Which statement best completes the diagram effect some Mongol Empire on China​

Which Statement Best Completes The Diagram Effect Some Mongol Empire On China


Answer 1


b) a period of artistic achievments occur


it cant be '' a) silk road shut down " because they were trading with the eurobeans allready it can't be "option c" because there wasnt really much influence related to art literature and for the last option there were allready many wars , so its option b

Answer 2




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1.) In between 1870 and 1910, what happened to the GNP (Gross National Product) and the percentage of high school graduates?

A The percentage of high school graduates rose while the GNP declined.

B The GNP rose and the percentage of high school graduates declined.

C Both the GNP and the percentage of high school graduates rose.

D Both the GNP and the percentage of high school graduates declined.​





Which factor helped Abraham Lincoln win re-election in 1864



Broken hope and spirits of the confederacy helped Abraham Lincoln win re-election in 1864

Mark Brainliest please

Answer :

The main reason was that Atlanta fell to the Union army shortly before the 1864 election. This, in conjunction with the March to the Sea by General Sherman, gave Lincoln the war successes he needed to be shown as a successful Commander-in-Chief and turned the tides of the 1864 election against General McClellan.

What was one major effect of Great Famine in the mid-19th century?


hunger related diseases / starvation , death

Jordan or LeBron? and why?



While Jordan scored more overall, LeBron is a more efficient player, shooting better from two and three-point range. LeBron is also a much better passer and rebounder than Jordan ever was. MJ has a much better free throw percentage, which helps to bolster that points per game statistic

Based on this excerpt from Martin Luther's 95 Theses, identify his point of view (perspective) concerning practices of the Roman Catholic Church.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include the excerpt from Martin Luther's "95 Theses." So we do not know what is the specific section or the content to evaluate.

However, despite you forgot this important excerpt, we can comment on the following.

When German fray Martin Luther wrote "95 Theses," he criticized the Catholic Church practices. His critics caused the schism between the Roman Catholic and Protestant branches of Christianity. He specifically criticized practices of the Roman Catholic Church such as the selling of indulgences and the fact that the Catholic clergy had many offices and responsibilities.

Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a German Theologian that was the most important figure in the Protestant Reformation of the Church. His ideas changed Christianity and led to the separation of the Catholic Church. Luther questioned the main principles of Catholicism. He wrote the document called "95 Thesis" or "Disputation on the Power of Indulgencies," where he critiques the selling of plenary indulgences to forgive sins.

Why do you think the Red Guards targeted intellectuals, entertainers, and others like them to achieve the goals of the Cultural Revolution?


Intellectuals were deemed “class enemies” and those with ties to the West or the former Nationalist government were persecuted.

What is Turing's philosophy on why people like violence?



It is because it feels good .Humans find violence deeply satisfying .But remove the satisfaction ,and the act becomes hollow.


how the day is celebrated in school, famille an other institutions​



'the day' is celebrated in school by having a full day of learning how you can save the earth, its also known as 'national earth day' because scientists have discovered that petrol or diesel etc have been destroying the earths atmosphere. So that is another reason why there is now electric cars along the reason of earths humanity developments.


If this helps please mark me as brainliest.

Who was the first commander of the army of the Potomac, who trained his men to fight but was reluctant to use them in battle


George B. McClellan was the first

Explain how our factories geared up for war production


Factories sped up war production by allowing several products to be made at once, sometimes with mechanical mechanisms to increase production

Why did some Americans oppose U.S. expansion?

Expansion would not solve the problem of overproduction.
Some claimed territories did not receive constitutional protections.
The United States lacked the military strength to expand.





Expansion would lead to higher production due to having many more materials, making this problem worse.

The American Revolution inspired Latin American countries to declare independence from Europe.


True it was also influenced by the French Revolution as well and resulted in a lot of countries being made in Latin America




There were several factors that inspired the Latin American independence movements in the early 1800s. One factor was the success of the American Revolution. Our revolution showed other countries that it was possible to rebel against a strong colonial power.

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Who were the Populares and the Optimates?


The modern understanding of the term is that it is in contrast to populares and that for a person to be popularis. ... Optimates stood against the ideological power of the populares to transfer powers from the senate to the popular assemblies.

which of the following is TRUE regarding Haiti during this period of study ?


Regarding Haiti during this period of study following are the True options, Options A, B, E, and F.

What is the history of Haiti?

The earliest known history of Haiti dates back to December 5, 1492, when the European explorer Christopher Columbus set foot on a sizable island in the western Atlantic Ocean's Caribbean region.

With miles of gorgeous beaches and azure oceans, Haiti was once the most visited destination in the Caribbean. In fact, tourism is currently the largest contributor to the Haitian GDP

Hence, the above-mentioned options are correct.

Learn more about Haiti :



Who was a powerful sultan in the Ottoman Empire?


Süleyman the Magnificent


What were the efforts of progressives like Ida Tarbell, Jane Addams, and Alice Paul designed to do?

make people distrust the government

create more fairness for people in America

keep African Americans as second-class citizens

encourage Americans to be more like Europe



B creat more fairness for people in America

Just before His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus stayed in the home of ______
which was located in the
village of ______

Question 1:

Question 2:



The answer to question 1 is Lazarus.

The answer to question 2 is Bethany.


Reading the Gospel of John, Jesus and the disciples actually spent the night in Bethany on their way to Jerusalem, for Bethany was the home of Mary and Martha, whose brother Lazarus Jesus raised from the dead. John reports, “Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. So they gave a dinner for him there” (John 12: 1-2a).  

What were some factors that made the Vietnam eat such a difficult war to fight for American soldiers and why did America struggle to gain support of the people south Vietnam



The Vietnam War was a military conflict during the Cold War that took place in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from November 1, 1955 until the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975.  From the perspective of the US government, its role in the conflict was an impediment to South Vietnam's fall to communism and therefore part of a broader US strategy to limit the spread of communism. According to the North Vietnamese government, the war was colonial, first fought by France, with the support of the United States, and then against South Vietnam, which was seen as an American puppet state.

Mainly, the bellicose inconveniences of America in this war were due to the guerrilla war carried out by the Vietnamese, who, thanks to their knowledge of the terrain, managed to complicate American military operations. In addition, the Vietnamese viewed the Americans as foreign invaders, making civilian support for their cause extremely difficult.

Which two revolutions inspired Latin American countries to declare their independence from Spain?
The Chinese Revolution
The American Revolution
The African Revolution
The French Revolution

please help me pleeeeeease


The American Revolution of 1775-1783 and the French Revolution of 1789 both inspired Latin American countries to declare independence from Spain.

World War 1 took place from ______________ to _____________, and was known during that time as the ___________________________ .


Answer:World War 1 took place from ___8th  July, 1914 to 11 November, 1918 and was known during that time as the __Great war_ .


World War 1  was said to have started after the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian heir, Archduke Franz Ferdinand  on 28 June 1914 by a member of the Serbian Black Hand military society,  Gavrilo Princip who was also  a Bosnian Serb Yugoslav nationalist for whose reason together with other nationalists was to end Austro-Hungarian rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina. This sprang up events  that started the World war 1.

Can someone please help me



D First, B Second, C third, A last


The colonists believed their homes were not secure if customs agents could



the colonist believed their homes were not secure if customs agents could

A: search them at any time without court permission  

This is urgent the first person who answers my question correctly will get brainliest!!!

Which of the following describes a main goal of the Republican Party that was formed in the 1950s?

A. Prevent immigrants from settling in large cities

B. Prevent the United States from becoming involved in foreign wars

C. Prevent slavery from expanding into the territories

D. Prevent the United States from taking the land of Native Americans​


B because I just took the test

why did the british parliament pass the declaratory act right after repealing the stamp act?​



After months of protest, and an appeal by Benjamin Franklin before the British House of Commons, Parliament voted to repeal the Stamp Act in March 1766. However, the same day, Parliament passed the Declaratory Acts, asserting that the British government had free and total legislative power over the colonies

Mark Brainliest please


The Declaratory Act was a reaction of British Parliament to the failure of the Stamp Act as they did not want to give up on the principle of imperial taxation asserting its legal right to tax colonies. ... It also declared all resolution issued by the Stamp Act Congress null and void.

Enacted in November 1765, the controversial act forced colonists to buy a British stamp for every official document they obtained. ... However, the same day, Parliament passed the Declaratory Acts, asserting that the British government had free and total legislative power over the colonies.

Que pudo haber pasado con los cacicazgos y señoríos indígenas frente al nuevo tipo de organización impuesto por los españoles


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Lo que pudo haber pasado con los cacicazgos y señoríos indígenas frente al nuevo tipo de organización impuesto por los españoles, fue que esos cacicazgos existentes fueron desapareciendo ante la nueva forma de colonización española que se implementó y se llamó el sistema de la Encomienda.

Esta nueva modalidad llevó al señor Hacendado a ser el dueño de las tierras y forzó a los indígenas a trabajar para él. Pudiéramos decir que sin ser esclavitud, los indígenas trabajaban para el señor Hacendado a a cambio de techo y comida.

Los antiguos cacicazgos indígenas dejaron de tener efecto ante la presencia y dominio Español en América.

Los Españoles cobraban el tributo a los indígenas que explotaban en el sistema "Encomienda." Los dueños de las tierras o terratenientes usaban a los indígenas como trabajadores y los hacían trabajar a marchas forzadas. Más bien, los explotaban. A cambio, los dueños les daban cobijo y alimento. Los indios pagaban con trabajo y lo españoles los explotaban.

How did the French Revolution change roles, and structures in society and political systems




The French Revolution completely changed the social and political structure of France. It put an end to the French monarchy, feudalism, and took political power from the Catholic church.  Although the revolution ended with the rise of Napoleon, the ideas and reforms did not die.

Which action led many American colonist to support declaring independence from the British empire


Answer: Great Britain increased taxes on many items in the colonies.

the high taxes on things like tea, the public's reaction being the Boston Tea Party. Also a main point of the American Revolution was "No Taxation Without Representation" since the colonies weren't represented in British parliament.

Select the correct answer. What was a political cause of the French Revolution?​



i cant see the  choises so here are the causes


During the 18th Century, France became the center of autocratic monarchy, and rulers enjoy unlimited power.

The French Monarchs were involved in rich and lavishness at the Versailles.

During the reign of Louis XV, the economy crumbles because of involving in the Seven Years War.

France became bankrupt due to over expense in wars and luxury.

When Louis XVI came into the throne, the emperor coffer was empty, and the economic condition worsens increasingly.

The autocratic monarchy, poor administration, expensive expenditure created the political cause of the French Revolution.

The Constitution provides for a federal system, which means the national government shares its powers with state governments. Powers that are given to Congress are called powers, and those given to the states are called . Powers that are shared between the two are called powers.





Enumerated / reserved / concurret


Was the U.S. justified in fighting the Vietnam War? Why or why not?
(Please help, no absurd answers)



yes, they were just in fighting the war


if Vietnam fell under the influence of Communism, then the surrounding countries would follow eventually. The goal was to prevent the spread of Communism

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