How would the soldiers die even when the enemy was not attacking


Answer 1

Due to starvation and not getting proper health facilities the soldiers die even when the enemy was not attacking.

What happens to a soldier who refuses to go to war?

Desertion incorporates a most punishment of dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay, and confinement of five years. For desertion throughout a time of war, however, the dying penalty can also be applied (at the discretion of the court-martial).

most of the American deaths ... are caused by means of either improvised bombs, roadside bombs or through snipers. I mean, these men very rarely, very rarely have non-public contact with their enemy. "And there's a sense of frustration about that, that one can hint returned in history.

Learn more about soldiers in war here:

Related Questions

Which groups were disenfranchised during the Civil Rights movement, and how were they affected? I need a detailed answer please.



The Civil Rights movement in the United States spanned several decades and was a pivotal moment in the fight for equal rights for all citizens. During this time, several groups were disenfranchised, meaning they were denied their basic rights and privileges as American citizens. These groups included African Americans, women, Native Americans, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

African Americans were arguably the most disenfranchised group during the Civil Rights movement. They faced systemic discrimination, segregation, and violence. For example, the Jim Crow laws enforced segregation and denied African Americans access to education, healthcare, and public accommodations such as restaurants and hotels. Many were denied the right to vote, and those who attempted to vote faced intimidation and violence. African American activists, such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, played a critical role in challenging these injustices through nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience.

Women were also disenfranchised during the Civil Rights movement, although their struggles often intersected with those of African Americans. Women were denied many of the same basic rights as African Americans, including access to education and employment opportunities. They also faced discrimination in the workplace, with lower pay and fewer advancement opportunities than men. Women's rights activists, such as Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem, fought for gender equality and helped spark the feminist movement.

Native Americans were another group that was disenfranchised during the Civil Rights movement. They faced discrimination and mistreatment, with many forced to live on reservations and denied access to basic services such as healthcare and education. Native American activists such as Russell Means and Dennis Banks founded the American Indian Movement (AIM) to fight for Indigenous rights and sovereignty.

Finally, LGBTQ+ individuals were disenfranchised during the Civil Rights movement as well. They faced widespread discrimination and persecution, with homosexuality being considered a crime in many states. Activists such as Harvey Milk and Marsha P. Johnson fought for LGBTQ+ rights, including the right to marry and protections against discrimination.

In conclusion, the Civil Rights movement in the United States was a critical moment in the fight for equal rights for all citizens. Several groups, including African Americans, women, Native Americans, and LGBTQ+ individuals, were disenfranchised during this time, and their struggles continue to shape the ongoing fight for justice and equality.

This approach is often summarized by the maxim "when in Rome do as Romans do"naive immoralistrighteous moralistcultural relativism


The approach often summarized by the maxim "when in Rome do as Romans do" is "cultural relativism".

Cultural relativism is a concept that refers to the view that moral and ethical systems and beliefs are culturally dependent and need to be viewed from the perspective of one's culture or society. That is, one's culture or practice is valued with making judgments on such culture.

Hence, an individual must adapt and adjust their behavior to the prevailing social norms when visiting a new place. This practice is often summarized as "when in Rome do as the Romans do". Therefore the correct answer is cultural relativism.

Learn more about Cultural relativism here:


The Federal Reserve System (1913) and the Federal Trade Commission (1914) were major examples of the remarkable expansion of the role of the federal government in the economy during the Progressive era. true or false?


The statement "The Federal Reserve System (1913) and the Federal Trade Commission (1914) were major examples of the remarkable expansion of the role of the federal government in the economy during the Progressive era." is true because the Federal Reserve System was created to provide the United States with a secure, adaptable, and stable monetary and financial system.

It is commonly known as the Federal Reserve, the Fed, or the central bank of the United States, and is the nation's bank regulator. It was established by Congress in 1913 to offer the nation with a more stable and elastic monetary system. The Federal Reserve System serves as the US government's banker, provides banking services to commercial banks, and regulates the supply of money and credit in the United States.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is a US government agency that was created in 1914 to safeguard consumers by enforcing antitrust and consumer protection regulations. The Federal Trade Commission Act, which President Woodrow Wilson signed on September 26, 1914, established the Federal Trade Commission.

The commission is in charge of ensuring that consumers are not deceived or injured by corporations, as well as promoting business competition, which keeps prices low and encourages innovation. The commission is also in charge of enforcing federal antitrust rules that prohibit monopolistic behavior and preserve market competition.

To know more about the Federal Reserve System, refer here:


How did the rise of dictatorship in Italy, Germany, and Japan and the aggression of those nations toward other countries lead to World War ll


The rise of dictatorship in Italy, Germany, and Japan, and their aggression towards other countries, were major factors that contributed to the outbreak of World War II.

In Italy, the rise of fascism under Benito Mussolini led to a desire to expand Italy's territory and influence beyond its borders. Italy invaded and conquered Ethiopia in 1935-36 and later allied with Nazi Germany in the Axis powers in 1936.

In Germany, the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler rose to power in 1933 and sought to expand Germany's territory and influence in Europe. Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by rearming Germany and annexing Austria in 1938. In 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, which led to the declaration of war by France and the United Kingdom, starting World War II in Europe.

In Japan, the government was controlled by militarists who sought to expand the Japanese empire in Asia. Japan invaded China in 1937 and later signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy in 1940.

To know more about dictatorship here


1 ptThe rise of fascism in Europe during the 1930s is directly linked to thefailure to punish those responsible for "crimes against humanity"increased global trade after World War Idevelopment of authoritarian governments inLatin Americainstability caused by the worldwide depression



1 ptThe rise of fascism in Europe during the 1930s is directly linked to thefailure to punish those responsible for "crimes against humanity"increased global trade after World War Idevelopment of authoritarian governments inLatin Americainstability caused by the worldwide depression


The rise of fascism in Europe during the 1930s is directly linked to the instability caused by the worldwide depression.

Use the following excerpt from the autobiography of the former slave olaudah equiano to answer the question: “this neglect certainly conspires with many others to cause a decrease in the births as well as in the lives of grown negroes… I have the honor of knowing a most worthy and humane gentleman who is a native of Barbadoes, and has estates there. This gentleman has written a treatise on the usage of his own slaves he allowed them two hours of refreshment at mid-day, and may other indulgences and comforts, particularly in their lodging so that by these attentions he saves the lives of his negroes , and keeps them healthy and as happy as condition of slavery can admit… for want, therefore, of such care and attention to the poor negroes, and otherwise oppressed as they are, it is no wonder that the decrease should require 20,000 new negroes annually, to fill up the vacant places of the “dead.”- olaudah equiano, the life of gustavus vassa, 1789. Question : what inference about economics of slavery does this passage support? Answers: A it was more economical to treat slaves well than to mistreat them B slave owners had to punish slaves harshly to keep them from escaping C owners could not afford to maintain their slaves in a healthy condition D ultimately, slavery became a money-losing proposition for slave owners


Rather than mistreating slaves, it was more cost-effective to treat them nicely. (Choice A)

What exactly are barbadoes?

Barbados is a sovereign British Commonwealth country located in the eastern Caribbean. The capital's Bridgetown has a cruise ship harbor with colonial structures, including the 1654-founded Nidhe Israel Synagogue. Beaches, floral gardens, the Harrison's Cave formations, and 17th-century plantation homes like St. Nicholas Abbey can be found all across the island. Cricket, the national sport, and afternoon tea are local traditions. There is no denying that Barbados is renowned for having a few of the world's most exquisite beaches. The tranquil Caribbean coast's turquoise waters and fine sands are well-known, while Barbados' wilder beaches on the eastern seaboard are thrilling.

To know more about Barbados visit:


Explain which you think had a greater impact on colonial government- the passage of the English Bill Of Rights or the Great Awaking?


It is hard to determine which had a bigger effect on colonial government in terms of influence. Both had a significant impact on the way that politics, culture, and religion were practiced in the American colonies, which helped pave the way for the development of the United States into a democratic republic.

The  passage of the English Bill of Rights led to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in England and severely curtailed the monarch's authority. This has significant ramifications for colonial governance since it contributed to the development of the limited government theory and the notion that authorities should be subordinate to the law. Many of the democratic ideals that would later be codified in the U.S. Constitution had their origins in the English Bill of Rights, which also contributed to their development.

The American colonies experienced a religious resurgence known as The Great Awakening during the 1730s and 1740s. It significantly influenced colonial life and culture and contributed to the promotion of individualism and religious freedom. Many of the revolutionary beliefs that would ultimately fuel the American Revolution were also influenced by the Great Awakening.

To know more about English Bill of Rights


Who was Macuilxochitl and how does she describe herself?

She describes the Tenochtitlan (Aztec) conquest of Tlacotepec as “forays for flowers [and] butterflies.” What does this mean?

She writes that Axayacatl spared the Otomi warrior partly because he brought a piece of wood and deerskin to the ruler? What does this tell you?

How does the artist use art and design emphasize and demonstrate the importance of tribute?

How does this biography of Macuilxochitl support, extend, or challenge what you have learned about the state and economy in Mesoamerica in this period?


Answer: View answer in the explanation below.

Explanation: Macuilxochitl was a Nahua woman who lived in the 16th century in central Mexico. She was a noblewoman and a poet, known for her poetry that incorporated both Nahua and Spanish styles and language.

In her poetry, Macuilxochitl describes herself as a “woman warrior” and a “warrior of flowers.” She uses these titles to emphasize her connection to the natural world, particularly flowers and butterflies. This suggests that she saw herself as a defender of nature and may have been involved in the cultivation or preservation of plants.

When Macuilxochitl describes the Tenochtitlan (Aztec) conquest of Tlacotepec as “forays for flowers [and] butterflies,” she is using metaphors to describe the violence of the conquest. The metaphor of “forays for flowers” suggests that the conquest was motivated by a desire to capture and collect beautiful things, rather than a desire for territory or power. This reflects the Aztec view of war as a ritualized practice that could be used to acquire tribute and increase social status.

Macuilxochitl's account of Axayacatl sparing the Otomi warrior partly because he brought a piece of wood and deerskin to the ruler suggests that tribute played a significant role in Aztec society. Tribute was a system of payments and goods that subject peoples were required to provide to the Aztec rulers, and the ability to provide tribute was an important measure of status and power. By bringing a valuable item to the ruler, the Otomi warrior was able to demonstrate his worth and avoid being sacrificed.

In terms of how the artist uses art and design to emphasize the importance of tribute, Aztec art often depicted scenes of tribute being brought to the rulers. These scenes were highly stylized and often included intricate details and symbolism that emphasized the power and status of the rulers.

In terms of how this biography of Macuilxochitl supports, extends, or challenges what we have learned about the state and economy in Mesoamerica in this period, it provides a valuable perspective from a female poet and noblewoman. It also emphasizes the importance of tribute in Aztec society and highlights the connection between the Aztecs and the natural world. Overall, it supports what we have learned about the state and economy in Mesoamerica in this period, while also adding nuance and complexity to our understanding of these topics.

Final answer:

Macuilxochitl, an Aztec poet and daughter of king Axayacatl, used metaphors to poetically describe violent conquests. The sparing of the Otomi warrior due to a tribute reflects the significance of tribute in their society. The artist emphasized tribute's importance through art and design, and Macuilxochitl's biography reinforces how tribute integrated into Mesoamerican statecraft during this period.


Macuilxochitl was an Aztec poet and the youngest daughter of the king Axayacatl. The phrase ‘forays for flowers [and] butterflies’ is a poetic metaphor she used to describe the conquest of Tlacotepec, which compares the violent conquering of a city to a more benign search for beauty, likely used to lighten the harshness of the violent reality of the conquest.

The sparing of the Otomi warrior by Axayacatl, thanks to the offering of a piece of wood and deerskin, suggests the importance of tribute and gifts in their culture. It shows how gifts could serve not just as a token of respect to higher-ranking individuals, but also an act of submission. The offering can be seen as both literal (an actual gift) and symbolic (submission).

The artist emphasizes the importance of tribute through various mediums. One of them being the depictions of item exchanges on art pieces, which glorified diplomatic relationships and highlighted the value of proper tribute exchange. Such depictions also established the hierarchies of power.

For critical thinking, the biography of Macuilxochitl reinforces our understanding of how intricately tribute played into Mesoamerican statecraft during this period. It shows that tribute was not only an economic but also a political tool. It also helps us understand how socio-political relations and the economy coexisted and influenced each other in the Mesoamerican society.

Learn more about Macuilxochitl and Mesoamerican tribute system here:


describe the factors that led to the collapse of the ottoman empire. 2. describe the factors that led to the collapse of the russian empire.


The factors that led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire included internal administrative decay, financial issues, imperialistic competition, and a weakened military.

Additionally, the Empire's location between Europe and the Middle East made it vulnerable to foreign interference, especially from the European powers. The factors that led to the collapse of the Russian Empire were a combination of social, economic, political, and military issues.

This caused political instability, which was further exacerbated by the Russo-Japanese War and World War I. Additionally, a series of revolutions in 1905 and 1917 further weakened the government and ultimately led to the collapse of the Empire.

The war was costly in terms of human lives and resources, and it weakened the government's ability to govern effectively. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was the final nail in the coffin of the Russian Empire. The revolution led to the overthrow of the government and the establishment of a communist state.

Read more about Ottoman Empire:


who became the first female president of harvard university when she was named its 28th president in 2007?


Answer: Drew Gilpin Faust


Catharine Drew Gilpin Faust (born September 18, 1947) is an American historian and was the 28th president of Harvard University, the first woman to serve in that role.

Explanation: Hope this helps!! Mark me brainliest!!

Have a good evening.

Adolf Hitler planned the Holocaust from the beginning.


Answer: he did

Explanation: Hitler's rise to power traces to 1919, when he joined the German Workers' Party which became the Nazi Party. With his oratorical skills and use of propaganda, he soon became its leader. Hitler gained popularity nationwide by exploiting unrest during the Great Depression. Their main plan was to eliminate the Jews.

One factor which did NOT lead to the Hundred Years' War was:a. England's trade with Flandersb. English possession of French territoryc. the marriage between Richard II and the daughter of Charles VId. French alliance with Scotland against England


One factor which did NOT lead to the Hundred Years' War was " the marriage between Richard II and the daughter of Charles". The correct answer is option C.

The Hundred Years' War was a conflict between England and France that lasted from 1337 to 1453. The war was not caused by the marriage between Richard II and the daughter of Charles VI. The main factors that led to the war were England's trade with Flanders, English possession of French territory, and the French alliance with Scotland against England.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

You can learn more about Richard II at


how did the federal government regulate american life during the war


American citizens of Japanese heritage were rounded up and interned by the federal government during the war. The office of Price Administration was established to control inflation.

What is federal government?The U.S. Constitution gives Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, respectively, the authority to exercise the three separate departments of the federal government: legislative, executive, and judicial.In a federal country or system of government, the several states or provinces of the nation are given significant authority to enact their own laws and make policy choices. With a newly created federal structure of government, five of the six provinces will be transformed into autonomous regions.The USA serves as an illustration of a federal state. After the 50 states, each with its own government, comes the federal government, which is based in Washington, DC.

To learn more about federal government, refer to:

Which of the following is a value Alexis de Tocqueville saw as essentially



EGALITARIANISM was a value that De Tocqueville saw as an essential American.


The continued fight for civil rights mastery test


During the Civil Rights Movement, which predominantly occurred in the 1950s and 1960s, African Americans battled for equal legal protection in the US.

People should not be subjected to unfair treatment or discrimination in any aspect of life, including housing, job, education, and other sectors. The rules that safeguard these rights outline precise measures to be taken when they are violated since they are essential to our democracy. After overcoming vehement opposition from southern members of Congress, Lyndon B. Johnson, the president who followed John F. Kennedy, signed it into law. The 1965 Voting Rights Act was one of many civil rights laws that Congress expanded and created in the years that followed. Civil rights include the voting capacity.

In the Bill of Rights, the term "civil liberties" refers to individual freedoms that are protected from governmental intrusion. Remember that free speech is protected by the First Amendment.

To know more about Voting Rights Act, click here:




The housing market crash will have a major impact on the cost of rentals. As more people lose their homes, they will be forced to rent and the demand for rental properties will increase.

What is rental?

Rental is the act of paying a fee in exchange for the temporary use of a property, item or service. It generally refers to the act of renting out items such as real estate, vehicles, and other objects for a fixed period of time, usually for a fee. Rental can also refer to the use of a service such as an internet service provider or streaming service for a fixed period of time. Rental is a great option for those who don’t want to commit to purchasing an item. It’s also a great way to gain access to something you may not be able to afford outright.

This increase in demand will cause prices to rise as landlords will be able to charge more for their properties. This phenomenon is known as the law of supply and demand, which states that when demand is high and supply is low, the price of a good or service will increase. Therefore, with an increase in the number of people renting and a decrease in available rental properties, the cost of renting will rise.

To learn more about rental

vilfredo pareto (1848-1923) observed that most of the wealth of a country is owned by a few members of the population. pareto's principle is


Yes, Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) observed that most of the wealth of a country is owned by a few members of the population. This phenomenon is known as Pareto's Principle, also known as the 80-20 Rule. This principle states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

What is Pareto's principle?

Pareto's principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, refers to the principle that a small number of factors influence the majority of outcomes. It is often used in business and economics to describe the unequal distribution of wealth, but it may also be applied in other fields such as science, engineering, and social sciences. He, an Italian economist, observed that in Italy, approximately 80% of the country's wealth was held by 20% of the population.

learn more about Vilfredo Pareto here:


Who are the Bedouin?
A.Citizens of Iraq
B. Nomads of the deserts
D.Guest workers in Dubai


Answer: B


The Bedouin are an indigenous people of the Negev desert in southern Israel, referred to by themselves as the Naqab. They are a semi-nomadic community that historically engaged in animal herding and grazing and agriculture.

Answer: B

Explanation: The Bedouin are indigenous people of the Negev desert in southern Israel, referred to by themselves as the Naqab. They are a semi-nomadic community that historically engaged in animal herding and grazing and agriculture.

Which of these events happened during the partial meltdown at Three Mile Island?

a. Radiation swept over millions of acres of forest and farmland in Ukraine and Belarus.
b. People no longer lived in an exclusion zone around the area.
c. A pressure valve did not close.
d. The Soviet government did not tell any other nations what had happened.


The Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station is a defunct nuclear power facility on Three Mile Island, a reservoir in the Susquehanna River south of Harrisburg in Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. TMI-1 and TMI-2 are its two independent units.

Which of these incidents took place during Three Mile Island's partial meltdown?

Two pressurized light-water reactors were present at the Three Mile Island nuclear power station. Reactor 2's core partially melted on March 28, 1979, due to a cooling issue. Several health studies have found that although some radioactive gas was produced, it wasn't enough to have a negative impact on health. The partial meltdown of the power plant's Unit 2 reactor, which resulted in the emission of a minor quantity of radioactive material, was caused by a confluence of equipment failure and operator mistake.

Low-level radiation leaked into the atmosphere as a result of a nuclear reactor that malfunctioned and overheated. No one was hurt or killed in the TMI 2 catastrophe. However, specialists determined that the radiation discharged into the atmosphere was insufficient to have a discernable direct impact on human health.

Learn more about Three Mile Island:



a pressure valve didnt close.


i got it right

according to raiders of the lost ark, in what third intermediate period city was the lost ark located?


Tanis, an ancient Egyptian city from the Third Intermediate Period, was where The Lost Ark was discovered (1070-664 BCE). It is now known as Sân el-Hagar.

During the Tanite monarchs' rule in the Third Intermediate period of Egyptian history, the site, located in the Nile Delta northeast of Cairo, served as the capital of the 21st and 22nd dynasties. After Thebes, Tanis was the second ancient capital of Egypt and is a real city in the Nile delta. Even though it has been conjectured that the Ark of the Covenant may indeed be interred there, it was never a lost city as depicted in the movie.

To know more about Egyptian cities refer to the link below :


In 1865-77 what happened in reconstruction (in your own words )



In the aftermath of the Civil War, the US government embarked on a period of rebuilding and social integration known as Reconstruction. This spanned from 1865 to 1877 and was marked by the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the US Constitution. These amendments abolished slavery, granted citizenship and equal protection to African Americans, and provided voting rights for African American men.

During Reconstruction, the federal government introduced policies to help rebuild the South and promote economic and educational opportunities for African Americans. The Freedmen's Bureau was established to provide support to newly freed slaves, including education, clothing, food, and employment. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 divided the South into military districts and mandated states to grant African American men voting rights and ratify the 14th Amendment before they could rejoin the Union.

However, Reconstruction faced opposition from white southerners who were against integration of African Americans into society and resented the federal government's presence in the South. During this period, white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan emerged, perpetrating violence and intimidation to suppress the rights of African Americans.

The end of Reconstruction occurred in 1877 when the federal government removed its troops from the South, resulting in the termination of military occupation and the return of control to southern states. Unfortunately, this led to the rise of Jim Crow laws and other forms of segregation and discrimination against African Americans that persisted for decades.

how did the reformation change the political composition of europe? group of answer choices nobles aligned with either catholic or protestant traditions and went to war. monarchies were overthrown and protestant theocracies were created. eastern europe became vulnerable to advances of the ottomans. the pope became the political advisor to many european monarchs.


The Reformation led to the political composition of Europe changing in which nobles aligned with either Catholic or Protestant traditions and went to war.

How did the Reformation change the political composition of Europe?

The Reformation brought about a significant transformation in Europe's political landscape. It split Europe into two opposing factions: the Catholics and the Protestants. As a result, nobles aligned with either Catholic or Protestant traditions and went to war, resulting in significant political changes in Europe.

In conclusion, the Reformation brought about a significant transformation in Europe's political landscape. It split Europe into two opposing factions: the Catholics and the Protestants. This split led to the formation of new states, and various wars were fought as a result.

Hence, the Reformation changed the political composition of Europe by causing nobles to align with either Catholic or Protestant traditions and go to war.

Learn more about Reformation here:


Question 4 of 15
The Gadsden Purchase allowed the United States to:
A. seize Mexican land south of the Rio Grande.
B. build a railroad to the Pacific coast.
C. establish mining communities in California.
D. slow down the spread of slavery in Texas.



E. purchase land from Mexico to complete the southern border of the United States.




in the aftermath of war, it became clear that the nation needed to build roads, but the question remained as to whether (pg 217a. the federal government should pay for building them
b. it would be possible to establish jurisdiction over them
c. a nationwide road-building initiative could be organized in a short time
d. road-building, rather than canal-building, was the solution


In the aftermath of war, it became clear that the nation needed to build roads, but the question remained as to whether "the federal government should pay for building them". Therefore, the correct answer is A.

In the aftermath of war, the federal government should pay for building roads to build and maintain the roads for public use. The roads were used to connect different parts of the country, which helped the transportation of goods and people easier.

The federal government had more money and resources available to build the roads. It is the responsibility of the federal government to maintain the country's infrastructure. The creation of a highway system became a priority for the government. The building of the interstate highway system is one of the most significant achievements of the federal government in the 20th century. It was initially created for military purposes, but it helped improve the transportation of goods and services across the country, which helped the economic growth of the country.

Learn more about federal government at


according to the textbook the war crimes trial serves other purposes what was the purpose holocaust​



I don't know what your textbook says, but War Crimes Trials serve as a deterrent to others, they will be scared to commit such crimes, as they know that they will be prosecuted eventually if they do.


What is satirized in this excerpt from mark twains the bank note


The excerpt from Mark Twain's "The Bank Note" satirizes the inability of people to trust others in matters involving money.

One weekend while sailing, Henry Adams, a clerk in a San Francisco stockbroker's office, is swept out to sea. After being saved by a ship sailing to London, he must work the entire way there to pay for his passage, and when he finally arrives in the city, he is dressed in rags and has just one dollar in his pocket.

When two obnoxious and extremely wealthy brothers see him, they hand him an envelope with no information. When Henry sees money in the envelope, he immediately goes to a cheap restaurant and buys a meal. Afterward, he learns that the money is a single bank note for one million pounds sterling, which is equal to $5 million in American dollars. Henry has been the focus without being aware of it at the time.

To know more about Mark twain here


cognitive therapy was developed by psychiatrist _____in the 1960s.


Cognitive therapy was developed by psychiatrist Aaron Beck in the 1960s.

Dr. Beck first introduced the concept of cognitive therapy as a form of psychotherapy to treat depression, with the aim of helping patients to identify and correct problematic thoughts and behaviors that are interfering with their happiness and wellbeing. Cognitive therapy, also known as cognitive-behavioral therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping patients to recognize, challenge, and change maladaptive or distorted thought patterns that can lead to depression, anxiety, or other psychological distress.

The therapy focuses on the here-and-now, seeking to identify and modify patterns of thinking or behavior that are interfering with a patient’s happiness or wellbeing. Cognitive therapy has been used to treat a wide range of psychological issues including depression, anxiety, phobias, addiction, relationship issues, and more.

For such more questions on Cognitive therapy:


How did the Czar’s response help lead to the revolution?



Hundreds of unarmed protesters were killed or wounded by the czar's troops. The Bloody Sunday massacre sparked the Russian Revolution of 1905, during which angry workers responded with a series of crippling strikes throughout the country.

How were Pyramids built?


Answer: The most plausible one is that the Egyptians employed a sloping and encircling embankment of brick, earth, and sand, which was increased in height and length as the pyramid rose; stone blocks were hauled up the ramp by means of sledges, rollers, and levers.

Explanation: Evidence suggests that the blocks were first levered onto wooden sleds and then hauled up ramps made of sand

(4 points)

17. Describe one cause of the urbanization of Texas that occurred during or after World War II

Use examples to support your answer.


The urbanisation of Texas during or after World War II The development of metropolitan centres was attracted to by the war-related industry, which also attracted farmers and residents of small towns.

Farmers, residents of small towns, and others were drawn into growing urban areas by the war-related business. Many of the workers were women and non-Caucasian. With a net population increase of 33 percent, Texas quickly shifted from being predominantly rural to becoming more urban. The Great Depression was quickly forgotten.

Texas's urbanisation is mostly a product of European immigration and culture. The Indian contribution is little because there isn't much that can be linked to Indian roots in contemporary Texas cities, with the possible exception of some demographic segments' genetic makeup.

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