vince is participating in research that looks at brain changes associated with successful treatment of anxiety disorders. given that vince's treatment has been successful and that his symptoms have lessened significantly, what might a neuroimaging study of vince's brain show?


Answer 1

A neuroimaging study of Vince's brain after successful treatment of his anxiety disorder might show several changes that are associated with symptom reduction.

What the neuroimaging study of Vince's brain will likely show?

One possible change that might be observed is a decrease in activity in the amygdala, which is the part of the brain responsible for processing emotions such as fear and anxiety. Studies have shown that people with anxiety disorders tend to have increased amygdala activity, and successful treatment has been associated with a reduction in this activity.

Another possible change that might be observed is an increase in activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain responsible for executive functions such as decision-making and impulse control. Successful treatment of anxiety disorders has been associated with improved prefrontal cortex function, which may help individuals to regulate their emotions more effectively.

Learn more about neuroimaging at:


Related Questions

Zack is having a conversation with his friend Ben in a crowded room. Despite the presence of many voices around him, Zack focuses on what Ben is saying. This is an example of _____ attention.A. selectiveB. dividedC. implicitD. executive


The given conversation between Zack and his friend Ben is an example of selective attention.

What is selective attention?

Selective attention is a cognitive process that entails focusing on a particular aspect of the environment while disregarding irrelevant or unnecessary information. In simpler words, it is a cognitive process in which an individual is trained on a specific task and instructed to focus on specific components of the environment.Zack is having a conversation with his friend Ben in a crowded room.

Despite the presence of many voices around him, Zack focuses on what Ben is saying. Therefore, it is an example of selective attention.

To know more about cognitive process  click on below link:


if people decide there is a problem worth solving that requires the creation of a public good, government involvement is necessary because


It is difficult for people to provide common resources on their own. Because of these characteristics, it is frequently difficult to create and sustain public goods with private investment

What is a public good?

A public good is a type of good that is non-excludable, meaning that no one can be barred from using it, and non-rivalrous, meaning that one person's use does not reduce another's use of it.

This is due to the fact that there is no real incentive for private entities to invest in something that cannot be patented and profited from exclusively.

Government involvement is necessary if people decide there is a problem worth solving that requires the creation of a public good. This is because public goods are frequently underprovided by the market since they are not lucrative to investors because they are non-excludable and non-rivalrous.

In order to resolve these market failures and ensure that public goods are available to everyone, the government must intervene. The government is the only institution that has the authority and resources to make sure that public goods are supplied.

The government plays a vital role in resolving the public goods problem. Government grants and other forms of financial aid can be used to fund the construction of public goods that the market would not produce on its own. Public transportation, clean air, and clean water are all examples of public goods that the government has historically helped to provide.

Learn more about public good here:


A number of states have a law that requires people to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. This law is in place because wearing a helmet reduces the likelihood of head and brain injuries for cyclists who get into accidents. Recently, research shows that wearing a helmet makes a cyclist take more risks when riding a bicycle. Some have stated that this research means that the likelihood of head and brain injuries would decrease if the helmet law is abolished. Which of the following is the best statement of the flaw in the argument above?
1.Helmets protect cyclists from head and brain injuries.
2.Abolishment of the helmet law would reduce likelihood of head and brain injuries.
3.Not wearing a helmet may result in cyclists taking less risks when riding a bicycle.


The best statement of the flaw in the argument that abolishing the helmet law would reduce the likelihood of head and brain injuries is that the argument assumes that wearing a helmet is the sole cause of increased risk-taking in cyclists.

This is not a valid assumption, and there are other factors that contribute to increased risk-taking in cyclists. The fact that wearing a helmet makes a cyclist take more risks when riding a bicycle does not mean that the helmet law should be abolished. There are other factors that contribute to increased risk-taking in cyclists, such as the type of road, the time of day, the speed of the cyclist, and the behavior of other road users.

Therefore, it is not reasonable to assume that abolishing the helmet law would reduce the likelihood of head and brain injuries. Another statement that should be considered is that not wearing a helmet may result in cyclists taking less risks when riding a bicycle. This statement is not supported by evidence, and it is not a valid argument against the helmet law.

The fact that cyclists may take less risks without a helmet does not mean that they should not wear a helmet. Wearing a helmet reduces the likelihood of head and brain injuries, and this benefit outweighs the potential risk of increased risk-taking. Therefore, the helmet law should remain in place to protect cyclists from head and brain injuries.

For such more questions on helmet law


What type of religion were the Aztecs?
A Polytheistic
B) Monotheistic


Answer: A Polytheistic


The Aztec religion was primarily polytheist.

it is A polytheistic

fatima's mother suffers from generalized anxiety disorder, and fatima tries very hard to anticipate everything that might upset her mother so she can help her avoid or cope with her anxiety triggers. every time fatima's mother's anxiety flares up, fatima blames herself. which of the following negative thinking patterns is fatima engaging in when she blames herself for her mother's anxiety flare ups?


Fatima is engaging in the "personalization" negative thinking pattern when she blames herself for her mother's anxiety flare-ups.

Personalization is a negative thinking pattern in which people blame themselves for every negative outcome that occurs, even if they are not responsible. Fatima engages in this negative thinking pattern when she blames herself for her mother's anxiety flare-ups. Fatima's mother is suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder, and Fatima works hard to anticipate everything that might upset her mother so she can help her avoid or cope with her anxiety triggers.

However, every time her mother's anxiety flares up, Fatima feels guilty and blames herself. Generally, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an anxiety disorder that results in excessive, uncontrollable worry or fear of ordinary things. Fatima's mother's anxiety triggers are ordinary things that Fatima cannot avoid or control. Therefore, Fatima's mother's anxiety has nothing to do with Fatima, and Fatima should not blame herself.

Learn more about generalized anxiety disorder (GAD):


what piece of advice would you share with your younger self? describe what experience or realization led you to this understanding. (50 to 150 words)


One piece of advice that I would share with my younger self is to prioritize mental and emotional health over everything else. I would tell my younger self to always take breaks, listen to my body, and practice self-care regularly.

The realization that led me to this understanding is that one cannot function properly if they are not taking care of their mental and emotional wellbeing. I experienced burnout and anxiety during my college years and realized that I needed to take a step back and prioritize my mental health.

I would also advise my younger self to not worry too much about what other people think of me and to embrace my individuality. It is important to stay true to oneself and not let the opinions of others define who I am. I learned this lesson after constantly comparing myself to others and feeling like I was not good enough.

Once I started accepting and loving myself for who I am, I felt happier and more fulfilled in life.

To know more about younger self refer here:


individuals with eating disorders share many of the same thought patterns as people with which condition?


Individuals with eating disorders share many of the same thought patterns as people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

What are the conditions common to eating disorder and OCD?

Both conditions involve intrusive, repetitive thoughts that can be difficult to control, and both can involve compulsive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety or distress.

In the case of eating disorders, these thoughts and behaviors often center around food, weight, and body image, while in OCD, they may center around cleanliness, symmetry, or specific fears.

In both cases, the thoughts and behaviors can be distressing and interfere with daily life, and treatment may involve therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

Learn more about eating disorder at:


in the context of the gang types identified by sociologists richard cloward and lloyd ohlin, which of the following types of gangs emerges in communities that do not provide either legitimate or illegitimate opportunities?


According to Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin's typology, the type of gang that emerges in communities that do not provide either legitimate or illegitimate opportunities is known as a "retreatist" gang.

Retreatist gangs are formed by individuals who are unable to succeed in either legitimate or illegitimate opportunities, and as a result, they withdraw from society altogether. These individuals often engage in drug use and other forms of self-destructive behavior, and they may also resort to criminal activity to support their habits. Retreatist gangs tend to be small and operate on a more informal basis than other types of gangs.

This type of gang emerges in communities where there are no legitimate or illegitimate opportunities, and members are forced to retreat from the values and goals of mainstream society. This type of gang typically lacks structure and organization and often engages in activities such as drug use and petty crime.

Learn more about Retreatist gangs:


during a research study, melinda is asked to circle one of seven venn diagrams to describe her relationship with her spouse. which of the following is melinda using?


During a research study, Melinda is asked to circle one of seven Venn diagrams to describe her relationship with her spouse. She is using the Venn diagram to describe the relationship with her spouse.

What is a Venn diagram?

A Venn diagram is a diagram made up of intersecting circles that is utilized to represent sets of items that are compared and contrasted. Each circle represents a collection, with the items in the collection indicated by its border, and the collection's name written in the middle. The overlapping portion of the circles represents items that are present in both sets.The diagram's size and shape, as well as the labels used, are determined by the problem being addressed. Melinda was given seven Venn diagrams to choose from. To describe her relationship with her spouse, she must have chosen the one that best represents the characteristics of her relationship.

As a result, it's safe to say that Melinda is using a Venn diagram to describe the relationship with her spouse. In summary, Melinda is utilizing a Venn diagram to describe her relationship with her spouse, which is a diagram made up of intersecting circles that is utilized to represent sets of items that are compared and contrasted.

For such more questions on Venn diagrams


kai, a college student, frequently has trouble either getting to sleep or staying asleep, and feels fatigued all the time. based on these symptoms, what is kai suffering from?


In acase whereby kai, a college student, frequently has trouble either getting to sleep or staying asleep, and feels fatigued all the time. based on these symptoms, then kai suffering from insomnia.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult for a person to fall asleep or stay asleep, even when they have the opportunity to do so. Insomnia can be acute, meaning it lasts for a short period of time, or chronic, meaning it lasts for at least three nights a week for three months or longer.

Insomnia can have a variety of causes, including stress, anxiety, depression, medical conditions, medications, caffeine, and poor sleep habits. Symptoms of insomnia include difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, waking up too early in the morning, feeling tired upon waking, and feeling irritable, depressed, or anxious during the day.

Learn more about insomnia at:






sleep apnea

experimental validity refers to group of answer choices the process in which results are generalizable the result of factors having been tested or manipulated the true effect of change to the dependent variable all of the above are elements of experimental validity


Experimental validity refers to  the process which shows the  true effect of change to the dependent variable, where results are generalizable and the result of factors having been tested or manipulated. The correct option is: all of the above are elements of experimental validity.

Experimental validity refers to the degree to which an experiment is well-designed and accurately reflects the relationship between independent and dependent variables. It is crucial to ensure that research is reliable and produces credible results for those that may apply the findings in the future.

All of the choices given as options in the question are elements of experimental validity. The process in which results are generalizable is important because the purpose of research is to generalize from a sample to the population. When research is conducted, it is critical to ensure that the findings can be applied to a broader population.

The result of factors having been tested or manipulated is important because experiments should be well-constructed and should account for confounding variables that may impact the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

The true effect of change to the dependent variable is also critical. It is critical to demonstrate that the dependent variable changes in direct response to changes in the independent variable. All of these elements contribute to the overall experimental validity.

To know more about Experimental validity, refer here


“John Lewis’ attraction to social gospel influenced his efforts to integrate the downtown Nashville lunch counters in what ways.


John Lewis’ attraction to social gospel influenced his efforts to integrate the downtown Nashville lunch counters by raising awareness and build momentum for the broader civil rights movement

What was John Lewis influence to integrate the downtown Nashville lunch counters?

John Lewis was a prominent civil rights activist and leader who played a significant role in the integration of downtown Nashville lunch counters in the 1960s.

As a student leader at Fisk University and a member of the Nashville Student Movement, Lewis helped organize and lead sit-in demonstrations at segregated lunch counters in downtown Nashville. His leadership and courage inspired others to join the movement, which ultimately led to the desegregation of the lunch counters in Nashville.

Lewis and other activists employed nonviolent tactics and strategies to protest segregation and discrimination, and their actions helped to raise awareness and build momentum for the broader civil rights movement

Read more about John Lewis


there are many reasons organizations may experience complacency. these include a track record of success and the absence of a visible crisis (T/F)


The given statement " there are many reasons organizations may experience complacency. These include a track record of success and the absence of a visible crisis" is true becasue because it correctly defines the concpet of complacency.

Complacency refers to a sense of self-satisfaction that leads individuals or organizations to become too comfortable and neglect their responsibilities or take risks. Organizations may experience complacency due to a history of success, lack of competition, or the absence of a visible crisis. This can result in a failure to adapt to changes in the environment or to identify potential risks and threats.

To avoid complacency, organizations need to maintain a culture of continuous improvement, regularly assess risks and opportunities, and encourage innovation and creativity. They should also develop a sense of urgency and a willingness to take calculated risks.

You can learn more about complacency at


To appease the Boers after the Boer War, the British agreed that


The British agreed to a number of concessions to appease the Boers after the Boer War.

These included granting self-government to the two former Boer republics, the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, and granting the Boers full civil and political rights and full representation in the government of the Union of South Africa.

The British also agreed to compensation for Boer losses, including the payment of reparations for war damages and the payment of pensions to Boer war veterans. In addition, the British promised to provide economic assistance to the Boers, including subsidies for the development of infrastructure and the promotion of economic growth.

Finally, the British promised to respect the language and cultural rights of the Boer people and to work towards reconciliation between the Boers and other South African groups.

To know more about Boer War, Click here:


The complete Question is-

How did the Boers appease the Boers after the Boer war?



The British agreed to a number of concessions to appease the Boers after the Boer War. 

what is genetic restoration of endangered species?


Genetic restoration of endangered species involves using genetic techniques to increase the genetic diversity and health of a population that is at risk of extinction. This can involve several different strategies, including:

Captive breeding: This involves breeding individuals in captivity and then releasing their offspring back into the wild in order to increase the population size and genetic diversity.

Translocation: This involves moving individuals from one population to another in order to increase genetic diversity and reduce inbreeding.

Gene editing: This involves using techniques like CRISPR to make targeted genetic changes in individuals in order to increase genetic diversity or reduce the risk of disease.

Cloning: This involves using DNA from a deceased individual to create a genetically identical copy, which can then be used to increase the population size or genetic diversity.

These techniques can be used in combination with habitat restoration and other conservation efforts to help save endangered species from extinction. However, genetic restoration should be considered as a last resort and only used when other conservation efforts have failed.

To learn more about endangered refer to:


find something you learned abt the U.S capitol and write a paragraph abt it.



Find something you learned abt the U.S capitol and write a paragraph abt it.


The United States Capitol is the home of the United States Congress and is located on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. One interesting fact about the U.S. Capitol is that it is the meeting place of the United States Congress, which consists of two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives is the larger of the two houses and is made up of 435 members who serve two-year terms. The Senate has 100 members who serve six-year terms. Another interesting fact about the U.S. Capitol is that it was originally built in 1800 and has been expanded and renovated over the years to its current size and appearance. The U.S. Capitol is a symbol of American democracy and is open to the public for tours and visits.

the minute you walk into your mother-in-law's house, you are struck by the strong smell of her perfume. after about 10 minutes, however, you no longer notice it. this is probably the result of:


This is probably the result of sensory adaptation, which is when the neurons in the brain become less responsive to a constant stimulus.

What causes sensory adaptation?

Sensory adaptation occurs as a result of exposure to a stimulus that remains constant. When a person's sensory receptors are exposed to constant stimulation, they become less responsive to that stimulus as time goes on. Because the sensory system is geared to respond to changes rather than constant stimulation, this change in responsiveness is beneficial to the organism because it allows the organism to attend to more important stimuli. This is the phenomenon that occurred when the person entered the mother-in-law's house.

At first, the perfume smell was overwhelming, but after 10 minutes, the individual's sensory receptors had become less sensitive to the odor, resulting in a decreased perception of the smell. So, the answer is "sensory adaptation. The phenomenon in which an individual's senses adapt to a particular stimulus, resulting in reduced sensitivity to that stimulus, is known as sensory adaptation.

Read more bout stimuli:


a developmental psychologists is interested in the effects of social environment on children's language development during infancy and toddlerhood. what is one known variable that he knows will most likely affect child's language development?


One known variable that affects a child's language development is the number of words they hear at home. Research has shown that the more words children are exposed to at home, the more developed their language skills are.

Language development is the process through which children acquire language from infancy to adolescent age. It includes the development of various aspects such as phonetics, syntax, semantics, morphology, pragmatics, and vocabulary acquisition. The child's environment, interactions, and experiences play a crucial role in shaping their language development.

Research suggests that the quantity and quality of words children hear in their environment have a significant impact on their language development. The number of words children hear at home is one of the most critical environmental factors affecting their language development. Children who hear more words tend to have a more extensive vocabulary and better language skills than children who hear fewer words. This is why a rich, stimulating language environment is crucial to promote healthy language development in children.

Learn more about language development at


she was an american born french dancer, singer, activist and actress who was one of the most successful african americans in french history. she also was a spy in world war ii, who is she?


Josephine Baker was a legendary entertainer, civil rights activist, and World War II spy.

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, she moved to France and became one of the most successful African Americans in French history. She was known for her electrifying performances as a dancer and singer and starred in films such as "Zouzou" and "Princess Tam Tam." During World War II, Baker served as a spy for the French Resistance, smuggling intelligence across borders and using her status as a celebrity to gain access to important information. She later received numerous honors and awards for her contributions to the war effort and her activism.

To learn more about activist refer to:


What is body doubling in remote work?


Body doubling in remote work is a technique used to increase focus and productivity while working from home. It involves having another person, typically a coworker or accountability partner, virtually "sit" with you while you work. This person doesn't necessarily have to be working on the same task as you, but their presence can help you stay accountable and motivated to stay on task.

During a body doubling session, you and your partner can use video conferencing software to work together while on mute, which can help simulate the experience of working together in the same physical space. This can be especially helpful for individuals who struggle with staying focused and motivated while working alone or in a distracting environment. Body doubling can also be used in conjunction with time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for a set period of time, take a short break, and then repeat the process. By having a partner to work with during each work session, you can provide each other with support and encouragement, which can help improve productivity and reduce feelings of isolation while working remotely.

To learn more about Body doubling refer to:


A worker who helps individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities increase their personal, interpersonal, socioeconomic, and political strength and influence through improving their circumstances


The worker that helps individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities increase their personal, interpersonal, socioeconomic, and political strength and influence through improving their circumstances is known as a social worker.

Social work is a profession that is dedicated to aiding people, groups, and communities in improving their quality of life by addressing individual, family, community, and social problems. Social workers use a range of methods to assist people, including counseling, advocacy, and policy analysis. Social workers operate in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals, social service agencies, community organizations, and government agencies. They work with people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly.

Learn more about social worker at


As a research participant, you study this list of words: curtain, book, anger, dirt, plant, hunger, paper, sadness, sunshine, music, disease, surprise, fired, love, test, pizza, electricity. When you are later asked to recall the list, the ______ effect would suggest that you are most likely to have trouble remembering ______.
A. primacy; book C. serial-position; music
B. recency; pizza D. serial-position; curtain


Serial-position effect suggests that you are most likely to have trouble remembering music, as the word is listed in the middle. Thus, the correct answer is B.

The serial position effect refers to the tendency of people to better remember items that are presented at the beginning and end of a list, compared to items that are presented in the middle of a list.

The words at the beginning of the list are remembered better due to the primacy effect, while the words at the end of the list are remembered better due to the recency effect.

The recency effect is a phenomenon that refers to a person's ability to remember words, ideas, or other data that were just encountered in a list.

Thus, when you are later asked to recall the list, the serial-position effect would suggest that you are most likely to have trouble remembering music. So, option B is correct.

Learn more about the Serial-position effect here:


The Virginia Declaration of Rights says that everyone has inherent rights that can't be given up. Which of the following are the inherent rights listed in that document? (choose all that apply)
pursuing and obtaining happiness, acquiring and possessing property, enjoyment of life and liberty


The Virginia Declaration of Rights states that all individuals have "inherent rights", which include the right to pursue and obtain happiness, the right to acquire and possess property, and the right to enjoy life and liberty. Thus all options are correct.

The Virginia Declaration of Rights was adopted in 1776 by the Virginia Constitutional Convention. The document includes a preamble and 16 clauses that outline the inherent rights of the people of Virginia such as,

Enjoyment of life and liberty.

Acquiring and possessing property.

Pursuing and obtaining happiness.

Inherent rights are defined as rights that are universal, indivisible, interdependent, and inalienable. They are inherent to human beings and cannot be transferred or taken away.

They are guaranteed by law and are protected by the government. Inherent rights are also referred to as human rights.

Learn more about the Virginia Declaration of Rights here:


Which statement best describes the Industrial Revolution?a.It was centrally planned in Europe and developed evenly across the continent.b.It took place with amazing speed throughout Europe within the course of a single genera-tion.c.Steam engines were very quickly adopted in the chemical, textile, and iron industries.d.It was largely a planned event, building on centuries of technological accomplishments.e.It was unplanned and affected different industries in different countries at different rates ofspeed.


E. It was unplanned and affected different industries in different countries at different rates of speed. The Industrial Revolution was a period of significant social, economic, and technological change that took place in Europe and North America during the 18th and 19th centuries.

It was characterized by the development of new manufacturing processes, the growth of factory systems, and the use of machinery powered by steam and other energy sources. The Industrial Revolution was not a centrally planned event and it did not develop evenly across the continent. Instead, it emerged in different industries and countries at different rates of speed, with some areas experiencing rapid industrialization while others lagged behind. Steam engines were an important innovation during the Industrial Revolution and were quickly adopted in industries such as textiles, iron, and chemicals, but their adoption was not uniform across all industries or regions.

To know more about industrial revolution click here:


what would have happened if we did not have right to cultural and educational freedom and right against exploitation




If we did not have the right to cultural and educational freedom, it would mean that the government or other authorities would have the power to dictate what we can learn, what cultural practices we can participate in, and what beliefs we can hold. This would severely limit our personal freedom and could lead to the suppression of ideas, creativity, and cultural diversity.

If we did not have the right against exploitation, it would mean that individuals could be subjected to forced labor, slavery, and other forms of exploitation without any legal protection or recourse. This could lead to widespread abuse and violation of human rights, as well as create a system of inequality and injustice.

Overall, the absence of these fundamental rights would result in a society where personal freedom, creativity, and individual potential are severely limited, and exploitation and abuse of vulnerable groups would be widespread.

Legal measures that would put some constraints on corporate monopolies are clearly in the public interest because the good of the community would be decidedly improved if we could find some legal way of preventing the total control of the production and distribution of a particular service or product by a single corporation.
(a) Equivocation
(b) Appeal to Popularity
(c) Circular Reasoning
(d) No Fallacy


The option that best describes the reasoning is that there is No Fallacy. The statement mentioned does not contain a fallacy.
Fallacies in reasoning are faults in the thought processes that impede critical thinking. The recognition of fallacies can improve one's ability to reason logically. Therefore, the reasoning mentioned in the question is clear and understandable. The statement is making a valid argument that legal measures to put constraints on corporate monopolies would benefit the public. They are arguing that this would improve the community, rather than relying on any fallacious reasoning. So the correct option is (d) No Fallacy.

For more information on fallacy, visit


1 ptBen is asked to memorize the words canine, feline, and avian. He remembers the words by associating them with their synonyms: dog, cat, and bird. This is an example of ________ encoding.acousticsemanticsensoryvisual


Answer: semantic encoding


This is an example of semantic encoding, which is the process of encoding the meaning of information rather than its physical characteristics. By associating the words with their synonyms, Ben is encoding the meaning of the words rather than their acoustic, sensory, or visual properties.

politics group of answer choices is the process that determines what government does. is generally free of conflict. does not affect most people daily. is basically the same thing as government.


The politics group of answer choices is a process that determines what the government does. It is generally free of conflict and does not affect most people's daily lives. Government and politics are essentially the same thing, as the government is a set of people and organizations that make and enforce laws and regulations.

What is politics group?

Politics group is the process that determines what government does. This group is responsible for making decisions that affect a country or society. It is the process of making decisions that apply to everyone. Political groups are often associated with elections and campaign activities.

They influence public policy and help citizens understand how government works. Government, on the other hand, refers to the system of people, policies, and laws that govern a country.

Government is responsible for managing a country's resources, providing public services, and protecting citizens from harm.

Therefore, the statement that is incorrect is "is generally free of conflict." Politics is a diverse and controversial field, and it is rare for there to be a political issue that is not contentious.

Even though political groups have disagreements and conflicts, they still work together to make decisions that are in the best interests of their country or society.

Learn more about Government here:


according to abraham maslow, people are motivated through: please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. a hierarchy of needs. kinesthesis. drive-reduction. instincts.


According to Abraham Maslow, people are motivated through a hierarchy of needs. The correct option is a hierarchy of needs.

Abraham Maslow and hierarchy of needs

Abraham Maslow developed the hierarchy of needs, which is a theory that explains human motivation and behavior. Maslow suggested that human needs could be organized into a hierarchical system, with basic physiological needs, such as hunger and thirst, at the bottom of the hierarchy, followed by safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.

Maslow suggested that people were motivated by the need to fulfill these needs, and they would move up the hierarchy as they achieved each level of need.

In conclusion, the correct option is ''a hierarchy of needs.''

See more about Abraham Maslow at


feminist theory notes the systematic inequality in social life by gender and seeks political reform to overcome this inequality. these features of feminist theory illustrate its connection to group of answer choices functionalism. symbolic interactionism. conflict theory. rational choice theory.


Feminist theory notes the systematic inequality in social life by gender and seeks political reform to overcome this inequality. These features of feminist theory illustrate its connection to conflict theory.

What is a feminist theory?

Feminist theory is a social theory that examines the status of women and the structure of gender relationships in society. The main objective of feminist theory is to understand gender inequality, recognize women's experiences, and advance the interests of women. Feminist theorists analyze the social world to reveal gender stratification and establish goals for social and political reform. Gender inequalities, such as a woman's inability to access quality education or the gender pay gap, are the primary concern of feminist theory.

Conflict theory: Conflict theory is a social theory that asserts that social change and conflict arise when resources, status, and power are unequally distributed between groups in society. Feminist theory has a close relationship with conflict theory because it is concerned with the systematic inequality that exists between genders in society.

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job simplification is closely associated with modern human resources management theory. a)true b)false the combined score on this test ranges from 400 to 1600. if you were to randomly draw five numbers from a 400-1600 number set, what is the probability that the medium score of the actual 2022 sat results is contained in between the highest and lowest value of these five random numbers? At the end of the first year of operations, Mayberry Advertising had accounts receivable of $21,300. Management of the company estimates that 10% of the accounts will not be collected. What adjustment would Mayberry Advertising record for Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts? The first stop in assessing the evolutionary path of the three equine species is to transcribe their mitochondrial DNA to RNA. A mitochondrial gene from a horse is found on the top strand: What RNA sequence is produced from this strand of DNA? (Enter your answer beginning at the 5' end with no spaces.) Ten investigators from ten public universities surveyed 1181 ethiopian adults residing. In Addis ababa to gauge the demand for vegeterian meals in restaurents. The study , commissioned by the ethiopian ministry of health , polled independent random samples of 747 men and 434 women. Of those sampled , 376 men and 195 women said that they sometimes order a dish without meat , fish , or fowl when they eat out. Do the data from the survey provide sufficient evidence to conclude that percentage of A. A men who sometimes order veg is smaller than the percentage of Addis Ababa women who sometimes order veg?use 5% level of significance. Teste hypothesis properly there are three ladies one is wearing a t-shirt and trouser the other one is wearing a tracksuit while the other one is wearing a gown which one is married? Discuss in TWO ways the importance of public participation in democratic structures and democratic decision-making processes I need help please! Plant growth hormones a copper wire with a diameter of 1.63 mm and a length of 29.0 m has a current of 15.0 a flowing through the wire. what is the resistance (r) of the wire what is the change in voltage from one end of the wire to the other end if the income from the franchise is reinvested at an annual interest rate of 10% compounded continuously, find the present value of the franchise. (round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Bernie helped design a magician costume for a school play. He used 5.75 feet of ribbon for the magician's wand. He used 11.75 feet of the same ribbon to decorate the magician's robe. If Bernie used $10.50 of ribbon in all, how much did the ribbon cost per foot?The best solution gets brainlist FILL IN THE BLANK _________ is achieved when there is an equal concentration of water and electrolytes inside and outside the body's cells. The motion of particles creates a heat energy. True or false e) benzoic acid, C6H5COOH, is a stronger acid than phenol, C6H5OH after being conditioned to be afraid of a white rat, little albert came to fear anything white and fuzzy. what is this process called? which of the following protects an individual from being held in custody without the right to be heard in a court of law? Consider the CO2 Emissions project.Which of these visual recipes can NOT be used to restrict the datasets in the project to the years 2008-2012?A Sample/Filter recipeA Sync recipeA filter processor in a Prepare recipeThe pre-filter step of a Join recipe Please do help me. Nonsense answers will be reported.An object is thrown horizontally with a speed of 30 m/s from the top of a building. Complete the table below for the indicated time interval. Use g 10 m/s) the 3 general ways to overload your body through exercise arefrequency, intensity,time.all of these Your general purpose is to _____ when you wish to reinforce, change, or influence the attitudes, beliefs, values, or actions of your audience.