“The peace conditions imposed upon Germany are so hard, so humiliating, that those who had even the tiniest hope for a ‘just peace’ are bound to be deeply disappointed. Our condemnation of the lust of power and conquest that Germany displayed during the war is strong and unwavering. But a condemnation of wartime actions must not amount to a lasting condemnation of an entire nation.

The question is not whether the Germans have been led astray by their leaders, or whether they have been willing accomplices in the misdeeds of those leaders—the question is, whether it is in the interest of mankind to punish the German people as the Entente governments seem to have decided to do.

The Entente evidently desires the complete annihilation of Germany. Not only will its whole commercial fleet be confiscated, but its shipbuilding yards will be obliged to work for the foreigner for some time to come. Whole regions of Germany will be entirely deprived of their liberty; they will be under a committee of foreign domination, without adequate representation. The financial burden is so heavy that it is no exaggeration to say that Germany is reduced to economic bondage. The Germans will have to work hard and incessantly for foreign masters, without any chance of personal gain, or any prospect of regaining liberty or economic independence.

This ‘peace’ offered to Germany is a mockery of President Wilson’s principles. Trusting in these, Germany surrendered and accepted peace. That confidence has been betrayed in such a manner that all Germans must now feel that they wish to shake off the heavy yoke imposed on them by the cajoling Entente. And we fear very much that they will soon find the opportunity to do so. Chained and enslaved, Germany will always remain a menace to Europe.”

Algemeen Handelsblad, Dutch liberal newspaper, editorial on the Treaty of Versailles, June 1919

The mention of “President Wilson’s principles” is most directly significant to understanding the editorial’s point of view about the Treaty of Versailles because of the United States president’s commitment to

establish an international organization to prevent future conflicts

Answer A: establish an international organization to prevent future conflicts

work to create nation-states for ethnic minorities that had been under imperial control

Answer B: work to create nation-states for ethnic minorities that had been under imperial control

broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge

Answer C: broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge

resist the spread of Bolshevism following the Russian Revolution


Answer 1

Answer: C: broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge.


After the war ended, President Woodrow Wilson wanted the peace settlement to be such that Germany and the Central powers were not punished so much that they would seek revenge in future.

For this to happen, the Allies would have to impose a peace settlement based on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge. Contrary to his wishes, the peace settlement was quite harsh and indirectly led to the Nazis coming to power and initiating WWII.

Answer 2

The mention of “President Wilson’s principles” is most directly significant to understanding the Treaty of Versailles because of the president’s commitment to broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge.

Aftermath the war, President Woodrow Wilson wanted the peace settlement to be such that Germany and the Central powers were not punished so much that they would seek revenge in future.

Hence, the mention is made because of the president’s commitment to broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about Treaty of Versailles


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What does historiography suggest about history?



Historiography is a term which is used to refer to the principles and history of the historical record. Historiography suggests that it is open to interpretation and thus scholars can add their point of view in support and against the existing historiography.

Mark brainliest

Follow me please

Which statement best describes the effect of the New Deal on the Great Depression?

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The great cost of New Deal programs made the Great Depression worse.



answer C. Instead of fixing the problem, the New Deal made the Great Depression worse.


How did some women contribute to the war effort during the Civil War?

They guarded prisoners of war.
They ran businesses in place of men.
They delivered ammunition to the front lines.
They sheltered soldiers who ran away from service.



They ran businesses in place of men.


Men couldn't work during the Civil War, so women had to take place in some of their jobs.


they went to work n didn't depend on the men

How can the transportation and communication system develop a country



In areas where both communication networks and transportation systems are efficiently integrated, the ability to swiftly communicate, move people, and transport goods provides a strong base for the growth of trade and hence is a crucial factor in developing a stronger economy.

Transportation and communication systems allow for rapid spread of ideas. This ultimately results in exponentially increasing rates of development as likeminded individuals can now more easily work together to facilitate projects. Additionally this benefits trade.

How did the Cold War influence desegregation in the U.S.?
It slowed down the process of desegregation, because all of the country's resources went to fighting Communism.
It encouraged the U.S. to desegregate, because the Soviets claimed they supported equality for all people.
Itended the process of desegregation temporarily, because people were focused on fighting overseas.
All of these choices are correct.


Answer: It encouraged the U.S. to desegregate, because the Soviets claimed they supported equality for all people.


The United States kept claiming to be the beacon of democracy and equality around the world yet she was segregating against members of her own citizenry by keeping black people against from white people.

The Soviet Union always seized upon this to show the world that the U.S. was not actually equal and that the Soviet Union was more equal than the U.S. This was during the time of the Cold War and the U.S. did not like the fact that the Soviets held the moral high ground and so actively tried to end segregation.

Should the united states government include women in the draft? Explain why?



As of January 2016, there has been no decision to require females to register with Selective Service, or be subject to a future military draft. Selective Service continues to register only men, ages 18 through 25. Following a unanimous recommendation by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense Secretary Leon E.

when and where was the first world war?​



Where was the first world war?​

The spark that ignited World War I was struck in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire—was shot to death along with his wife, Sophie, by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.

When was the first world war?​

After 1945, historians found the term "First World War" appropriate because they saw 1914-1918 as the first of a particular type of international conflict - the world's first industrialised "total" war - which had been followed by a second industrialised world war of this kind - 1939-1945.

what restrictions were placed on the right to vote in colonial america



Several constitutional amendments (the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth specifically) require that voting rights of U.S. citizens cannot be abridged on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age (18 and older); the constitution as originally written did not establish any such rights


i don't know if It helps you....


Any person who a State allows to vote for members of the "most numerous branch" of its own legislature must also be allowed to vote for representatives and senators in Congress; no state can deny anyone the right to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"; no state can deny anyone the right to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"; and no state can deny anyone the right to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.


Do you have any options?  Above are the restrictions that were put in place.

ILL MARK BRAINLEIST PLS HELP! Why did Roman emperors hold gladiator battles and chariot races?
A. They educated the public. B. They increased the fitness of the citizens. C. They made money for the emperor. D. They prevented revolts.



Roman eperors held events like those to get rid of slaves, traitors, and evil people. The best answer that I can give you is they prevented revolts.



D. They prevented revolts


I just took a test on

Why was Haile Selassie unhappy with the way the League dealt with the Italian invasion of Abyssinia? ​


Answer: They did not adequately protect Ethiopia.


Emperor Haile Selassie of Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia) was forced to flee his country when Italy under Mussolini invaded it in 1935 as part of Mussolini's plans to gain more colonies in Africa.

Abyssinia was a member of the League of Nations and expected the League to sort the matter out. The League responded by imposing sanctions on Italy but the main member states such as Britain and France made deals with Italy and undermined the blockade.

Italy completely conquered Abyssinia and this disappointed Haile Selassie who thought that the League would have done more to protect a member state from agrresion.

How did the 1840 World's Anti-Slavery Convention affect the women's suffrage movement?


In slavery you had no freedom to do what you want

importancia que tuvo la humanidad haber reemplazado de la teoria del origen divino del poder por la del origen popular del mismo​


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La importancia que tuvo la humanidad al haber reemplazado de la teoría del Origen Divino, por la del origen popular, es la siguiente.

Es muy importante que la humanidad haya desarrollado una serie de teorías científicas que se explicaran de mejor manera su origen, para ya no limitarse a la creencia tradicional religiosa que no está basada en la ciencia, sino en la fe.

De ahí la importancia de nuevas teorías científicas que se basan en aportaciones de hombres de ciencia como la Teoría de la Evolución de las Especies, creada por el científico Charles Darwin.

Estas teorías, dejaban a un lado la vieja creencia en la existencia de un Dios creador de todas las cosas, que se basaba en la tradición de la Biblia, donde sólo los creyentes tenían que aceptar esos relatos.

Las teorías científicas comenzaron a ser más populares por la enseñanza en las escuelas, e invitaban a pensar de que el hombre tendría que hacerse responsable de su propia evolución, al responsabilizarse de las consecuencias de sus actos.  

During 9/11, how many hijackers were supposed to be on each plane?



there were 5 on three of the planes, and four on the fourth

What is the orthodox interpretation of why the Cold War started?



The Cold War was caused by aggressive expansionist tendencies of the Soviet leaders who wanted to spread communism throughout the world.

Spreading world Revolution (Monolitic Communism)


Which of these was true about north american colonies held by britian and france before the french and indian war



British colonies had more people but French colonies held more land.


The French and the Indian War was a war between the Great Britain and France. The war started in the year 1754 and lasted for many year till it came to end in the year 1763 with the Treaty of Paris.

This war gave Great Britain large territorial gain in North America and it also increased the debt of the nation. The British colonies had more number of people and the French colonies have more of land.

Which of the following BEST explains why early man migrated?
a) They were looking for new lands to settle
b) They were driven out by warlike people
c) They were searching for food to feed their livestock
d) They were following animals which they hunted for food


Answer: d) They were following animals which they hunted for food.

The primary means gaining conformity and order from individual members of a society is through culture?

True or False





It is TRUE that the primary means of gaining conformity and order from individual members of a society is through culture?

This is because with Culture a society or group of people are easily conforming to the established or defined standards. Culture is a term that describes the ideas, show behavior, and how people behave in certain ways based on belief. It is part of every society

Hence, the primary means of gaining conformity and order from individual members of a society is through "culture."

Following it's defeat in World War I, the Ottoman Empire:

A. began a campaign of genocide against Armenian communities that did not support the war.

B. adopted a communist form of government because of pressure from the Russian Bolsheviks.

C. allowed ethnic groups in its territory to create new countries based on self-determination.

D. gave up control of its African and Middle Eastern territories to the European Allies.​



C. allowed ethnic groups in its territory to create new countries based on self-determination.


The Ottoman Empire was part of the Central Powers created during World War I when nations like Germany and Austria-Hungary joined the group. After the defeat in the First World War, the Ottoman Empire lost its provinces, which allowed ethnic groups in the Balkan region to form nations based on self-determination. The Ottoman Empire broke apart, with the Turks confined to Turkey (Asia Minor).

What strategy is this ad using to get people to support its product?

It claims that everyone agrees that these basketballs are the best.
It details how these basketballs will improve performance.
It provides stats about players who use these basketballs.
It uses a celebrity to endorse these basketballs.



I would need to see the add but since its ab a basketball i would say It uses a celebrity to endorse these basketballs.


Hope this helped!


D.) It uses a celebrity to endorse these basketballs.


The poster quotes a "Super star" using his celebrity status to promote basketballs

Which of the charts above matches the human rights document with its correct region and date of the origin?
A: chart A
B: chart B
C: chart C
D: chart D



Following are the solution to the given question:


The Un General Assembly Adopted the Declaration Of Human Rights on 10 December 1948, the aftermath of the Second World War event. Whenever the war is over and the International Community is formed, the vast network promises that it would never again permit behemoths such as this to occur.

Pioneers throughout the world have decided to add a guide to the UN Charter to itself along with privileges all across the site. In the major general assembly of 1946, they examined its report and would later become the Convention On the Rights.

How did Radical Republicans react to Abraham Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction?

They thought it would be too expensive.
They thought it went too easy on the South.
They thought it punished the South too much.
They thought it would be too slow to put into effect.



ether the second or the 4th one


Which conditions affected early agricultural societies



myanmar is a national government

Which document was mostly likely written first and why? Plz explain why or what helped u say it was written first or second.



hello i was wondering did you get the answer yet?

Which group did the US fight at Horseshoe Bend?

The Shawnee

The British

The Creek

The French



The Creek


Creek War, (1813–14), war that resulted in U.S. victory over Creek Indians, who were British allies during the War of 1812, resulting in vast cession of their lands in Alabama and Georgia. This war was fought by US at Horseshoe Bend.

um wats the answer i have to use 20 words ...............................................................................iyiyir



bro whats the question


what’s the question we won’t be able to help without it

16. What led to the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts? What made them so controversial?



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The Federalists considered Democratic-Republican condemnation of Federalist policy to be traitorous, and they feared that immigrants living in the United States might sympathise with the Frenchman in the event of a conflict. As a response, a Federalist-controlled Parliament approved the Alien and Sedition Acts, which are recognized as the Alien and Sedition Acts together.


The Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) were four laws passed by Federalists that restricted the activities of foreign residents in the country, allowed the government to deport foreigners seen as "dangerous", made it difficult for immigrants to vote, requiring them to reside for 14 years in the U.S. to become eligible to vote, and it prohibited public opposition to the government.

1. What led to the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Acts were passed after the diplomatic incident called "XYZ Affair" that almost involved the United States and France in war. Facing French foreign threat, the Federalist President Adams created the acts as a way to prevent subversion in the United States against governmental measures.

2. What made them so controversial?

The Acts, especially the Sedition Act, were so controversial because it violated people's rights of freedom of speech and of the press protected under the First Amendment. Under the acts, anyone who wrote, printed, uttered or published any writing seen as false, scandalous and malicious against the government could be imprisoned or would have to pay fines.

Between 1801 and 1851, Manchester's population increased by about
In the 1800s, Manchester's population increased because people were moving from
areas to













Just did it!!

Was the main purpose of the creation of New England colonies religious freedom or wealth accumulation?

Argue one way or the other and give examples.



Religious freedom


The main purpose of the creation of New England colonies is "Religious Freedom"

According to historical records, it is Religious Freedom that led the group of people from England to move to America or new England to form new Anglican religious practices. This group of people was known as Puritans.

Similarly, another group of people from England moved to American colonies as a result of the intention of practicing their religious belief to satisfaction by forming what was then known as Pilgrims. Their belief is against Anglican practices.

The map shows Washington in the United States.

Where is Washington located?

east of Canada
south of California
north of Oregon
east of Idaho


Answer: North of Oregon

Explanation: Yes


north of oregon


Which statement are Buddhist beliefs


Please add answers to your question if you are going to format your question like this, as nobody knows the possible answers you have. thanks!

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