What is a "fief" in medieval times?


Answer 1


In the Middle Ages, a "fief," which was also called a "feudal landholding," was a piece of land that a lord gave to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and military service. The vassal would usually swear an oath of allegiance to the lord and be expected to provide a certain number of knights and soldiers to fight for the lord in times of war.

The fief itself could be anything from a small piece of land to a large estate. It could also include things like forests, mills, and mines, as well as land. The vassal would be able to collect taxes, tolls, and other money from the fief, and he or she could also rule over the people who lived there in different ways.

The fief was a key part of feudalism, which was common in medieval Europe from the 9th to the 15th century. This system was made up of a complicated web of relationships between lords, vassals, and serfs (peasants who were bound to the land).

Answer 2


please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will be satisfied with my answer


In European feudalism, a fief was a source of income granted to a person (called a vassal) by his lord in exchange for his services. The fief usually consisted of land and the labor of peasants who were bound to cultivate it.

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in 1987, she became the first female performer to be inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. name this vocal powerhouse


Since Aretha Franklin became the first woman to play at the Hall on January 3, 1987, just over 100 female artists have been added.

In 1987, who was the first performer to be admitted into the rock genre?

Introduction. Mrs. Soul. Aretha Franklin, the first female elected into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004, was a passionate, sophisticated, and commanding performer whose albums continue to be songs that defined dance music. The Queen is still alive. Aretha Franklin becomes the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on this date in music history. Franklin Franklin made history in 1987 by being the first female performer to be elected into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

To know more about Aretha Franklin visit:



White elites at St. Domingue were angered when the National Assembly in France granted political rights to whom in 1791?


The white elites at St. Domingue were angered when the National Assembly in France granted political rights to free people of color in 1791.

St. Domingue was a French colony situated on the western side of the Hispaniola Island from 1659 to 1804. It is now known as Haiti. The colony was the wealthiest colony of France, and it was the home to white elites who owned numerous plantations and slaves.

What were the demands of the slaves?

The slaves who were a large part of the St. Domingue society demanded freedom, and they got their first chance in August 1791 when they rebelled against their slave owners. The St. Domingue slaves formed a revolutionary force that was opposed to the French colonizers.

The white elites at St. Domingue reacted angrily to the National Assembly of France granting political rights to free people of color in 1791. The political rights were the right to vote, and the white elites did not want the free people of color to have them. They were opposed to any efforts to change the St. Domingue society's social classes.

In conclusion, the white elites at St. Domingue were angered when the National Assembly in France granted political rights to free people of color in 1791. The white elites did not want the free people of color to have the right to vote, and they were opposed to any changes in the social classes of St. Domingue society.

Learn more about St. Domingue: https://brainly.com/question/20555054


Which groups were disenfranchised during the Civil Rights movement, and how were they affected? I need a detailed answer please.



The Civil Rights movement in the United States spanned several decades and was a pivotal moment in the fight for equal rights for all citizens. During this time, several groups were disenfranchised, meaning they were denied their basic rights and privileges as American citizens. These groups included African Americans, women, Native Americans, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

African Americans were arguably the most disenfranchised group during the Civil Rights movement. They faced systemic discrimination, segregation, and violence. For example, the Jim Crow laws enforced segregation and denied African Americans access to education, healthcare, and public accommodations such as restaurants and hotels. Many were denied the right to vote, and those who attempted to vote faced intimidation and violence. African American activists, such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, played a critical role in challenging these injustices through nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience.

Women were also disenfranchised during the Civil Rights movement, although their struggles often intersected with those of African Americans. Women were denied many of the same basic rights as African Americans, including access to education and employment opportunities. They also faced discrimination in the workplace, with lower pay and fewer advancement opportunities than men. Women's rights activists, such as Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem, fought for gender equality and helped spark the feminist movement.

Native Americans were another group that was disenfranchised during the Civil Rights movement. They faced discrimination and mistreatment, with many forced to live on reservations and denied access to basic services such as healthcare and education. Native American activists such as Russell Means and Dennis Banks founded the American Indian Movement (AIM) to fight for Indigenous rights and sovereignty.

Finally, LGBTQ+ individuals were disenfranchised during the Civil Rights movement as well. They faced widespread discrimination and persecution, with homosexuality being considered a crime in many states. Activists such as Harvey Milk and Marsha P. Johnson fought for LGBTQ+ rights, including the right to marry and protections against discrimination.

In conclusion, the Civil Rights movement in the United States was a critical moment in the fight for equal rights for all citizens. Several groups, including African Americans, women, Native Americans, and LGBTQ+ individuals, were disenfranchised during this time, and their struggles continue to shape the ongoing fight for justice and equality.

This approach is often summarized by the maxim "when in Rome do as Romans do"naive immoralistrighteous moralistcultural relativism


The approach often summarized by the maxim "when in Rome do as Romans do" is "cultural relativism".

Cultural relativism is a concept that refers to the view that moral and ethical systems and beliefs are culturally dependent and need to be viewed from the perspective of one's culture or society. That is, one's culture or practice is valued with making judgments on such culture.

Hence, an individual must adapt and adjust their behavior to the prevailing social norms when visiting a new place. This practice is often summarized as "when in Rome do as the Romans do". Therefore the correct answer is cultural relativism.

Learn more about Cultural relativism here: https://brainly.com/question/26329006


according to the textbook the war crimes trial serves other purposes what was the purpose holocaust​



I don't know what your textbook says, but War Crimes Trials serve as a deterrent to others, they will be scared to commit such crimes, as they know that they will be prosecuted eventually if they do.


considered the greatest of the italian renaissance artists, who was born in the small village of caprese on march 6, 1475?


Michelangelo (March 6, 1475 - February 18, 1564)

how much health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996?


Its fundamental objective is to guarantee that people who change occupations or quit their jobs still have access to health insurance.

A federal law known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), which barred the disclosure of private patient health information without the consent or knowledge of the patient, compelled the development of national standards. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which was passed on August 21, 1996, aims to improve both the efficiency of healthcare delivery and the proportion of Americans with access to health insurance.

By removing restrictions on employment due to pre-existing conditions, you may ensure the mobility of your health insurance. Limit healthcare fraud and waste. enforce the rules for health information. Make sure that patient data is secure and private.

To know more about HIPAA Act 1996 visit :



by the 1816 presidential election, the federalists had ceased to be a potent force in national politics, which resulted in an end to?


By the 1816 presidential election, the federalists had ceased to be a potent force in national politics, which resulted in an end to the First Party System.

The First Party System was a historical political era that began in the United States in 1792 and lasted until the 1820s. The First Party System was characterized by two political parties that competed for power: the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party.

The Federalist Party was founded by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, and it was known for supporting a strong central government, a strong military, and policies that favored the interests of the wealthy. 'The Democratic-Republican Party was founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, and it was known for advocating for a limited central government, agrarianism, and policies that favored the interests of farmers and laborers.

The First Party System came to an end in the 1820s, as the Federalist Party ceased to be a potent force in national politics, leaving the Democratic-Republican Party as the only major political party.

Learn more about First Party System at https://brainly.com/question/11468082


Source 3: "Munson Report" by Curtis B. Manson This is a government investigation report on Japanese Loyalty in America done in November 1941 (before Pearl Harbor happened) There is no Japanese problem on the Coast. There will be no armed uprising of Japanese. There will undoubtedly be some sabotage financed by Japan and execated largely by imported agents in each Naval District there are about 250 to 300 under surveillance. It is easy to get on the suspect list, merely a spee in favor of Japan at some banquet being sufficient to land one there. The Intelligence Services with the title of suspect and are taking no chances, Privately, they believe that only 60 in each district can be classed as really dangerous. The Japanese are hampered as saboteurs because of their easily recognized physical appearance. It will be hard for them to get near anything to blow up if it is guarded. There is far more danger from Communists and people of the Bridges type on the Coast than there is from Japanese. The Japanese here is almost exclusively a farmer, a fisherman or a small businessman. He has no entree to plants or intricate machinery." Question 1: What does the Munson Report find/conclude? or​



The Munson Report concludes that there is no Japanese problem on the West Coast and that there will be no armed uprising of Japanese. It suggests that there may be some sabotage financed by Japan and executed largely by imported agents, but that only a small number of Japanese individuals (about 60 in each district) can be classed as really dangerous. The report also notes that the Japanese in America are hampered as saboteurs due to their easily recognized physical appearance and that there is far more danger from Communists and people of the Bridges type on the Coast than there is from Japanese. The Japanese in America are almost exclusively farmers, fishermen, or small business owners, and they have no entree to plants or intricate machinery.

How is profit calculated? __________ Profit =___________________ -

(U.S. Government and Economics )



Profit = Total revenue - Total cost

What decision by the United Nations after WWII began nearly 7 decades of unrest in the Middle East?


In the years following the Second World War, the Atlantic Alliance was created.

When did the United Nations begin to take shape after World War II?

On 24 October 1945, the United Nations came into being after its Charter had already been accepted by China, France, the Eastern Bloc, the U.k., the United States, and a plurality of other signatories, 4 months after San Francisco Conference came to a conclusion.

The experience of something like the second world war led to the adoption of the universal human rights charter by the Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948.

To know more about human rights visit:



Describe the contributions that minorities and women made to the war effort in Europe?


Sample Answer:Minorities and women played an important role in the war effort in Europe. African American men served as soldiers and stormed the beach at Normandy. The Tuskegee Airmen escorted bombers and flew ground missions. Women drove trucks of supplies and troops, test-flew planes, and served as mechanics.

list the five steps of posting from the general journal to the general ledger.


The five steps of posting from the general journal to the general ledger are as follows:
1. Read the journal entry and identify the account names and the debit and credit amounts.
2. Transfer the debit and credit amounts to the appropriate accounts in the general ledger.
3. Check the accuracy of the entry by making sure that the total debit amounts equal the total credit amounts.
4. Prepare the appropriate journal entries in the general ledger.
5. Post the journal entries to the ledger, making sure to indicate the total debit and credit amounts.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the entries in your general ledger are accurate and up-to-date.
Here are the five steps of posting from the general journal to the general ledger:Step 1: Determine the ledger accountsThe first step in posting is to identify the relevant ledger accounts for each transaction. Once the accounts have been identified, we should check to see if they are already in the ledger. If not, the accounts should be created in the ledger.

Step 2: Check the debit and credit sidesThe second step is to examine the debit and credit sides of each transaction in the journal. This is to ensure that the amount of debit is equal to the amount of credit. If there is an inequality between the debit and credit sides, the problem should be rectified.Step 3: Transfer the entries from the journal to the ledgerThe third step is to transfer the data from the journal to the ledger. This involves copying the data into the appropriate account in the ledger.

Step 4: Record the journal page numberThe fourth step is to record the journal page number in the ledger account. This is done to show where the data originated from and to make it easier to find the transaction in the journal.Step 5: Calculate the account balanceThe final step is to calculate the balance of each account in the ledger.

For such more questions on journal :



How did the Arab-Israeli War impact the lives of Palestinians?



The Arab Israeli War in 1948 obliterated the Palestinian landscape, destroyed 531 villages, uprooted 800,000 people, and resulted in millions of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons (IDP). Killed and women were raped and burned alive in front of their families.

Explain which you think had a greater impact on colonial government- the passage of the English Bill Of Rights or the Great Awaking?


It is hard to determine which had a bigger effect on colonial government in terms of influence. Both had a significant impact on the way that politics, culture, and religion were practiced in the American colonies, which helped pave the way for the development of the United States into a democratic republic.

The  passage of the English Bill of Rights led to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in England and severely curtailed the monarch's authority. This has significant ramifications for colonial governance since it contributed to the development of the limited government theory and the notion that authorities should be subordinate to the law. Many of the democratic ideals that would later be codified in the U.S. Constitution had their origins in the English Bill of Rights, which also contributed to their development.

The American colonies experienced a religious resurgence known as The Great Awakening during the 1730s and 1740s. It significantly influenced colonial life and culture and contributed to the promotion of individualism and religious freedom. Many of the revolutionary beliefs that would ultimately fuel the American Revolution were also influenced by the Great Awakening.

To know more about English Bill of Rights



please help i will give brainliest
(you only need to answer two of these) pick any 2

1. What are business services, and where are they located in central business districts and
2. What are consumer services, and where are they located in central business districts and
3. How do marketers use geography to determine what services are needed and where they should
be located?
4. How do services vary between rural settlements and urban settlements?
5. How do models of urban development explain the distribution of people, services, and economic
activities in urban structures?
6. As urban areas expand, how are patterns of transportation, population distribution, and
governments changing?


4. Services in rural settlements are typically more limited and basic compared to those in urban settlements. Urban areas generally have a wider range of services, including specialized medical care, advanced educational facilities, and more diverse retail options.

6. As urban areas expand, there are changes in transportation patterns, with increased reliance on public transit, carpooling, and alternative modes of transportation. Population distribution also changes, with greater concentration of people in urban areas, and there are shifts in government responsibilities and policies to address the unique challenges and opportunities of urban living.

when analyzing source material, each of these might indicate bias on the part of an author EXCEPT


Each of these could be considered biased by an author who emphasizes various points of view when examining the original material.

What is an illustration of emphasis?The value of peace was underlined by him. Education is important, the teacher said. The significance of finishing this by the deadline must be emphasized. He stressed how crucial it is to put in a lot of effort.The spelling emphasise, also known as emphasises, emphasised, and emphasising, is used in Britain. Its noun form is emphasis. The American spelling emphasize is favored. Emphasizes, emphasized, and emphasizing are similar terms.When you wish to accentuate something or give something more weight, the verb emphasize works well. Adding emphasis to specific words in a sentence is another natural thing our voices do. The listener may understand the sentence's meaning more clearly and is informed about its significance by the emphasis.

The complte question is:

When analyzing source material, each of these might indicate bias on the part of an author EXCEPT

A)stereotyping people in an article.

B)emphasizing multiple points of view.

C)exaggerating outcomes or consequences.

D)making generalizations such as “everyone knows.”

To learn more about emphasizes, refer to:


Which of the following occurred during the
Classic Period?
A Public centers were built.
B The Maya civilization reached its height.
C The Maya no longer thrived.
D The Maya spread across the lowlands.


The Maya civilization reached its height occurred during the Classic Period.

What is a civilization?

Civilization is a complex and organized society characterized by advanced social, economic, political, and cultural systems. It is often marked by the development of technologies and institutions that enable large groups of people to live and work together in harmony. Some of the hallmarks of civilization include the establishment of cities and other urban centers, the development of writing and communication systems, the creation of complex forms of government and legal systems, and the advancement of scientific and artistic endeavors. Civilization is also characterized by a strong sense of shared identity and culture, as well as a capacity for innovation and adaptation in the face of changing circumstances. Ultimately, civilization represents a pinnacle of human achievement and progress.

To learn more about civilization, visit:



as described in the passage, the pattern of economic development in russia in the nineteenth century differed most strongly from which other pattern of economic development during the same period? responses the emergence of resource export economies, such as those in colonial south asia the emergence of resource export economies, such as those in colonial south asia the expansion of transnational businesses, such as global banking and insurance companies the expansion of transnational businesses, such as global banking and insurance companies the implementation of economic policies to promote industrialization, such as the attempts to develop a cotton textile industry in egypt the implementation of economic policies to promote industrialization, such as the attempts to develop a cotton textile industry in egypt the transition from preindustrial to industrial production through the actions of private entrepreneurs or companies


The pattern of economic development in Russia in the nineteenth century differed most strongly from the transition from preindustrial to industrial production through the actions of private entrepreneurs or companies, such as the attempts to develop a cotton textile industry in Egypt.

About Russia

Russia, country that stretches over a vast expanse of eastern Europe and northern Asia. Once the preeminent republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.; commonly known as the Soviet Union), Russia became an independent country after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991.

Russia is a land of superlatives. By far the world’s largest country, it covers nearly twice the territory of Canada, the second largest. It extends across the whole of northern Asia and the eastern third of Europe, spanning 11 time zones and incorporating a great range of environments and landforms, from deserts to semiarid steppes to deep forests and Arctic tundra.

Russia contains Europe’s longest river, the Volga, and its largest lake, Ladoga. Russia also is home to the world’s deepest lake, Baikal, and the country recorded the world’s lowest temperature outside the North and South poles.

Learn more about Russia at



she was the first african american female judge, who is she?


Ketanji Jackson becomes the first African-American woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was formally sworn in as a deputy justice of the United States Supreme Court, making her the first African-American woman to fill that role in the country.

Chief Justice John Roberts took her constitutional oath for Jackson on Thursday afternoon, while Deputy Justice Stephen Breyer opened the court at a ceremony ahead of her family's small gathering at the Supreme Court on Capitol Hill. took an oath.

In her statement, Jackson said she would seek justice "without fear or favor."

The ceremony was broadcast live on the homepage of the Supreme Court website. The official investiture ceremony will take place at a later date, according to the court, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

That came a day after Breyer, who has worked on the Supreme Court since 1994, announced he would be stepping down from the Supreme Court bench on Thursday. The 83-year-old liberal announced his resignation from his court earlier this year.

U.S. President Joe Biden announced in late February that Jackson, 51, would be named to replace Breyer, one of the veteran Democrat's big promises to fill potential Supreme Court vacancies of African descent. It was to fill with American women. 

Know more about Ketanji Jackson here:



cognitive therapy was developed by psychiatrist _____in the 1960s.


Cognitive therapy was developed by psychiatrist Aaron Beck in the 1960s.

Dr. Beck first introduced the concept of cognitive therapy as a form of psychotherapy to treat depression, with the aim of helping patients to identify and correct problematic thoughts and behaviors that are interfering with their happiness and wellbeing. Cognitive therapy, also known as cognitive-behavioral therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping patients to recognize, challenge, and change maladaptive or distorted thought patterns that can lead to depression, anxiety, or other psychological distress.

The therapy focuses on the here-and-now, seeking to identify and modify patterns of thinking or behavior that are interfering with a patient’s happiness or wellbeing. Cognitive therapy has been used to treat a wide range of psychological issues including depression, anxiety, phobias, addiction, relationship issues, and more.

For such more questions on Cognitive therapy:



who is trimalchio explain how this describes gatsby


Petronius' narrative Satyricon featured a character named Trimalchio. He was a man who worked tirelessly to achieve success and fortune. He organized lavish parties as soon as he became wealthy to dazzle his visitors. Because Gatsby has done the same thing, this would be discussed in the text.

What is meant by trimalchio?The Roman author Petronius' Satyricon included a character named Trimalchio. It was written in the first century AD. The "Cna Trmalchinis" segment of the play portrays him as the pompous, nouveau-riche host. The conceited ex-slave Trimalchio has amassed considerable money as a wine trader. The work that evolved from "Trimalchio" appears to reflect a number of Fitzgerald's challenges, including his lifelong quest for success and his fears of falling short of his goals. Petronius' narrative Satyricon featured a character named Trimalchio. He was a man who, through tenacity and labor, had amassed wealth and power. He organized lavish parties as soon as he became wealthy to dazzle his visitors.

To learn more about trimalchio, refer to:


Trimalchio is a character in the ancient Roman novel "Satyricon" by Petronius. He is portrayed as a wealthy but ostentatious and nouveau riche individual, known for his lavish parties and displays of wealth. Trimalchio's character represents excess, materialism, and a desire for social status.

In relation to Gatsby, a comparison can be drawn based on their shared characteristics. Like Trimalchio, Gatsby is a wealthy individual who hosts extravagant parties and seeks to impress others with his opulence. Both characters are driven by a desire for social acceptance and strive to project an image of success.

However, beneath their outward displays of wealth, there is a sense of hollowness and a longing for something deeper. Both Trimalchio and Gatsby are ultimately trying to fill a void in their lives through their excessive lifestyles, highlighting the themes of wealth, ambition, and the pursuit of the American Dream in their respective stories.

Learn more about Trimalchio here:



how did the federal government implement the indian removal act in 1838?


President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law on May 28, 1830, giving him the power to exchange Indian territories inside of current state lines for uninhabited territory west of the Mississippi. Many tribes opposed the concept of removal, however a few tribes left quietly.

What about Andrew Jackson?American lawyer, planter, general, and statesman Andrew Jackson presided over the country as its seventh president from 1829 to 1837. He rose to fame as a U.S. Army general and served in both houses of Congress before being chosen to the presidency. Jackson, a major general in the War of 1812, won national acclaim for defeating the British at New Orleans. Some state political factions supported Jackson in 1824; by 1828, enough had allied with "Old Hickory" to win a number of state elections and take over the federal government in Washington.During the War of 1812, Andrew Jackson led the Tennessee militia in a crushing victory over the Creek Indians (allied with the British).

To learn more about Andrew Jackson, refer to:


Final answer:

The Indian Removal Act was implemented by the U.S. government in 1838 through a forceful relocation of Native American tribes from the Southeast to the 'Indian Territory'. This led to the Trail of Tears, a journey marking the suffering of Native Americans during relocation.


The federal government implemented the Indian Removal Act in 1838 through a series of measures designed to forcibly relocate Native American tribes living in the southeastern United States to designated 'Indian Territory' in the West (now Oklahoma). This policy was largely driven by the desire of white settlers to expand their agricultural enterprises into Native American lands. The enforcement of the act is perhaps best remembered for the brutal journey known as the Trail of Tears, during which thousands of Native Americans died from disease, exposure, and starvation.

Learn more about Indian Removal Act here:



what was the main outcome of the yalta conference in 1945?


The main outcome of the Yalta Conference was the agreement to divide Germany into four zones controlled by the Allies.The Yalta Conference's primary objective was to discuss the division of post-World War II Europe.

The Yalta Conference was held between February 4 and 11, 1945, and it was a meeting between leaders of the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom.The leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union attended the conference. The leaders agreed to divide Germany into four occupation zones after the defeat of Nazi Germany. They further agreed to temporarily divide Berlin into four separate zones of occupation before Germany's re-unification in the future.

USSR and United States would hold on to their own systems of government, while Great Britain would retain the current parliamentary democracy that had been in place. It was agreed that Poland would be given a "provisional" government of national unity until it could hold free and fair elections to establish its permanent government. Stalin also agreed to join the fight against Japan within two or three months after the defeat of Germany. In exchange for his cooperation, he was promised territories in the Pacific.

For such more questions on Yalta Conference:



what were three types of popular dance orchestras during the 1920s


The three types of dance orchestras during 1920 are jazz orchestras, big bands and dance bands

What were three types of popular dance orchestras during the 1920s?

During the 1920s, there were several types of popular dance orchestras that were widely enjoyed by the public. Here are three types of popular dance orchestras during that era:

1. Jazz Orchestras: Jazz was an incredibly popular genre of music during the 1920s, and jazz orchestras were often the main entertainment at dance halls and clubs. These orchestras were made up of a variety of instruments, including brass, woodwinds, and percussion. Famous jazz orchestras from the 1920s include the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra, the Duke Ellington Orchestra, and the Louis Armstrong Orchestra.

2. Big Bands: Big bands were another popular type of dance orchestra during the 1920s. These bands typically consisted of 10 to 25 musicians and included saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and a rhythm section. Big bands played a variety of music styles, including jazz, swing, and dance music. Some famous big bands from the 1920s include the Benny Goodman Orchestra, the Glenn Miller Orchestra, and the Count Basie Orchestra.

3. Dance Bands: Dance bands were orchestras that were specifically designed to play music for dancing. These bands played a variety of dance styles, including foxtrots, waltzes, and tangos. Dance bands were typically smaller than big bands and jazz orchestras, consisting of around 5 to 10 musicians. Some popular dance bands from the 1920s include the Paul Whiteman Orchestra, the Casa Loma Orchestra, and the Nat Shilkret Orchestra.

Learn more on dance orchestras here;



where did the german soldiers sleeped in belgium ww2?


Topic: Where Did German Soldiers Sleep in Belgium during World War II?

German soldiers slept in different places in Belgium.

In cities, they slept in schools, public buildings, and homes.

In the countryside, they slept in barns, outbuildings, or tents.

Some soldiers slept in special barracks or camps.

The places where they slept changed over time and depending on where they were in Belgium.

Summary: During World War II, German soldiers slept in different places in Belgium, such as schools, public buildings, homes, barns, and camps, depending on where they were and the availability of accommodations.


how thick are the walls of the alveoli and the capillaries?


The walls of the alveoli and the capillaries are thin. The alveoli walls are made up of a single layer of squamous cells, which is about 0.2 to 0.5 microns in thickness. The walls of the capillaries, on the other hand, are made up of a single layer of endothelial cells that are about 0.1 microns thick.

The alveoli is a tiny air sac that is responsible for gas exchange in the lungs, whereas the capillaries are small blood vessels that connect arteries and veins. These structures play an important role in maintaining the body's oxygen supply.

The walls of the alveoli and capillaries must be thin to allow for efficient gas exchange between the lungs and bloodstream. The thinness of these structures allows oxygen to diffuse across the membrane and into the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide diffuses out of the bloodstream and into the lungs.

For more such questions on alveoli, click on:



Which of these events happened during the partial meltdown at Three Mile Island?

a. Radiation swept over millions of acres of forest and farmland in Ukraine and Belarus.
b. People no longer lived in an exclusion zone around the area.
c. A pressure valve did not close.
d. The Soviet government did not tell any other nations what had happened.


The Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station is a defunct nuclear power facility on Three Mile Island, a reservoir in the Susquehanna River south of Harrisburg in Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. TMI-1 and TMI-2 are its two independent units.

Which of these incidents took place during Three Mile Island's partial meltdown?

Two pressurized light-water reactors were present at the Three Mile Island nuclear power station. Reactor 2's core partially melted on March 28, 1979, due to a cooling issue. Several health studies have found that although some radioactive gas was produced, it wasn't enough to have a negative impact on health. The partial meltdown of the power plant's Unit 2 reactor, which resulted in the emission of a minor quantity of radioactive material, was caused by a confluence of equipment failure and operator mistake.

Low-level radiation leaked into the atmosphere as a result of a nuclear reactor that malfunctioned and overheated. No one was hurt or killed in the TMI 2 catastrophe. However, specialists determined that the radiation discharged into the atmosphere was insufficient to have a discernable direct impact on human health.

Learn more about Three Mile Island:




a pressure valve didnt close.


i got it right

The fall of Rome signified the beginning of what new era? The Renaissance The Middle Ages The Dark Ages The Neolithic Era


The fall of Rome signified the beginning of the Middle Ages.

The Middle Ages, also known as the Medieval Period, is a historical period that spans from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD to the beginning of the Renaissance in the 14th century. It is characterized by the decline of centralized political power, the rise of feudalism, and the dominance of the Christian Church. The Middle Ages saw the emergence of new kingdoms and empires, the spread of Christianity, and the development of new forms of art, architecture, and literature. It was a period of significant cultural, social, and economic change, and is often divided into the Early Middle Ages, the High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages.

To learn more about Middle Ages refer to:



Consider these statements about the Image given below
1. Title of this caricature is “The Club of Thinkers”.
2. he plaque on the left bears the inscription: ‘The most important question of today’s meeting: How long will
thinking be allowed to us?”
3. This was a caricature of meeting called by liberals.
4. This caricature was created in 1820.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?


The title of this caricature is "The Club of Thinkers, the plaque on the left bears the inscription: The most important question of today's meeting: How long will thinking be allowed to us?" This caricature was created in 1820. The correct option is d.

What is a caricature?

A caricature is a rendered image showing the features of its subject in a simplified or exaggerated way through sketching, pencil strokes, or other artistic drawings. Caricatures can be either insulting or complimentary, and can serve a political purpose, be drawn solely for entertainment, or for a combination of both. Caricatures of politicians are commonly used in editorial cartoons, while caricatures of movie stars are often found in entertainment magazines.

Some of the earliest caricatures are found in the works of Leonardo da Vinci, who actively sought people with deformities to use as models. The point was to offer an impression of the original which was more striking than a portrait.

Caricature took a road to its first successes in the closed aristocratic circles of France and Italy, where such portraits could be passed about for mutual enjoyment.

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Gas G1 G2 G3 G4 2am/mol2) L/mol) 0.0289 0.0388 0.0467 0.0310 2 5.22 1.05 2.31 4.05 Based on the given van der Waals constants for four hypothetical gases (G1, G2, G3, G4), arrange these hypothetical gases in order of decreasing strength of intermolecular forces. Assume that the gases have similar molar masses.Rank from strongest to weakest intermolecular attraction. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.Gas 3, Gas 2, Gas 1, Gas 4 Find the center of mass of a thin plate of constant density delta covering the given region. The region bounded by the parabola y = 3x - x^2 and the line y = -3x The center of mass is. (Type an ordered pair.) What does the fates lead the willing and drag the unwilling mean? Which of the following are things to avoid during this column chromatography experiment? Choose all that apply. Which of the following is false?A. The distribution of areas of houses in Ames is unimodal and right-skewed.B. 50% of houses in Ames are smaller than 1,499.69 square feet.C. The middle 50% of the houses range between approximately 1,126 square feet and 1,742.7 square feet.D. The IQR is approximately 616.7 square feet.E. The smallest house is 334 square feet and the largest is 5,642 square feet Identified by Schein Authority, responsibility, and delegation Without this, the organization begins to drift and become disorganized Individuals do make a difference, but they cannot do everything themselves Coordinated effort This results in greater efficiency Division of labor Without the right to direct the work of others, there is no coordination of effort Centralization vs. decentralization Span of control Additional Elements Most Agree Upon Hierarchy of authority This is linked with whether the structure is taller or flatter Common purpose This has to do with having the rights associated with managerial tasks This is related to who makes important decisions in the organization Reset Prey 1 of 8 !!! an article states that people who drank alcohol frequently wer 2.4 times more likely to develop Seaside Company uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. The Sanding Department started the month with 8,000 units in its beginning work-in-process inventory that were 70% complete with respect to conversion costs. An additional 69,000 units were transferred in from the prior department during the month to begin processing in the Sanding Department. There were 5,000 units in the ending work-in-process inventory of the Sanding Department that were 20% complete with respect to conversion costs.What were the equivalent units for conversion costs in the Sanding Department for the month?A) 67,400.B) 73,000.C) 72,000.D) 66,000. what country never formally joined the axis powers but formed an alliance with germany? The radius of a cylinder is (3x-2cm). The height of the cylinder is (x+3cm). What is the surface area of the cylinder? Use the formula A=2\pi r^(2)+2\pi rh. Which level of range of motion assistance is the most assistive? During what stage of photosynthesis is O2 produced?A cyclic photophosphorylationB the light-dependent reactions involving photosystems I and IIC carbon fixationD the Krebs cycle Select the description of sensitivity analysis and how the advent of electronic spreadsheets has affected its use.A) Sensitivity analysis is the "what-if " techniques that managers use to examine how an outcome will change if the original predicted data are not achieved or if an underlying assumption changes. The advent of the electronic spreadsheets has greatly increased the ability to explore the effect of alternative assumptions but come at a much higher cost to companies.B) sensitivity analysis is the difference between the selling price and variable cost per unit. The advent of the electronic spreadsheet has greatly increased the ability to explore the effect of alternative assumptions at minimal cost.C) Sensitivity analysis measures how much a company can change for its products over and above the cost of acquiring or producing them. The assumptions and is more expensive than previous.D) Sensitivity analysis is the "what-if" technique that managers use to examine how an outcome will change if the original predicted data are not achieved or if an underlying assumption changes. The advent of the electronic spreadsheet has greatly increased the ability to explore the effect of alternative assumptions at minimal cost. The variable s represents the number of students in one class in your school. What does 1/2s represent? A small business has one team that installs new swimming pools and four employees that clean and maintain pools. Which of the following is a service that is provided by this business to its customers? a. the employees who clean and maintain poolsb. the new swimming poolsc. the team that installs the new poolsd. pool cleaning Which nations adopted a fascist system of government before World War II?Italy Germanyboth of italy and germany You are interested in studying the roles of second messenger systems in sensory transduction. Which pair of receptors might you select for your experiments? Chemoreceptors and photoreceptors Electroreceptors and thermoreceptors Mechanoreceptors and thermoreceptors Chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors Photoreceptors and mechanoreceptors you are on your way to school to take a big exam. suddenly, on noticing that your pulse is racing and that you are sweating, you feel nervous. with which theory of emotion is this experience most consistent? Select two sentences that belong in an accurate summary of the passage.ResponsesThe modern generation in Valencia believes it has valuable lessons to learn from Seor Vicente and other ancestors.Seor Vicente values continuing the traditions and values of the past.While Seor Vicente is the last of his generation, he is confident in the younger generations ability to honor the legacies of the past.The town of Valencia holds a celebration of the past but then mocks Seor Vicentes representation of its history.Seor Vicente is angered by the younger generations disrespect and teaches it the error of its ways. Conditional probabilities. Suppose that P(A) = 0.5, P(B) = 0.3, and P{B \ A) = 0.2. Find the probability that both A and B occur. Use a Venn diagram to explain your calculation. What is the probability of the event that B occurs and A does not? Find the probabilities. Suppose that the probability that A occurs is 0.6 and the probability that A and B occur is 0.5. Find the probability that B occurs given that A occurs. Illustrate your calculations in part (a) using a Venn diagram.