A simlie for the tall trees are her children


Answer 1


The trees are as tall as their mother.


A figures of speech is also referred to as figurative language and it can be defined as a deliberate and specific construction or use of language by writers, authors or speakers to create a special effect in their speech or literary work (write-ups).

In English literature, the main purpose of the figures of speech (figurative language) is to convey more information and enable the readers or listeners have a deeper understanding of a literary work. Some examples of the figures of speech (figurative language) used in literature are simile, paradox, metaphor, apostrophe, hyperbole, personification, etc.

Simile is a figurative language used for the comparison of two things by using the word; as or like. Thus, a simile compares two things, places, or people using these two (2) words; as or like.

Hence, a simile for the tall trees are her children could be written as; "The trees are as tall as their mother."

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How are people still in school l.m.a.o like its June


I don’t know but don’t be judging tho
Most people are in summer school I think while some schools just have extended years which is stu-pid because June and part of July is the entire summer for most schools

what figure of speech is used in this sentence. My alarm clock yelled at me to wake me up.





If I am writing an expository essay, this is considered my:




c). Task


As per the question, if an individual is writing an expository essay in order to examine an idea, assess the available evidence to discover if the idea has its validity, and then bring forth a worthy argument to display that idea, it is his/her task which he/she might have been assigned to or doing willfully. Such essays aim to depict an idea in a clear, precise, and coherent manner after the required research and analysis so that the readers are informed with accurate and objective information. Thus, option c is the correct answer.

Cinderella's magical elements​



fAiRy gOdmOtHeR





In the passage, what does the symbolism suggest about the man?
A:He is not reliable. B:He is gentle. C:He is a victim. D:He is evil



D. He is evil.


"fright at my violence" suggests that the man did something to scare the cat. The cat seemed to be very fearful, enough to bite the man's hand. "The fury of a demon"..."possessed me." also indicates that the man is evil because demons are usually depicted as evil beings.

Exigence is the process of selecting a topic.







I'm expecting


This is a definition/

exigence is pressing on the individual, which motivates him to do what helps him to eliminate this feeling to satisfy his need. Need is different from desire.

Which of these are characteristics of third-person limited point of view? Check all that apply.
The reader's access to information is not limited to any one character.
The narration follows the thoughts and feelings of only one character.
The reader's access to information is limited to just one character.
The narration follows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters.
The thoughts and feelings of secondary characters are revealed through their words and actions.
Mark this and return
Save and Exit



The readers access to information is limited to just one character.



Answer: the second option "video games can be used to develop problem solving skills"


Video games can be used to develop problem solving skills


since it's asking for educational gaming, the 2nd answer correlates the most because you're developing problem solving skills that will help you learn. You're welcome

Beneath each sentence, write what the author is trying to express without using exaggeration 1. Her mom is the tallest mom who ever existed on this earth 2. That dress is the most beautiful dress that has ever been made in the world 3. Our basketball team has the most athletic players in the galaxy 4. I'm pretty sure we won a million games of soccer this weekend at the tournament.​



1. Her mom is exceptionally tall.

2. That dress is very beautiful.

3. The players on our baseball team are super athletic.

4. I'm pretty sure we won a lot of games of soccer this weekend at the tournament.


(Now HELEN begins groping, sensing something, trembling herself; and KATE, falling one step in onto her knees, clasps her, kissing her. HELEN clutches her, tight as she can. KATE is inarticulate, choked, repeating HELEN’S name again and again. She wheels with her in her arms, to stumble away out the doorway. . . .)

How do these stage directions add meaning to the play?

The stage directions explain the characters’ facial expressions.
The stage directions illustrate the appearance of the room.
The stage directions reveal the historical time period.
The stage directions describe the characters’ emotions.





without stage directions the whole play would be a mess

the answer is D. The stage directions describe the characters’ emotions. i got it right on my test

In Langston Hughes's poem "I Dream a World," the repetition of the word "dream" emphasizes
O the idea that the action of the poem takes place at night.
O the notion that Hughes lives in a fantasy world rather than reality.
the fact that equality is a desired but seemingly unattainable goal.
the belief that dreams often remain unrealized due
to oppression.



it would be the second option "the notion that Hughes lives in a fantasy world rather than reality."


because a dream is in a way a fantasy world but its not real and what he is saying is just that

The repetition of the word "dream" in Langston Hughes's poem "I Dream a World" emphasizes the fact that equality is a desired but seemingly unattainable goal that is the third option.

What is Langston Hughes' poem?

Langston Hughes's poem "I Dream a World" is a powerful expression of his desire for a world free of hate and inequality. Throughout the poem, the word "dream" is repeated to emphasize the fact that the ideal world the poet envisions is not yet a reality, but rather a dream that has not been fully realized. By repeating the word "dream" several times throughout the poem, Hughes highlights the idea that the vision of equality and unity is something that exists only in people's minds and imaginations.

Hence, the repetition of the word "dream" in Langston Hughes's poem "I Dream a World" emphasizes the fact that equality is a desired but seemingly unattainable goal that is the third option.

Learn more about Langston Hughes' poem here.



Selecullle co
ecl answer.
Which element is found in a play that differentiates it from novels?



Stage directions


Stage directions are instructions by a script or play writer that informs the actors of specific movements or conditions that are needed to transmit their roles accurately. While plays are meant to be acted, novels are simply narrations of events. Therefore, stage directions such as, "Lights Out", or "John walks in drunkenly," can only be found in plays and not in novels. However, both novels and plays have themes, dialogues, and settings.

help me guys . i need it now please​










Read the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,
Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ... That whenever
any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on
such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as
to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
Happiness. ... The history of the present King of Great
Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations ...
To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome
and necessary for the public good.
How do the authors of the Declaration best use deductive reasoning to
support the idea that the colonists have a right to form a new government?
O A. They list the colonists' grievances against the British monarchy,
starting with the king's refusal to "Assent to Laws."
O B. They first establish the idea that safety and happiness are God-
given rights that should be protected.
O C. They follow his initial statement by accusing the British king of
establishing an absolute tyranny.
O D. They first establish the idea that declaring one's intentions is a
decent and expected measure.



i really do think that this is A but i am not 100% sure


Question 1 of 5
Review the following excerpt:
I see you shining like a jewel of night,
you, possibility maker, dream-world guide,
you, nighttime magician with one bright side;
queen of the ocean, where you rest your light,
please tell me why, like an ocean wave, my sight
turns toward you through the darkest sacrifice,
why you, fierce goddess, Diana, entice,
and why toward you my deepest dreams take flight.
- "Sonnet XV," Maximilian Voloshin
What is the rhyme scheme of this passage?
O A. abba acca
O B. abcd efef
O c. abab cdcd
O D. aabb ccdd



The rhyme scheme of the passage is:

A. abba acca


Maximilian Voloshin was a Ukranian-born Russian poet who lived from 1877 to 1932. Voloshin was an important figure of the Symbolist movement in Russia.

To find the rhyme scheme of a poem, we must look at the last word of each line.

The first last word will always be attributed the letter A. If another last word has the same final sound as that one, it will also be A. If it has a different final sound, it will be attributed the letter B. Every time a different final sound appears, it is given the next letter of the alphabet - C, D, etc.

With that in mind, let's take a look at the last words of each line in the passage:

night A

guide B

side B

light A

sight A

sacrifice C

entice C

flight A

See how the words "night, light, sight, and flight" all have exactly the same final sound? That is the reason why they are all A.

After analyzing each word, we can safely say the rhyme scheme is ABBA ACCA.

Which of these are metaphors? Choose two answers. She is the sun of my sky. They fought like cats and dogs. The child is as quiet as a mouse. Her coat was as black as coal. Life is a roller coaster.


She is the son of my sky and life is a roller coaster

The two examples of metaphors are:

She is the sun of my skyLife is a roller coaster.

What is a Metaphor?

A metaphor can be as a figure of speech which a writer uses to compare two different things that have something in common.

For example, a lady can be compared to how important the sun is to a sky. A lady and a sun are different. She is important to a man as the sun is important and gives radiance to the sky. Another example is the comparison of life as being a roller coaster.

In both examples, metaphor was used in directly referring to one thing by making mention of another.

Therefore, the two examples of metaphors are:

She is the sun of my skyLife is a roller coaster.

Learn more about metaphors on:



Work in pairs in the following situations. "A" asks for direction,
and “B” responds to him/her. If "A" gets confused he/she can ask
"B" to repeat.
(a) "A" wants to know the time. Yes
(b) "A" wants to know the way to the film hall.
(c) "A" wants to know the way to the hospital.
(d) “A” wants to know how often we should brush our teeth.
(e) "A" wants to know when Nepal became a Federal Democratic Republic



A po hehe


sana makatulong

I need help fast please
J u l i a ' s garden is a short story
How Does Technology Affect the World’s Most Social Animal is a persuasive article

What message do these two works share?


Hello. Unfortunately the texts your question refers to are not available and this makes it impossible for me to answer your question properly. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

To discover the message these two works share, you will need to read both texts. This message is the theme, the lesson that the author of the two texts wants to present to the reader. You can find this message by reading the texts and answering the question "What are these texts trying to teach me?"

According to the “homework should be banned” example, is the evidence relevant?


Yes it is relevant.
they put out enough evidence to make a valuable arguemenf

What will happen between Roman Reigns and Rey Mysterio at Hell in a Cell?
I think only a certain amount of people will understand this question ​



Rey will get his a** torn apart by the tribal cheif. End of story.





Wbu? Who ya thinkin' is gon' win?

11. Richard wants his audience to feel worried enough about forest fires to take steps toward preventing them. Which of the following media will serve his goal best?
A.animated charts showing the increased frequency of forest fires
B.video showing the devastation caused by forest fires
C.pictures of people using matches and lighting campfires
D. a picture showing firefighters battling a forest fire





I sure hope this helps if not A then B

B i hopes that help you

More and more young people are eating unhealthy food and becoming overweight. How can we help young people to be healthier?

You should write at least 170 words.

Guy I need your help.



Good health is defined by a lot of varying factors such as physical appearance, mental and emotional state, and genetics. A healthy person doesn’t just mean that they are a person free of sicknesses, it also implies that they are a human that takes proper care of their bodies. Nowadays, junkfoods and other equally unhealthy foods are one of the most frequently consumed products by teenagers. Steady consumption of such unhealthy foods in most cases lead to obesity. Overweight people can face many difficulties in their current conditions and so much more health related problems in their future 40's or 50's.

A lot of people might find it hard to cut off junkfoods entirely from their diet, as such, slow and periodical removal of junkfoods from a person's diet can easily assist one from fully cutting off unhealthy food consumption. Weekly exercises, drinking plenty of water, and consuming three meals a day are some of many helpful things to do to help our bodies become healthier and happier. Afterall, a healthy body leads to a better, happier person.

What is the summary for sunset of the sabertooth from the series The Magic tree house?



The summary for this will be that Annie and Jack, back in the Ice Age. To find 4 things for a Merlin and Mammoth bone.


no permanent work us available, moreover, the money earned by picking crops is not enough to feed the family
run-on sentence or ok?​



It is a run-on sentence.


                         This comma here should be a semicolon.


No permanent work is available, moreover, the money earned by picking crops is not enough to feed the family.

The statement "no permanent work us available, moreover, the money earned by picking crops is not enough to feed the family" is a "run-on sentence".

What do you mean by Run-on sentence?

Run-on sentences are refers to as the sentence that happen in case when an independent clauses are not joined properly.

Moreover, the independent clauses are the defined as the clauses that are having a subject and a verb that can stand on its own. For example: she is angry.

Adding to it, there are basically three types of run-on sentences that include fused sentence, comma splice and polysyndeton. In order to gather the knowledge about how to identify this, we need joined more than two independent clauses into single sentences except utilizing any coordinating conjunctions or punctuation marls.

Likewise, in the above sentence it is a run-on sentence as two independent clauses does not joint properly.

Learn more about Run-on sentence, refer to the link:



Help me :(

What are the no una, verbs and adjectives?

1. The brown dog ran away from our house.
2. The child plays at the hot beach.
3. The big house on my street was painted.
4. He ate a good cheeseburger with Diana.
5. They went to school by yellow taxi.
6. We picked purple flowers in the field.
7. They drank soda in the small cafeteria.
8. The blue birds fly to Florida.



Adjectives, noun and verb

1. brown, dog, house, ran

2. hot, child, beach, plays

3. big, house, street, was painted

4. good, he, cheeseburger, Diana, ate

5. yellow, they, taxi, went

6. purple, we, flowers, field, picked

7. small, they, soda, cafeteria, drank

8. blue, birds, Florida, fly


Nouns are words that identifies a person, place or thing. There are also pronouns like he, they and we but I don't know if you also want those as they can also be classified as nouns. Adjectives are words that describe a noun. It tells you how it's shape or how it looks. They're also adverbs but those describe a verb. A verb is a word that tells you what the noun does. For a sentence to be a complete sentence it has to have a verb and a noun. Also, even tough you said nouns I am not sure if you want the subject noun or not so I put all them. The complete subjects are the first ones.

5. Overall, how does the role of a speaker differ from the role of a writer of text?



They are different because the reader job is to read the text and give it the emotion and excitement and drama. The writer just needs to write a good text to make sure it has a good intro and a fitting body that way the conclusion will leave us with a lot of emotions that way the story is phenomenal the reader gives all he can and the writer can be proud of his work.

How did free enterprise help Oprah Winfrey in her business endeavors?



hope it helps

pls mark me as brainliest thanks❤

Complete the following sentence.
indicates an action that was completed before another action.
present perfect
past perfect
future perfect



past perfect


I didn't say anything until after she had finished talking.

please help I don't understand the question so it resulted in this.
I will give brainrly


I think the answer is A, B, and C

how could the council reduce the amount of litter in the nature reserve



Set an example by not littering.

Keep a litterbag in your car.

Keep your yard clean and free of things that can blow into the street and become litter.

When you visit a park or beach, remember to take out what you bring in. ...

Talk to your family and friends about recycling to reduce the amount of litter you throw away


haha i don't no


im need sorry bro

Other Questions
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