what is the answer pls? I'm running out of time​

What Is The Answer Pls? I'm Running Out Of Time


Answer 1


I think

1) a




2) census is counts the entire population in a country and location including how may people live in a home,age,sex or so.

Related Questions

HELP PLEASE !!!!!!!!!
Explain how Mary Shelley's Frankenstein conveys themes relating to the Industrial Revolution.
In particular, analyze her choices in setting, plot, and characterization. How do these choices
further these themes? Support your answer with evidence from the novel.



i hope this helps


Oh! No mortal could support the horror of that countenance. A mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch” (Shelley 57). This statement is how Mary Shelley successfully portrayed the overall negative consensus of the industrialization of Europe in the 1800s in her novel Frankenstein. This story parallels the world’s transition from nature and emotion to reason and truth which was the primary cause for the industrial revolution. Though the revolution brought new technology and knowledge, people felt as though they were enslaved by this sudden change. This is clear through Shelley’s Dr. Frankenstein and the ‘wretched monster’ that would forever change the world. There is an equilibrium that can be struck…show more content…

In relation to the novel, Dr. Frankenstein set his sights on creating life and nothing could stop him. He worked tirelessly to create the ultimate human. “The summer months passed while I was thus engaged, heart and soul, in one pursuit” (53). Frankenstein nearly killed himself due to his dedication for this creation. He neglected his family, his friends, career, and his own life. This discovery sucked every bit of emotion and caring out of him and only caused pain. What made everything worse was that this creation destroyed his entire life. Everyone he cared for was killed and spent much of his life in misery. Though the creation of life is astonishing, reason and truth cannot exist without emotion. No emotion essentially means that destruction of one’s entire being. The introduction of this new technology and knowledge did not simply effect those that created or possessed the knowledge. Instead, it caused problems and raised issues among the common people of Europe which lead to their subsequent disapproval of the overall revolutionary phase. When the industrial revolution began to emerge, most people typically worked for themselves on a subsistence farm or as an apprentice. Their main goal was truly to take care of themselves and their families. When the change came around though, everything changed. Factories appeared and cheap labor was needed. Thus, workers began to flock towards cities in hopes of making it big at a factory. Sadly though,

Dr. Victor Frankenstein tries to destroy the monster he creates but it escapes.

Things go back to normal, but then, the creature returns and asks the doctor for one of two things: a bride or revenge.

What is the most important theme in Frankenstein?

Dangerous Knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge is at the heart of Frankenstein, as Victor attempts to surge beyond accepted human limits and access the secret of life.





For more information about Frankenstein, refer to the link:-


In paragraph 6 how does the author argue against bottom trawling on seamounts?
A. By stating that there is coral in both deep and shallow waters
B. By describing that most fish populations are already overfished
C. By suggesting the effects are unknown because unidentified species are destroyed
D. By explaining that bottom trawls in the past could not reach so far undersea



read it carefully cuz if you don't you might misunderstand something and you don't want that cuz you have to look for the smallest details even the largest

The author argued against bottom trawling on seamounts by suggesting the effects are unknown because unidentified species are destroyed.

What is a bottom trawling?

Its involves use of heavy weighted nets to caught large number of fish across the sea floor.

Hence, in the paragraph 6, the author argued against bottom trawling on seamounts by suggesting the effects are unknown because unidentified species are destroyed.

Read more about bottom trawling


The connotative meaning of shadow is
who a person once was
who a person wants to be
a person's nightmare


86 is the correct answer

look photo
plz help asap
i will give brainliest


1. Yes you can! I can help you if you want.

2. Boredom leads to great imagination. I think your mind is trying to tell            you you should try to make something really nice!

3. Work harder, maybe you will get some more.

4. Its fine! Talk to strangers. Remember, friends are strangers that we stumble upon in life. Maybe you'll get a new best friend?

Hope it helps you!!


1.try to get some help from someone

2. go outside hangout with other kids

3.you could ask to borrow some money

4.well you could introduce your self to some people


theres 4 miss do they look like what you need

Which factor directly influenced the names of the theater companies?

Read the excerpt from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England.

In their stead, people increasingly choose to see secular plays on historical and moral themes. These are performed up and down the country by theater companies called after lords, for example "Lord Sussex's Men," "Lord Strange's Men," "the Lord Admiral's MEn," and "Lord Leicester's Men." The reason for these names is that, while unattached actors are liable to be arrested for vagrancy, the Act of 1572 specifically excludes players properly authorized by lords from being considered vagabonds.

A. the Act of 1572*
B. the play Lord Sussex's Men
C. the historical and moral themes
D. the leading actors

please answer only if you have actually seen this lesson or taken this quiz to prevent junk answers. please do not copy&paste the first answer which takes up both answer slots.



The factor which directly influenced the names of the theater companies is:

A. the Act of 1572.


"The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England" is a book by English historian Ian Mortimer, born in 1967. The book describes in vivid detail what life was like in Elizabethan England.

In the particular passage we are analyzing here, Mortimer tells us that is was common for theater companies to be named after lords. He also clearly says the reason for that was the Act of 1572, which made it possible for actors to be considered vagabonds and be arrested. However, actors we were authorized by lords would not have that problem. Thus, naming the theater companies after lords would help prevent the arrest of actors since it implied they were authorized by those lords.

The factor that directly influenced the names of the theater companies is: A. the Act of 1572.

What is the Act of 1572?

The Act of 1572 is that which made provisions for specific details that will guide the naming of theatres. In the text, we can see that this Act excluded players who had authorization by lords to not be classified as vagabonds.

So, this Act played a major role in dictating the names of the theater companies.

Learn more about the theaters here:


Which statement is an opinion supported by a fact?

Georgia O'Keeffe was an American painter who famously painted desert landscapes with animal skulls.
Georgia O'Keeffe painted scenes of desert landscapes and New York City, not upstate New York where she lived.
Georgia O'Keeffe was a great artist, and she was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1962.
Georgia O’Keeffe must have liked the desert a lot. She painted her most beautiful paintings while she lived there.


Answer: Georgia O'Keeffe was a great artist, and she was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1962.

Answer: C

Explanation:hope this helps

When Kaitlin got to Patrick's apartment, she took a look around and saw several half-filled cans of soda and some cooked chicken breasts that had gone bad in a pan in the kitchen. She also noticed that all of the lights and televisions were on and that Patrick wasn't home. What character trait does Patrick exhibit?





his behavior is not careful and he doesn't care about he things in his apartment

The one character trait that has to be exhibited by Patrick is careless. Hence, Option A is correct.

What is character?

Characters in fiction are individuals or other beings who appear in stories. It is possible to distinguish between a "real" and "fictional" character depending on whether the character is wholly imaginary or is based on a real-life person.

A person's character can be used to describe their personality. As an illustration, if someone is described as having a peculiar character, they actually mean this. He is such a wonderful character because of his courage and tenacity.

Our character makes us who we are. Therefore, we frequently assess someone's character when passing judgment on them. When Kaitlin arrived at Patrick's apartment, she looked around and noticed a number of drink cans that were only halfway full.

As well as some cooked chicken breasts that were stale in a skillet in the kitchen. Along with the fact that Patrick wasn't home, she also observed that all of the lights and televisions were on.

Therefore, option A  is correct.

Learn more about character from here:



Match the type of character with the appropriate description

does not change during the story

Answer 1
changes as a result of the experiences they undergo in the story

Answer 2
have many traits, including both faults and virtues

Answer 3
have just one or two traits

Answer 4



g;.,lplkmji/. /.i


we go to art
a. We
b. Art
C. Class
d. Tuesday





It Is not capital and it should always be

What is one theme found in Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing"?

I Hear America Singing

by Walt Whitman

I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,
Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe
and strong,
The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,
The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the
deckhand singing on the steamboat deck,
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing
as he stands,
The wood-cutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the
morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown,
The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at
work, or of the girl sewing or washing,
Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,
The day what belongs to the day—at night the party of young
fellows, robust, friendly,
Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.

Work and entertainment should not be mixed.
Diverse people contribute to the country's identity.
People are more productive when they enjoy their work.
Working in a modern society allows people to have diverse skills



C) People are more productive when they enjoy their work.

The answer is C- People are more productive when they enjoy their work.

What is atmosphere in literature?
the attitude of a text toward the subject and theme
O the emotional response a text generates from a reader
O the author's opinion of the subject and the audience
the narrator's perspective in relation to the characters


Answer: The emotional response a text generates from a reader


The atmosphere, refers to the overall mood of a poem or story and it brings about certain reactions, feelings, and thoughts in the reader.

The atmosphere in literature is the emotional response a text generates from a reader. Therefore, the correct option is B.

What does gimme your dis mean?​


It means give me your discord
give me your discord ?

write a couple of paragraph writing your plans and intention that you are going to when you will be meet your teachers and friends physically



siiisss ddddddddddddddd

Which of the following lines is an example of a metaphor?

A. And like a thunderbolt, he falls.

B. It asked for my hand.

C. The girl is a speeding bullet when she runs.

D. Ringed with the azure world, he stands.​


the girl is a speeding bullet when she runs.

What is a story that uses symbolism in place of realistic events?
A. Personification
B. Allusion
C. Allegory
D. Metaphor






Why are Shakespeare's plays considered difficult for modern students to


The reason hun is because Shakespeare uses an early form of the English language. There are a few differences between today's English and Shakespeare's Early Modern English. He uses words such as thee, thy, lord, thou, art, etc which is complicated for us to understand. Also, many of Shakespeare's plays were written in iambic pentameter which makes his writings much more difficult to interpret. Another thing is that he invented new words in his writings, over 1,000 words he invented.

Select the correct text in the passage.

The excerpt is taken from Patrick Henry's famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775. Which sentence suggests that Patrick Henry believed British rule in the American colonies was tyrannical?

No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do, opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely, and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. {The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country.} {For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery;} and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfil the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. {Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offence, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country}, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.

Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. {We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.} Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? {For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.}



"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts."


Read the excerpt from Ovid’s "Pyramus and Thisbe".

Pyramus had left

a little later than his Thisbe had,
and he could see what surely were the tracks
of a wild beast left clearly on deep dust.
His face grew ashen. And when he had found
the bloodstained shawl, he cried: "Now this same night
will see two lovers lose their lives: she was
the one more worthy of long life: it's I
who bear the guilt for this.

Which statement best describes how the order of events creates tension?

Because Pyramus does not see the beast, readers fear confrontation.
Because Pyramus does not see the beast, he believes he is lost.
Because Pyramus is late, he misunderstands Thisbe’s situation.
Because Pyramus is late, readers question his devotion.



I believe it is Because Pyramus is late, he misunderstands Thisbe’s situation.


Without context from earlier passages, we are unsure if Thisbe is dead, or injured. It is possible he misunderstood the situation due to this.

Because Pyramus is late, he misunderstands Thisbe’s situation is statement best describes how the order of events creates tension. Hence, option C is correct.

What is the main idea of Pyramus and Thisbe?

The union of Pyramus and Thisbe has been prevented by fate despite their strong love for one another and yearning to be together. In this case, the conflict stems from the parents' hostility toward one another. Another reoccurring theme at work is how not everything is as it seems.

Because he believed the lioness had devoured her, Pyramus stabbed himself. Thisbe committed after returning to find her beloved dead beneath the mulberry tree. Folklore says that after that the mulberry fruit, which had been white before, turned black.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about main idea of Pyramus and Thisbe, click here:



why is Mr Birling hate eva​


Answer:He reveals the girl's name - Eva Smith, and that she used to work in Mr Birling's factory. Mr Birling had Eva sacked as she was the ringleader of a group of workers who had asked for higher pay. Mr Birling still can't see how he has anything to do with Eva's death.


Read this excerpt from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass:
I was probably between seven or eight years old when I left
Colonel Lloyd's plantation. I left it with joy. I shall never
forget the ecstasy with which I received the intelligence
that my old master (Anthony) had determined to let me go
to Baltimore, to live with Mr. Hugh Auld, brother to my old
master's son-in-law, Captain Thomas Auld. I received this
information about three days before my departure. They
were three of the happiest days I ever enjoyed. I spent the
most part of all these three days in the creek, washing off
the plantation scruff, and preparing myself for my
Which best explains how Douglass uses objectivity to convey his perspective
in this passage?
O A He incorporates the names of influential people who can verify his
B. He uses formal word choice, like "departure" to establish his
C. He creates pathos by explaining how happy he is to leave Colonel
Lloyd's plantation
D. He avoids sentimentality by choosing not to finger on his feelings
about leaving the plantation


answer is c

Which sentence introduces the conflict that develops the theme great expectations by Charles dickens
A. I followed the candle down as I followed the candle up and she stood it in the place where we found it
B. The rush of the daylight quite confounded me and made me feel as if I had been in the candlelight of the strange room many hours
C. I took the opportunity of being alone in the courtyard to look at my coarse hands and my common boots
D. I wish joe had been rather more genteelly(respectably) brought up and then I should have been so too


Answer: C. I took the opportunity of being alone in the courtyard to look at my coarse hands and my common boots


The theme of Great Expectations is about loyalty, conscience, and affection. It shows that these are more important than class, wealth and social advancement.

The sentence that introduces the conflict that develops the theme great expectations by Charles Dickens is "I took the opportunity of being alone in the courtyard to look at my coarse hands and my common boots".

Easy 90 Points If You Answer This

Read each sentence. Use the drop-down menus to show its point of view. I'm not going to dinner, and that's final! She looked at the clock and started to run. They were a thoughtful and determined group. The morning was so hot that I could feel sweat dripping down my arm.



just use the  graphical control element, similar to a list box, that allows the user to choose one value from a list. When a drop-down list is inactive, it displays a single value. When activated, it displays a list of values, from which the user may select one. :)


Graphical element control

Which statement best describes the point Muir is making in the passage?

Which detail appeals to the reader’s logic?

Which detail establishes credibility?


The question is incomplete and the full version can be found online.  


Sequoia Trees Are Being Cut At An Alarming Rate the number of mills and the amount of lumber cut Muir's Experience As An Explorer


These questions refer to a passage from the text titled "Save the Redwoods," by John Muir.

In the passage, Muir explains that sawmills close to the Sequoia belt have been selling Big Tree lumber as redwood for many years, to warn about the Sequoia Trees being cut at an alarming rate, not to claim that Sequoia trees are located on the West Coast nor that are useful for building homes.

The detail that appeals to the reader's logic is that only a few mills produce a large amount of lumber cut, not the description of the trees nor Muir's experience as an explorer. Muir's experience as an explorer is what establishes credibility.  


1 B

2 A

3 B


The clause too, reprobating the enslaving the inhabitants of Africa, was struck out in complaisance to South Carolina and Georgia, who had never attempted to restrain the importation of slaves, and who, on the contrary, still wished to continue it. Our northern brethren also, I believe, felt a little tender under those censures; for though their people had very few slaves themselves, yet they had been pretty considerable carriers of them to others. This statement suggests that_


Answer and Explanation:

This statement was made by Thomas Jefferson in his autobiography, The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson (339-346). In this statement, he rejects the idea of slavery and it's target at African Americans. He also notes and condemns some of it's accomplices and pro slavery states such as South Carolina and Georgia.

Write a manifesto of not less than 600 words on how to fix the country and restore hope in political government.​




Together we can do it !!!

The number of primary schools will be increased

The secondary curriculum will be improved

More colleges will be built

Educational subsidies will be introduced

Public libraries will be built

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do it !!!

Railroads will be improved

Subways can be at your doorsetp

More highways can be built

Teslas can be affordable

Trams will be better

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

Price of the food can be lowered

Cheese can once more be affordable

Hunger will be erradicated

Clean water will be added

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

Anti-corruption squad will be introduced

Income tax department will look for the tax

And the money with rich will be reused

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

More public hospitals will be built

More doctors will be in it

Disease will never be a problem

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

Old age sucks, no pension even more

Money will be provided to pensioners

And the old age department will be responsible

Grandpas and grandmas can yet again live life freely

Provided they vote for us


Together we can do it !!!

Big construction projects will be into action

All the tax will now be put

Provided you vote for us


Pls vote as brainliest

does Portia represent "woman virtue"or is she a manipulative virago/violet,or bad tempered woman?Justify with reference to the text?​


Answer: .


Hailey posts a selfie hoping for feedback on her oufit prior to a date with brian. Already feeling anxious about the date,Hailey has not recieved any "likes" after 10 minutes.

1.What are the pros and cons of Hailey posting her selfie?
2.What emotions might Hailey be feeling after not recieving any feed back or likes?



Pro: she may get the feed back she wants

con: she may get cyber bullied

Due to not getting any likes, she may feel like nobody cares or that she doesnt look good and overall feel worse about her self.


I need points sorry please understand

te your answer:
Which of the following is a synonym of the word ebony?
h canotuoni​



Ebony is a very hard but brittle, black wood, which is often used for decorative purposes, but its hardness is also used, for example, in details for musical instruments. The black keys on the piano used to be often made of ebony, as details on modern string instruments still do. Ebony grows in tropical areas. The type of wood is also available in other colors such as white, green, red and variegated depending on where and in which continent it has grown.

which statement about "the love song of j. alfred prufrock" most clearly describes stream of consciousness?A-P-E-X


Alfred Prufrock," Eliot uses stream-of-consciousness writing to reveal the character traits of the narrator, Prufrock. The central thought that his character, Prufrock, is pondering is whether or not to ask a loved one an important question, presumably a marriage proposal or some other feelings-related question.

The statement about \"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall\" that most clearly describes stream of consciousness is option C. "The narration often drifts between the present and Granny's past without warning."24 Jun 2016

What’s a good topic for an argumentative essay?



A good topic is Technology has made the world a better place


Write your argument for or against the motion

Some good topics include: politics, why or why not someone should or shouldn’t do something or environmental or economical programs
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