which option is an example of a renewable resource


Answer 1
A renewable source is one that can be renewed.

Some examples are solar energy, biomass and wave energy
Answer 2



1.Sun. The sun is one of the most important energy resources and in fact it is the most inexhaustible of those that exist on our planet. That is why the use of solar energy is increasingly being promoted.

2.Geothermal energy. Another inexhaustible resource is this source of energy, which is produced from the high temperatures that are generated inside planet Earth. The magnitude of this energy is equivalent to solar energy, hence its importance.

3.Wind. Another natural resource that is inexhaustible and indispensable as a source of energy, which is captured through mills, is the wind.

4.Biofuels. These energy-generating products are produced from alcohols derived from sugar cane or from different seeds and plants. In recent years they have become the alternative to diesel, which is exhaustible.

5.Water. Another natural resource that is essential for the life of all living beings that inhabit planet Earth is water. And in addition, it is an energy source, thanks to the movements of the water masses. Its care is very important since the processes to purify it are expensive. While it is renewable, it is limited.

6.Paper. From wood or even recycling it, paper is another resource that is easily renewed, so it could never be in short supply.

The leather. Another good that is widely used by people and that is inexhaustible, which is why it continues to be an option to produce clothing and other products, is leather.

7.Timber. From the felling of trees, wood can be obtained for the production of different goods, such as furniture. Now, as mentioned before, it is essential that felling is not compulsory, because it could exceed the time it takes to regenerate this product and thus, there is a risk that this useful and fundamental good is scarce.

8.The tides. These changes in sea level as a consequence of the gravitational force of attraction are also inexhaustible. This resource is used in many communities to generate energy.

9.Agricultural products. All those products that are obtained from agricultural activities, such as corn, soybeans, tomatoes or oranges, seem to be inexhaustible, as long as precautions are taken not to exhaust the soils.

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What gives the US govemment the power to collect taxes?
O the Constitution
O laws passed by Congress
O an executive order
O common law





Article I, Section 8


16th Amendment (the income tax one)

Articles of confederation didn't, that's why it was replaced by the Constitution



According to the Constitution, the American government is authorized to collect taxes. Hence, option (A) is the one that should be chosen.

What is meant by  common law?

The collection of legal rules developed by judges and other quasi-judicial institutions that are expressed in written decisions is known as common law, sometimes known as judicial precedent, judge-made law, or case law.

The fact that common law sets precedents is its defining feature. To summarize the legal principles of earlier instances, common law courts refer to earlier court rulings.

All common law systems are based on the idea of stare decisis, or the idea that cases should be judged in a way that ensures comparable facts will result in similar outcomes.  If a court determines that a case with a comparable issue to the one at hand has previously been addressed, the court is generally required to follow the logic used

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put the article so we can see

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How does insect repellent prevent malaria?

Even while there are dozens of other insect repellents on the market, many of them made with "natural ingredients," only those that contain DEET or Picaridin offer reliable defence against mosquitoes that spread malaria. DEET prevents mosquitoes from detecting exposed skin and attacking it.

A world without mosquitoes would truly be a life-changing and life-saving experience for the millions of people who are infected with the diseases that mosquitoes spread. More people are killed by mosquitoes than any other species in the world, and a simple mosquito bite puts half of the world's population at danger of getting sick.

Thus, The U.S. Navy petroleum reserve in Wyoming's Teapot Dome was leased to a private oil corporation.

For more information about insect repellent prevent malaria, click here:



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When did spain come into existence?


Answer: 1492

Explanation: The Christian Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon conquer the Emirate of Granada, ending nearly 800 years of Muslim rule in the south and founding modern Spain as a united state.

How did cultural diffusion affect the native people(s) of Africa?



it helped and continues to help influence the development of different cultures and nations in Africa. hope this helps :)

Why did the united states refuse to alow election in vietnam



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ument Analysis
1. What's the difference between a primary & secondary source


Answer:A primary source is a firsthand account of an event that happened, data from a study, or an original work. for an example like News articles Novels and short stories. while an Secondary sources are a step removed from primary sources. Essentially, they’re sources about primary sources. Like Essays analyzing novels, works of art, and Textbook passages


First drop downs are: 1971, 1969, 1973
Second are : Hanoi, Da Nang, Saigon


Based on the given question, the first drop-downs are: 1971, 1969, 1973, and the second drop-downs are Hanoi, Da Nang, Saigon. Therefore, the answer to the question is "1973 and Hanoi".

Explanation:To answer this question, we need to know the historical events that occurred during the mentioned dates and locations.In 1969, President Nixon initiated a policy of Vietnamization, which transferred the responsibility of the war from the US to South Vietnam.

In that year, approximately 475,000 US troops were serving in Vietnam.In 1971, the US withdrew more than 100,000 troops from Vietnam, leaving about 196,000 troops in the country.In 1973, the Paris Peace Accords were signed, and the last US troops were withdrawn from Vietnam. Saigon fell to North Vietnamese forces in 1975.

Da Nang was a major base for US troops during the Vietnam War, while Hanoi was the capital of North Vietnam and a major target of US bombing. Therefore, the historical events that occurred during the given dates and locations suggest that the answer to this question is "1973 and Hanoi".

For more questions on: Hanoi



What do settlement patterns tell archaeologists



The study of settlement patterns in archaeology involves a set of techniques and analytical methods to examine the cultural past of a region. The method allows examination of sites in their contexts, as well as interconnectedness and change across time.


Key Takeaways: Settlement Patterns

Why do you think it's important for the USA
to be a good terms with other nations
around the world?


Answer: It is important

Explanation: It is important because in order to help other nations, we have to be on good terms with them so they know they can trust us.

100 points help please!


I believe the answer is option D :)

The war, which altered the country's workforce, also significantly impacted the lives of many women. For the first time, thousands of women accepted wage-earning positions. Women's employment in industries increased significantly following the war, and these workers performed various tasks.

describe why Portugal in and ottoman turkey involved in the war between the Christian and Muslim state​



The Ottoman-Portuguese conflicts of 1538 to 1559 were a series of armed military encounters between the Portuguese Empire, the Kingdom of Hormuz and the Ethiopian Empire against the Ottoman Empire and Adal Sultanate, in the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and in East Africa. This is a period of battles in The Ottoman-Portuguese War.


Portugal took part in the conflict between the Christian and Muslim states from Ottoman Turkey. The Ottoman-Portuguese Wars, which lasted from 1538 to 1559, pitted the Portuguese Empire, the Kingdom of Hormuz, and the Ethiopian Empire against the Ottoman Empire and the Adal Sultanate.

What do you know about Ottoman Empire?

The Ottoman Empire reached its heights of strength and affluence during Suleiman the Magnificent's rule, as well as the highest levels of development in its political, social, and economic systems.

The empire had 32 provinces and many vassal nations at the start of the 17th century. Some of these were subsequently included into the Ottoman Empire, while others over the centuries received varied degrees of autonomy.

The Ottoman Empire was at the center of exchanges between the Middle East and Europe for six centuries thanks to Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) as its capital and control of countries surrounding the Mediterranean Basin.

Learn more about Ottoman Empire, from :



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a Communist Revolution

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7 more rows


Please help i will give brainliest



Did you get it?


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Can a DACA female join the army?


06.02 Graphic Organizer Complete the graphic organizer to plan your argument. The claim has been provided. Claim: While the Industrial Revolution had both positive and negative effects on society and the economy, the positive effects outweighed the negative. Write three logical arguments that support the claim. Be sure to include evidence to support each argument. Arguments that support the claim Evidence (Be sure to include the source.) 1. 2. 3. Write a counterclaim related to the claim. Hint: the counterclaim is often the opposite of the claim. Counterclaim: Write one logical argument to support the counterclaim. Be sure to include evidence to support the argument. Argument that supports the counterclaim Evidence (Be sure to include the source.) 1. Explain why the arguments and evidence that support the claim are stronger than the argument and evidence that support the counterclaim.


Even though there were negative influence of the Industrial Revolution  but I believed that the positive effects outweigh them all.

Why was the Industrial Revolution positive?

The Industrial Revolution had positive effects because:

It brought about the development or production of economic growth It helps to make more goods to be available. It lead to the rise or increase in the numbers of prosperous middle class that took hold of some economic power once lead by aristocrats.It led to the increases in the areas of specialized jobs in all sectors.

The positive  effects of the Industrial Revolution on society is more felt because it lead to having cheaper form of clothing, more job opportunities, and growth in transportation sector.

learn more about  Industrial Revolution from


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wild boar


I think its pork i hope this helped

On the map which feature is identified with the letter w



your answer is c


because Kublai Khan conquered the pink area why  Genghis Khan conquered the green .

Why did the Standing Rock Sioux tribe protest the Dakota Access pipeline?

A. It would run under the Iowa River, their main recreation source.

B. It would run under sacred American Indian sites.

C. It would lead to more pipelines being built in the area.

D. It would destroy aquatic life, which is sacred to the tribe.


The inference shows that the Standing Rock Sioux tribe protested the Dakota Access pipeline as A. It would run under the Iowa River, their main recreation source.

What is an inference?

It should be noted that an inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information given.

In this case, the Standing Rock Sioux tribe protested the Dakota Access pipeline as it would run under the Iowa River, their main recreation source.

Learn more about inference on:


Answer: B. It would run under sacred American Indian sites.

December 1940 saw the Luftwaffe bomb London alone yet again. The House of Commons was badly hit on the 8th, with continued bombing carried out up to the Christmas period in which there was a lull. On December 29th, the City of London (the financial center) came under intense bombing and very little left intact. Fire raged until January 1, 1941. However, at night one lone building stood silhouetted against the red and orange skyline. Which historic landmark was it?

A. Tower of London
B. St Paul's Cathedral
C. Marble Arch
D. Westminster Abbey



B. Over 75% of the City had been flattened, but Sir Christopher Wren's architectural masterpiece survived almost entirely intact.


what does Lincoln say that Americans (North and South) believed about the “impending civil war”?


Rather, it contained some of Lincoln's most profound thoughts on the origins and purpose of the conflict. He stated that the "scourge of war" was best viewed as divine punishment for the sin of slavery, a sin in which all Americans, North and South, were participants.

For tnite battle pass
booting up my pc
because i need me
to get that for tnite battle pass
i like for tnite
did i mention for tnite
it’s night time
i mean it’s five o clock basically it’s night time
y’all remember cartoon network adventure time



Lol what is this


do u like just Fort.

nite lol

which rights for citizens did the english bill of rights support?​


The First Amendment constitutes the first 45 words of a larger document known as the Bill of Rights.

The English also have a document called a Bill of Rights, mainly the work of the English Parliament but associated with “The Glorious Revolution” in 1688, when Prince William and Queen Mary succeeded to the throne on the abdication of King James II.

English Bill of Rights had many concepts later included in the First Amendment
The document, which initially came to be known as the English Bill of Rights of 1689, contains many rights that were later included in the First Amendment, such as the right to petition and freedom of speech and debate (specifically targeted, like the speech and debate clause in the U.S. Constitution, to members of Parliament).

While the Constitution prohibited test oaths requiring individuals to affirm religious beliefs, and the First Amendment sought to disestablish all national religions, the English Bill of Rights favored Protestants and excluded “Papists” from serving as monarchs or as members of Parliament.

John Vile is a professor of political science and dean of the Honors College at Middle Tennessee State University. He is co-editor of the Encyclopedia of the First Amendment. This article was originally published in 2009.

Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail. 

The Three-Fifths Compromise

established equal representation in Congress regardless of a state’s population.

established proportional representation in Congress for both large and small states.

established that a state’s enslaved population would be counted for partial representation.

established that slavery would be outlawed within twenty years of the Constitution’s ratification


The Three-Fifths Compromise mandated that the enslaved population of a state be counted for partial representation.. Option C is an appropriate response.

What is the Three-Fifths Compromise ?

The three-fifths compromise was a decision made by delegates from the Northern and Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention that three-fifths of the slave population would be taken into account when establishing direct taxes and representation in the House of Representatives.

The Three-fifths Compromise provided additional representation in the House of Representatives of slave states compared to free states by including three-fifths of slaves who had no voting rights in the legislative apportionment.

The Southern states gained more electoral power as a result of this agreement than they would have had if the enslaved population had been completely ignored.

To learn more about Three-Fifths Compromise



Answer: C) established that a state’s enslaved population would be counted for partial representation.

Explanation: Edge2023

Read the following sentence:

"Mrs. Granger was like a gaint".

This Sentence contains---

A. Personification
B. alliteration
C. simile
D. metaphor ​





Mrs Granger is LIKE a giant. So istvsaying that Granger is like a giant

The person above me is wrong. The answer is similie.

Explanation: in a similie, you compare things by using like. in a metaphor, you compare things WITHOUT using like.

Why was the 1846 battle of Santa Fe in the Mexican American war significant?




Defeating Mexican forces in Santa Fe meant that the United States would be able to control the New Mexico territory.


C. Defeating Mexican forces in Santa Fe meant that the United States would be able to control the New Mexico territory.


i took the test


Give a summary of the constitution



The U.S. Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787. The constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America.It was a spare document, providing few details about how the U.S. government would run itself. It explained the rough organization of the three branches(legislative, executive, and judicial), how they would interact with the states, and how the document could be amended, it contained a preamble and seven articles that describe the way the government is structured and how it operates.


Hope this helps:)....if not then sorry for wasting your time and may God bless you:)

What form of government is the US federal government?
direct democracy
indirect democracy





Indirect democracy, also know as Representative democracy, lets citizens vote on a Representative they feel has the same values and beliefs as them to run for government

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