Write a 200 word essay on the topic: my school


Answer 1


The school is called the educational institution which is designed to provide learning spaces and create an environment for the children where the teaching of the students is under the direction and guidance of the teachers.

My School is one of the best educational institutions where I get an education and make progress towards the goals of my life and make me capable of achieving them. Besides education, there are several significant roles that my school plays in my life. My school is performing well in all fields. It develops my physical and mental stamina, instills confidence, and

gives me tremendous opportunities to prove my skills and talents in different fields. In the academic field, it has made a mark. Its students secure top positions in the board examinations.

I go to school with my other friends. We study in our school in a great friendly environment. We reach school at a fixed time. As soon as we reach we line up to attend the assembly. Attending the school assembly is a wonderful experience. I enjoy for being first in a row in a school assembly. As soon as the assembly ends we rush to our respective classrooms. We take part in all school activities. One of my school fellows is the best singer and dancer. She has recently won the best singer award at the annual arts festival. Our school organizes all-important national events like Independence Day, teachers’ day, father’s day, etc. My school also gives every student abundant opportunities to take part in extracurricular activities like sports and music.

All of us are proud of being a part of it. I am fortunate enough to be a student at this school.

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50 POINTS,BRAINLIEST. THE ANSWER IS FROM THE BOOK WONDER PLEASE ANSWER QUICK. how does the vent, excerpt, or chapter you have selected resolve or begin to resolve the conflict?​



In the end, news of what happened to Auggie in the woods at camp spreads to everyone, with reports of Amos, Henry, and Miles coming to his aid. While the fight in the woods was a major turning point, attitudes towards Auggie had already begun to thaw in the months preceding camp. This example resolves the conflict by highlighting Auggie's growing popularity and the support he receives from his peers.

Furthermore, it indicates a positive change in Auggie's character, as he transitions from being a shy and self-conscious kid with no friends at the start of the book to actively reaching out and building friendships.

How does Bradbury's
description of Mrs. K help
you understand how she
is feeling?


American author Ray Bradbury is renowned for his incredibly imaginative short stories and novels that combine a poetic style, childhood nostalgia, social critique, and an awareness of the dangers of rogue technology.

What is Bradbury known for?

The best science fiction author currently working in America is Ray Bradbury, who is the creator of Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles. Bradbury is attempting to convey more than just the risk associated with suppression and control. He demonstrates how individuals can decide to forgo their right to knowledge and individuality in favor of the ease of a life free from thought or the need to make choices.

Fahrenheit 451 is written in a descriptive manner with strong imagery by Bradbury. He distinguishes between the reader and the people in the story's society through the use of sensory allusions.

To know more about Bradbury's, visit:



From the book called Circe by Madeline Miller. I need to submit this in the morningss!! Its up to 20 questionss!! Please help!!

1) Circe struggles to find a place for herself as a woman in a man’s world. What parts of her experience resonate with modern day challenges that women face?

2) A central theme of Homer’s Odyssey is a longing for “nostos”—homecoming. In what way does that theme resonate with Circe’s story?

3) How does Circe’s encounter with Prometheus change her? How does it continue to affect her actions?

4) Throughout the novel Circe draws distinctions between gods and mortals. How does Glaucus change when he becomes a god?

5) Circe wonders if parents can ever see their children clearly. She notes that so often when looking at our children “we see only the mirror of our own faults.” What parts of herself does she see when she looks at Telegonus? What are her strengths and weaknesses as a parent to him?

6) Circe’s sister Pasiphaë begins the novel as a major antagonist. How does our perspective of her change after Circe’s visit to Crete?

7) How does her time with Daedalus affect Circe?

8) Circe begins the novel feeling very close to her brother Aeëtes. Why do their paths diverge so wildly? Why do you think he make the choices he does?

9) Circe tells us that she recognizes parts of herself in Medea. In what ways are the two women similar? In what ways are they different?

10) Circe says to Telemachus “Do not try to take my regret from me.” What does she mean by that? What role does regret play in the novel?​


In 2018, American novelist Madeline Miller released her book Circe. It is a reworking of various Greek myths, most notably the Odyssey, and is set in the Greek Heroic Period. It is told through the witch Circe's perspective.

What is the Homecoming theme for the Odyssey?

The Odyssey is the best example of the idea of nostos, or homecoming, according to which a valiant warrior achieves his greatest victory when he returns from combat to his own home and family. The end of Odysseus' problems is indicated by the offer of not one, but two other brides and other dwellings.

How is Circe affected by her encounter with Prometheus? How does that still affect the way she acts?

She converts her enemy into the dreadful Scylla from the Scylla and Charybdis tale, and when he leaves her for another lover, she turns him into a river god. After doing this, she continues to believe her father's and her uncles' denials that it was her.

How does Glaucos alter when he becomes a god?

But Glaucos, who turns egotistical and selfish as soon as he becomes a divinity, illustrates how immortality robs people of the characteristics associated with mortality, such as appreciation and empathy. Circe wants to marry him, but Glaucos is only interested in the "best" nymphs because he is overcome by his power.

What message is Circe's novel intended to convey?

This book is about taking responsibility for your own rehabilitation and for doing the appropriate actions. The theme of this novel is love, specifically the love of a mother, the love one must find within oneself, and the love between couples. This book serves as an example of why choosing a family is always preferable to choosing a family by birth.

How does Circe alter from the beginning to the end?

But, Circe's personal development from a helpless nymph to a powerful goddess-witch, and then, at the book's climax, into a mortal, is the most striking change in the story. Implementing these changes, however, is difficult. Throughout the course of the book, Circe's opinions on the process of transformation alter.

How is Circe affected by her stay with Daedalus?

Daedalus's remorse over his contribution to the Minotaur's existence is comparable to Circe's regret over Scylla's existence. He and Circe are attracted to one another by their regret and passion to their respective fields of endeavor (she has her witchcraft, he has his inventions), and as a result, they fall in love. Circe is in love with Daedalus' scars.

How has Circe's time with Daedalus affected her?

Similar to Circe's regret over Scylla's existence, Daedalus's regret over his role in the Minotaur's existence is that of the Minotaur. His regret and Circe's devotion to her witchcraft cause them to be forced to meet, and they subsequently fall in love. He has his inventions, and Circe has her witchcraft. Circe enjoys touching Daedalus' scars a lot.

What is Circe's connection to Medea?

Greek mythology states that Medea is the daughter of King Aetes of Colchis and the granddaughter of the sun god Helios. She is also the niece of Circe.

What does Circe regret?

The lack of childhood stories her father never told Circe makes her very unhappy. We know why Odysseus is so taken with the wonderful loom Daedalus made for Circe.

Learn more about The Odyssey: https://brainly.com/question/30293031


The Eagle team performed more successfully than the lion team
-->The Lion team performed



successfully. because it is a comparitive

When the twins showed maia her room what dod she learn was forbidden


Maia learns that certain objects are forbidden in the city when the twins show her to her room in "The City of the Sun" by David Wingrove.

The twins lead Maia to her chamber in David Wingrove's book "The City of the Sun," where she discovers that some items are prohibited in the metropolis. While the particular forbidden items are not listed, it is evident that they are not permitted. This information establishes the tone for the narrative and indicates any threats Maia could encounter while navigating this strange area. It also emphasizes the significance of abiding by local regulations and implies that doing so might have major repercussions.

learn more about twin's show here:



HELP!!!!!! i need it done now

how does mandela’s diction and syntax impact the tone of the section

Inaugural Addres

by Nelson Mandela (excerpt)

We have triumphed in the effort to implant hope in the breasts of the millions of our people. We enter into a covenant that we

shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts,

assured of their inalienable right to human dignity-a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world.

We dedicate this day to all the heroes and heroines in this country and the rest of the world who sacrificed in many ways and

surrendered their lives so that we could be free.

Their dreams have become reality. Freedom is their reward.

We are both humbled and elevated by the honour and privilege that you, the people of South Africa, have bestowed on us, as

the first President of a united, democratic, non-racial and non-sexist South Africa to lead our country out of the valley of


We understand it, still, that there is no easy road to freedom.

We know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve success.

We must therefore act together as a united people, for national reconciliation, for nation building, for the birth of a new world


Nelson Mandela's diction and syntax in his Inaugural Address have a powerful impact on the tone of the section.

His choice of words paints a hopeful and inspiring picture for South Africa's future. He speaks of a "covenant" between the people of South Africa and emphasizes that they are all "equal, without any fear in their hearts" and able to "walk tall." He also pays tribute to the "heroes and heroines" who fought for freedom and acknowledges that they are the ones who will "reap the rewards" of their hard work. The words Mandela uses express a sense of optimism and determination, as he vows to "lead our country out of the valley of darkness."

Finally, Mandela encourages unity, reminding his audience that "none of us acting alone can achieve success" and that collective action is necessary for true "nation building" and "national reconciliation." By using these powerful words, Mandela conveys an unwavering hope for the future of South Africa.

To learn more about Nelson Mandela :



Complete the sentences with a modal verb from the box below. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.


1. That pizza was gigantic. I'm sure Mary........... eaten it all.

2. Nobody was able to tell the police who that man was, so he............. someone from here.

3. Be careful when you walk across that old wooden bridge. It............ be very safe.

4. I see you haven't finished your homework yet.It.......... be very difficult,then.

5. You ..............touch the oven. It's very hot and you........... hurt yourself.

6. They are putting the suspect into the police car. The police .......... arrested him.

7. I don't know where he is. Take a look in the garage.He.............. be there.

8. You............... do any more training today . you look so tried. Take a break.

9. I can't see very well but that.............. be Claire over there. At least, she looks like Claire.

10. Everyone scored over 95% in the first test, so it.............. been so difficult.

11. You.............. drive me to the airport. I can take the bus.

12. You ............... always wear suitable clothes when you go skiing.

13. Pupils ............ go out between the various parts of the exam . It's against the school rules.

14.Danny ............. swim when he was four. now he's part of the town's swimmingteam.

15.You............. buy any food. the fridge is full.

16. john.............taking a wrong turn somewhere that otherwise, he'd be here by now.
17.there are signs all over the area, so you ............. have any trouble getting there.

18.this ........... be the house the advertised in the newspaper that it's much too big.

19.Mike ........... left the house. his cell phone is still here, and he never leaves without it.

20.leaving the house today without an umbrella ............ be such a good idea that it looks like it's going to rain in the afternoon.​



1) Can't have

2) Can't be

3) Might not

4) Must

5) Can't, could

6) Must have

7) Might

8) Shouldn't

9) Might

10) Can't have

11) Don't need to

12) Must

13) Can't

14) Could

15) Mustn't

16) Must have

17) Should not

18) Could

19) Can't have

20) Might not


Write a research-based argumentative essay for or against the importance of standing up to an injustice such as bullying. FINAL DRAFT



You said fast? Here ya go.


Bullying is a common problem in many schools and workplaces. It is defined as repeated negative actions that are intended to cause harm, intimidation, or discomfort to another person. Standing up to bullying is crucial because it helps prevent the victim from experiencing further harm. In this essay, I will argue in favor of the importance of standing up to bullying.

Arguments in favor of standing up to bullying

First, standing up to bullying helps the victim feel supported. When someone stands up for a victim, they demonstrate that they care about the victim's wellbeing. This can help the victim feel less alone and less isolated. The victim may also feel more confident about speaking out against the bullying. Research has shown that bullying victims who feel supported are less likely to experience depression, anxiety, and other negative outcomes (Hawkins et al., 2001).

Second, standing up to bullying helps prevent future instances of bullying. When bystanders witness someone standing up to a bully, they are more likely to intervene in the future. This creates a culture of intolerance towards bullying, making it less likely to occur in the future. Research has shown that bystander intervention can significantly reduce the incidence of bullying (Craig et al., 2009).

Third, standing up to bullying helps promote empathy and compassion. When someone stands up for a victim, they demonstrate empathy and compassion towards that person. This can help cultivate these virtues in others, creating a more compassionate society. Research has shown that promoting empathy and compassion can help reduce the incidence of bullying (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004).

Arguments against standing up to bullying

Some people argue that standing up to bullying can be dangerous. They claim that bullies may retaliate against the person who stands up to them, potentially causing harm or violence. While there is some truth to this argument, research has shown that standing up to bullying can be done in a safe and effective manner (Salmivalli & Poskiparta, 2012). This can involve enlisting the help of authorities, such as teachers or workplace supervisors.


Standing up to bullying is crucial because it helps prevent further harm to the victim, creates a culture of intolerance towards bullying, and promotes empathy and compassion. While there are some risks associated with standing up to bullying, research has shown that it can be done in a safe and effective manner. Therefore, it is important to encourage bystander intervention and to promote a culture of intolerance towards bullying in our schools and workplaces.

In a paragraph, explain why Cassius prefers not to have Caesar as king. Provide examples from the scene to support your


Cassius prefers not to have Caesar as king because he believes that Caesar is ambitious and power-hungry, and that he will become a tyrant if he is given too much power. In Act I, Scene 2 of Julius Caesar, Cassius says to Brutus, "Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world / Like a Colossus, and we petty men / Walk under his huge legs and peep about / To find ourselves dishonourable graves" (lines 135-138). Cassius is suggesting that Caesar sees himself as superior to everyone else and that he is already acting like a king. Cassius also reminds Brutus of the time that Caesar was offered the crown three times and he refused it each time, but he still wanted the people to see him as a king. Cassius fears that if Caesar becomes king, he will become a tyrant who will abuse his power and oppress the people.

A 16 storey building has 12,000 sq. Feet on each floor. Company A rents 7 floors and company B rents 4 floors. What is the number of sq. Feet of unrented floor space?


60 000 ft² is the number of sq. Feet of unrented floor space.

Total floor = 16 (Given)

Rented to company A = 7 Given)

Rented to company B = 4 Given)

Find unrented floor:

Unrented = 16 - 7 - 4 = 5 floors

Find space unrented:

1 foor = 12000 ft²5 floors = 12000 x 5 = 60 000 ft²

Answer: Total unrented floor space = 60 000 ft²

The size of a building's floor, such as that of a shop, office, or factory: Although food only occupies 15% of the store's floor space, it generates around 40% of revenues.

The carpet area of an apartment is defined by Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) as the net useable floor space, omitting areas under services shafts, exclusive balconies or verandas, and exclusive open terraces, but including areas covered by internal partitions.

Learn more about  floor space.



True or False? competitive advantage results from doing things faster, better, and cheaper from everyone else, but also from doing things the same as the competition for consistency.


True. Competitive advantage results from doing things faster, better, and cheaper than everyone else, as well as from doing things the same as the competition for consistency.

Consistency is a key factor in maintaining a competitive advantage, as it allows you to replicate successful practices and keep the costs low.

To learn more about this visit - True or False? Competitive advantage : https://brainly.com/question/31141762


Creative Archetype Assignment

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Select ONE of the following prompts. Be sure to follow the directions.

Prompt 1: Short Story

Create a short story using all you have learned so far in the unit. Include archetypes, literary elements, figurative language, and academic vocabulary words you learned in the course to shape your story. What is the setting, plot, characters, etc. How will you use figurative language such as metaphor and alliteration? What type of characters will you include? Ensure that you also demonstrate a clear point-of-view such as omniscient, limited omniscient, third-person, narrative, or first person, within your story.

Your short story should include a title, and be a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 5 pages in length. Please submit a typed paper, using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and double-spaced lines (Please space your lines). Be sure to also use paragraph formatting, with the first line of each paragraph being indented.


The word "short story" means that a short narrative should be condensed and that readers should be able to understand your point. Between the story's beginning, middle, and end, there is no distinction. There are several varieties of figures of speech, but generally speaking, they can be split into two categories: tropes and schemes.

What does figurative language mean?

Any language use that deviates from the literal meaning of the words themselves is referred to as figurative language. The phrase is frequently used to describe situations in which the use of sounds, syntax, and word order deviates from what is thought to be the standard patterns of use. In this guide, we'll talk about this definition in more detail. Figurative language exemplifies a complex, imaginative use of language to transmit meaning and mood, among other consequences, in both of the ways previously indicated. It is a key instrument in the arsenal of the writer.

In addition to creating atmosphere, rhythm, and other aesthetic effects, these imaginative language uses assist readers in visualizing the writer's intended meaning. The use of these literary techniques results in a powerful and lovely form of written and spoken communication. Figurative language can be used to relate to the reader's emotions as well as to explain more abstract and difficult ideas. The use of figurative language in a writer's writing is a significant part of their style. Though figurative language is most frequently associated with poetry, it is also frequently used in a variety of other contexts. It is used in a variety of contexts, including play, folk music, fiction, and everyday conversation.

To learn more about figurative language, visit:



Read this example:

Research question - Why is broccoli one of the most disgusting vegetables to eat?

Why is this example considered to be a weak research question?

A. It is controversial and not automatically assumed to be true.

B. It only needs a quick check of the facts for a suitable answer.

C. It relies on someone's subjective or personal opinion.

D. It can be answered using critical or logical thinking


A. It is controversial and not automatically assumed to be true.

Rather than being a fact that can be demonstrated through research, the claim that broccoli is one of the most repulsive veggies to consume is merely a subjective and personal opinion. Because it depends on a person's personal preference and cannot be resolved through critical or logical thought, it is not a strong research topic. It is crucial that research questions are factual and supported by data rather than personal views.

To Know more about Vegetables, Click here:




It relies on someone's subjective or personal opinion.


When an auditor qualifies an opinion in an audit of a nonissuer because of the omission of information required to be disclosed, the auditor should describe the nature of the omission in the basis for qualified opinion paragraph and modify the:
Introductory Paragraph
Auditor's Responsibility Section
Opinion Paragraph
A. Yes No No
B. Yes Yes No
C. No Yes Yes
D. No No Yes


The auditor should describe the nature of the omission in the basis for a qualified opinion paragraph and modify the opinion paragraph in the given case. The correct option is: (D) No, No, Yes.

The auditor must describe his or her responsibilities for the audit. The auditor must also explain that the objective of the audit is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.

The auditor must state that an audit is not a guarantee that all material misstatements have been detected.

Furthermore, the auditor must explain that the auditor cannot be held responsible for the discovery of fraud and error if the fraud is concealed, if the errors are immaterial, or if the auditor's procedures are not sufficient to detect fraud or error.

The auditor must describe the auditor's conclusions in the auditor's report. The auditor's conclusion must be based on the auditor's findings. If the auditor's findings are unfavorable, the auditor must modify the auditor's opinion to reflect the unfavorable findings.

Learn more about opinion: https://brainly.com/question/25607827


Check your knowledgeSam standing next to a desk with his laptop, thinking.
Sam has recently decided to launch an online fitness coaching service. He has registered a domain name and set up a website, but is unsure of how to launch his business online in a way that will help him grow sustainably.
Help Sam create his own online business strategy, by selecting the correct steps he should take.


Hi there,
Sam needs to create an online business strategy in order to launch his fitness coaching service.

Step by step explanation:
1. Research and analyze the market: Sam should take time to research the online fitness coaching industry. He should look at what competitors are doing, what marketing channels they are using, and analyze the types of products or services they are offering.
2. Develop a business plan: Sam should create a business plan that outlines his goals, strategies, and financial projections. He should also include the cost of launching his business and any operational costs.
3. Create an online presence: Sam should create a website and social media accounts in order to build an online presence. He should also register the domain name and ensure it is easy to find and navigate.
4. Define your target market: Sam should clearly define his target market in order to create a successful marketing campaign. This will help him to identify the right channels to reach his audience.
5. Develop an effective marketing strategy: Sam should create an effective marketing strategy that will help him to reach and engage with his target market. He should use tactics such as SEO, email marketing, and content marketing to reach potential customers.

By following these steps, Sam should be able to create an online business strategy that will help him grow sustainably.

Good luck!

Learn more about online business strategy at : https://brainly.com/question/25640993


I really need help on all of this so if you can thank you



1. their

2. their

3. there

4. their

5. they're

6. there

7. their

8. their

9. their

10. they're

11. there

12. their

13. their


"They're" means "they are" a way to use it is "they're very happy today"

"There" can be used in many different ways, but it isn't a pronoun, so it will be used like "there are many people at the grocery store" or "are we there yet?"

their is a pronoun, so you will use it like "their stuffed animal was stolen from them" or "have you listened to their new podcast"

for example

Hope this helps

We sit opposite one another, Kat and I, two soldiers in shabby coats, cooking a goose in the middle of the night. We don't talk much, but I believe we have a more complete communion with one another than even lovers have. The underlying theme of this passage is


The underlying theme of this passage is the camaraderie of soldiers.

The underlying theme of a story, novel, or play is the message or insight it communicates about life or human nature. It is frequently a moral or ethical judgment or a commentary on the human condition, society, or values. This means that the underlying theme of this passage is the camaraderie of soldiers.

The author of the passage is explaining that the two characters, Kat and himself, are cooking a goose in the middle of the night. They don't talk much, but they have a bond that is more profound than what two lovers share. They're both soldiers who have shared the same experiences of war, loss, and trauma, and they understand each other on a deep level as a result.

The central idea of this passage is that two soldiers can have a more profound bond than two lovers. They can form a unique bond, having been in the same situation, and are able to understand one another's experiences better than anybody else. The underlying theme of this passage is the camaraderie of soldiers.

Learn more about Theme:



Based on the essay of revenge with Sir Francis Bacon agree with Montresor that a wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes it’s very dresser


Sir Francis Bacon's essay "Of Revenge" advocates against the idea of revenge, agreeing with Montresor that wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes it.

In Montresor's story, "The Cask of Amontillado," Montresor seeks revenge on Fortunato for an unknown offense by burying him alive in a wine cellar. Sir Francis Bacon's essay "Of Revenge," on the other hand, is a philosophical inquiry into the morality of seeking revenge for a wrong. Bacon agrees with Montresor's idea that wrong is not redressed when retribution overtakes it. In the essay, Bacon argues that seeking revenge is not only morally wrong but also leads to a cycle of violence and counter-violence. Instead, Bacon argues that it is better to forgive one's enemies and seek to improve oneself through self-improvement and the pursuit of virtue. Overall, Bacon's essay supports the idea that a wrong is not truly redressed when retribution overtakes it.

To learn more about Retribution :



A What is the indirect object in the following sentence? "Kareem gave the crowd a big smile." ​


In the sentence "Kareem gave the crowd a big smile," the indirect object is "the crowd."

How to determine the indirect object in the sentence

An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that receives the direct object of the verb. In this sentence, the direct object is "a big smile," which is what Kareem gave. The indirect object is the recipient of the direct object, in this case, the crowd.

To identify the indirect object, you can ask the question "to/for whom" or "to/for what" after the verb. In this sentence, you can ask "Kareem gave what to whom?" The answer is "Kareem gave a big smile to the crowd." The phrase "to the crowd" is the indirect object of the sentence.

Learn more about indirect object at https://brainly.com/question/1042048


In THE BRIEF WONDROUS LIFE OF OSCAR WAO What does Yunior’s chapter 5 on Abelard illustrate about the nature of storytelling and the writing of history?


In "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao," Yunior's chapter on Abelard illustrates several themes related to storytelling and the writing of history. Abelard is a historical figure who lived in the 12th century and was a famous philosopher and theologian. Yunior's chapter is focused on Abelard's relationship with his student Heloise, which is a tragic love story that has been told and retold over the centuries.

One of the key themes in Yunior's chapter is the idea that storytelling and the writing of history are subjective and often unreliable. Yunior notes that the story of Abelard and Heloise has been told in many different ways, with different interpretations and details emphasized depending on who is telling it. Yunior himself admits that his version of the story is based on his own biases and perspectives, and he acknowledges that other people might tell the story differently.

Another theme in the chapter is the power dynamics of storytelling and the writing of history. Abelard is a famous philosopher and theologian, and his version of events is the one that has been recorded and preserved over the centuries. Heloise, on the other hand, is often seen as a footnote in history, despite the fact that she was a brilliant scholar in her own right and played an important role in the events that took place.

Overall, Yunior's chapter on Abelard highlights the ways in which storytelling and the writing of history are shaped by personal biases, power dynamics, and the cultural and social contexts in which they are told. It emphasizes the importance of questioning and challenging dominant narratives, and recognizing the multiple perspectives and voices that make up our understanding of the past

Prepositions Worksheet




2) Finished ~Lunch

3) before ~breakfast. after~ work

4)put~bed inside ~ dresser near~table

5)since~morning found~chair between~couch

6)during ~breakfast. beside ~window

7)fell~ outside gathered~trees

8)parked ~school. before~dance

9) near ~cat before~ dinner


I don't know if they're all right but I tried

.write a speech about graduation?


Answer: Dear fellow graduates,

I stand here today in awe of the incredible accomplishments that each and every one of us has achieved. Today marks a significant milestone in our lives - the day we graduate.

As we stand on the threshold of the next chapter of our lives, it is important to reflect on our journey so far. We have all faced challenges, setbacks, and moments of self-doubt. But through it all, we persevered, we grew, and we succeeded.

Our graduation today is not just a celebration of our academic achievements, but also a celebration of our personal growth and development. We have learned to be resilient, to work hard, and to strive for excellence.

But as we celebrate our achievements, we must also acknowledge the support of those who have helped us along the way. To our families, friends, and mentors, we owe a debt of gratitude for their unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement.

As we move forward, we must also recognize the responsibility that comes with our education. We have been given the tools to make a positive impact in the world, and it is our duty to use them wisely. We must continue to learn, to grow, and to make a difference in our communities.

Today, we join the ranks of countless individuals who have graduated before us, and who have gone on to do amazing things. We carry with us the legacy of those who came before us, and we have the power to shape the future for generations to come.

So, my fellow graduates, let us take a moment to savor this momentous occasion. Let us celebrate our achievements, honor those who have helped us along the way, and look forward to the future with hope and optimism.

Congratulations, Class of [insert year]. We did it!


3. Read lines 13-18 of "Upon the Burning of Our House." Which of the following statements
best paraphrases these lines?
A. When I could no longer bear to watch, I thanked God for all that He had given and accepted it
was His to take.
B. I could not watch the fire anymore, so I cursed God for taking away what He had given me and
cried bitterly.
C. I could not bear to watch the fire, so I honored God for everything He had done and hoped for
better luck.
D. I was unable to watch my house burn, and I cursed God because He has all the power to give
and take.


The correct option is option A) When I could no longer bear to watch, I thanked God for all that He had given and accepted it was His to take.

What is "Upon the Burning of Our House"?
"Upon the Burning of Our House" is a poem by the Puritan writer Anne Bradstreet. It was written in 1666 and is considered one of Bradstreet's most famous works. The poem is autobiographical and describes Bradstreet's reaction to the loss of her family's home in a fire. In the poem, Bradstreet reflects on the transitory nature of material possessions and the importance of placing one's faith in God rather than earthly goods. The poem is a good example of Puritan literature, which was characterized by its focus on religious devotion and the belief in predestination.

Lines 13-18 of "Upon the Burning of Our House" describe the speaker's reaction to watching her house burn down. The lines say:

"And when I could no longer look,

I blest His name that gave and took,

That laid my goods now in the dust.

Yea, so it was, and so 'twas just.

It was His own; it was not mine."

The key phrase that helps us understand the meaning is "I blest His name that gave and took." This means that the speaker thanked God for both giving her the things she had lost in the fire and for taking them away. She accepted that her possessions were never really hers to begin with, but were gifts from God. Therefore, the best paraphrase of these lines is "When I could no longer bear to watch, I thanked God for all that He had given and accepted it was His to take."

To know more about literature visit:

4 Order the words to make questions.
1 you/ when you're older/Will/ live abroad/? 2 go to university/when you are 18/you/Will/? 3 be/your teacher/Will/tomorrow/ at school/? 4 you/one day/train/Will/to be a doctor/?
5 your sports team/Will/one day soon/win/ an important competition/?
Grammar build up
5 Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Dad: What (1)... you... (think) of?
Izzie: Dad Izzie Dad Izzie (2)... (think) about my future and I (3) ... (not be) sure what subjects to choose.
Dad: Oh! What (4)... (be) the options?
Izzie: I (5)... (look) at the options at the moment. All my friends (6)... (go) to choose biology and chemistry.
Dad: Well, what do you want to do in the future?
Izzie: That's the problem. I (7)... (want) to work with animals two years ago. Now I think I (8)... (work) with people.
Dad: If you (9)... (write) a list of your favourite subjects, you (10) ... (know) which subjects to do.
Izzie: Thanks a million, Dad. That's a really good idea.​


Dialogue: A conversation between two or more people.

Dad:What are you looking at?

Izzie: I'm thinking about my future and I'm not happy.I'm not sure what subjects to choose.

Dad: Oh! What are the alternatives?

Izzie: I'm considering my options right now.

All of my friends are taking biology and chemistry.

Dad: So, what are your plans for the future?

Izzie: That's the issue. I decided two years ago that I wanted to work with animals. Now I'm thinking about going to work with people.

Dad: Make a list of your favourite things.You will understand which subjects to take.

Izzie: Thank you so much, Dad. That's a fantastic idea.

To know more about Dialogue, click on the link :




How does minimum wage affect peoples lives?

Please answer this question as a research paper in at least 500 words PLEASE!!!


A higher minimum wage would elevate some families' income beyond the poverty line, lowering the number of people living in poverty by increasing the income of low-wage workers who have jobs.

What impact do minimum wages have?

Entry-level jobs, training, and lifetime earnings are all affected by minimum wages. A minimum wage is frequently suggested by policymakers as a way to increase earnings and pull people out of poverty. A minimum wage does, however, cost some young workers more money than it benefits others.

Who is most impacted by the minimum wage?

Changes in the minimum wage are more likely to have an impact on women because they make up 65% of "low-paid" workers. In low-paying employment, men and women frequently face different tensions and dangers.

to know more about wage affect here:



Write your answer correctly! pick an letter to make a new word!
1. Puso (m,p,n) =?


Adding the letter "p" to "Puso" results in the most sensible and potentially usable word, "Pumpo."

The word "Puso" is given, and the task is to form a new word by adding one letter to it. The options are "m," "p," or "n." After considering all three options, the resulting word can be "Pumpo."

"Pumpo" is not a commonly used word in the English language, but it can be interpreted as a playful or colloquial way of saying "pump" or "pumping." The addition of the letter "m" would result in "Pumso," which does not have any apparent meaning or context. Adding "p" would result in "Puspo," which does not seem to have any clear meaning or usage either. Adding "n" would result in "Puson," which could potentially be a surname or a word with various meanings in different languages, but does not necessarily form a coherent word in English.

Learn more about English here: brainly.com/question/24904069


This is an essay question. Please write in proper essay format. No problem-solving or equations are involved. My friend Sam is a technical analyst. He is convinced that he can systematically and consistently make a profit through his technical analysis strategies, which are based on forecasting patterns dictated by past price movement trends. What can you tell me about Sam's most likely position on the EMH (efficient market hypothesis)? In other words, based on his beliefs regarding his ability as a technical analyst, do you think he thinks the market is efficient?
If so, which form? (weak, strong form or semi-strong)? Why? Justify.


It can be inferred that Sam believes that the market is not efficient. Sam's belief system falls under the semi-strong form of EMH.

According to EMH (efficient market hypothesis), it is assumed that the market is efficient and all public information is immediately reflected in the market prices. Sam is contradicting the efficient market hypothesis.

Sam's belief indicates that he thinks that he has access to private or insider information, which EMH does not consider.

Sam's strategies are not entirely dependent on past price movement trends, and he uses additional information to gain an edge in the market. Hence, it can be inferred that he believes in the semi-strong form of EMH.

Learn more about form: https://brainly.com/question/28819607


jan tells lee she will give him her old car if he babysits her son mark weekday evenings for six months. lee agrees. jan and lee have formed a bilateral contract. b. a unilateral contract. c. a void contract. d. an unenforceable contract.


Jan offers Lee her old automobile in exchange for watching her son Mark on weekday evenings for a period of six months. Likewise Lee. There is a a. bilateral contract between Jan and Lee.

An clean instance is a bilateral contract transaction wherein one celebration gives the assets and the opposite celebration gives the money. In order to buy actual property, the customer have to pay the vendor the agreed-upon sum. A praise settlement is one of the maximum traditional instances. When a person advertises a praise for his or her pet, wallet, telephone, etc. that they've misplaced, as an instance. A unilateral settlement that specifies the inducement is created with the aid of using the offeror once they make their offer.

To know more about bilateral contract visit:-



8. Everything was going just fine for Mae until yesterday. That was when she found out that her eyes
were turning green. In Mae's world people discriminate against those with green eyes. Green-eyed
people cannot vote or hold public office and they are often forced to work the worst jobs for the least
pay, if they can even find a job. Mae's parents want her to have surgery to change her eye color, but her
grandma, who also has green eyes, encourages her to fight for her rights. With her grandma behind her,
Mae joins a resistance movement and becomes the poster child for green-eyed rights, but how will all of
this attention affect Mae's family, especially her parents who wanted her to hide who she was?
Type of Conflict


She also faces conflict within her family, as her parents want her to have surgery to change her eye color, while her grandmother encourages her to fight for her rights.

What is Protagonist?

A protagonist is the central character of a story or a play around whom the plot revolves. The protagonist is often seen as the "hero" of the story, and the audience or reader typically identifies with them and their struggles. They may face obstacles or challenges throughout the story that they must overcome to achieve their goals or reach a resolution.

Antagonist: The society that discriminates against people with green eyes.

Protagonist: Mae, who fights for her rights and becomes the poster child for green-eyed rights.

Type of Conflict: Man vs. Society. Mae faces conflict against the society that discriminates against green-eyed people, and she fights to change their discriminatory beliefs and laws.

Learn more about Protagonist from given link



What is the central idea of the Excerpt from “Something Fishy Is Going On, Everyone!”


The central idea of the excerpt "Something Fishy Is Going On, Everyone!" is that it is crucial to avoid purchasing fish that is not sustainably caught or raised.

The author stresses the significance of sustainable fishing and farming methods and highlights the harmful effects of unsustainable practices like overfishing and pollution.

The author argues that by choosing sustainable fish, not only will marine life and ecosystems be preserved, but also local communities relying on fishing will benefit.

The author points out that many fish species are being overfished to the point of extinction, which negatively impacts the environment and people who rely on these fish as a source of food and income.

Additionally, the author notes that many fish farms use unsustainable practices, including using antibiotics and chemicals, which pose risks to the environment and human health.

Thus, the main idea of the excerpt is that it is vital for individuals to be conscious of the impact of their consumption habits on the environment and to make sustainable choices while purchasing fish.

Read more about Excerpt from “Something Fishy Is Going On, Everyone!”.



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