach of white sand
C. A shiny building
D. An iceberg


It’s a guess but it’s not C. Because that would be high albedo. Low albedo would probably be D. An Iceberg

Explanation: Albedo is the measure of the reflectivity of a material. A high albedo means it reflects a lot of light and a low albedo means it absorbs a lot of light.

My Second Explanation: The higher the albedo, the more the surface reflects light. Snow and ice have high albedos; a dark rock would have a lower albedo.

Perhaps no one cares more about being able to see in the ocean than do divers. The Cayman Islands, Bonaire and the Bahamas are all popular dive destinations due to both submarine features, such as coral reefs, and water clarity. Under the best of circumstances, visibility in these locations is between 50 ft (15 m) to 150 ft (45 m). Based on this, and what you have learned about sound, write a paragraph describing those ways in which humans and marine organisms use sound for some underwater tasks and light for others.



Humans and marine organisms use sound finding depth of the ocean and objects.


Humans and marine organisms use sound for some underwater tasks such as finding depth of the ocean and objects. Human use sonar which is a device used to explore the ocean and animals use echolocation to find food and identify objects that comes in their way. Sonar is present in submarine uses sound waves to detect objects that comes in their way so both humans and marine organisms use sounds.

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect on the blank
1. Conifers produce seeds in flowers.
2. A conifer's seeds are made inside a cone.
3. Cone-bearing plants are called angiosperms.
4. Cone-bearing plants make male and female cones
5. With conifers, pollen grains are transfered by the wind from the male come to the female




1. Conifers produce seeds in flowers.(FALSE)

2. A conifer's seeds are made inside a cone.(TRUE)

3. Cone-bearing plants are called angiosperms.(FALSE, flowering plants are angiosperms)

4. Cone-bearing plants make male and female cones (TRUE! There are both male and female cones)

5. With conifers, pollen grains are transfered by the wind from the male come to the female cone.​ (TRUE! the male cones are located at the top of the tree and the wind carries the sperm to the female cones)

Which of the following statements are true of arteries and veins? (Read carefully and select all of the correct statements.)
A. Venous anastomoses ensure that oxygenated blood will get to tissues.
B. The endothelium of both arteries and veins contributes to the prevention of abnormal clotting.
C. The smooth muscle layer of veins is thicker than that of arteries because veins are farther from the heart.
OD. Only veins have valves, which keep the blood moving between heartbeats.
E. The fibrous connective tissue layer of arteries is relatively thin because the blood is moving fast.
OF Arterial anastomoses ensure that blood will be able to return to the heart.


Answer: B, D


Is this a Med School K Question? The endothelial lining of blood vessels have many functions, including, preventing clotting. Veins carry blood that has very low pressure and have valves to control the one-way flow of blood. The rest are false. Only the pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood. Arteries have more smooth muscles than veins. The anastomoses are present to act as alternative pathways to reach cells.

This is the question I need help with number 54





a bacteria takes a longer time to spread throughout the body  

Assignment 1
-The cell is the smallest unit of life. All living things are made of cells.
A) What are the three principles of the cell theory? And explain each in details.
-Present-day mitochondria and chloroplasts probably evolved as a consequence of early endosymbiosis: the ancestor of the eukaryotic cell engulfed a bacterium, and the bacterium continued to function within the host cell.
B) What is the Endosymbiont theory? What is the evidence supporting this theory?



buang si manoy kag ikaw ang abnoy

see attached...thank you


I don’t see anything
Sorry it is blank , I can’t see anything

The following chemical equation shows the combustion of ethane. Balance the equation by filling in the coefficients.



2 C2H6 + 4 O2 → 2 C + 2 CO2 + 6 H2O


2 C2H6 + 4 O2 →  2 CO2 + 6 H2O is the balance equation for the combustion of ethane. In the question, the equation for combustion of methane is unbalanced i. e. C2H6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O so by putting coefficient 2 in front of ethane, 4 in front of oxygen, 2 in front of carbondioxide and 6 in front of  water which can balance the unbalanced equation for combustion of ethane

What are features of an ocean marine ecosystem?




Marine ecosystems are characterized by factors such as availability of light, food and nutrients. Other factors that affect marine ecosystems include water temperature, depth and salinity, as well as local topography. Changes in these conditions can change the composition of species that make up the marine community.

Which of the following is most likely true of a protein that cotransports glucose and sodium ions into the intestinal cells of an animal?
A) Sodium and glucose bind to the same site on the cotransporter.
B) Transport of glucose against its concentration gradient provides energy for uptake of sodium ions against the electrochemical gradient.
C) Sodium ions can be transported whether or not glucose is present outside the cell, but glucose transport requires cotransport of sodium ions.
D) Transport of sodium ions down their electrochemical gradient facilitates the transport of glucose against its concentration gradient.
E) Following transport of sodium ions into the cell, the cotransporter can also transport potassium ions out of the cell.



D) Transport of sodium ions down their electrochemical gradient facilitates the transport of glucose against its concentration gradient.


Active transport refers to the movement of molecules across biological membranes against a concentration gradient. Active transport can be divided into 1-primary active transport, which requires energy from the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP); and 2-secondary active transport, which requires an electrochemical gradient generated by pumping ions in/out of the cell. The case above described represent a type of secondary transport active because the movement of sodium (Na) ions is used as energy source to move glucose molecules against their concentration gradient.

Answer: Transport of sodium ions down their electrochemical gradients facilitates the transport of glucose against its concentration gradient.




1,3 and 5.............

Meaning of one tailed test and two tailed test



Hypothesis testing is run to determine whether a claim is true or not, given a population parameter.


A test that is conducted to show whether the mean of the sample is significantly greater than and significantly less than the mean of a population is considered a two-tailed test.

QUESTION 1 Genetic information has become part of our culture and it is difficult to tell the difference between unmodified and genetically modified food sources such as plant and animals. After reading this module’s material regarding vectors in biotechnology, consider the potential for nanotechnology and scientific advancement. Research nanotechnology and its potential use in biotechnology. In one or two paragraphs, explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology in health care, agriculture, or industry and discuss whether you would or would not support further research.



Nanotechnology is a field of producing materials and devices from atoms and molecules.


Nanotechnology is a field that concerned with producing materials and devices from atoms and molecules. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter in size. Nanotechnology can be used to “recognize” the cells of interest which allows associated drugs to reach diseased tissue without damaging healthy cells. Nanotechnology produces new and faster kinds of computers, more efficient power sources and more effective medical treatments. Main disadvantages include threats to security, privacy, health and the environment. More research must be done in this field to get more benefits from it.

The Minimal Chromosome To enable it to be transmitted intact from one cell generation to the next, the linear DNA molecule of a eukaryotic chromosome must have appropriate nucleotide sequences making up three special kinds of regions: origins of replication (at least one), a centromere, and two telomeres. What would happen if such a chromosomal DNA molecule somehow lost: a) all of its origins of replication



The chromosome wouldn’t be able to replicate


Without an origin of replication, the chromosome could not be copied prior to mitosis.

Sense helps in translating outside information in understanding
the environment.
Select one




because of sense we only understand our environment

if there will no sense

then there will no mean of anything

which organelle breaks down sugar molecules that supply energy to the cell​





Which protein is damaged at the nerve endings during mercury toxicity
a. keratin
b. tubulin
c. pilin



b. tubulin


Tubulin is a superfamily of proteins that make up microtubules who have many functions including intracellular trasport of neuron's vescicles

Tubulin protein is damaged at the nerve endings during mercury toxicity.

What do you mean by Mercury Toxicity?

Mercury toxicity occurs when an individual is highly exposed to mercury.

The inhalation of mercury vapor can produce harmful effects on the nervous, digestive and immune systems, lungs, and kidneys, and may be fatal. This is considered as one of the severe toxicity that a person suffers.

Tubulin proteins are a very important class of proteins that helps in the formation of microtubules that have numerous functions in our body including the cytoskeletal arrangement of cells, intracellular transport of neuronal vesicles. And when a person suffers from mercury toxicity, such proteins are damaged and result in improper conduction of nerve impulses.

Therefore, Tubulin protein is damaged at the nerve endings during mercury toxicity.

To learn more about Neuronal function, refer to the link;

7. Apply: Look carefully at the picture below and you will see an insect called a
katydid. Katydids evolved from grasshoppers through natural selection. Use
what you have learned to explain how this could have happened.


Answer: This description is an example of camouflage adaptations.


The grasshoppers are the insects which feed on plant parts and they are able to change their color with respect to their surrounding environment. For example, if they are living on the brown tree trunk they change their color to brown and on the green grass or green leaves they change to green to remain undetected by the predators. This way they are able to camouflage their predators this adaptation allows their survival in their environment with due course of natural selection. The phenotypic trait that is grasshopper is able to change its color increases the chances of survival of the grasshopper. Kaytids have evolved from grasshoppers means they have camouflage traits as that in parent grasshopper species. They have structure which blends with surrounding environment, that is they have wings that mimic that of pattern of leaf venation, also when they change the color to brown the shape of the body appears to be as that of stem. This structural adaptation help them to camouflage their predators.

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