Following the
assassination of
Archduke Franz
Ferdinand, what
nation came to
the aid of Serbia?
A. Russia
B. Germany
C. France


Answer 1


france is the correct


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Where did the germans sleeped in belgium in ww2?


In Belgium, German soldiers slept in a variety of locations.

They slept in houses, public spaces, and schools in urban areas.

They slept in barns, outhouses, or tents in the countryside.

Some soldiers slept in unique camps or dormitories.

Depending on where they were in Belgium, and throughout time, different spots, they would sleep.

German soldiers slept in a variety of locations throughout Belgium during World War II, including schools, public buildings, residences, barns, and camps, depending on their location and the accessibility of lodging.

To know more about World War II click here


the application of mechanical power to the production process that started in england around 1750 is known as: answer unselected the iron age. unselected the industrial revolution. unselected the stone age.


The application of mechanical power to the production process that started in England around 1750 is known as b. the industrial revolution.

The industrial revolution is a period of time from the late 18th century to the mid-19th century that saw significant technological advancements, including the use of steam power to drive machinery in factories and textile mills. This revolution greatly increased productivity and led to the mass production of goods that made consumer goods more affordable and accessible to the general public.

The Industrial Revolution is one of the most important events in world history, as it was the time when humans first began to harness the power of machines to do work. The Industrial Revolution began in England in the mid-1700s and quickly spread to other parts of Europe and the United States. The use of machines allowed factories to produce goods faster and more cheaply than ever before, and this led to a huge increase in production and economic growth.

Learn more about industrial revolution at:


in 1975 the u.s., canada, the soviet union and most european countries met to sign an international agreement, recognizing post world war ii borders and promising respect for human rights is known as the


The international agreement that you are referring to is known as the Helsinki Accords, signed in 1975.

The Helsinki Accords, also called the Helsinki Final Act, was a series of agreements made between the United States, Canada, the Soviet Union, and most European countries that sought to improve relations between East and West during the Cold War.

The Accords recognized post-World War II borders in Europe and pledged to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. The Accords also affirmed the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other countries.

The Helsinki Accords were a significant milestone in international diplomacy, as they helped to reduce tensions between East and West and paved the way for further negotiations and agreements between the two sides. They also helped to advance the cause of human rights and fundamental freedoms, which became a major focus of international diplomacy in the decades that followed.

To learn more about Helsinki Accords refer to:


Choose one word that BEST describes Helmuth, Karl, and Rudi based on evidence from the text.
persistent-continuing, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement
content-satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else
proud -feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or
creditable to oneself
boastful-one who speaks with excessive arrogance, overconfidence


Based on the evidence provided in the text, the word that best describes Helmuth, Karl, and Rudi is persistent. Throughout the passage, the three characters are shown to continue with their mountain climbing pursuits in spite of various obstacles and challenges.

How can you support your answer ?

For example, Helmuth is described as being "undaunted" by the steep, treacherous terrain of the mountain, and he is willing to keep climbing even when his progress is slow. Similarly, Karl is shown to have a "dogged determination" to reach the summit, even when faced with exhaustion and injury. Rudi, too, exhibits persistence in his pursuit of mountain climbing, refusing to give up even after experiencing a near-fatal fall.

While the other three words may apply to the characters to some extent, they do not capture the essence of their personalities as well as "persistent" does. For instance, while Helmuth and Rudi may feel proud of their achievements, this feeling does not seem to be a defining characteristic for them. Likewise, while Karl and Rudi may have some level of confidence in their abilities, they do not come across as boastful or overly arrogant.

On the other hand, their persistence in the face of obstacles is a key aspect of their characters that is repeatedly highlighted throughout the text.

To know more about "dogged determination" , visit :


Which class played a key role in resisting colonial rule in Southeast Asia?
peasant farmers
urban middle class
elite ruling class
working class


The urban middle class played a key role in resisting colonial rule in Southeast Asia, as they were often educated and had exposure to Western ideas.

The urban middle class played a key role in resisting colonial rule in Southeast Asia. They were often educated and had exposure to Western ideas, which gave them the knowledge and tools to challenge colonialism and fight for independence. They also had access to communication networks and were able to organize and mobilize the masses to resist colonial rule. While other classes may have played a role in the resistance movements, the urban middle class was often at the forefront of the struggle for independence in Southeast Asia.

Learn more about colonial rule here:


new agencies and laws created by the first new deal called


A new agency and law created by the first New Deal called FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration).

Major federal programs and agencies include the Civil Conservation Corps (CCC) and Works Progress Administration (WPA), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), the Farm Safety Administration (FSA), the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA). ), Social Security Administration (SSA).

They helped farmers, the unemployed, the young and the elderly. The New Deal included new restrictions and protections for the banking sector and efforts to revive the economy after prices plummeted. The New Deal program included both bills and executive orders passed by Congress during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term.

These programs focused on what historians call the "three R's."

Helping the unemployed and the poor, returning the economy to normal levels, and reforming the financial system to prevent another recession. 

Know more about New Deal here:


why were the ancient egyptians buried with their prized possessions?


Egyptians frequently got buried with their most priceless or valued possessions, such as their dogs, money, or antiquities, as they believed that the hereafter will be better than their earthly life.

What kind of people were the ancient Egyptians?Located in the Nile Valley, ancient Egypt was a civilization in northeastern Africa. Prehistoric Egypt was followed by the ancient Egyptian civilization, which came to fruition circa 3100 BC with the governmental union of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes. According to the study, which was published in Nature Communications, the Neolithic and Bronze Age populations from the Near East, Anatolia, and Eastern Mediterranean Europeans were the closest genetic relatives of the preserved remains discovered in Abusir-el Meleq, Middle Egypt. With population growth brought on by natural fertility, the majority of Egyptians were likely descended from people who settled in the Nile valley in prehistoric times. There have been immigration from the Middle East, Libya, and especially Nubia at various times.

To learn more about ancient egyptians, refer to:

who were the first group of people targeted by huac? doctors government workers screenwriters and actors


The first group of people targeted by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) were screenwriters and actors.

What was the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)?

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was a congressional committee established in 1938 to investigate individuals and organizations with alleged ties to communism. It became more active in the 1940s and 1950s, with a focus on investigating alleged communist influence in the film industry, universities, and government agencies.

Several prominent figures in the entertainment industry, including screenwriters and actors, were called to testify before the committee and were blacklisted for their political views. This led to many people losing their jobs and facing significant personal and professional consequences.

Therefore, the correct answer is: ''Screenwriters and actors.''

See more about HUAC at


Time and Place
1. UNDERSTANDING CONTEXT What were the particular challenges
that the United States faced in fighting the war in the Pacific?
Building History-Social Science
Analysis Skills


The United States faced several challenges in fighting the war in the Pacific during World War II. The vast distances involved in the Pacific theater made it difficult to transport troops, supplies, and equipment, and the harsh environmental conditions of the Pacific islands further complicated logistics.

What were other challenges?

The Japanese forces were also skilled in jungle warfare and used guerrilla tactics, making it challenging for the US to advance on the ground.

Additionally, the Japanese had strong defensive positions, such as on the islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and were willing to fight to the death rather than surrender. The use of kamikaze attacks by the Japanese also posed a significant threat to US naval forces. Overall, the challenges faced by the United States in the Pacific required innovative strategies and perseverance to achieve victory.

To know more about world war related question visit:


what does it means mploy all its resources to bring the government of the german empire to terms and end the war


The phrase "employ all its resources to bring the government of the German Empire to terms and end the war" refers to the fact that the Allies wanted to use all of their available resources to force Germany to surrender and end the war.Overall, the goal was to use a combination of military, economic, and political pressure to force Germany to surrender and end the war.

The phrase is a reference to the fact that the Allies were committed to using all available resources to achieve this goal, including military force, economic pressure, and political pressure.In particular, the Allies were committed to using military force to defeat Germany on the battlefield. This involved launching major offensives against German positions, as well as conducting a naval blockade of German ports to cut off the country's supply lines.The Allies were also committed to using economic pressure to force Germany to surrender. This involved blocking German access to vital resources like food and raw materials, as well as imposing heavy taxes and tariffs on German goods in order to weaken the country's economy.Finally, the Allies were committed to using political pressure to force Germany to end the war. This involved working to isolate Germany diplomatically, as well as using propaganda to turn public opinion against the German government. Overall, the goal was to use a combination of military, economic, and political pressure to force Germany to surrender and end the war.

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identify the author of the communist manifesto and its purpose.


The Communist Manifesto, which argued that capitalism will eventually self-destruct and be replaced by socialism and then communism, served as the foundation for the contemporary communist movement as we know it today.

Commissioned by the Communist League and first published in London in 1848, the Manifesto is one of the world's most influential political documents. It presents an analytical approach to class struggle and criticizes capitalism and its mode of production without attempting to predict possible future forms of communism.

The Communist Manifesto summarizes Marx and Engels' theories of the nature of society and politics. That is, in their own words, "The history of all previous societies is the history of class struggle." It also briefly gives their thoughts on how the then capitalist society would eventually be replaced by socialism. In the final paragraph of the manifesto, the author called for "the violent overthrow of all existing social relations" and served as a call for communist revolutions around the world.  

Know more about Communist Manifesto here:


what role did balkan nationalism specifically play in causing wwi?


Balkan nationalism played a significant role in causing WWI by fueling tensions and conflicts between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, ultimately leading to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which triggered the war.

Balkan nationalism was a key factor in the outbreak of World War I. Nationalistic tensions and conflicts between Serbia and Austria-Hungary had been building for years and reached a boiling point when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist.

This incident sparked a series of events that resulted in a full-scale war between multiple countries. It is clear that Balkan nationalism played a major role in setting off the conflict that would become World War I.

To know more about nationalism , click here.


In 1964, 12 people were killed during a tsunami at Crescent City, California. All of these fatalities were caused by the fifth wave, which was the highest in the series. (true or fasle)


False. It is not stated that all of the fatalities were caused by the fifth wave. It is only stated that all of the fatalities occurred during the tsunami and that the fifth wave was the highest in the series. It is possible that some of the fatalities were caused by other waves in the series.

What is one enduring issue of imperialism?


One enduring issue of imperialism is the impact on the colonized population's culture and identity. Imperialism involves the domination of one country or culture over another, often resulting in the suppression or erasure of the colonized population's cultural practices, languages, and traditions. This can lead to the loss of cultural identity and heritage, as well as the marginalization of indigenous peoples and their communities. Additionally, imperialism can contribute to the perpetuation of systemic inequalities and power imbalances, as the dominant culture or nation maintains control over economic and political systems. The impact of imperialism on culture and identity has enduring effects, as it can shape the way that societies and individuals understand themselves and their place in the world, often with long-lasting consequences for generations to come.

1.  Why did the Chicano Movement and the L.A. Walkouts begin?
2.  How did the L.A. Walkouts and the Chicano Movement change things for Latino American students?


Unfairness in the local public school system was the root of the East Los Angeles walkouts. The majority of Chicanos lived in East Los Angeles. The majority of students in the local schools—roughly 130,000 Latino kids—were of this group.

The origin of the Chicano walkouts.

The East Los Angeles Walkouts were a rallying cry for the city's Latino kids to demand their civil rights and the right to an education. The demonstration is still one of the biggest student protests in American history, despite the Board of Education's rejection.

What alterations did the Chicano Movement and the L.A. Walkouts make for Latino American students?

The school system at the time paid little attention to Mexican American history, and Chicano students were frequently encouraged to pursue practical vocations rather than higher education while also being barred from speaking Spanish. Improvements in city schools were made as a result of the walkouts, which brought systematic injustices to light.

To Know more about  civil rights


The Shocking Cynicism Behind the Voyage of the “St. Louis” and Its Ship Full of Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany

What does the author say are the first two planks in US refugee policy?

What is the author referring to when he says, "And if a few thousand Nazi collaborators ended up in the US refugee potpourri, better them than Jews, who belonged in Palestine?"

What is the "shocking cynicism" that the author refers to in the title of the article?


We can see when the author says, "And if a few thousand Nazi collaborators ended up in the US refugee potpourri, better them than Jews, who belonged in Palestine?", he is referring to the fact that US immigration policy during World War II prioritized admitting refugees who were deemed to be of "desirable" backgrounds, such as those with skills or those who had family members in the US.

Who is an author?

An author is a person who writes a book, article, or any other form of written work. They may write fiction or non-fiction, poetry, plays, or other types of literature.

The author is responsible for creating the content of the written work and for conveying a message, telling a story, or sharing information with the reader.

The "shocking cynicism" that the author refers to in the title of the article is the way in which US refugee policy during World War II prioritized excluding Jewish refugees, even when it was clear that they were facing persecution and death in Europe. The author argues that the US government was more concerned with preserving its own interests than with helping those in need.

Learn more about author on


agree or disagree with this statement.

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you."



I would agree with the statement "Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you." There is a lot of evidence that suggests that spending time in nature can have a positive impact on physical, mental, and emotional health.

Studies have shown that spending time in nature can lower stress levels, improve mood, increase creativity, and enhance cognitive function. Additionally, exposure to nature has been linked to a range of health benefits, such as reduced blood pressure, improved immune system function, and decreased risk of chronic diseases.

Furthermore, studying nature can help us understand the complex systems and processes that govern the world around us, and how we can interact with them in a sustainable and harmonious way. Appreciating and respecting nature can also foster a sense of connection and responsibility towards the environment, which is critical for addressing pressing environmental issues such as climate change, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity.

Overall, I would say that staying close to nature can provide numerous benefits for individuals and society as a whole.


what type of text did egyptian book of the dead contain?


The Egyptian Book of the Dead contained religious texts and instructions for the soul’s journey after death.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead is an ancient Egyptian text that contains various magic spells, hymns, and prayers designed to assist the deceased on their journey into the afterlife. These texts were primarily inscribed on papyrus rolls and then placed in the tombs of the dead.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead is an ancient Egyptian funerary text that is believed to have been composed around 1550 BCE. The Book of the Dead is also known as The Book of Coming Forth by Day or The Spells of Going Forth by Day. This book is a collection of texts that were used to guide the deceased through the trials and obstacles of the afterlife.

The text comprises several chapters, each of which focuses on a particular aspect of the afterlife. These chapters contain hymns, prayers, and spells designed to help the deceased overcome the obstacles they encounter in the afterlife. For example, one chapter focuses on the deceased's journey through the underworld, while another deals with their judgment before the gods.

The Book of the Dead was an incredibly important text in ancient Egyptian culture. The ancient Egyptians believed that the afterlife was a dangerous place filled with countless dangers and obstacles that the deceased needed to overcome. By providing guidance and magical spells, the Book of the Dead was seen as a way to ensure that the deceased had the best possible chance of navigating the afterlife safely and successfully.The book was so important that it was often placed in the tombs of the dead to assist them on their journey.

These papyrus rolls would often contain beautifully illustrated scenes of the afterlife, as well as the spells and prayers themselves. Today, the Book of the Dead is one of the most well-known and studied ancient Egyptian texts in existence.

For more such questions on book of the dead


a writing system was developed during the Shang dynasty to?



China's oldest script was found exclusively written on bones and shells. The writings on the bones were used for divination/predicting the future during the Shang dynasty.

how do the similarities and differences between booker t. washington and w.e.b. dubois capture major currents in african american thought during the progressive era?


In a nutshell, Washington advocated for a modest approach that prioritized industrial education, economic self-reliance, and racial harmony, while DuBois pushed for a more aggressive approach that pursued total equality of Blacks in all aspects of life. As such, the similarities and differences between the two men capture major currents in African American thought during the Progressive Era.

The Progressive Era was an age of unparalleled social and political change that saw numerous political and intellectual currents at play, particularly in African American thought. Among the two major ideological trends were the ideas of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois.What were the similarities and differences between Washington and DuBois?Booker T. Washington was the most widely recognized African American leader of his time. Washington urged Blacks to embrace industrial education, economic self-reliance, and racial harmony in order to attain respect and equality in the United States. On the other hand, W.E.B. DuBois advocated for the complete equality of Blacks in all aspects of life, including civil rights, education, and politics. According to him, it was crucial to pursue higher education and to join forces to fight the scourge of racism.In a nutshell, Washington advocated for a modest approach that prioritized industrial education, economic self-reliance, and racial harmony, while DuBois pushed for a more aggressive approach that pursued total equality of Blacks in all aspects of life. As such, the similarities and differences between the two men capture major currents in African American thought during the Progressive Era.

For more such questions on African Americans


which evidence did cuvier use to conclude that the world used to be full of species that are no longer around today?


Fossil evidence cuvier used to conclude that the world used to be full of species that are no longer around today.

Cuvier laughed at the notion that any live descendants of these extinct creatures would be hiding out on the planet today, undiscovered. Cuvier argued that they were distinct species that had gone extinct. He examined a variety of other extinct big mammal fossils and proved that none of them belonged to any living species.

He proposed that the Earth underwent periodic abrupt shifts, each of which had the potential to wipe out a number of species, based on fossil evidence. Any subsequent scientific theory of life would have to account for extinctions, which Cuvier demonstrated as a reality.

Learn more about Cuvier:


44. In an influential 1947 article, diplomat George F. Kennan advocated that the United States should (A)invade the Soviet Union to establish democracy (B) adopt a more conciliatory policy toward the SovietUnion (C) conduct covert activities in underdeveloped countries to undermine communist movements(D) grant most-favored-nation status to China (E) focus its foreign policy on containing the spread ofSoviet communism.45. The Supreme Court ruling inKorematsu v. United Statesupheld the constitutionality of (A) flagburning as a form of free speech (B) the internment of Japanese Americans as a wartime necessity (C)prohibiting Japanese workers from immigrating to the United States (D) private prayer in public schools(E) excluding Japanese American children from California public schools.46. Which of the following was true of women in the five years following the Second World War? (A)Those working outside the home demanded equality in pay and promotion opportunities. (B) Largenumbers left their industrial jobs to make room for returning soldiers. (C) They contributed to a suddendecline in the birth rate by employing new family planning techniques. (D) Large numbers were electedto high office because of their contributions to the war effort. (E) Young women participated in arevolution in manners and morals that challenged the values of their parents.47. The decade after the Second World War was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT (A)unprecedented prosperity (B) rapid and extensive suburbanization (C) a population explosion known asthe "baby boom" (D) the growing strength of the movement for African American civil rights (E)widespread student opposition to the development of nuclear weaponry.



(E) focus its foreign policy on containing the spread of Soviet communism.

(B) the internment of Japanese Americans as a wartime necessity.

(B) Large numbers left their industrial jobs to make room for returning soldiers.

(E) widespread student opposition to the development of nuclear weaponry.

44. . In an influential 1947 article, diplomat George F. Kennan advocated that the United States should focus its foreign policy on containing the spread of Soviet communism. The correct option is E

45.  The Supreme Court ruling in Korematsu v. United States upheld the constitutionality of the internment of Japanese Americans as a wartime necessity. The correct option is B.

Kennan's article suggested that the United States should confront the Soviet Union and its communist allies whenever they were in danger of gaining influence.

46. In the five years following the Second World War, large numbers left their industrial jobs to make room for returning soldiers. The correct option is B.

47. The decade after the Second World War was characterized by all of the following expect widespread student opposition to the development of nuclear weaponry. The correct answer is option E.

To learn more on Kennan, click here:


4. What is the author's main purpose in the text?
O A. to criticize banks for their unfair practices in
OB. to teach about the history of redlining and how it
became illegal
C. to highlight a difficult time in history and how its
impacted everyday life
O D. to explain redlining and how new discriminatory
practices cause problems today


The author's main purpose in the text was to D. to explain redlining and how new discriminatory practices cause problems today.

What is redlining ?

Redlining is a discriminatory practice that has had long-term consequences in American communities. This technique, which involves denying individuals living in specific areas services like as loans and insurance, was used to separate communities based on race and ethnicity.

These concerns continue to contribute to structural inequality and influence the lives of millions of Americans, particularly those from disadvantaged and underrepresented populations.

Find out more on redlining at


Text is:

Redlining is a discriminatory practice that has had lasting effects on communities in the United States. Today, the effects of redlining can still be seen in the form of persistently segregated neighborhoods, lack of access to financial services, and disparities in educational and economic opportunities.

5. How do you think most Cherokee reacted upon getting this message?


Under the direction of Principal Chief John Ross, the Cherokee Nation resisted the Indian Removal Act despite Georgia's violations of its sovereignty and attacks on Cherokee citizens.

The Native Removal Act is what?

President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law, giving him the power to trade Native territories inside current state boundaries for uninhabited territory west of the Mississippi. While a few tribes peacefully dispersed, many were against the practice of expulsion.

The act stipulates that "for a barter of lands with the Indians resident in any of the states and territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi," the description provided by Congress. In order to receive additional lands, more than 60,000 Native Americans from at least 18 tribes were compelled to relocate west of the Mississippi River.

To know about Indian removal act visit:


What region has the United States been more involved in since the end of the Cold War?


Answer: The Middle East

Explanation: Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has been involved in various regions across the world, including the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. However, the region where the United States has been most involved since the end of the Cold War is arguably the Middle East.

Following the Gulf War in 1991, the United States has been involved in numerous military interventions and operations in the region, including the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the ongoing conflict in Syria, and military operations against terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

The United States has also been involved in diplomatic efforts to promote peace and stability in the region, including the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program.

Overall, the United States' involvement in the Middle East has been driven by various factors, including concerns about terrorism and regional stability, as well as economic and strategic interests such as oil and access to important waterways like the Persian Gulf.

According to the 1944 treaty between the United States and Mexico, the U.S. government would permit a certain amount of water from the Colorado River to flow through to Mexico and _____.are shared between the national and state governmentsthe people's participation in making the laws that govern them​Mexico would send an equal amount of water from the Rio Grand tributaries to Texas farmers



According to the 1944 treaty between the United States and Mexico, the U.S. government would permit a certain amount of water from the Colorado River to flow through to Mexico and Mexico would send an equal amount of water from the Rio Grand tributaries to Texas farmers.

The Civil Service System was begun in the late 19th century to?



By the 1970s, a new civil service reform movement began with the goal of making the civil service more responsive to the personnel needs of executives and managers.

The Civil Service System was begun in the late 19th century to reform the way government jobs were filled.

What is brief history of the Civil Service?

Before the establishment of the Civil Service System, government jobs were often awarded based on political patronage, rather than merit or qualifications.

The Civil Service System was designed to create a merit-based system in which government jobs would be awarded based on a candidate's qualifications and ability to perform the job, rather than political connections.

This helped to create a more efficient and effective government by ensuring that qualified individuals were hired to fill government jobs, and it also helped to reduce corruption and favoritism in the hiring process.

To know more about Civil Service visit:


How did king and Gandhi unite their roles as religious leaders with their roles as social activists?


King and Gandhi united their roles as religious leaders and social activists by drawing upon their faith to inspire and guide their activism, and by seeing their work as a form of service to their communities.

What shared traits did Gandhi and Martin Luther King have?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spearheaded a valiant effort to battle the injustices done to African Americans by enlightening, awaking, and revolutionising the American people. Like Gandhi, he protested the injustices without resorting to violence.

What was the role of Gandhi as a social reformer and as a political leader?

Gandhi aimed to alter the principles underlying the social, political, and economic actions that take place in human society. Gandhi thought that microcommunities, where people can interact in reciprocal and mutually beneficial ways, are where decentralised politics and an egalitarian economy work best.

To know more about religious visit:-


Why might we need the Government to step in on Big Businesses?




There are several reasons why the government might need to step in on big businesses:

Monopolies and antitrust issues: When a single company dominates a market, it can stifle competition, limit consumer choice, and drive up prices. The government may need to step in to regulate or break up monopolies to ensure a fair and competitive marketplace.

Consumer protection: Large corporations can sometimes prioritize profits over the safety and well-being of consumers. The government may need to regulate business practices or impose safety standards to protect consumers from harm.

Environmental protection: Corporations can also have a significant impact on the environment, from pollution to deforestation. The government may need to impose regulations or taxes to incentivize businesses to adopt more environmentally sustainable practices.

Workers' rights: Large corporations have the power to exploit workers, pay low wages, and offer poor working conditions. The government may need to regulate labour practices, such as minimum wage laws or workplace safety regulations, to protect workers from exploitation.

Economic stability: Big businesses can have a significant impact on the economy, and their failures or mismanagement can lead to financial crises. The government may need to step in to provide bailouts or other forms of support to prevent widespread economic harm.

In summary, the government may need to step in on big businesses to ensure fair competition, protect consumers, preserve the environment, promote workers' rights, and maintain economic stability.

Pls, mark me brainliest...

by the late 1960s, critics within the civil rights movement were dissatisfied with the tactics illustrated by the excerpt. these critics were increasingly likely to argue that


By the late 1960s, critics within the civil rights movement were dissatisfied with the tactics illustrated by the excerpt. These critics were increasingly likely to argue that the civil rights movement should adopt more militant and confrontational tactics to achieve its goals.

What are the critics within the civil rights movement?

Critics within the civil rights movement were dissatisfied with the tactics illustrated by the excerpt. They argued that the movement should adopt more militant and confrontational tactics to achieve its goals.

They claimed that the gradual and nonviolent strategies supported by most leaders had not been effective in achieving equality for black Americans in the United States.

These critics urged the movement to adopt more aggressive tactics such as boycotting companies that discriminated against black people, disrupting the economy, and launching protests that made their demands clear to the public and the government.

They felt that these more confrontational approaches would get the government's attention and force it to take action. These critics were significant because they played a critical role in shaping the direction of the civil rights movement in the late 1960s.

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research suggests that proper compensation, incentives, or rewards are necessary to product a motivated sales person, along with several other factors including which of these? I need the answer to this problem SOMEONE PLS HELP ME WITH THIS ASAP!!!!!!!! THE TOPIC FOR THIS PERSUASIVE SPEECH IS SHOULD CHILDREN UNDER 12 BE ALLOWED TO OWN A CELL PHONE OR OTHER SMART DEVICE? (Work criteria in photo) Which set of ordered pairs does not represent a function?1. {(6,5), (3, 5), (2, 8), (-9,4)}2. {(-6, -1), (3, 1), (4, 4), (8, 1)}3. {(-1,9), (-8, 5), (-1, 3), (-9, 1)}4. {(5,9), (2,-5), (-1,-5), (0, 1)} Marcus bought a booklet of tickets to use at the amusement park. He used 25% of the tickets on rides, 1 2 of the tickets on video games, and the rest of the tickets in the batting cage. Marcus says he used 23% of the tickets in the batting cage. Do you agree? Complete the explanation. Write an argumentative essay on the topic "indeed democracy is better than millitary rules Need Help!A poster is to have a total area of 245 cm2. There is a margin round the edges of 6 cm at the top and 4 cm at the sides and bottom where nothing is printed.What width should the poster be in order to have the largest printed area? **answer does not contain variables** The ___ usually begins with a formal request to the IT department, called a systems request, which describes problems or desired changes in an information system or a business planning phasesystems analysis phasesystems design phasesystems implementation phasesystems support and security phase Some people argue that freedom is never given; it must be demanded. Choose three texts from this collection, including the anchor text, "I Have a Dream," and identify how each writer addresses the struggle for freedom in his or her society. Then, write an argument in which you cite evidence from all three texts to support your claim. please help!!! i really need it Land plants are descended from:Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.brown algae.mosses.cyanobacteria. what are the intensity of the ir absorption bands proportional to? In a large study designed to compare the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) between smokers and nonsmokers, random samples from each group were selected. The sample proportion of people with CVD was calculated for each group, and a 95 percent confidence interval for the difference (smoker minus nonsmoker) was given as (-0.01, 0.04). Which of the following is the best interpretation of the interval? We are 95% confident that the difference in proportions for smokers and nonsmokers with CVD in the sample is between -0.01 and 0.04. We are 95% confident that the difference in proportions for smokers and nonsmokers with CVD in the population is between -0.01 and 0.04. We are 95% confident that the proportion of all smokers with CVD is greater than the proportion of all nonsmokers with CVD because the interval contains more positive values. The probability is 0.95 that for all random samples of the same size, the difference in the sample proportions for smokers and nonsmokers with CVD will be between -0.01 and 0.04. long Pa Docs The probability is 0.95 that there is no difference in the proportions of smokers and nonsmokers with CVD because o is included in the interval -0.01 and 0.04 D Submit hips.. two groups of rats were trained to navigate a runway for food. one group earned a single food pellet, the other received three pellets. what will happen when they are both shifted to a situation in which they earn the alternative reward Which one of the following types of electromagnetic radiation is produced by the sudden deceleration of high speed electrons?a.x-raysb.microwavesc.infrared radiationd.visible lighte.gamma rays If the current mix of output is at point A and the optimal mix of output is at point E, does a market failure exist?YesNo please help quickly, this needs to be finished soon Fill in the blank A ____ is a graph of points (x,y) where each x-value is from the original set of sample data, and each y-value is the corresponding Z-score that is a quantile value expected from the standard normal distributionanswer options arehistogramfrequency polygonscatterplotnormal quantile plot True or False: The total amount of water on Earth is constantly changing.what is geography? without conscious reflection, people often yawn when they observe others yawning. researchers are now considering whether this can be attributed to: classical conditioning. latent learning. extrinsic motivation. mirror neuron activity.