Workout the path taken by a carbon molecule as it moves from being part of the co2 in the air to being part of a starch molecule in a plant


Answer 1

Answer: The conversion of carbon dioxide occurs into glucose via photosynthesis.


The plants absorb carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere. This is one of the reactants of the photosynthesis process. The water and carbon dioxide are the reactants of the photosynthesis process in the presence of sunlight the molecule of water splits into hydrogen and oxygen gas is liberated as byproduct and carbon dioxide becomes the product of the glucose. The monomers of glucose combine to form starch molecule which is stored as energy reserve in plants.

Related Questions

Part A: Analyze Figure 1 to answer questions 1 to 3
Figure 1: Blood Group Percentages including Blood Type and Rh Factor

. What is the most common blood group (Type and Rh factor)?

A Positive

O Positive

B Positive

AB Positive
What is the rarest (least common) blood group (Type and Rh factor)?

A Negative

O Negative

B Negative

AB Negative
What percentage of people have Type A blood (either Rh positive or negative)







1. O positive

2.AB negative

3.34% or 6%

Read the passage “ a river for everyone”, then answer two questions below.( the entire passage is in the image above)

1. Are there any limits on what you can change? For example, it would not be realistic to
remove all of the farms. Is there anything that people cannot compromise on?

2. What else would you need to know to come up with a plan of action? Where could you
get that information?



1. Moving the facilities such as crops, lawns, golf courses, and sewers etc would be unrealistic to change because many of the owners would not comprise (costs so much already), yet there are solutions. For example, the town can restrict farmers from poluting the rivers with pesticides as well as fining them and the house developments golf courses and land owners in which the money can be used towards the filteration cost. Another idea would to build cheaper wells to soak up water from different river locations or build barriers around settlements from the river. Another idea would to simply grow natural filters such as using the trees and soil they already had.

2. Of course their are limits such as costs, and figuring out the landscapes of where to build wells, add soil and trees (trees take time to grow) and more that would need plan of action from community leaders in which the people would need to speak with the advisors or the management of the buildings nearby. Without clean water people will get sick or die, and building managers need healthy people to live in their houses and work and grow crops so they'll have to make change.

Sample Food Chain
Leaf------> Caterpillar--------> Chameleon---------> Snake-----------> Mongoose

Looking at the above picture, what is true?

A) The Mongoose is the tertiary consumer
B) The chameleon eats the snake
C) The chameleon is an autotroph
D) If Mongoose is removed, snake population would increase.



D) if mongoose removed snake population would increase

A population of bacteria is treated with hand sanitizer. Because of genetic variation in the population, what is a possible outcome?

A. The population will grow quickly.

B. All of the bacteria are already resistant.

C. They will get better at obtaining a food source.

D. Some may be resistant and survive.






Microwaves have low
frequencies. What does this
tell you about the
wavelengths of microwaves?
A. They have long wavelengths.
B. They have short wavelengths.
C. Frequency is unrelated to wavelength.



B) Yes~Why on spanish replis

if a test shows that some people have plasmodium in their blood but do not show any symptoms of malaria, what would be the hypothesis for this





they could be a-symptomatic

Explain how and why fur colour has helped in the adaptation and survival of one deer mice


owoceo rquee  toe al m:y((


The colour of the fur allows the deer mice to camouflage into its surroundings and make it harder for predators to spot it. Also it's fur has allowed it to stay warm during the cold and reduces heat loss.

Hope this helps u :)

The graph illustrates the activity level of theee common digestive enzymes across a range of pH values. Which enzyme is likely to be the most active in the acidic environment of the stomach



Pepsin is most active in acidic environments between pH 1.5 to 2.5.

Maribel brings her backpack to the lab. She is also given a set of lab materials. What is the safest way for Maribel to organize these items in the lab?

A. Both the personal items and the lab materials should be arranged neatly along the edge of the table.
B. Both the personal items and the lab materials should be arranged in the center of the table.
C. The lab materials should be in the center of the table, and the personal items should be on the edge of the table.
D. The personal items should be off the table, and the lab materials should be placed neatly away from the edge of the table.





When doing a lab, personal items should be put away.

I hope this helped :)





Cell type gizmo answers







sickle cell


A cell is the concentration of cytoplasm which are held together by a cell membrane in the body of a living organism.

They are recognised as the smallest units of the living body of an organism because all things in the body are made up of the cells.

As a result of this, there are different cell types which include:

Stem cellsBone cellsBlood cellsNerve cells, etc

Please note that your question is incomplete, and i gave you a general overview which should help  you get a better understanding.

Read more here:

A general mechanism by which postsynaptic potentials are terminated involves Group of answer choices increased synthesis of the neurotransmitter molecule. enzymatic synthesis of the neurotransmitter molecule. reuptake of the neurotransmitter molecule into the axon through a membrane transporter. increased number of postsynaptic receptors. diffusion into glial cells.



The correct answer is - reuptake of the neurotransmitter molecule into the axon through a membrane transporter.


The action of a neurotransmitter at the postsynaptic cell or postsynaptic potentials is terminated by any of these mechanisms that are enzymatic degradation, diffusion or reuptake into the presynaptic cell by specific transporters.

After the desired biological response by postsynaptic potentials, in order to avoid over stimulation or termination of the postsynaptic potentials the neurotransmitter is taken back into the axon through a membrane transporter. This mechanism is to maintain a balance.

If you move a plant further and further away from a light source the level of O2 production would _______________ because the process of _____________________ slows and the process of _____________________ speeds up.



1. Decrease

2. Photosynthesis

3. Cellular respiration


Photosynthesis in a plant requires light source to occur. The photosynthetic process gives oxygen gas (O2) as a waste product. This means that the production of oxygen is dependent on the intensity of light.

On the other hand, cellular respiration uses up or consumes oxygen in a plant. Hence, an increase in respiration reduces oxygen level if photosynthesis does not produce.

According to this question, If you move a plant further and further away from a light source, the level of O2 production would DECREASE because the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS slows and the process of CELLULAR RESPIRATION speeds up.

Adenine bonds with
Your answer



I hope it's true


Adenine bonds with thymine, and guanine bonds with cytosine.


The tricyclic antidepressant drugs are monoamine agonists in that these drugs Group of answer choices block the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin into the terminals. stimulate the release of glycine within the limbic system. speed up the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin into the terminals. block NMDA receptors. block the reuptake of dopamine into the terminals.



The correct answer is - block the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin into the terminals.


Tricyclic antidepressants drugs help in increasing the levels of hormones such as norepinephrine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters. The level of these hormones are increased by blocking the reuptake of these neurotansmitters and hormones back to axon terminal.

Reuptake of neurotansmitters and chemical messangers is the general mechanism of the balancing the horone levels in the body.

Put the following diagram of mitosis in the correct order. Group of answer choices
A 2, 1, 3, 4
B 3, 2, 1, 4
C 4, 1, 3, 2
D 1, 2, 3, 4





diagram 3 is the preparation of mitosis and it's where the Dna replication take place

A tertiary consumer is an animal that obtains its nutrition by eating primary consumers and secondary consumers. Usually tertiary consumers are carnivorous predators, although they may also be omnivores, which are animals that feed on both meat and plant material. Function of Tertiary Consumers



The function of tertiary consumers is to keep the population of primary and secondary consumers under control, in addition to serving as food for quarternary consumers.


As stated in the question above, tertiary consumers are those who feed on secondary and primary consumers within the food chain. They represent a very important trophic level, in addition to allowing the transfer of energy between living beings to flow normally, they manage to control the populations of primary and secondary consumers, which keep nature in balance. In addition, they serve as food for other consumers, the quarternarios consumers.

Plants go through the process of transpiration in order to help the plant ________. (these are the choices) move water down the plant release sugar release carbon dioxide maintain homeostasis



to get rid of excess moisture OR to move water down.

kindly, give the choices/options correctly.

Maintain homeostasis

2. Which of an elephant's characteristics might affect their ability to
How quickly they are able to run.
Whether or not they have tusks.
O All of these are characteristics that may affect an elephant's ability to survive.
How well they are able to see.


How well they are able to see

Why does tissue fluid does not contain RBC?



The plasma that filters through the blood capillaries into the interstitial fluid does not contain red blood cells or platelets as they are too large to pass through but can contain some white blood cells to help the immune system.

In the African savanna, more wildebeest are born than the environment can support which is most likely to happen over a period of years as a result



In the African savanna, more wildebeests are born than the environment can support. Which is most likely to happen over a period of years as a result? Individuals that are well suited to the environment reproduce, and those that have lesser adaptations die before they reproduce.

Which of the following is a device for measuring the height of a tree?
A plot
A caliper
A basal area
A clinometer



The answer is C basal area

The answer is A clinometer

Which of these choices allows people to pass down survival techniques from
one generation to the next?
A. Communication
B. Foraging
C. Domestication
D. Clothing


Answer: Communication


A. communication of course


Enzymes work best at a specific temperature and a specific narrow PH range...





It really works best at specific temperature .....

This summer, you are returning to the research station in Costa Rica to follow up on the population of butterflies you have been studying. You are disappointed to find that there are fewer this year than last. In fact, at dinner your friends studying frogs and birds are complaining about the same thing. What type of influence do you suspect



it is likely that there was an environmental disturbance that affected the population density of the species.


All animals have their survival and reproduction capacity directly linked to environmental quality. This is because these animals take from the environment all the resources needed to live and develop. In this case, when the environment is balanced and has the necessary resources for life, animals can survive longer and develop well, being able to reproduce, generating more animals that increase the population density of their species. However, when this environment is disturbed, the animals' survival is threatened, even failing to reproduce. This lowers population density.

In the case presented in the question above, it is likely that populations of butterflies, frogs and birds are decreasing due to environmental disturbances.

I need to know what which weathering it is



the answer is D


Rocks break down into smaller pieces through weathering. Rocks and sediment grinding against each other wear away surfaces. This type of weathering is called abrasion, and it happens as wind and water rush over rocks. The rocks become smoother as rough and jagged edges break off.

Directions: Read and understand each question very well. Write the letter on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Which of these explains the cause of day and night? A. The revolution of the earth around the Sun B. The rotation of the earth on its axis C. The rotation of the earth around the Sun D. Both A and B 2. The earth travels on its orbit around the sun. Some changes take place during this orbit of the earth. These changes on Earth are caused by varying. A. Amount of air C. Amount of oxygen B. Amount of rainfalls D. Amount of sunlight 3. The places near the equator receive more heat than others. They experience A. Cold temperature C. Higher Temperature B. Lower Temperature D. Moderate Temerature 4. Which picture below shows the angle of the earth's axis? A. Ø C. D. 5. The part of the earth facing directly to the Sun receives A. Slanting rays C. Diagonal rays B. Vertical rays D. Staright rays 6. Which of the following results to different amount of solar energy received by the different parts of the world. A. Revolution and rotation C. Rotation B. Revolution D. none of the above 7. Why do we have seasons on earth? A. Because the Sun is tilted on its axis B. 0.C​







4.theres no picture so i am not sure what to answer,youre on your own here, just read and research about it on ur module or in the internet, u can do it:D



7. the choices arent very clear in what you copy and paste here but the answer is, revolution of the earth around the sun and the earth tilting on its axis or "rotation"




Mention any four characteristics of warm blooded animals



They maintain their body temperature higher than their environment by some metabolic processes like contraction of muscles, friction produced by flow of blood etc. They have a higher basal metabolic rate, and also a greater capacity to increase their metabolic rate.

Which of the following best describes daily temperatures in deserts?a. hot during the day and cold at night b. hot during the day and warm at night cool during the day and very cold at night d. they depend upon the type of desert and its location Please select the best answer from the choices provided


a would be the best answer out of these choices because it’s closest to hot during the day and cool at night
A. Hot during the day and cool at night

Which of the following has the most effect on the Ocean's tides?
O prevailing winds
ocean currents
Sun and Moon



Sun and Moon


the sun's tide-generating force is about half that of the moon, and the moon is the dominant force affecting the Earth's tides.

can squirrels get cats pregnant?!?!?! please answer quickly :/



i don't think so...they are different species?

why would you even need to know that?




A squitten is a cat with a genetic deformity which causes a partial formation or complete absence of the radius bone making it resemble a squirrel. These cats should be kept indoors and seen to by specialist veterinarians, as long term management of the condition is essential for quality of life in these cats.

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