I always enjoy watching . By the way, what is the version of windows here ?
Learn a language with me for free! Duolingo is fun, and proven to work. Here’s my invite link:
Nice! Answer: <3
Cool. what laguage u learning?
layunin ng habitat for humanity
what does it mean!??????
Classifieds are signed independently from non manual signals
What does the organizational pattern of the passage allow the author to do?
A highlight how scientific advancement and politics always intersect
B examine the chronology of events in America’s first Earth orbit
C compare the space programs of Russia and the United States
D explain the main factors involved in the first American Earth orbit
for the first pyramid years B.C of computer Input and kill
Hi guys. Just wondering if anyone knows any good websites to learn other langauges. I want to learn portuguese, and if anyone speaks portuguese, I would LOVE to learn new artists/singers/bands. Thank you so much, <3
Duolingo is a great website to learn other languages
they also have Babbel
How many permutations are there of the letters in the word polyunsaturated.
[tex]\frac{15!}{2! 2!}[/tex]
15! = 15 * 14 * 13 * 12 * 11 * 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 1.31e12
If there are no letters with multiple occurences, the answer would be around 1.31e12. However, since we have 2 "a" and 2 "t", we need to divide by 2! and 2! to prevent double-counting some permutations.
Why are countries stereotyped? Is it solely because they are only known for one thing?
Country stereotypes of competence and warmth significantly influence country-related sentiments of appreciation, which then transfer to consumer intents to visit the target country as a tourism destination. This mediation is regulated by consumers' extraversion, with more extraverted consumers having stronger intentions to visit.
In time signs, everything that moves back or behind your body indicates which time frame?
The signs behind the body refer to events in the past.
Sign language is a communication system that uses signs and body movement to convey a message to their social environment. Generally this communication system is used by deaf and mute people to communicate.
Sign language is different in each country because there are signs that have different meanings depending on the context. However, internationally when signs are made behind the body in sign language, they refer to events from the past.
Learn more about the sign language in:
Translate いつも楽しく拝見しています。ちなみにこちらはwindowsのバージョンはいくつですか?.
correct punctuated
i need to call my mother and ask her if i can spend the night maya told her friend
For me I would put I have to call my mother to verify if I can sleep over at Maya’s said her friend
I would put it like that but wait to see what other people would think
This word, "ice cream," is an example of
an arbitrary sign
an elemental sign
an iconic sign
an ordinary sign
Iconic Sign
If the sign itself clearly looks like the word or its meaning, it's an iconic sign.
If the sign itself and the word's meaning are not related, it's an arbitrary sign.
hi! could someone help please?
How to translate japanese address into english.
Answer 1 From: First name Last name. 2 Name of the building, like an apartment bldg. and room number (if applicable) 3 House number, street, town/village.
What schools are best if we want to choose the IGSCE curriculum?
Lakewood international
What are the two main languages spoken in puerto rico?
I would say Spanish and English.
Sebagai seorang pelajar, apakah tindakan anda dalam mencapai impian anda untuk menunaikan haji di masa hadapan?
walang nakakaintindi sayo olol
He words you say are repeated several times in the sentence. What is the repetition's function?.
Repetition can be used to emphasize something.
Repetition is a favored tool among orators because it can help to emphasize a point and make a speech easier to follow. It also adds to the powers of persuasion studies show that repetition of a phrase can convince people of its truth.
how many languages r spoken in Thailand???
71 languages
hoped this helped
How many states have passed english-only laws limiting classroom instructions, driver’s license exams, road signs, and even health warnings to one language?.
In the United States, 29 states have passed English-only laws, that is, they only recognize English as an official language, this influences daily life because traffic signs, teaching in schools, and driver's licenses are only in English.
The English-only movement is a term to refer to a political community and movement that (as the name implies) is pushing the use of English as the only official language in the United States. This movement has grown because Americans do not want their identity to be overshadowed by other cultures as a result of the high arrival of immigrants of other nationalities and other languages such as:
SpanishJapaneseFrenchItalianRussianIndianAmong othersIn the United States 29 states recognize English as the only official language, among them are:
VirginiaUtahTennesseeKansasMassachusettsGeorgiaCaliforniaAlabamaLearn more in:
This is language art
Emily wrote an opinion essay. read this sentence that states her opinion.
we should have more recess because it is good for our health.
A) our school has two 10-minutes recess breaks
B) we can talk with all of our friends during recess
C) recess keeps us in shape because we can move and run
D) most of the kids in my school thinks we should have more recess
C States her opinion
C gives a statement and reasoning to back it up, therefore its most accurately displays her opinion
Hope this helps! BH
Translate ein leben wie im paradise ger wahrt uns vater rhein.
father rhine preserves us a life like in paradise ger.
True or False: duìbùqǐ = sorry (chinese)
Favorite quote of tell tale heart and why
Louder! Louder! Louder! It is the beating of his hideous heart!
Because it shows the role that guilt can play and that can you never fully escape from your wrongdoings.
fill in the blanks to explain how a wounded octopus can trick a predator
The octopus's tentacle keeps (moving) right after it is bitten off. The tentacle confuses the predator. Then the octopus (escapes)
First blank is: moving
Second blank is: escapes
I did the I-Ready
A wounded octopus can trick a predator because its tentacle can keep moving after it is bitten off. This confuses the predator and allows for the octopus to escape.
How does a wounded octopus trick a predator?When an octopus is attacked by a predator and losses a tentacle, that tentacle continues to move for a time.
The predator will then be confused by this sight and during the moment of confusion, the octopus seizes on the distraction and escapes.
Find out more on octopi at
are the four components of your personal brand?
The Four Pillars of a Personal Brand There are only four things you need to focus on to create a successful thought-leader or personal brand business, we call these the four pillars. The four pillars consist of an Engine, and three supporting elements to fuel your engine: Influence, Content, Exposure.
How to find context free grammar for a language.
its context free if its generated by a CFG.
A language is context-free if it is generated by a CFG. For compactness, we write S → 0S1 | ε where the vertical bar means or. Let P be language of palindromes with alpha- bet {a,b}. One can determine a CFG for P by finding a recursive decomposition.
[tex] \: [/tex]
Could you find a way to let me down slowly?
A little sympathy, I hope you can show me
If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely
If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly
Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down
Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down
If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely
If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly
Okay thank you for the point
how are the numbers16, 17, 18, and 19 different from 6, 7, 8, and 9?
Answer: 6,7,8 and 9 are single digit numbers but 16,17,18 and 19 are in the ten digits.
그냥 재미 를 가지고 무료 포인트 롤이 완료! 불장난:블랙핑크
우리 엄만 매일 내게 말했어............
I just translated the rest of the lyrics from English to Korean
to always watch out for men
Love is like playing with fire, it will hurt
항상 남자들을 조심하기 위해
사랑은 불장난 같아서 다칠거야
Just have fun and complete the free point roll! Playing with Fire: Blackpink
My mother told me every day.......
this is translated into English.
Importance of games for girls speech (please anything you like even a few lines is enough) *in English or hindi anything*
खेलो में कन्याओं का स्थान please write in Hindi if you know it
Thank you
ok i will write in English cuz i am not good in Hindi that much
today i will speak about why girls should play games or why is it important
Benefits – Why Sports Participation for Girls and Women
Sport has been one of the most important socio-cultural learning experiences for boys and men for many years. Those same benefits should be afforded our daughters. It is important for all of us to know that:
High school girls who play sports are less likely to be involved in an unintended pregnancy; more likely to get better grades in school and more likely to graduate than girls who do not play sports.
Girls and women who play sports have higher levels of confidence and self-esteem and lower levels of depression.
Girls and women who play sports have a more positive body image and experience higher states of psychological well-being than girls and women who do not play sports.
Founded in 1974 by Billie Jean King, the Foundation is dedicated to advancing the lives of girls and women through sports and physical activity. That’s what the Foundation does, but the “why” is most important. Although there is a federal law that mandates equal participation opportunities for male and female students in secondary and post secondary institutions of higher education, the real reason we want equal opportunity for our daughters to play sports is so they too can derive the psychological, physiological and sociological benefits of sports participation. Sport has been one of the most important socio-cultural learning experiences for boys and men for many years. Those same benefits should be afforded our daughters. It is important for all of us to know that:
High school girls who play sports are less likely to be involved in an unintended pregnancy; more likely to get better grades in school and more likely to graduate than girls who do not play sports.
As little as four hours of exercise a week may reduce a teenage girl’s risk of breast cancer by up to 60%; breast cancer is a disease that afflicts one out of every eight American women. (Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1994)
Forty percent of women over the age of 50 suffers from osteoporosis (brittle bones). (Osteoporosis, 1996) None of us should want our daughters to repeat the experiences of generations of women—our mothers and grandmothers—who were not permitted to play sports or encouraged to participate in weight-bearing exercises that are necessary to establishing bone mass.
Girls and women who play sports have higher levels of confidence and self-esteem and lower levels of depression.
Girls and women who play sports have a more positive body image and experience higher states of psychological well-being than girls and women who do not play sports.
Sport is where boys have traditionally learned about teamwork, goal-setting, the pursuit of excellence in performance and other achievement-oriented behaviors—critical skills necessary for success in the workplace. In an economic environment where the quality of our children’s lives will be dependent on two-income families, our daughters cannot be less prepared for the highly competitive workplace than our sons. It is no accident that 80% of the female executives at Fortune 500 companies identified themselves as former “tomboys”—having played sports.
thank you
Mark brilliant
खेलो में कन्याओं का स्थान :खेलों में हमेशा से ही बालकों के साथ-साथ कन्याओं का भी स्थान रहा है। पहले के लोग सोचते थे कि लड़कियां शारीरिक रूप से कमज़ोर होती हैं किन्तु जैसे-जैसे समय बितता गया सबको यह समझ आ गया कि लड़कियां भी शारीरिक और मानसिक दोनों रूप से स्वस्थ होती हैं। आज लगभग सभी खेलों में लड़कियां अपना जौहर दिखा रही हैं। चाहे क्रिकेट हो या बैडमिंटन। लड़कियां केवल राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर ही नहीं अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर भी खेल रही हैं और अपने गाँव, समाज और देश का नाम रोशन कर रही हैं। आज के समय में हमें यह ध्यान देना चाहिए कि ल़डकियों को भी पूरा मौका मिले उन्हें अपना जौहर दिखाने का। अगर लड़कियां भी खेलेंगी तभी देश की तरक्की होगी।