the mortality rates of children have gone down significantly in the past couple of decades.T/F


Answer 1

The given statement "the mortality rates of children have gone down significantly in the past couple of decades", is true as the worldwide under-5 mortality rate has decreased by 59% since 1990.

Since 1990, there has been a significant decrease in child deaths worldwide. Globally, the number of children under the age of five who pass away has decreased from 12.6 million to 5.2 million. There are differences in under-5 mortality across areas and nations, not withstanding the world's overall acceleration of improvement in this area.

Sub-Saharan Africa continues to have the highest mortality rate for children under the age of five worldwide. Many young lives can be saved if simple life-saving measures are available. Children who are underweight, especially those who have severe acute malnutrition, are more likely to pass away from common childhood illnesses.

Know more about mortality rates here


Related Questions

president obama relied on which of the following to order drone and missile strikes against suspected terrorists in libya without congressional consent?


President Obama relied on his executive powers to order drone and missile strikes against suspected terrorists in Libya without congressional consent.

Who was President Obama?

Barack Hussein Obama II served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. Obama was the first African American to hold the position. He was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Obama studied political science and international relations at Occidental College and Columbia University before attending Harvard Law School.Obama's foreign policy approach was characterized by a mix of continuity and change. He increased the number of troops in Afghanistan in his early years, but also oversaw the end of the Iraq war.

His approach to the use of drones in targeted killings was both novel and controversial. Obama made considerable use of drones, relying on them to eliminate terrorist targets in areas where the United States had little conventional military presence. He ordered drone strikes in Libya in 2011 against suspected terrorists.

Learn more about President Obama at


What conclusions can you draw about the battle of San Juan Hill?



Battle of San Juan Hill, (1 July 1898), also known as the Battle of San Juan Heights, the most significant U.S. land victory, and one of the final battles, of the Spanish-American War. After the Battle of Las Guasimas in Cuba, Major General William Shafter planned to take Santiago de Cuba, the island’s second largest city. Reports of Spanish reinforcements on route to the city caused him to accelerate his plans. He ordered head-on assaults against three hilltop fortified positions that made up the city’s outer defenses.

Battle of San Juan Hill

Battle of San Juan Hill

In Shafter’s plan, the 2d Division was to take El Caney, then swing south to join in a coordinated attack at 10:00 AM with the 1st Division, led by Brigadier General Jacob Kent, and the dismounted Cavalry Division, led by Brigadier General Samuel Sumner, against the two hills that sat on the San Juan ridgeline: San Juan Hill and Kettle Hill. Entrenchments, block houses, barbed wire, and several cannon protected the Spanish defenders.

Shafter’s plan quickly fell apart. The march to attack positions was delayed, and unit deployment was confused by the narrow, crowded trail and enemy fire. At 8:00 AM, 1 July, artillery began firing on the Spanish positions, then ceased to avoid counterbattery fire. Although it was well after noon before all the units were on line, the 2d Division was still heavily engaged at El Caney. Finally, at 1:00 PM, and under galling Spanish fire, an aide of Shafter’s gave approval to attack. The Cavalry Division’s two brigades, led by the 1st Volunteer Cavalry under Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, charged and captured Kettle Hill, though suffering heavy casualties. Roosevelt himself was exposed to heavy enemy fire. "We had a bully fight," gloated the future U.S. president, whose political career was greatly aided by his leadership this day. More than a century later, for his conspicuous valor in this battle, Roosevelt was posthumously award the Medal of Honor in 2001.

Meanwhile, the Spanish on San Juan Hill tenaciously held back 1st Division’s infantrymen. Two American Gatling guns appeared, and their rapid volume of fire let the U.S. infantry renew their charge and break into the Spanish trenches. At the same time, cavalrymen attacked from Kettle Hill 500 yards (457 m) away, taking another section of San Juan Hill. By 2:00 PM, the last elements of Spanish resistance had been eliminated.

Participating in some of the heaviest fighting of this decisive American victory were the famed, all-black "Buffalo Soldiers," one of whose officers was John "Black Jack" Pershing, soon to be commander of U.S. forces in World War I.

Losses: U.S., some 205 dead, 1,200 wounded; Spanish, some 215 dead, 376 wounded.



How are the people contributing to the economy of the country?



How can people contribute to the economy?

6 Simple Ways to Support Your Local Economy

Join a Giving Circle.

Shop Local Grocers.

Shop Small Businesses.

Pledge to Local Funding Initiatives.

Attend Concerts of Local Artists.

Support Community Events.

Make an Impact in Your Local Economy Now.

Taxation on demerit goods
Taxes on groceries
Income tax
Business tax
Electricity and public goods

Mark brainiest pls I work so hard no one appreciates

The difference between theory and philosophy is that theory provides a belief system about how the world works while philosophy is based on principles used to explain behavior
True or False


The given statement “The difference between theory and philosophy is that theory provides a belief system about how the world works while philosophy is based on principles used to explain behavior” is true.

Theory is a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena. It is an attempt to give meaning to facts and observations. The theory provides a belief system about how the world works. Theories are commonly used in scientific and academic contexts and are based on systematic observations and empirical data.

Philosophy is the study of basic ideas about knowledge, reality, and existence. It is based on principles used to explain behavior. It is a way of understanding the world and the human experience. Philosophers use logic, argumentation, and analysis to explore a wide range of questions about life, existence, and the nature of reality.

Hence the given statement is true.

To know more about philosophy refer here:


Help pls i will brainliest the top answer

A. Read each statement carefully. Write AGREE if the statement is a right thing to do in caring for orchard and DISAGREE if it is not.

____________1. I should put too much water on the plants during summer so that they may grow despite of the heat.

____________2. I prefer to use sprinkler irrigation to water the trees in the orchard.

____________3. The growth of the weeds cannot be controlled when cultivation is properly done.

____________4. It is safer to use organic fertilizer and locally made pesticide than inorganic.

____________5. Band method is a way of applying fertilizer for small trees.

B. True or False:

____________6. Seedling do not need care because they will grow better when left alone.

____________7. Cultivating the land is necessary to help promote the growth of roots and absorption of nutrients.

____________8. Any substance can be added to the soil to promote the healthy growth of plants.

____________9. Organic fertilizer takes too long to prepare but these are effective for the growth of plants.

____________10. Using organic pesticides is more advisable because they are not harmful to humans and other animals.​



see Below.





DISAGREE - Too much water during summer can lead to waterlogging and harm the plants.

DISAGREE - Sprinkler irrigation may not reach the roots of the plants properly and can result in uneven growth.

DISAGREE - Weeds can be controlled with proper cultivation techniques such as mulching and weeding.

AGREE - Organic fertilizers and pesticides are safer for the environment and do not harm the plants.

AGREE - Band method is a suitable way of applying fertilizer for small trees.


6. FALSE - Seedlings require proper care and maintenance to ensure their growth.

TRUE - Cultivation helps in promoting root growth and nutrient absorption.

FALSE - Not all substances are suitable for soil and can harm the plants.

TRUE - Organic fertilizer takes longer to prepare but is effective for plant growth.

TRUE - Organic pesticides are less harmful to the environment and do not harm humans or animals.

sven was sure he answered at least 80 questions correctly on his history test. in fact, he was right on only 60 items. sven's misjudgment of his test performance illustrates


Sven's misjudgment of his test performance illustrates overconfidence.

Overconfidence is a term used in psychology to describe the tendency of people to be more confident in their own abilities, intelligence, and judgment than is warranted. It is a cognitive bias that is characterized by a person's tendency to overestimate their own abilities, intelligence, and judgment. It is often seen as a result of the humanistic psychology perspective that emphasizes the importance of self-esteem and self-worth in the development of the individual.

Overconfidence can be seen in many different contexts, such as in the workplace, in social situations, and in academic settings. Sven's misjudgment of his test performance illustrates overconfidence. He was sure that he had answered at least 80 questions correctly on his history test, but in fact, he only got 60 items right. This shows that he was too confident in his own abilities and underestimated the difficulty of the test.

More about Overconfidence:


The speaker in the video piques our curiosity and desire to learn more byMultiple Choicetelling a story.creating a riddle.creating information overload.creating information hunger.None of these choices are correct.


The answer to the given question about speaker creating interest in option d) creating information hunger.

Based on the given context, the speaker in the video piques the audience's curiosity and desire to learn more by creating information hunger with the provocative question "Are you Guilty of Being a Danger on Our Highway?" Therefore, the answer is "d) creating information hunger." Creating information hunger is a technique used by speakers to grab their audience's attention by creating a sense of curiosity and interest in their topic. It involves presenting an intriguing question, statement or statistic that compels the audience to want to learn more about the subject being discussed. This technique can be particularly effective in speeches or presentations where the topic is important or controversial. By using this technique, the speaker can draw the audience in and keep them engaged throughout the presentation. However, it is important to strike a balance between creating curiosity and providing enough information to satisfy the audience's hunger for knowledge. If the audience does not receive enough information, they may become frustrated or disengaged, and if they receive too much information, they may become overwhelmed and lose interest. Therefore, creating information hunger should be done in a strategic and thoughtful manner to achieve the desired effect.

To learn more about creating information hunger click here


Complete Question

Creating Information Hunger: "Are you Guilty of Being a Danger on Our Highway?"

It takes more than a great topic that relates to the audience to capture the audience's attention and then maintain it throughout a speech. What is it about one speech that piques our curiosity while another speech turns us off?

Watch the video clip below to see one way you can peak your audience's attention. Then, respond to the following questions.

The speaker in the video piques our curiosity and desire to learn more by

Multiple Choice

a) telling a story. b) creating a riddle. c) creating information overload. d) creating information hunger. e) None of these choices are correct.

hile driving in state a, the driver of a car ran a stop sign and struck a pedestrian, a citizen of state a. the driver, a citizen of state b, had never before been in state a and has not been since. the driver was passing through the state in response to a summons to testify as a victim at a criminal trial being conducted in a neighboring state. the pedestrian filed a negligence action against the driver in federal district court in state a. the driver of the car was served with process in her home state in accordance with the federal service of process rules. the driver has timely filed a motion to dismiss this action for lack of personal jurisdiction. state a has a long-arm statute that permits a state court to exercise personal jurisdiction to the extent permitted by the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment to the u.s. constitution. state a also has a statute that prohibits the service of process on a defendant who is passing through the state in response to a summons to testify at a trial held in another state.


The court should NOT grant the motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction. This is because the state has a long-arm statute that allows it to exercise personal jurisdiction to the extent permitted by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

A long-arm statute allows a state court to exercise personal jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant who has sufficient contact with the state in which the lawsuit is filed. Personal jurisdiction refers to the authority of a court to hear and decide a case. The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution sets out the constitutional limitations of personal jurisdiction over nonresident defendants. In other words, personal jurisdiction is limited by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The driver in this case, who is a citizen of State B, was served with process in her home state in accordance with the federal service of process rules. The driver has timely filed a motion to dismiss the case for lack of personal jurisdiction. However, the state has a long-arm statute that permits it to exercise personal jurisdiction to the extent permitted by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Since the driver caused an accident in State A that led to a citizen of State A being injured, it is likely that the state will have sufficient contacts with the driver to permit the court to exercise personal jurisdiction over the driver.

Learn more about long-arm statute at


What the ethical principles identified in The Belmont Report requires fairness in the distribution of the benefits and burdens of research and protection for vulnerable populations?


The Belmont Report identifies three ethical principles to guide research involving human participants: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice.

What is Belmont report?

The Belmont Report is a report created by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research in 1979. This report identifies the key ethical principles and guidelines for the conduct of research on human subjects.

Respect for persons requires that individuals be treated as autonomous agents and that their personal dignity and autonomy is respected. Beneficence requires that research should benefit the individuals participating in it, and should minimize harm and maximize possible benefits.

Justice requires fairness in the distribution of the benefits and burdens of research and protection for vulnerable populations.

Learn more about Belmont report here:


Select ALL the correct answers.

Which three conditions must be met for someone to run for House of Representatives?

A. make at least $50,000 per year
B. born in the United States
C. have at least a Masters Degree
E. be at least 25 years of age
F. Be a U.S. Citizen for 7 years minimum
G. live in the state they represent



E, F, and G


Legislative Branch approved

explain the problem of NDLEA​



NDLEA stands for the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency in Nigeria, which was established in 1989 to combat drug trafficking and abuse in the country. However, the agency faces several challenges in fulfilling its mandate.

One of the main problems of NDLEA is lack of adequate funding and resources to carry out its operations effectively. The agency often lacks the equipment and personnel needed to carry out drug interdiction operations and has struggled to keep up with the increasing sophistication of drug traffickers. This has resulted in a relatively low rate of drug seizures and arrests compared to the scale of the problem.

Another challenge is corruption within the agency itself. Some NDLEA officials have been accused of colluding with drug traffickers and accepting bribes to turn a blind eye to drug trafficking activities. This undermines the effectiveness of the agency and undermines public trust in its ability to combat drug trafficking.

Lastly, there are also issues related to the legal framework within which NDLEA operates. Some stakeholders have raised concerns about the harsh penalties associated with drug offenses in Nigeria, which they argue have not been effective in deterring drug use and trafficking. There are also debates around the balance between law enforcement and rehabilitation in addressing drug-related problems, and whether NDLEA's current approach is effective in achieving its mandate.

NDLEA stands for National Drug Law Enforcement Agency.

The main issue is the global problem of drugs is forcing countries (like Nigeria) to take a multi-dimensional approach to tackle this issue. Countries have to address the issue through public health and social approaches.

is how information is retained over time and how it is represented in memory.


Yes, how information is retained over time and how it is represented in memory are closely related concepts. The human brain has a complex system for encoding, storing, and retrieving information, and the process of memory formation involves multiple stages.

During the encoding stage, information is processed and stored in a way that is meaningful and relevant to the individual. This information is then stored in various forms of memory, including short-term memory and long-term memory.

The way information is represented in memory can impact how well it is retained over time. Information that is organized and connected to existing knowledge is often easier to remember than information that is presented in a disorganized or unrelated way.

Overall, the process of memory formation is complex and involves multiple factors, including attention, processing, and emotional significance.

Find out more about memory formation


jeremy, who belongs to a co-cultural group, intends to use the assertive strategy to accommodate to the dominant group. what will he most likely do?increase visibilityeducate otherssocial positionsbilingual


Jeremy, who belongs to a co-cultural group, intends to use the assertive strategy to accommodate to the dominant group. The strategy Jeremy will most likely use is to increase visibility.

What is the assertive strategy?

Assertive strategies are often employed by people who are members of co-cultural groups, which are groups that are different from the dominant culture in some way. An assertive strategy is one of the ways that people from these groups use to accommodate to the dominant culture without completely abandoning their own cultural identity.

What is increase visibility?

To increase visibility means that Jeremy will most likely use assertive strategies to make himself and his co-cultural group visible. This can be accomplished by highlighting the presence of his co-cultural group and drawing attention to the issues that they face. This will also raise awareness about the differences between the dominant culture and the co-cultural group to which Jeremy belongs.

Learn more about assertive strategy here:


xavier is the director of maxwell company, but he is striving to become its managing director. xavier works hard toward that goal, and ultimately receives the promotion. which of his needs is fulfilled according to maslow's hierarchy of needs?


We can see here that according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the promotion of Xavier from director to managing director of Maxwell Company would fulfill his esteem needs.

What is  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory developed by American psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943. The theory suggests that human needs can be divided into five levels, arranged in a hierarchical order, and that individuals must satisfy the lower-order needs before they can progress to the higher-order needs.

Esteem needs refer to the need for self-esteem, self-respect, recognition, and status. Xavier's hard work toward his goal of becoming a managing director shows his desire for recognition and respect from his colleagues, which would be fulfilled by the promotion.

Learn more about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs on


If Dr. Robinson rejects the null hypothesis after observing a test statistic which exceeds the critical value at the .05 level, there is_________________ ___________________ _________.a) a 95 chance that the null hypothesis is actually trueb) a 5 chance that the null hypothesis is actually truec) a 5 chance that the null hypothesis is actually falsed) no chance that the null hypothesis is actually true


If Dr. Robinson rejects the null hypothesis after observing a test statistic which exceeds the critical value at the .05 level, there is a 5 chance that the null hypothesis is actually true.

What is null hypothesis?

The null hypothesis is a type of hypothesis that suggests that no statistical significance exists between the variables. In other words, the null hypothesis implies that the variables are independent of one another.Dr. Robinson, on the other hand, is accepting the null hypothesis.

Rejecting the null hypothesis is equivalent to rejecting the claim that the independent and dependent variables are not related to one another. In a normal distribution, the critical value is the point that divides the distribution into two parts.

It is similar to the Z-score since it separates the upper and lower tails of the distribution at a certain significance level. The critical value is commonly used in the fields of medicine, engineering, and economics to compare two sample groups with different sample sizes.

It is used to determine whether a result is statistically significant or whether it happened by chance.

To know more about null hypothesis refer here:


a long term mental or emotional condition that is so severe that it interferes with daily functioning is called


a long term mental or emotional condition this is so severe that it interferes with every day functioning is referred to as dementia

Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning — questioning, remembering, and reasoning — and behavioral competencies to such an quantity that it interferes with someone’s daily existence and activities. Dementia ranges in severity from the mildest level, whilst it's far just beginning to affect a person’s functioning, to the maximum severe stage, when the character ought to depend completely on others for assist with basic sports of daily dwelling.The causes of dementia can vary, relying at the kinds of brain adjustments that can be taking vicinity. different dementias encompass Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal problems, and vascular dementia. it is common for human beings to have blended dementia  a mixture of two or greater types of dementia.

To know greater about dementia click right here

people who experience obsessions show: group of answer choices typical levels of worry about real problems. thoughts that are intrusive and foreign to them. thoughts that they can easily ignore and resist. a lack of awareness that the thoughts are inappropriate.


The statement "People who experience obsessions show thoughts that are intrusive and foreign to them" is true because obsession is a mental disorder that affects an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

It is a symptom of anxiety and can cause distress and interfere with daily activities. A person who is obsessed will typically have persistent, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts or ideas that cause anxiety or distress. These thoughts are often irrational and foreign to them, and they may try to ignore or suppress them. However, despite their best efforts, the thoughts persist and may even become more intense over time.

People who experience obsessions typically do not show typical levels of worry about real problems. Instead, their concerns are often irrational and may center around things that most people would not find particularly worrisome. For example, someone with an obsession with cleanliness may become consumed with thoughts of germs and contamination, even if they are not actually in any real danger.

Obsessions can be difficult to control, and individuals who suffer from this condition may experience a sense of shame or embarrassment about their thoughts. However, it is essential to seek treatment if you are experiencing obsessive thoughts, as they can interfere with your ability to function in daily life. A mental health professional can help you learn coping strategies and manage your symptoms so that you can live a happier, healthier life.

For more about obsessions:


Japan has one of the more educated workforces in the OECD and access to highly advanced technology. Which of the following statements is most likely true about Japan? Multiple Choice A. It has a high standard of living B. It has a high rate of economic growth C. It is growing at a higher rate than neighboring countries D. None of these are likely true about Japan.


The most likely true statement about Japan is that it has a high standard of living. The correct answer is A.

About Japan

Japan is one of the few countries that has a very educated workforce and access to highly advanced technology. The country is a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

A high standard of living is likely to be found in a country with an educated workforce, good healthcare, and a good quality of life. Additionally, Japan's technological advances have led to a highly developed economy.

Japan has a strong economy that has grown over the years, but it is not necessarily growing at a higher rate than neighboring countries. Nonetheless, Japan has a high standard of living and ranks high in terms of human development index, with high levels of income, literacy, and education. Therefore, the most likely true statement about Japan is that it has a high standard of living.

Learn more about OECD at


When designing responsive organizations, what decisions do firms have to make?


When designing responsive organizations, the kind of decisions do firms have to make are as follows-

- Determination of control range

- Choose between tall and flat structures

- Decide between centralized and decentralized

The term responsive organization in the sense of 'responsive organization' builds structures that are far more reactive than traditional forms of organization in a digitized, globalized, dynamic and unpredictable corporate environment.

It can be understood as a collective term for organizational models focused on doing. Responsive organizations can use very different "operating systems." These include holocratic or sociocratic forms of organization, cell organization, network organization forms, and organizations using agile methods such as Scrum, for example.

To learn more about organization, here:



choose between tall or flat structures

decide the span of control

decide between centralization versus decentralization


Which of the following is a reason that psychologists keep the records of their research participants confidential?
a.) to encourage participants to be truthful
b.) to protect other researchers' integrity
c.) to limit types of research
d.) to avoid biasing study resluts


To encourage participants to be truthful  is a reason that psychologists keep the records of their research participants confidential. (A)

Psychologists keep records of their research participants confidential for various reasons. Confidentiality is the act of ensuring that information shared by an individual is kept private and not accessible to others. Confidentiality is an ethical requirement in psychological research. (A)

One of the reasons why psychologists keep the records of their research participants confidential is to encourage participants to be truthful.Participants are more likely to be truthful and provide accurate information when they are assured that their information will be kept confidential.

Confidentiality, therefore, promotes the accuracy and reliability of research findings because it increases the likelihood of participants providing honest and accurate information. This is why psychologists must ensure that the records of their research participants are kept confidential.

To know more about psychologists click on below link:


the progression of function in infants can be described by which patterns of growth and development?


The progression of function in infants can be described by a pattern of growth and development that moves from Simple to Complex, and from General to Specific.

The progression of function in infants can be described by the following patterns of growth and development:

Simple to Complex

The baby is born with simple abilities, such as reflexes, but as they develop, they learn to do more complicated things, such as grasping objects, rolling over, sitting up, crawling, and walking.

General to Specific

Infants are born with general abilities that become more specific as they mature. For example, at first, they can distinguish between colors, but later, they can differentiate between different hues and shades. They start by cooing and gurgling, but eventually learn to say specific words and communicate with others.

Learn more about function at


Through _________________, the IMF and World Bank set a series of often stiff requirements when establishing an agreement with a borrowing country, pressing such steps as trade liberalization, fiscal responsibility, and privatization.


Through Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs), the IMF and World Bank set a series of often stiff requirements when establishing an agreement with a borrowing country, pressing such steps as trade liberalization, fiscal responsibility, and privatization.

What is Structural Adjustment Program?

The Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) is an economic policy framework used by the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and other international financial institutions to support the financial stability of developing countries.

What is a Structural Adjustment Loan?

A Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL) is a loan offered by international financial institutions to developing countries to help fund a macroeconomic structural adjustment program. The loan is meant to help with the transition from centrally planned to market-oriented economies.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are the most prominent sources of Structural Adjustment Loans.

What are the steps that are recommended under the Structural Adjustment Program?

Under the Structural Adjustment Program, a borrowing country has to follow a series of often stiff requirements set by the IMF and World Bank, pressing such steps as trade liberalization, fiscal responsibility, and privatization.

The steps include:

Devaluation and removal of currency controls. This step involves allowing the currency to find its market value, which could cause inflation.Restrictions on government spending, including cuts to health and education budgets.Prioritizing debt servicing over investment in social programs.Selling government-owned assets, such as power plants and factories, to the private sector.Eliminating trade barriers and tariffs on imported goods, which can lead to a flood of cheap imports and may harm local industries.Removal of subsidies, including fuel and food subsidies, and making state-owned enterprises efficient.

Learn more about Structural Adjustment Program here:


according to george herbert mead, what are children learning when they begin to take the perspective of a generalized other in their games? group of answer choices the values and beliefs of their parents the behaviors associated with particular roles how to imitate behaviors and actions the attitudes and expectations of society as a whole


According to George Herbert Mead, when children begin to take the perspective of a generalized other in their games, they are learning the attitudes and expectations of society as a whole.What is the generalized other in Mead's theory?

According to George Herbert Mead's theory of socialization, the generalized other is a term used to describe an individual's internalized sense of the norms, values, and beliefs of the broader society. This is the group of people that an individual uses as a reference point for his or her own behaviors and attitudes

Therefore, when children begin to take the perspective of a generalized other in their games, they are learning the attitudes and expectations of society as a whole, according to George Herbert Mead.

TO KNOW ABOUT George Herbert:


Regarding televised violence, which of the following statements is false?
a. In recent years, the violent crime rate among youth has significantly increased, even as the sale of violent video games has decreased.
b. Younger children are more likely to be influenced by televised violence because they do not fully recognize that media characters and stories are fantasies.
c. Experiencing media violence does not invariably "cause" any given person to become more aggressive but makes aggression more likely.
d. Personality characteristics, family conflict, depression, and negative peer influences are factors that affect the chances that hostile thoughts will be turned into actions.


Regarding televised violence, the FALSE statement is that "In recent years, the violent crime rate among youth has significantly increased, even as the sale of violent video games has decreased." Therefore, the correct answer is A.

Televised violence refers to the depiction of violent acts, physical harm, or threats of physical harm on television programs, such as news broadcasts, movies, and TV shows. This type of violence is often portrayed in a graphic and sensationalistic manner, with the intention of capturing the attention of viewers and increasing ratings.

Television violence can have a profound effect on viewers, especially children and adolescents, who may be more susceptible to its negative effects. Studies have shown that exposure to violent content on television can lead to increased aggression, desensitization to violence, and a distorted perception of the world. This is particularly concerning given the widespread availability of violent content on TV and the fact that many children spend a significant amount of time watching television each day.

Given the potential harm that can come from exposure to televised violence, it is important for parents, educators, and policymakers to take steps to limit children's exposure to violent content and to promote more positive and constructive programming.

Learn more about televised violence at


the requirement that students need to be evaluated in their primary language and using culturally responsive tools for special education is part of:


The requirement that students need to be evaluated in their primary language and using culturally responsive tools for special education is part of non-discriminatory evaluation.

What is non-discriminatory evaluation in education?

Non-discriminatory evaluation in education refers to a fair and objective assessment of a student's abilities and needs, regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, or any other characteristic. The purpose of non-discriminatory evaluation is to ensure that all students are given equal opportunities to learn and receive the support they need to succeed academically.

Non-discriminatory evaluation involves the use of multiple assessment methods and tools, including standardized tests, observations, and interviews with the student and their parents or guardians. The results of the evaluation are used to identify the student's strengths and weaknesses, as well as any disabilities or learning differences that may require additional support.

Read more about evaluation


True or False? team players must be given opportunities to develop their technical skills as well as interpersonal skills; that is, the skills that pull people together as a team.


It is true because team players must be given the opportunity to develop their technical skills

Discuss how far sociologists agreee that nucleur families benefit frim members of the family and society



George Murdock (1949) argued that that the nuclear family performs four essential functions to meet the needs of society and its members: The stable satisfaction of the sex drive – which prevents the social disruption cased by a ‘sexual free for all’; the reproduction of the next generation and thus the continuation of society over time; thirdly, the socialisation of the young into society’s shared norms and values and finally he argued the family provides for society’s economic needs by providing food and shelter.

Murdock thus agrees with the two statements in the question and goes further, arguing that the nuclear family performs even more functions. Furthermore, he argued that the nuclear family was universal, following his study of over 250 different societies.

Some sociologists, however, criticise Murdock’s view as being too rose tinted – pointing out that conflict and disharmony can occur both within nuclear families and within societies where the nuclear family is dominant. A second criticism is that the nuclear family is not universal – Gough studied the Nayr of South India and found that women and men had several sexual partners, but this type of matrifocal family was functional for that society.

A second Functionalist, Talcott Parsons  argued that the type of society affects the shape of the family – different societies require the family to perform different functions and so some types of family ‘fit in’ better with particular societies.

To illustrate this, Parsons argued that there were two basic types of society – modern industrial society and traditional pre-industrial society. He argued that the nuclear family fits the needs of industrial society and that the extended family fitted the needs of pre-industrial society. He argued that as society became industrialised, society had different needs, and that the nuclear family evolved to meet these needs. For example, one thing industrial society needed was a geographically mobile workforce – the nuclear family is appropriate here because it is more mobile than the extended family.

Parsons also argued that the family performs less functions with the move to industrialisation – as the health care and welfare functions come to be taken over by the state. However, the family becomes more specialised – and performs two ‘essential and irreducible functions’ – these are the two mentioned in the question – the primary socialisation of children is where we are first taught societies norms and values and learn to integrate with wider society and the stabilisation of adult personalities is where the family is the place of relaxation – the place to which one returns after a hard day of working to de – stress.

Parsons has, however been criticised, as with Murdock, for having a ‘rose tinted view’ – Feminists argue that women get an unfair deal in the traditional nuclear family, for example. A second criticism is that while he may have been right about the 1950s, when he was writing, the nuclear family seams less relevant in our post-modern age when many couples need dual incomes – meaning the nuclear family may be too small to effectively perform the two functions mentioned in the question.



Which of the following psychologists suggested that there are eight separate areas in which creative people put their perceptiveness to work?Select one:a. Daniel Golemanb. Richard Boyatzisc. Howard Gardnerd. Robert Sternberg


The psychologist who suggested that there are eight separate areas in which creative people put their perceptiveness to work is Howard Gardner. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

Howard Gardner, a psychologist, proposed a theory of multiple intelligences in which he suggested that there are eight separate areas in which creative people put their perceptiveness to work. These include linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligences.

In his theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner proposed that all individuals possess all eight intelligences but to varying degrees. He argued that each person has a unique combination of these intelligences that defines their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Learn more about Howard Gardner at


Most feral children who receive little to no human interaction during the first several years of their lives can still become fully functioning independent adults as long as they receive therapy.


The given statement that "Most feral children who receive little to no human interaction during the first several years of their lives can still become fully functioning independent adults as long as they receive therapy" is not entirely true. Hence, the correct option is False.

What are feral children?

Feral children are those who have lived isolated from human contact since a young age, resulting in them lacking proper human socialization. Children are usually referred to as feral children when they are discovered living in the wild and exhibiting feral behaviors, such as communicating with animals rather than humans.

They often lack the basic social skills that are required to interact with others, such as language and hygiene. Therefore, these children require a lot of care and attention from the beginning of their lives to become functional members of society.

Hence, it is essential that such children receive therapy to help them become functioning members of society, but therapy alone cannot guarantee that a feral child will become a fully functioning independent adult.

Learn more about Feral children here:


T/F .congress voted to create the department of transportation to improve the coordination of plans and policies for various transportation modes as well as reducing pork barrel spending.


True. In 1966, Congress voted to create the Department of Transportation (DOT) as a federal agency responsible for coordinating and regulating transportation policies and programs in the United States.

The DOT was created to improve the coordination of plans and policies for various transportation modes, such as highways, aviation, railroads, and waterways, and to reduce the duplication and inefficiency that had existed among the various transportation agencies. Additionally, the DOT was created in response to concerns about pork barrel spending, which refers to the practice of using federal funds for local projects that may not be of national importance. The DOT was designed to provide a centralized, more efficient approach to transportation policy-making and reduce the wasteful spending associated with pork barrel projects.

To know more about transportation click here:


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